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Hany, Moritz (2024). A lex restitutionis in Art Restitution? i-call Working Paper Series 2024/02, University of Zurich.
Fässler, Michael (2023). Fundamental rights protection in the context of recommender systems. i-call Working Paper Series 2023/03, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2023). Copyright Insight Out: A Legal Sociologist’s Perspective. i-call Working Paper Series 2023/02, University of Zurich.
Hany, Moritz (2022). Museale Restitutionspraxis im Fall Glaser: Rechtliche Analyse und Reflexion auf der Grundlage Luhmannscher Systemtheorie. i-call Working Paper Series 2022/01, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph B (2018). Artificial intelligence, affordances and fundamental rights. i-call Working Paper Series 2018/02, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph B (2018). Kulturverfassung. i-call Working Paper Series 2018/01, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Freedom and affordances of the net. i-call Working Paper Series 05/2017, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Introduction to legal sociology in Switzerland. i-call Working Paper Series 2017/04, University of Zurich.
Nester, Linda (2017). Digitale Kunst im Rahmen der Schutzvoraussetzungen von Art. 2 Abs. 1 URG. i-call Working Paper Series 2017/03, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Personalisierung im Internet, Autonomie der Politik und Service public. sic! : Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht, (5):257-270.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Bottom-up constitutionalism: The case of net neutrality. i-call Working Paper Series 01, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph B (2016). The future of online content personalisation: Technology, law and digital freedoms. i-call Working Paper Series 01, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph Beat; Lai, Jessica Christine (2015). Is Digital Text-Watermarking the Long-Desired User Friendly Digital Rights Management? Copyright and Fundamental Values from a Comparative Perspective. i-call Working Paper Series 02, Universität Zürich.
Graber, Christoph B; Lai, Jessica C (2015). Is digital text‐watermarking the long‐desired user friendly digital rights management? Copyright and fundamental values from a comparative perspective. i-call Working Paper Series 2015/02, University of Zurich.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2015). Tethered technologies, cloud strategies and the future of the first sale/exhaustion defence in copyright law. i-call Working Paper Series 01, Universität Zürich.
Graber, Christoph Beat; Lai, Jessica Christine (2014). Intellectual Property: Law in Context. i-call Working Paper Series 01, Universität Luzern.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2012). Collective Rights Management, Competition Policy and Cultural Diversity: EU Lawmaking at a Crossroads. i-call Working Paper Series 04, Universität Luzern.
Lai, Jessica Christine (2012). Māori Traditional Cultural Expressions and the Wai 262 Report: Looking at the Details. i-call Working Paper Series 02, Universität Luzern.
Lai, Jessica Christine (2012). Māori Traditional Knowledge and the Wai 262 Report: A Coherent Way Forward? i-call Working Paper Series 03, Universität Luzern.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2012). Stimulating Trade and Development of Indigenous Cultural Heritage by Means of International Law: Issues of Legitimacy and Method. i-call Working Paper Series 01, Universität Luzern.
Graber, Christoph Beat; Lai, Jessica Christine (2011). Indigenous cultural heritage and fair trade: voluntary certification standards in the light of WIPO and WTO law and policymaking. i-call Working Paper Series 01, Universität Luzern.
Kuprecht, Karolina (2011). The Concept of “Cultural Affiliation” in NAGPRA: Potentials and Limits from an International Perspective. i-call Working Paper Series 03, Universität Luzern.
Lai, Jessica Christine (2011). The Protection of Māori Cultural Heritage: Post-Endorsement of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. i-call Working Paper Series 02, Universität Luzern.
Graber, Christoph B (2010). Institutionalization of creativity in traditional societies and in international trade law. i-call Working Paper Series 01, Universität Luzern.
Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Internet creativity, communicative freedom and a constitutional rights theory response to “code is law”. i-call Working Paper Series 03, Universität Luzern.
Lai, Jessica Christine (2010). Māori culture in the modern world: its creation, appropriation and trade. i-call Working Paper Series 02, Universität Luzern.