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07 Faculty of Science > Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Zipfel, Cyril; Robatzek, Silke; Navarro, Lionel; Oakeley, Edward J; Jones, Jonathan D G; Felix, Georg; Boller, Thomas (2004). Bacterial disease resistance in Arabidopsis through flagellin perception. Nature, 428(6984):764-767.

Kunze, Gernot; Zipfel, Cyril; Robatzek, Silke; Niehaus, Karsten; Boller, Thomas; Felix, Georg (2004). The N Terminus of Bacterial Elongation Factor Tu Elicits Innate Immunity in Arabidopsis Plants. Plant Cell, 16(12):3496-3507.

Navarro, Lionel; Zipfel, Cyril; Rowland, Owen; Keller, Ingo; Robatzek, Silke; Boller, Thomas; Jones, Jonathan D G (2004). The Transcriptional Innate Immune Response to flg22. Interplay and Overlap with Avr Gene-Dependent Defense Responses and Bacterial Pathogenesis. Plant Physiology, 135(2):1113-1128.

06 Faculty of Arts > Zurich Center for Linguistics

De Wulf, Chris (2004). Het project ′Het veertiende‐eeuwse talig erfgoed van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden: eindverslag. Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde:44-48.

Neue Medien – Neue Kompetenzen? Edited by: Kleinberger, Ulla; Wagner, Franc (2004). Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag.

UZH Dissertations

Speier, Sandra. Acute phase responses in veal calves monitored by sequential determination of Serum Amyloid A, Haptoglobin and Mx Protein. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Kränzle, Andreas; Ritter, Gerold. Ad fontes : zu Konzept, Realisierung und Nutzung eines E-Learning-Angebots. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rapp, Andreas Friedrich. Adaptives Denken von Kindern bei der Konstruktion und Nutzung externer Repräsentationen : Protokollierung kategorialer und sequentieller Informationen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

von Arx, Eveline. Adoleszenzkrisenverlauf und Bewältigung mittels einer wichtigen Bezugsperson aus subjektiver Sicht und Konstruktion der Betroffenen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

De Giorgi, Enrico. Advancements on the Theory of Investment Science. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Meier, Stephan. An economic analysis of pro-social behavior : decisions to contribute money and time to public goods. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Baumgartner, Claudia. Angeborene und erworbene Herzerkrankungen beim Hund : eine retrospektive Analyse. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Auerbach, Niklas. Anonymous digital identity in e-government. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Huggel, Christian. Assessment of glacial hazards based on remote sensing and GIS modeling. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Vogt, Rainer. Atemparameter bei Warmblutpferden mit Hemiplegia laryngis Grad 4 vor und nach chirurgischer Intervention. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Jehle, Wiltrud. Behandlung der Gebärparese des Rindes mit hochdosiertem Kalzium. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Meier, Corinne. Beitrag zur Bedeutung von bakteriellen Infektionserregern bei Hund und Katze : eine Auswertung der bakteriologischen Untersuchungsbefunde des Instituts für Veterinärbakteriologie. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Pardo Escher, Olga. Berufliche Entwicklungspfade in der rechnerunterstützten Produktion : eine Untersuchung über Arbeitsbiografien von Frauen und Männern in drei Schweizer CIM-Anwenderbetrieben. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kriesi, Irene. Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten und Erwerbskontinuität von Frauen : zur Bedeutung des Stellenangebots für Erwerbsunterbrechungen und Wiedereintritte ins Berufsleben. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hauswirth Reich, Franziska; Reich, Franziska Hauswirth. Bestimmung des Plasma proatrialen natriuretischen Peptids 31-67 zur Diagnose der Herzinsuffizienz beim Hund. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Enzlin, J H. Biochemical Studies of Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group F Protein Active Site and Patient Mutants. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Milev, Stoyan G. Biophysical characterization of the site-specific binding of integrase TN916 to its cognate DNA. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schöpf, Bernhardt. Chemische und physikalische Nachweismethoden superparamagnetischer Nanopartikel zur Beurteilung deren Wirkung auf Zellen des Bewegungsapparates : in vitro Studie an Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten und Synovialzellen von Schafen. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Siegfried, Elena. Clinical development and serological antibody responses in sheep and rabbits experimentally infested with Psoroptes ovis and Psoroptes cuniculi. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Schönenberger, Werner. Computergestütztes Informationssystem (CliniTox) für die klinische Toxikologie beim Schwein. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Bosshardt Superina, Simone. Consolidation of human memory: brain activations during the retrieval of word pairs 1 day and 1 month following learning measured with fMRI. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Diemand, Jürg. Cosmological N-body simulations of cold dark matter halos. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Strassberg, Daniel. Das poietische Subjekt: Giambattista Vicos Wissenschaft vom Singulären. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schaub, Daniel. Der Einfluss von Futterrationen mit unterschiedlichen physikalischen Eigenschaften auf Futteraufnahme, Verhalten und weitere verdauungsphysiologische Parameter bei Giraffen (Giraffa camelopardalis). 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Iten, Charly. Der Teeweg und die Welt der japanischen Teeschalen : zur Töpferkunst der von Sen no Rikyū und Furuta Oribe geschätzten Brennöfen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rauscher, Alfred. Determinanten des Verlaufs handelspolitischer Konflikte zwischen den USA, der Europäischen Union und Japan im Bereich der Hochtechnologie. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Joller-Graf, Klaus. Didaktik des integrativen Unterrichts. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schweikart, Philipp. Die Interessenlage im Urheberrecht. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Neval, Daniel Alexander. Die Macht Gottes zum Heil : das Bibelverständnis von Johann Amos Comenius in einer Zeit der Krise und des Umbruches. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Theology.

Schneider-Marfels, Karl-Jascha. Die Rundfunkgebühr in der Schweiz: baktuelle Probleme der Rundfunkfinanzierung durch Radio- und Fernsehempfangsgebühren. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Baertschi, Christian. Die deutsche metaphysische Kantinterpretation der 1920er Jahre. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Stadelmann, Martin. Differenz oder Vermittlung? : eine empirisch-qualitative Studie zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis in der Ausbildung von Lehrkräften für die Primar- und Sekundarschule I. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Cohausz, Odile. Downregulation of PARP-1 expression by RNA interference. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Bossdorf, Oliver. Ecological genetics of plant invasions : a case study on Alliaria petiolata. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Jaros, Patricia. Effect of active immunization against GnRH on androstenone concentration, growth performance and carcass quality in intact male pigs. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Wortmann, Manita. Ein Programm zur Simulation des Wirkspiegelverlaufes, eingebunden in das Internet-Informationssystem von CliniPharm/CliniTox. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Bühler-Ilieva, Evelina. Einen Mausklick von mir entfernt : auf der Suche nach Liebesbeziehungen im Internet. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Weiss, Simone. Einfluss der Zentrifugationsmethode auf Qualität und Kryokonservierung von Hengstsamen. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Haberthür, Urs Edgar. Electrostatic models for implicit solvation and applications to protein folding and aggregation. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kaiser, Andreas. Electroweak radiative corrections to gauge-boson pair production in the high-energy regime of the LHC. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Rohner, Michèle Patricia. Emotional well-being - the cornerstone of health? 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bianchet, Oliver. Epidemiologie und Management der Influenza in der stationären Versorgung des Universitätsspitals Zürich und beim fliegenden Personal der Swissair. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Baltzer, Dominik. Erhebung von Daten zur Festlegung einer Baseline für die Anwendung der Nass-Trockentupfertechnik (NTT) bei Schlachttierkörpern von Rind und Schwein gemäss der EU-Entscheidung 2001/471/EG. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Stahel, Simone. Erhebung von Trainingsintensitäten und -umfang bei Trabrennpferden in der Schweiz. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Steiner, Edmund. Erkenntnisentwicklung durch Arbeiten am Fall : ein Beitrag zur Theorie fallbezogenen Lehrens und Lernens in Professionsausbildungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Semiotischen Pragmatismus von Charles Sanders Peirce. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Paulus, Norbert. Ermittlung von Hornschuh- und Lederhautabmessungen an den Klauen der Beckengliedmassen von Fleckviehrindern. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Huggenberger, Ruth. Evaluation der stationären Therapie bei Alkoholabhängigen : eine systematische Übersicht von Katamnesen aus der Schweiz, Deutschland und den USA. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Vargas Rocha, Jairo; Rocha, Jairo Vargas. Evaluation des Messprogramms Metron PX™ zur morphometrischen Beschreibung von Röntgenbildern des Pferdehufes. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Unterer, Stefan. Evaluation des NOVA CRT 8 Elektrolytanalyzers zur Messung von ionisiertem Kalzium und ionisiertem Magnesium bei Hund und Katze. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Arnold-Keller, Gian Franco Josef. Frauen in der erwerblichen Rehabilitation : zur Frage differentieller Rehabilitationsprofile am Beispiel von Klientinnen der Invalidenversicherung. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Muzzulini, Daniel. Genealogie der Klangfarbe. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Siemer, Stefan. Geselligkeit und Methode : naturgeschichtliches Sammeln im 18. Jahrhundert : naturgeschichtliches Sammeln im 18. Jahrhundert. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schmid Haller, Priska Simone. Gezauberte Ereignisse als Zugang zur kognitiven Entwicklung : kindliche Vorstellungen über Eigenschaften intensiver Grössen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Allgaier, Elke. Glaskunst aus Murano : zur Geschichte des Centro studio pittori und der Fucina degli Angeli. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Steger, Katharine. HIV-Neuinfektionen in der heroingestützten Behandlung. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Fischer, Gregor. Helicobacter-Infektionen bei Nagern : Etablierung neuer real-time PCR Assays, Kultivierung und Infektionsversuche mit ausgewählten Helicobacter-Stämmen. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Cranz, Susanne. Helix stability and hydrophobicity in the folding of immunity protein Im9 and kinetics of DNA-binding to transcription factor GCN4. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Jeggli, Stefan. Hepatitis E, Helicobacter pylori, and gastrointestinal symptoms in workers exposed to waste water. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schlegel, Patrick. In vivo biocompatibility study of different calcium-phosphate surfaces for implant bone integration. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hohl, M. Insight into DNA Binding and Catalysis by the Human XPG Endonuclease. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Stocker, Hugo. Insulin signaling and growth control in Drosophila melanogaster. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Maillat, Cédric. Interdependenz von subjektivem Belastungsempfinden, Herzfrequenz, kapillärem Blutlaktat, Sauerstoffverbrauch und Ventilation bei unterschiedlich intensiven Outdoor-Aktivitäten auf 430m, 1500m sowie 2700m ü.M. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Grosjean, Maurice Balz. Intracranial expression of Fas (CD95) and Fas ligand (CD95L) is associated with neuronal cell death and inflammation following closed head injury in mice. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Ruchin, André. Joint Ventures : neue Einordnungskonzeption im schweizerischen Wettbewerbsrecht : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des europäischen und deutschen Rechts. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Ros, Alexandra. Klinische Evaluation eines Protokolls zur Inhalationsanästhesie mit niedrigem Frischgasfluss beim Hund unter Verwendung von Isofluran und Lachgas. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

de Sombre, Steffen. Kognitive Professionssoziologie : eine theoretische Skizze und eine exemplarische empirische Untersuchung im Feld der Umweltdienstleistungen in der Schweiz. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Grund, Sven. Lernen mit neuen Technologien : die Rolle der Gegenständlichkeit und Multicodierung von Informationen für die Entwicklung von Fachwissen, praktischer Kompetenz, mentalen Modellen und Problemlösestrategien. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Petrova, Gergana. Male characters in the Japanese fairy tale : classification and analysis. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Dedes, Konstantin Johannes. Management and costs of treating lung cancer patients in a university hospital. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schulze, Anja. Management of organizational knowledge creation in new product development projects. 2004, Univ. St. Gallen, Faculty of Economics.

Werner, Nicole. Measurement of the charged current cross section in positron-proton collisions at HERA. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Guyot, Romain. Mechanism of Triticeae genome evolution. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Thommen, Marc. Medizinische Eingriffe an Urteilsunfähigen und die Einwilligung der Vertreter: eine strafrechtliche Analyse der stellvertretenden Einwilligung. 2004, Universität Basel, Faculty of Law.

Bärtsch, Christine. Metaphernkonzepte in Pressetexten : das Verhältnis der Schweiz zu Europa und zur Europäischen Union. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kamm, Andrea Sabine; Steiner, Benjamin Lorenz. Methoden und Medikamente zur intra- und postoperativen Analgesie von Lämmern bei der Kastration. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Ramseier, Erich. Motivation als Ergebnis und als Determinante schulischen Lernens: eine Analyse im Rahmen von TIMSS. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schibli, Hans R. Multistate-Werbung im internationalen Lauterkeitsrecht : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Internet-Werbung. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Bisang, Kurt. Nature at the ballot box : referendums and environmental policymaking in California and Switzerland. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Guggenheim, Michael. Organisierte Umwelt : Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Trummer, Claudia Susanna. Pathogenesis of ovine gamma herpesvirus 2 in rabbits involves productive infection of M-cells in the appendix. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Wapf, Pascale. Pharmakokinetik und sedative Eigenschaften von Medetomidin nach intramuskulärer Applikation beim Schaf. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Štefanić, Saša. Polymerase chain reaction for detection of patent infections of Echinococcus granulosus ("sheep strain") in naturally infected dogs. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Guzy Häcker, Eleonora Teresa. Präventive Diplomatie : vom re-aktiven zum pro-aktiven Engagement : Theorie und Praxis gewaltarmer Konfliktbearbeitung. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Binswanger, Johannes. Public debt and pension policy under lexicographic choice behavior : a new psychological economics approach. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Schindler, Anna Regina. Real time RT-PCR for tracing and quantification of Borna Disease Virus RNA in diseased hosts compared to experimentally inoculated ticks. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Frauenfelder, Regula. Regional-scale modelling of the occurrence and dynamics of rockglaciers and the distribution of paleopermafrost. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Dahl, Patrick. Retrospektive Auswertung von Befunden der Mikrobiologischen Fleischuntersuchung (MFU) der letzten acht Jahre. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Balli, Aaron. Rhinomanometrische Parameter bei gesunden Hunden in Abhängigkeit vom radiologisch erfassten Brachycephaliegrad. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Liermann, Christiane. Rosminis politische Philosophie der zivilen Gesellschaft. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bauder, Katya. SARS, management at airports - measures and experiences. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Völker, Mathias. Scheinselbstständigkeit im schweizerischen Arbeitsrecht. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Vogel, Christian. Schulsozialarbeit : eine institutionsanalytische Untersuchung von Kommunikation und Kooperation. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Weibel, Peter Lukas. Simulative performance evaluation for the design of distributed systems. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Ehrensperger, Thomas. Strukturen und Verletzungen von Obliegenheiten im Schweizerischen Privatrecht (unter Ausschluss des Versicherungsrechts). 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Koller, Andreas. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit in Westeuropa und den USA : theoretische, metatheoretische und empirische Rekonstruktion und transatlantische Integration der Klassiker. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Degonda, Nadia. Subliminally presented stimuli modify memory performance: implications for theories of long-term-memory. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bieri, Oliver. Suizid und sozialer Wandel in der westlichen Gesellschaft : Determinanten und Zusammenhänge im Zeitraum von 1950 bis 2000. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hugentobler, Marco. Terrain modelling with triangle based free-form surfaces. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gaab, Nadine. The auditory cortex : perception, memory, plasticity and the influence of musicianship. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lambers, Karsten. The geoglyphs of Palpa (Peru) : documentation, analysis, and interpretation. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Tännler, Barbara. The tumour suppressor protein flap endonuclease 1 interacts physically with the heterotrimeric checkpoint protein complex Rad9, Rad1 and Hus1. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hillemanns, Carolin F. Transnationale Unternehmen und Menschenrechte : eine Studie zu den ersten beiden Prinzipien des Global Compact. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Hauri, Simon. Untersuchungen bei 53 Kühen mit Boviner Spongiformer Enzephalopathie (BSE). 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Siragusa, Patrick. Vergleich von zwei unterschiedlich aufwändigen Ausdauertests (Feld vs. Labor) mit den Wettkampfleistungen von 14-18-jährigen Spitzenläuferinnen und -läufern aus dem nationalen Kader "Jugend für Olympia" 2001. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Ernst, Meret. Werbung und Kino in der Zeit des deutschen Stummfilms : Typologie und Diskurse. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ebersbach, Mirjam. Wie nicht-lineare Zeitrepräsentationen zukunftsbezogene Urteile und Entscheidungen beeinflussen können : ein entwicklungspsychologischer Ansatz. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Agarwalla, Puspa. Wirksamkeit der medikamentengestützten multimodalen Schmerzpsychotherapie zur Behandlung chronischer Kopfschmerzen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wenk, Judith. Zeitlicher Verlauf von Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor und Erythropoietin nach kurzer physischer Belastung und bei meso- und brachycephalen Hunden. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Walther, Choon-Kang Rahel. Zugangsmöglichkeiten und die Inanspruchnahme der HIV-Kombinationstherapie bei HIV-positiven Menschen in der Schweiz: Vergleich von 4 unterschiedlich erhobenen Teilpopulationen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

08 Research Priority Programs > Systems Biology / Functional Genomics

Benke, D; Fakitsas, P; Roggenmoser, C; Michel, C; Rudolph, U; Mohler, H (2004). Analysis of the presence and abundance of GABAA receptors containing two different types of alpha subunits in murine brain using point-mutated alpha subunits. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(42):43654-43660.

Gehrig, P M; Hunziker, P E; Zahariev, S; Pongor, S (2004). Fragmentation pathways of N(G)-methylated and unmodified arginine residues in peptides studied by ESI-MS/MS and MALDI-MS. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 15(2):142-149.

Rozhkova, A; Stirnimann, C U; Frei, P; Grauschopf, U; Brunisholz, R; Grütter, M G; Capitani, G; Glockshuber, R (2004). Structural basis and kinetics of inter- and intramolecular disulfide exchange in the redox catalyst DsbD. The EMBO Journal, 23(8):1709-1719.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

Rehm, Jürgen; Room, R; Monteiro, M; Gmel, Gerhard; Graham, K; Rehn, N; Sempos, C T; Frick, Ulrich; Jernigan, D (2004). Alcohol Use. In: Ezzati, M; Lopez, A D; Rodgers, A; Murray, C J L. Comparative quantification of health risks. Global and regional burden of disease attributable to selected major risk factors. Volume 1. Geneva: WHO, 959-1109.

Prinzleve, M; Haasen, C; Zurhold, H; Matali, J L; Bruguera, E; Gerevich, J; Bácskai, E; Ryder, N; Butler, S; Manning, V; Gossop, M; Pezous, A; Verster, A; Camposeragna, A; Andersson, P; Olsson, B; Primorac, A; Fischer, G; Güttinger, F; Rehm, J; Krausz, M (2004). Cocaine use in Europe - a multi-centre study: patterns of use in different groups. European Addiction Research, 10(4):147-155.

Haasen, C; Prinzleve, M; Zurhold, H; Rehm, J; Güttinger, F; Fischer, G; Jagsch, R; Casas, M; Matali, J L; Krausz, M (2004). Cocaine use in Europe — a multi-centre study. European Addiction Research, 10(4):139-146.

Gmel, Gerhard; Rehm, Jürgen; Kuntsche, Emmanuel; Wicki, Matthias; Grichting, Esther (2004). Das European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) in der Schweiz. Zürich: Schweizer Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung ISGF.

Schaaf, Susanne; Grichting, Esther; Hampson, Denise; Reichlin, Markus (2004). Der Forschungsverbund stationäre Suchttherapie act-info-FOS im Jahr 2003. Zürich: Schweizer Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung ISGF.

Fischer, Benedikt; Brissette, S; Brochu, S; Bruneau, J; El-Guebaly, N; Noel, L; Rehm, J; Tyndall, M; Wild, C; Mun, P; Haydon, E; Baliunas, D (2004). Determinants of overdose incidents among illicit opioid users in 5 Canadian cities. Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne, 171(03):235-239.

Rodgers, A; Ezzati, M; vander Hoorn, S; Lopez, A D; Lin, R-B; Murray, C J (2004). Distribution of major health risks: Findings from the Global Burden of Desease Study. PLoS Medicine, 1(1):27.

Gschwend, P; Rehm, J; Blattler, R; Steffen, T; Seidenberg, A; Christen, S; Burki, C; Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Dosage regimes in the prescription of heroin and other narcotics to chronic opioid addicts in switzerland – swiss national cohort study. European Addiction Research, 10(1):41-48.

Fischer, B; Turnbull, S; Poland, B; Haydon, E (2004). Drug use, risk and urban order: examining supervised injection sites (SISs) as ‘governmentality’. International Journal of Drug Policy, 15:357-365.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2004). Einsamkeit und Gesundheit. In: Schweiz - Caritas. Sozialalmanach 2005. Schwerpunkt Einsamkeit. Luzern: Caritas Verlag, 159-171.

Rehm, Jürgen; Frick, Ulrich (2004). Epidemiologische und ökonomische Aspekte von Substanzmittelgebrauch. Sucht Aktuell, 11(1):6-11.

Frick, Ulrich; Cording, C (2004). Finanzierungsformen für die psychiatrische Versorgung: Konzepte, Evidenz und Erfordernisse. Psychiatrische Praxis, 31(3):163-166.

Myers, T; Aguinaldo, J P; Dakers, D; Fischer, B; Bullock, S; Millson, P; Calzavara, L (2004). How drug using men who have sex with men account for substance use during sexual behaviours: Questioning assumptions of HIV prevention and research. Addiction Research & Theory, 12(03):213-229.

Fischer, B; Haydon, E; Rehm, J; Krajden, M; Reimer, J (2004). Injection drug use and the hepatitis C virus: considerations for a targeted treatment Approach - the case study of Canada. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 81(03):428-447.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2004). Kontrollverlust und Verhaltenskontrolle. In: Rink, J. Die Suche nach der Kontrolle. Von der Abstinenzabhängigkeit zur Kontrollabhängigkeit. Geesthacht: Neuland, 14-23.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros; Rehm, Jürgen (2004). Langzeitbehandlung in heroingestützer Behandlung in der Schweiz. Abhängigkeiten, 1:12-15.

Barta, W; Binder, H; Frick, Ulrich (2004). Multiple Imputation under MAR with the general location model. Biometrical Journal, 46(1):78.

Frick, Ulrich; Lerch, S; Rehm, Jürgen; Crotti, C (2004). Pilotstudie zur Rezeptierung von Benzodiazepinen in der Schweiz: Beeinflusst die kognitive Verfügbarkeit von Gesetzesvorschriften das ärztliche Verschreibungsverhalten? Schriftenreihe der Akademie für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, 66(8-9):499-504.

Millson, Peggy E; Challacombe, L; Villeneuve, P J; Fischer, B; Strike, C J; Myers, T (2004). Self-perceived health among Canadian opiate users: a comparison to the general population and to other chronic disease populations. Canadian Journal of Public Health. Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique, 95(2):99-103.

Rüesch, P; Neuenschwander, M (2004). Soziale Netzwerke und soziale Unterstützung. In: Rössler, W. Psychiatrische Rehabilitation. Berlin: Springer, 7-20.

Salis Gross, Corina (2004). Struggling with Imaginaries of Trauma and Trust: The Refugee Experience in Switzerland. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 28:151-167.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2004). Substance use problems in developing countries. Editorial. Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

Rehm, J; Fischer, B; Graham, K; Haydon, E; Mann, R E; Room, R (2004). The importance of environmental modifiers of the relationship between substance use and harm. Open Addiction Journal, 99(6):663-666.

Rehm, Jürgen (2004). Werbung und Alkoholkonsum - Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Konsequenzen für politische Massnahmen. Zürich: Schweizer Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung ISGF.

Rehm, Jürgen; Frick, Ulrich; Fischer, B (2004). Zur Ökonomie des Suchtmittelgebrauchs. In: Tretter, F; Erbas, B; Sonntag, G. Oekonomie der Sucht und Suchttherapie. Lengerich and Berlin: Pabst, 233-244.

Working Paper Series > Socioeconomic Institute (former)

Buehler, Stefan; Schmutzler, Armin (2004). Asymmetric Vertical Integration. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 306, University of Zurich.

Breuer, Michael (2004). Deductible or Co-Insurance: Which is the Better Insurance Contract under Adverse Selection? Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 401, University of Zurich.

Boes, Stefan (2004). Empirical Likelihood in Count Data Models: The Case of Endogenous Regressors. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 404, University of Zurich.

Gaertner, Dennis (2004). Endogenizing Private Information: Incentive Contracts under Learning By Doing. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 413, University of Zurich.

Gersbach, Hans; Schmutzler, Armin (2004). Globalization and General Worker Training. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 403, University of Zurich.

Boes, Stefan; Winkelmann, Rainer (2004). Income and Happiness: New Results from Generalized Threshold and Sequential Models. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 407, University of Zurich.

Borek, Thomas; Buehler, Stefan; Schmutzler, Armin (2004). Mergers under Asymmetric Information Is there a Lemons Problem? Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 408, University of Zurich.

Breuer, Michael (2004). Optimal Insurance Contracts without the Non-Negativity Constraint on Indemnities Revisited. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 406, University of Zurich.

Winkelmann, Rainer (2004). Subjective Well-Being and the Family: Results from an Ordered Probit Model with Multiple Random Effects. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 204, University of Zurich.

Borek, Thomas; Buehler, Stefan; Schmutzler, Armin (2004). Weddings with Uncertain Prospects Mergers under Asymmetric Information. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 213, University of Zurich.

Koenig, Markus; Zweifel, Peter (2004). Willingness-to-pay Against Dementia: Effects of Altruism Between Patients and Their Spouse Caregivers. Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute No. 411, University of Zurich.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Rheumatology Clinic and Institute of Physical Medicine

Joos, B; Uebelhart, D; Michel, B A; Sprott, H (2004). Influence of an outpatient multidisciplinary pain management program on the health-related quality of life and the physical fitness of chronic pain patients. Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine, 3:1.

07 Faculty of Science > Physics Institute

ATHENA Collaboration; Amoretti, M (2004). The ATHENA antihydrogen apparatus. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 518(3):679-711.

Special Collections > Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis

Morenz, Ludwig D (2004). Bild-Buchstaben und symbolische Zeichen: Die Herausbildung der Schrift in der hohen Kultur Altägyptens. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Isler-Kerényi, Cornelia (2004). Civilizing Violence: Satyrs on 6th-Century Greek Vases. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

David und Saul im Widerstreit - Diachronie und Synchronie im Wettstreit: Beiträge zur Auslegung des ersten Samuelbuches. Edited by: Dietrich, Walter (2004). Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Die Griechen und das antike Israel: Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Religions- und Kulturgeschichte des Heiligen Landes. Edited by: Alkier, Stefan; Witte, Markus (2004). Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Keel-Leu, Hildi; Teissier, Beatrice (2004). Die vorderasiatischen Rollsiegel der Sammlungen „Bibel+Orient“ der Universität Freiburg Schweiz. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Mohamed, Zeinab Sayed (2004). Festvorbereitungen: Die administrativen und ökonomischen Grundlagen altägyptischer Feste. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Himbaza, Innocent (2004). Le Décalogue et l'histoire du texte: Etudes des formes textuelles du Décalogue et leurs implications dans l'histoire du texte de l'Ancien Testament. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Charpin, Dominique; Edzard, Dietz Otto; Stol, Marten (2004). Mesopotamien: Die altbabylonische Zeit. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Naissance et petite enfance dans l'Antiquité: Actes du colloque de Fribourg, 28 novembre - 1er décembre 2001. Edited by: Dasen, Véronique (2004). Fribourg / Göttingen: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Darnell, John Coleman (2004). The enigmatic netherworld books of the solar-osirian unity : cryptographic compositions in the tombs of Tutankhamun, Ramesses VI and Ramesses IX. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Schenker, Adrian (2004). Älteste Textgeschichte der Königsbücher: Die hebräische Vorlage der ursprünglichen Septuaginta als älteste Textform der Königsbücher. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Neuroscience Center Zurich

Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Mathiak, Klaus; Bock, Simon W; Scharnowski, Frank; Veit, Ralf; Grodd, Wolfgang; Goebel, Rainer; Birbaumer, Niels (2004). Principles of a brain-computer interface (BCI) based on real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering, 51(6):966-970.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Children's Hospital Zurich > Medical Clinic

Friedt, M; Gerner, P U; Wintermeyer, P; Wirth, S (2004). Complete hepatitis B virus genome analysis in HBsAg positive mothers and their infants with fulminant hepatitis B. BMC Gastroenterology, 4:11.

Jenni, O G; Borbély, A A; Achermann, P (2004). Development of the nocturnal sleep electroencephalogram in human infants. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 286(3):R528-R538.

Horisberger, T; Harbarth, S; Nadal, D; Baenziger, O; Fischer, J E (2004). G-CSF and IL-8 for early diagnosis of sepsis in neonates and critically ill children - safety and cost effectiveness of a new laboratory prediction model: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN91123847]. Critical Care, 8:R443.

Peduto, Antonella; Baumgartner, Matthias R; Verhoeven, Nanda M; Rabier, Daniel; Spada, Marco; Nassogne, Marie-Cecile; Poll-The, Bwee-Tien T; Bonetti, Giovanni; Jakobs, Cornelis; Saudubray, Jean-Marie (2004). Hyperpipecolic acidaemia: a diagnostic tool for peroxisomal disorders. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 82(3):224-230.

Baumgartner, Matthias R; Dantas, M Fernanda; Suormala, Terttu; Almashanu, Shlomo; Giunta, Cecilia; Friebel, Dolores; Gebhardt, Boris; Fowler, Brian; Hoffmann, Georg F; Baumgartner, E Regula; Valle, David (2004). Isolated 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase Deficiency: Evidence for an Allele-Specific Dominant Negative Effect and Responsiveness to Biotin Therapy. American Journal of Human Genetics, 75(5):790-800.

Zankl, Andreas; Brooks, Daniela; Boltshauser, Eugen; Largo, Remo; Schinzel, Albert (2004). Natural history of twin disruption sequence. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 127A(2):133-138.

Lücke, Thomas; Pérez-Cerdá, Celia; Baumgartner, Matthias R; Fowler, Brian; Sander, Stefanie; Sasse, Michael; Scholl, Sabine; Ugarte, Magdalena; Das, Anibh Martin (2004). Propionic acidemia: unusual course with late onset and fatal outcome. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 53(6):809-810.

Carskadon, Mary A; Acebo, Christine; Jenni, Oskar G (2004). Regulation of Adolescent Sleep: Implications for Behavior. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1021(1):276-291.

Jenni, Oskar G (2004). Sleep-wake processes play a key role in early infant crying. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(4):464-465.

Jenni, Oskar G; Carskadon, Mary A (2004). Spectral analysis of the sleep electroencephalogram during adolescence. Sleep, 27(4):774-83.

Suormala, Terttu; Baumgartner, Matthias R; Coelho, David; Zavadakova, Petra; Kožich, Viktor; Koch, Hans Georg; Berghaüser, Martin; Wraith, James E; Burlina, Alberto; Sewell, Adrian; Herwig, Jürgen; Fowler, Brian (2004). The cblD Defect Causes Either Isolated or Combined Deficiency of Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin Synthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(41):42742-42749.

08 Research Priority Programs > Language and Space

Loporcaro, Michele; Pescia, Lorenza; Ramos, Maria Ana (2004). Costrutti dipendenti participiali e participi doppi in portoghese. Revue de Linguistique Romane, 68:15-46.

Loporcaro, Michele; Mele, Biagio (2004). Substance (sub)segmentale et changement phonologique: diphtongaisons et monophtongai¬sons dans deux dialectes de l’Italie du sud. In: Selig, Maria; Meisenburg, Trudel. Nouveaux départs en phonologie ; Les conceptions sub- et suprasegmentales. Tübingen: Narr, 89-107.

06 Faculty of Arts > Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Kriesi, Irene. Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten und Erwerbskontinuität von Frauen : zur Bedeutung des Stellenangebots für Erwerbsunterbrechungen und Wiedereintritte ins Berufsleben. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Zoology (former)

Casola, C; Marracci, S; Bucci, S; Ragghianti, M; Mancino, G; Hotz, H; Uzzell, T; Guex, G D (2004). A hAT-related family of interspersed repetitive elements in genomes of western Palaearctic water frogs. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 42(3):234-244.

Nairz, K; Zipperlen, P; Dearolf, C; Basler, K; Hafen, E (2004). A reverse genetic screen in Drosophila using a deletion-inducing mutagen. Genome Biology, 5(10):R83.

Egli, D; Hafen, E; Schaffner, Walter (2004). An efficient method to generate chromosomal rearrangements by targeted DNA double-strand breaks in Drosophila melanogaster. Genome Research, 14(7):1382-1393.

Lüpold, S; McElligott, A G; Hosken, D J (2004). Bat genitalia: allometry, variation and good genes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 83(4):497-507.

Hafen, E (2004). Cancer, type 2 diabetes, and ageing: news from flies and worms. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(49-50):711-719.

Lamatsch, D K; Nanda, I; Schlupp, I; Epplen, J T; Schmid, M; Schartl, M (2004). Distribution and stability of supernumerary microchromosomes in natural populations of the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 106(2-4):189-194.

de la Cova, C; Abril, M; Bellosta, P; Gallant, P; Johnston, L A (2004). Drosophila myc regulates organ size by inducing cell competition. Cell, 117(1):107-116.

Bernasconi, G; Ashman, T-L; Birkhead, T R; Bishop, J D D; Grossniklaus, U; Kubli, E; Marshall, D L; Schmid, B; Skogsmyr, I; Snook, R R; Taylor, D; Till-Bottraud, I; Ward, Paul I; Zeh, D W; Hellriegel, B (2004). Evolutionary ecology of the prezygotic stage. Science, 303(5660):971-975.

Pasinelli, Gilberto; Schiegg, Karin; Walters, Jeffrey R (2004). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Natal Dispersal Distance in a Resident Bird Species. The American Naturalist, 164(5):660-669.

Garner, Trenton W J; Pearman, Peter B; Angelone, Sonia (2004). Genetic diversity across a vertebrate species' range: a test of the central-peripheral hypothesis. Molecular Ecology, 13(5):1047-1053.

Heinzer, S; Krucker, T; Stampanoni, M; Abela, R; Meyer, E P; Schuler, A; Schneider, P; Müller, R (2004). Hierarchical bioimaging and quantification of vasculature in disease models using corrosion casts and microcomputed tomography. Proceedings of SPIE, 5535:65-76.

Hafen, E (2004). Interplay between growth factor and nutrient signaling: lessons from Drosophila TOR. In: Thomas, G; Sabatini, D M; Hall, M N. TOR. Target of Rapamycin. Berlin: Springer, 153-167.

Rusu, A; Krackow, S (2004). Kin-preferential cooperation, dominance-dependent reproductive skew, and competition for mates in communally nesting female house mice. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 56(3):298-305.

Giannakou, M E; Goss, M; Jünger, M A; Hafen, E; Leevers, S J; Partridge, L (2004). Long-lived Drosophila with overexpressed dFOXO in adult fat body. Science, 305(5682):361.

Krucker, T; Schuler, A; Meyer, E P; Staufenbiel, M; Beckmann, N (2004). Magnetic resonance angiography and vascular corrosion casting as tools in biomedical research: application to transgenic mice modeling Alzheimer's disease. Neurological Research, 26(5):507-516.

Garner, T W J; Pearman, P; Gregory, P; Tomio, G; Wischniowski, S G; Hosken, D (2004). Microsatellite markers developed from Thamnophis elegans and Thamnophis sirtalis and their utility in three species of garter snakes. Molecular Ecology Resources, 4(3):369-371.

Fukushi, T; Wehner, R (2004). Navigation in wood ants Formica japonica: context dependent use of landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology, 207(19):3431-3439.

Knaden, M; Wehner, R (2004). Path integration in desert ants controls aggressiveness. Science, 305(5680):60.

Andel, D; Wehner, R (2004). Path integration in desert ants, Cataglyphis: how to make a homing ant run away from home. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 271(1547):1485-1489.

Brugarolas, J; Lei, K; Hurley, R L; Manning, B D; Reiling, J H; Hafen, E; Witters, L A; Ellisen, L W; Kaelin, W G (2004). Regulation of mTOR function in response to hypoxia by REDD1 and the TSC1/TSC2 tumor suppressor complex. Genes and Development, 18(23):2893-2904.

Plath, M; Brümmer, A; Schlupp, I (2004). Sexual harassment in a live-bearing fish (Poecilia mexicana): influence of population-specific male mating behaviour. Acta Ethologica, 7(2):65-72.

Plath, M; Parzefall, J; Körner, K E; Schlupp, I (2004). Sexual selection in darkness? Female mating preferences in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 55(6):596-601.

Timmermann, M; Schlupp, I; Plath, M (2004). Shoaling behaviour in a surface-dwelling and a cave-dwelling population of a barb Garra barreimiae (Cyprinidae, Teleostei). Acta Ethologica, 7(2):59-64.

MacDougall, L K; Gagou, M E; Leevers, S J; Hafen, E; Waterfield, M D (2004). Targeted expression of the class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase in Drosophila melanogaster reveals lipid kinase-dependent effects on patterning and interactions with receptor signaling pathways. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24(2):796-808.

Ryder, E; Blows, F; Ashburner, M; Bautista-Llacer, R; Coulson, D; Drummond, Jenny; Webster, J; Gubb, D; Gunton, N; Johnson, G; O'Kane, C J; Huen, D; Sharma, P; Asztalos, Z; Baisch, H; Schulze, J; Kube, M; Kittlaus, K; Reuter, G; Maroy, P; Szidonya, J; Rasmuson-Lestander, A; Ekström, K; Dickson, B J; Hugentobler, C; Stocker, H; Hafen, E; Lepesant, J A; Pflugfelder, G O; Heisenberg, M; Mechler, B; Serras, F; Corominas, M; Schneuwly, S; Preat, T; Roote, J; Russell, S (2004). The DrosDel collection: a set of P-element insertions for generating custom chromosomal aberrations in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics, 167(2):797-813.

Sommer, S; Wehner, R (2004). The ant's estimation of distance travelled: experiments with desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 190(1):1-6.

Reiling, J H; Hafen, E (2004). The hypoxia-induced paralogs Scylla and Charybdis inhibit growth by down-regulating S6K activity upstream of TSC in Drosophila. Genes and Development, 18(23):2879-2892.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Virology

LeibundGut-Landmann, Salomé; Waldburger, Jean-Marc; Sousa, Caetano Reis e; Acha-Orbea, Hans; Reith, Walter (2004). MHC class II expression is differentially regulated in plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells. Nature Immunology, 5(9):899-908.

LeibundGut-Landmann, Salomé; Waldburger, Jean-Marc; Krawczyk, Michal; Otten, Luc A; Suter, Tobias; Fontana, Adriano; Acha-Orbea, Hans; Reith, Walter (2004). Mini-review: Specificity and expression of CIITA, the master regulator of MHC class II genes. European Journal of Immunology, 34(6):1513-1525.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Veterinary Physiology

Jehle, Wiltrud. Behandlung der Gebärparese des Rindes mit hochdosiertem Kalzium. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Distler, J H W; Wenger, R H; Gassmann, M; Kurowska, M; Hirth, A K; Gay, S; Distler, O (2004). Physiologic responses to hypoxia and implications for hypoxia-inducible factors in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 50(1):10-23.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

Dip, R; Naegeli, H (2004). Binding of the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit to holliday junctions. Biochemical Journal, 381(Pt. 1):165-174.

Kupper, J; Waidyasekera, D; Schönenberger, W; Demuth, D C; Althaus, F R; Naegeli, H (2004). CliniTox: Das computergestützte Informationssystem für Vergiftungen beim Nutztier. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 111(11):433-438.

Kupper, J; Hellwig, B; Demuth, D C; Althaus, F R; Naegeli, H (2004). Computergestuetztes Informationssystem fuer Vergiftungen (CliniTox) beim Kleintier. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 146(3):127-134.

Wortmann, Manita. Ein Programm zur Simulation des Wirkspiegelverlaufes, eingebunden in das Internet-Informationssystem von CliniPharm/CliniTox. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Dip, R; Camenisch, U; Naegeli, H (2004). Mechanisms of DNA damage recognition and strand discrimination in human nucleotide excision repair. DNA Repair, 3(11):1409-1423.

Feige, Karsten; Dennler, Matthias; Kästner, S B; Wunderli-Allenspach, H; Demuth, Daniel; Huber, A (2004). Pharmacokinetics of recombinant hirudin in healthy horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36(2):135-141.

Müntener, C R; Gassner, B; Demuth, D C; Althaus, F R; Zwahlen, R (2004). Pharmacovigilance für Tierarzneimittel in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 146(11):499-505.

Malanga, M; Althaus, F R (2004). Poly (ADP-ribose) reactivates stalled DNA topoisomerase I and induces DNA strand break resealing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(7):5244-5248.

Muheim-Lenz, R; Buterin, T; Marra, Giancarlo; Naegeli, H (2004). Short-patch correction of C/C mismatches in human cells. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(22):6696-6705.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Veterinary Pathology

Sydler, Titus; Braun, Ueli; Estermann, U; Pospischil, A (2004). A comparison of biopsy and post-mortem findings in the lungs of healthy cows. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 51(4):184-187.

Braun, Ueli; Rütten, Maja; Högger, R; Germann, S; Nuss, Karl (2004). Colic in a cow caused by lymphoma of the urinary bladder. Veterinary Record, 155(24):777-378.

Soldati, G; Lu, Z H; Vaughan, L; Polkinghorne, A; Zimmermann, D R; Huder, J B; Pospischil, A (2004). Detection of mycobacteria and chlamydiae in granulomatous inflammation of reptiles: a retrospective study. Veterinary Pathology, 41(4):388-397.

Braun, Ueli; Jehle, W; Thio, T; Pospischil, A (2004). Fallbericht: Tenesmus bei einer Kuh mit Leberabszess und Nephritis. DTW: Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 111(1):42-46.

Stephan, Roger; Borel, Nicole; Zweifel, Claudio; Blanco, M A; Blanco, J E (2004). First isolation and further characterization of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) O157:H45 strains from cattle. BMC Microbiology, 4:10.

Meli, Marina L; Kipar, Anja; Müller, C; Jenal, K; Gönczi, E; Borel, Nicole; Gunn-Moore, D; Chalmers, S; Lin, F; Reinacher, M; Lutz, H (2004). High viral loads despite absence of clinical and pathological findings in cats experimentally infected with feline coronavirus (FCoV) type I and in naturally FCoV-infected cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 6(2):69-81.

Braun, Ueli; Salis, F; Hilbe, Monika (2004). Kontaktinfektion von Lämmern bei gemeinsamer Haltung mit einem persistent mit Border-Disease-Virus infizierten Lamm. Tierärztliche Umschau, 59(7):371-373.

Braun, Ueli; Salis, F; Gerspach, Christian; Feige, Karsten; Sydler, Titus (2004). Pharyngeal perforation in three cows caused by administration of a calcium bolus. Veterinary Record, 154(8):240-242.

Schindler, Anna Regina. Real time RT-PCR for tracing and quantification of Borna Disease Virus RNA in diseased hosts compared to experimentally inoculated ticks. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hatt, Jean-Michel; Grest, Paula; Posthaus, Horst; Bossart, Walter (2004). Serologic survey in a colony of captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) after infection with herpes simplex type 1-like virus. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 35(3):387-390.

Schweizer, G; Fuhrer, B; Braun, Ueli (2004). Signs of spinal cord disease in two heifers caused by Listeria monocytogenes. Veterinary Record, 154(2):54-55.

Räber, Marta; Lischer, Christoph J; Geyer, Hans; Ossent, Pete (2004). The bovine digital cushion: a descriptive anatomical study. Veterinary Journal, 167(3):258-264.

Hoelzle, L E; Corboz, L; Ossent, P; Wittenbrink, M M (2004). Tularaemia in a captive golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) in Switzerland. Veterinary Record, 155(2):60-61.

Braun, Ueli; Jehle, W; Bart, M (2004). Ultrasonographic findings in a beef cow with pulmonary haematoma. Veterinary Record, 155(3):92-93.

Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Metzger, L; Ziegler-Gohm, D (2004). Ultrasonographic findings in a cow with ascites due to a mesothelioma. Veterinary Record, 154(9):272-274.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Veterinary Anatomy

Paulus, Norbert. Ermittlung von Hornschuh- und Lederhautabmessungen an den Klauen der Beckengliedmassen von Fleckviehrindern. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Räber, Marta; Lischer, Christoph J; Geyer, Hans; Ossent, Pete (2004). The bovine digital cushion: a descriptive anatomical study. Veterinary Journal, 167(3):258-264.

01 Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion > Institute of Theology

Krüger, Thomas (2004). Alttestamentliche Schlaglichter zur Revision der Zürcher Kirchenordnung. In: Dalferth, Ingolf U; Famos, Cla Reto. Das Recht der Kirche : zur Revision der Zürcher Kirchenordnung. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 47-58.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Art. Schreiber/Schreiberausbildung in Israel. In: Betz, Hans Dieter. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1001-1002.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Art. Steck, Odil Hannes. In: Bautz, Friedrich Wilhelm; Bautz, Traugott. Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Nordhausen: Bautz, 1428-1433.

Poplutz, Uta (2004). Athlet des Evangeliums. Eine motivgeschichtliche Studie zur Wettkampfmetaphorik bei Paulus. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.

Gordon, Bruce; Kess, Alexandra (2004). Bruce Cordon, Heinrich Bullinger und der Klerus. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H; Weingarten, Ralph. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 8-12.

Bergjan, Silke-Petra (2004). Bullinger und die griechischen Kirchenväter in der konfessionellen Auseinandersetzung. Zwingliana, 31:133-160.

Opitz, Peter (2004). Bullinger's "Decades": Instruction in Faith and Conduct. In: Gordon, Bruce; Campi, Emidio. Architect of Reformation : an introduction to Heinrich Bullinger, 1504-1575. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 101-116.

Wälchli, Philipp (2004). Bullinger, das erste und das zweite helvetische Bekenntnis. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 94-98.

Opitz, Peter (2004). Bullinger, der Theologe. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 52-56.

Bächtold, H (2004). Bullinger, der kritische Partner der Obrigkeit. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H; Weingarten, R. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 29-31.

Moser, Christian (2004). Bullingers Geschichtswerk und dessen Überlieferung. In: Bächtold, H; Campi, Emidio; Weingarten, Ralph. Der Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 86-89.

Euler, C; Kess, Alexandra (2004). Carrie Euler, Bullinger und England. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H; Weingarten, R. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 81-85.

Dahinter steckt immer ein mutiger Kopf!: Journalismus in der Auseinandersetzung mit Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rechtsextremismus. Edited by: Schlag, Thomas (2004). Bad Boll.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne / Vorwort. In: Oeming, Manfred; Schmid, Konrad; Welker, Manfred. Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne. Beiträge des Symposiums »Das Alte Testament und die Kultur der Moderne« anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971). Münster: Lit-Verlag, V-XI.

Opitz, Peter (2004). Das Amt und die Aemter - Eine Erinnerung an die Anfänge der reformierten Aemterlehre. In: Famos, Cla Reto; Dalferth, Ingolf U. Das Recht der Kirche : zur Revision der Zürcher Kirchenordnung. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 81-108.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Das Deuteronomium innerhalb der „deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerke“ in Gen–2Kön. In: Otto, E; Achenbach, R. Das Deuteronomium zwischen Pentateuch und deuteronomistischem Geschichtswerk. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 193-211.

Poplutz, Uta (2004). Das Glück des Übenden. Vom agonistischen Umgang mit den Affekten in der stoischen Philosophie. Hermeneutische Blätter, (1/2):83-90.

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Schmid, Konrad. Die Bibel und die Bilder des Orients. Rollsiegel als religionsgeschichtliche Erkenntnisquelle, Rez. zu. H. Keel, B. Teissier, Die vorderasiatischen Rollsiegel der Sammlungen »Bibel und Orient« der Universität Freiburg. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 238, 12 October 2004, 43.

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Opitz, Peter (2004). Eine Theologie der Gemeinschaft im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung. In: Campi, Emidio. Heinrich Bullinger und seine Zeit. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 199-214.

Campi, Emidio (2004). Einleitung : Der Nachfolger. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H; Weingarten, R. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2-5.

Schlag, Thomas Erfolgsrezept Streitschlichtung? Erörterung zur Mediation in Schule und Jugendarbeit. Edited by: Schlag, Thomas (2004). Münster: Votum Verlag.

Schlag, Thomas. Europa - wie nah? ... wie fern? In: SYM: Magazin der Evangelischen Akademie Bad Boll, 2004, 12.

Krüger, Thomas (2004). Heinrich Bullinger als Ausleger des Alten Testaments - Am Beispiel seiner Predigten über Daniel 1 und 2. In: Campi, Emidio. Heinrich Bullinger und seine Zeit. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 91-104.

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Campi, Emidio (2004). Heinrich Bullinger und seine Zeit. In: Campi, Emidio. Heinrich Bullinger und seine Zeit. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 7-35.

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Moser, Christian (2004). Heinrich Bullinger's Efforts to Document the Zurich Reformation: History as Legacy. In: Gordon, Bruce; Campi, Emidio. Architect of Reformation : an introduction to Heinrich Bullinger, 1504-1575. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 201-214.

Heinrich Bullinger, Schriften. Edited by: Opitz, Peter; Campi, Emidio; Roth, D R; Stotz, P; Jörg, R; Bächtold, H (2004). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich.

Opitz, Peter (2004). Hienrich Bullinger und Martin Luther. Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen. Evangelische Theologie, 2:105-116.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). In the name of God? – The problem of religious or non-religious preambles to state constitutions in post-atheistic contexts. Religion in Eastern Europe, 24:24-32.

Krüger, Thomas (2004). Jahwe und die Götter in Jeremia 2. In: Hartenstein, Friedhelm; Krispenz, Jutta; Schart, Aaron. Schriftprophetie: Festschrift für Jörg Jeremias zum 65. Geburtstag. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 181-190.

Schlag, Thomas; Fries, B; Lang, E (2004). Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. (K)ein Thema für die evangelische Jugend? In: Evangelisches Jugendwerk. Der Steigbügel: Arbeitshilfe für Gruppenabende und Freizeitgestaltung. Württemberg: EJW, 17-25.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Jób szenvedéseinek problémaja – a könyv prológusának fényében. In: Fekete, Károly. Gondolkodó és cselekvő hit: tanulmányok a 100 éve született Török István professzor emlékére. Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, 264-274.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). La formation des Prophètes postérieures (histoire de la rédaction). In: Römer, Thomas. Introduction à l'Ancien Testament. Genève, 318-328.

Krüger, Thomas (2004). Leben und Tod nach Kohelet und Paulus. In: Ebner, Martin; Fischer, Irmtraud; Frey, Jörg; Fuchs, Ottmar. Leben trotz Tod. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 217-241.

Taplin, Mark; Kess, Alexandra (2004). Mark Taplin, Bullinger und die Dissidenten. In: Campi, Emidio; Bächtold, H. Der Nachfolger : Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 13-17.

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Schlag, Thomas (2004). Politische Bildung als Dimension der Religionspädagogik: Ethisch-theologische Überlegungen. In: Schlag, Thomas; Schweitzer, Friedrich. Religionspädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag-Haus, 252-265.

Krüger, Thomas (2004). Qoheleth: A commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

Religionspädagogik im 21. Jahrhundert. Edited by: Schlag, Thomas; Schweitzer, Friedrich (2004). Gütersloh: Kaiser, Gütersloher Verlagshaus.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Rezension zu A. Behrens, Prophetische Visionsschilderungen im Alten Testament. Sprachliche Eigenarten, Funktion und Geschichte einer Gattung. Nijmegen: RBL.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Rezension zu D. Wynn-Williams, The State of the Pentateuch. Theological Review, 100:373-374.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Rezension zu L. Schmidt, Gesammelte Aufsätze zum Pentateuch. Theological Review, 100:433.

Schlag, Thomas (2004). Starke Typen - starke Frauen. In: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. Aufbruch ins Leben: Gute Nachricht für Teens. Stuttgart, 35-42.

Schlag, Thomas (2004). Streit um Lebensstile. In: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. Aufbruch ins Leben: Gute Nachricht für Teens. Stuttgart, 27-34.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Theologie in Israel und in den Nachbarkulturen / Vorwort. In: Oeming, Manfred; Schmid, Konrad; Schüle, Andreas. Theologie in Israel und in den Nachbarkulturen. Münster: LIT Verlag, V-VI.

Schlag, Thomas (2004). Value education in the German Protestant church. In: Stumpf, Ch; Zaborowski, H. Church as Politeia: The Political Self-Understanding of Christianity. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 267-284.

Schlag, Thomas (2004). Was leuchtet in der Mediation auf? Ethisch-theologische und pädagogische Überlegungen zur Etablierung einer neuen Konflikt-Kultur. In: Schlag, Thomas. Erfolgsrezept Streitschlichtung? Erörterungen zur Mediation in Schule und Jugendarbeit. Münster: Votum Verlag, 177-190.

Schmid, Konrad. Wozu sind die Universitäten da? Erinnerungen an ein Ideal. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 249, 25 October 2004, 23.

Schmid, Konrad (2004). Zurück zu Wellhausen? Rezension zu R.G. Kratz, Die Komposition der erzählenden Bücher des Alten Testaments. Theologische Rundschau, 69:314-328.

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Vollenweider, Samuel (2004). „Der Erstgeborene vor aller Schöpfung“ (Kol 1,15–20). Überlegungen zum Stellenwert der kosmischen Christologie für das Gespräch zwischen Schöpfungstheologie und moderner Kosmologie. In: Hübner, Jürgen; Stamatescu, Ion-Olimpiu; Weber, Dieter. Theologie und Kosmologie. Geschichte und Erwartungen für das gegenwärtige Gespräch. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 61-80.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Sociology

Kriesi, Irene. Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten und Erwerbskontinuität von Frauen : zur Bedeutung des Stellenangebots für Erwerbsunterbrechungen und Wiedereintritte ins Berufsleben. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Eisenegger, Mark; Vonwil, Matthias (2004). Die Wirtschaft im Bann der Öffentlichkeit. Ursachen und empirische Evidenzen für die erhöhte öffentliche Exponiertheit ökonomischer Organisationen seit den 1990er Jahren. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, (2):80-89.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Die öffentliche Geltung der Bürger- und Menschenrechte. In: Kirchschläger, Peter G; Belliger, Andréa; Krieger, David J. Menschenrechte und Terrorismus. Band 1 der Reihe „Internationales Menschenrechtsforum Luzern“. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag, 95-116.

Bühler-Ilieva, Evelina. Einen Mausklick von mir entfernt : auf der Suche nach Liebesbeziehungen im Internet. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Einführung: Der Austritt der Kommunikationswissenschaft aus ihrer selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. In: Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried. Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Reihe: Mediensymposium Luzern. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 19-30.

Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried (2004). Einleitung: Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. In: Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried. Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Reihe: Mediensymposium Luzern, Band 8. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 9-18.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Katastrophenkommunikation in der Moderne. In: Pfister, Christian; Summermatter, Stephanie. Katastrophen und ihre Bewältigung – Perspektiven und Positionen. Bern: Haupt, 145-164.

de Sombre, Steffen. Kognitive Professionssoziologie : eine theoretische Skizze und eine exemplarische empirische Untersuchung im Feld der Umweltdienstleistungen in der Schweiz. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried (2004). Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Guggenheim, Michael. Organisierte Umwelt : Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kamber, Esther; Imhof, Kurt (2004). Phänomenologie der politischen Kommunikation. In: SGKM. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz 1/2004. Zürich: Scheizerische Gesellschaft für Kommunikation- und Medienwissenschaft, 10-18.

Eisenegger, Mark (2004). Reputationskonstitution in der Mediengesellschaft. In: Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried. Mediengesellschaft : Strukturen, Merkmale, Entwicklungsdynamiken. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 262-292.

Eisenegger, Mark; Imhof, Kurt (2004). Reputationsrisiken moderner Organisationen. In: Röttger, Ulrike. PR-Theorien. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 239-260.

Eisenegger, Mark; Schranz, Mario (2004). Reputationsrisiken von Regierungsakteuren. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz:50-56.

Vogel, Christian. Schulsozialarbeit : eine institutionsanalytische Untersuchung von Kommunikation und Kooperation. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Koller, Andreas. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit in Westeuropa und den USA : theoretische, metatheoretische und empirische Rekonstruktion und transatlantische Integration der Klassiker. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bieri, Oliver. Suizid und sozialer Wandel in der westlichen Gesellschaft : Determinanten und Zusammenhänge im Zeitraum von 1950 bis 2000. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Wirtschaftsethik und Medien. Die Moralisierung in der Mediengesellschaft. In: Forum Wirtschaftsethik des Deutschen Netzwerkes Wirtschaftsethik. Forum Wirtschaftsethik des Deutschen Netzwerkes Wirtschaftsethik. Berlin: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, 4-9.

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Eisner, Manuel; Ribeaud, Denis (2004). Zürcher Projekt zur sozialen Entwicklung von Kindern. Newsletter 2. Zürich: Universität Zürich, Pädagogisches Institut.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Slavonic Studies

Absurd i vokrug. Sbornik statej. Edited by: Burenina-Petrova, Olga (2004). Moskau: Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury.

Burenina-Petrova, Olga (2004). Aleksandr Vvedenskij i literaturnaja parodija epochi simvolizma. In: Aleksandr Vvedenskij i russkij avangard. Materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii, posvjaschennoj 100-letiju so dnja roždenija Aleksandra Vvedenskogo, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, 9 April 2004 - 11 April 2004, s.n..

Burenina-Petrova, Olga (2004). Chto takoe absurd, Ili po sledam Martina Esslina. In: Burenina-Petrova, Olga. Absurd i vokrug. Moskau: I︠A︡zyki slavi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury, 7-72.

Burenina-Petrova, Olga (2004). Reyushchee“ telo (absurd i vizual'naya reprezentatsiya poleta v russkoi kul'ture 1900-1930-kh gg.). In: Burenina-Petrova, Olga. Absurd i vokrug. Moskau: I͡Azyki slavi͡anskoĭ kulʹtury, 188-240.

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Burenina-Petrova, Olga (2004). „Galaksija” Aleksandra Benua i rusko kazalište lutaka. Knjizevna Smotra, 131 (1):9-15.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Romance Studies

Rossi, L (2004). Alain de Lille, Jean de Meun e Dante, nodi poetici e d’esegesi. Critica del testo, 7(2):851-875.

Bartuschat, J (2004). Autour de Brunet Latin. Observations sur la dimension politique de l'«Enfer». In: Grossi, P. L'«Inferno» di Dante. Paris: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 47-64.

Loporcaro, Michele; Pescia, Lorenza; Ramos, Maria Ana (2004). Costrutti dipendenti participiali e participi doppi in portoghese. Revue de Linguistique Romane, 68:15-46.

Bartuschat, J (2004). Dalla vita del poeta alla vita dell'artista: tendenze del genere biografico nel Quattrocento. Letteratura e Arte, (I):49-57.

Crivelli, Tatiana (2004). Forme del romanzo italiano del Settecento. In: Costa, Simona; Dondero, Marco; Melosi, Laura. Le forme del narrare. Atti del VII Convegno ADI (Associazione italianisti Italiani). Macerata, 123-141.

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Historische Semantik in den romanischen Sprachen. Edited by: Glessgen, Martin-Dietrich; Lebsanft, Franz (2004). Tübingen: De Gruyter.

Crivelli, Tatiana (2004). Il «commendabile ordine» e la «spezial grazia» della libertà: dinamiche ipertestuali e di genere nel "Decameron". In: Picone, Michelangelo; Mesirca, Margherita. Introduzione al "Decameron". Firenze, 291-312.

Casella, Paola (2004). La parola incarnata tra finzione e realtà. «I promessi sposi alla prova» di Giovanni Testori. Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, (23):85-107.

Bartuschat, J (2004). La «Vita di Cola di Rienzo» de Gabriele d'Annunzio et son modèle médiéval. Arzanà. Cahier de litteràture médiévale italienne, (10):71-86.

Barbato, M; Greub, Y (2004). Les mots régionaux dans les farces françaises. Revue critique de philologie romane, (4-5):277-290.

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Strologo, Franca (2004). L’incidenza del romanzo russo sulla narrativa italiana fra le due guerre. In: Broggi, Francesca. Percorsi incrociati. Studi di letteratura e linguistica italiana. Atti del Dies Romanicus Turicensis. Leonforte: Insula, 69-80.

De Marchi, P (2004). Petrarca nella poesia di Giorgio Orelli e di altri poeti della Svizzera italiana. In: Cortellessa, A. Un'altra storia. Petrarca nel Novecento italiano, Atti del Convegno di Roma, 4-6 ottobre 2001. Roma: Bulzoni, 245-260.

Bähler, Ursula (2004). Philologie als Lebensform. Vox Romanica, 63(1):153-168.

Pietro Giordano – Antonio Canova – Giovanni Battista Sartori. Carteggio. Con la riproduzione di 85 incisioni canoviane. Edited by: Ceppi, M; et al; Crivelli, Tatiana (2004). Piacenza: TIP.LE.CO.

Lopez Guil, Itziar (2004). Poesía y turismo: la mirada de Paul Chase ('Vidas improbables' de Felipe Benítez Reyes). In: Sánchez, Yvette; Spiller, Roland. La poética de la mirada. Madrid: Visor Libros, 89-98.

Glessgen, M D (2004). Realia und Urkunden. Die Teilung eines lothringischen Stadthauses kurz nach 1400. In: Gil Arroyo, Alberto; Osthus, Dietmar; Polzin-Haumann, Claudia. Romanische Sprachwissenschaft : Zeugnisse für Vielfalt und Profil eines Faches : Festschrift für Christian Schmitt zum 60. Geburtstag. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 423-447.

Barbato, M (2004). Rezension von: Adam Ledgeway, I tempi sovraccomposti nel napoletano antico. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, 28:341-343.

Barbato, M (2004). Rezension von: Emanuele A. Giordano, Il ‘De situ orbis terrarum’ di Giulio Solino nella epitome quattrocentesca in volgare di Ioan Marco Cinico. Aspetti del lessico e della sintassi. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, 28:333-334.

Barbato, M (2004). Rezension von: Emanuele A. Giordano, Un inedito volgarizzamento quattrocentesco di Plutarco: le ‘Sententie de tanti excellentissimi homini’ di Giovanni Albino, umanista lucano alla corte aragonese di Napoli. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, 28:333-335.

Trachsler, Richard (2004). Rezension von: Florilège. Antologia della Letteratura Francese. 1. Il Medioevo. a cura di G. Matteo Roccati; 2. Il Cinquecento, a cura di Michele Mastroianni. Revue critique de philologie romane, 4/5:16.

Trachsler, Richard (2004). Rezension von: Friedrich Wolfzettel (ed.), Das Wunderbare in der arthurischen Literatur. Probleme und Perspektiven. Revue critique de philologie romane, 4/5:215-229.

Trachsler, Richard (2004). Rezension von: Le Roman de Tristan en prose (version du manuscrit fr. 757 de la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris, t. III, éd. par Jean-Paul Ponceau. Romania, 122:556-560.

Barbato, M (2004). Rezension von: Pietro Maturi, Comme v’eggia dice? Testi orali dal Sannio Beneventano in trascrizione fonetica. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, 28:349-351.

Schorderet, A (2004). Sarmiento e la figura del Portogallo in Aline et Valcour del marchese de Sade. L'Immagine riflessa, 13(2):163-179.

Strologo, Franca (2004). Su una traccia dantesca in Leopardi: dal sacro monte all’"Infinito". Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, (24):107-116.

Loporcaro, Michele; Mele, Biagio (2004). Substance (sub)segmentale et changement phonologique: diphtongaisons et monophtongai¬sons dans deux dialectes de l’Italie du sud. In: Selig, Maria; Meisenburg, Trudel. Nouveaux départs en phonologie ; Les conceptions sub- et suprasegmentales. Tübingen: Narr, 89-107.

Kabatek, Johannes (2004). Tradiciones discursivas jurídicas y elaboración lingüística en la España medieval. Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales:249-261.

Loporcaro, Michele (2004). Una buona scuola o la società dello spettacolo: da che parte stanno i progressisti italiani? In: Beccaria, Gianluigi. Tre più due uguale zero: L’università riformata da Berlinguer alla Moratti. Milano: Garzanti, 107-131.

Loporcaro, Michele (2004). Una buona scuola o la società dello spettacolo: da che parte stanno i progressisti italiani? Proteo, (1):51-57.

Crivelli, Tatiana (2004). «Ricopiando me stesso»: Ugo Foscolo e le «Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis». Testo. Studi di teoria e storia della letteratura e della critica, (48):45-67.

01 Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion > Institute of Religious Studies

Lüddeckens, Dorothea (2004). Bruch und Kontinuität in Todesritualen. Beobachtungen zu westeuropäischen und zoroastrischen Bestattungen. In: Stausberg, Michael. Zoroastrian Rituals in Context. Leiden: Brill, 153-172.

Fritz Stolz : Religion und Rekonstruktion. Ausgewählte Aufsätze. Edited by: Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina; Jaques, Margaret; Frank-Spörri, Katharina; Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria; Schellenberg, Annette (2004). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina. Meer, Krokodil und Schlange. Monster in der Bibel. In: Aufbruch, Zeitung für Religion und Gesellschaft, 2, 2004, 9.

Lüddeckens, Dorothea (2004). Neue Rituale für alle Lebenslagen. Beobachtungen zur Popularisierung des Ritualdiskurses. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 56(1):37-53.

Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria (2004). Religion, Reconstruction, Comparison. From the Work of Fritz Stolz. Religious Studies Review, (2/3):123-127.

Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria (2004). Rezension von: Elsas, Christoph, Religionsgeschichte Europas. Religiöses Leben von der Vorgeschichte bis zur Gegenwart, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2002. Theologische Literaturzeitung, 129:595-596.

Lüddeckens, Dorothea; Vogel, Helmer (2004). Verortete Religion - Religiöser Ort. Religion als Lehrgebiet in Studiengängen für das Schulfach Geographie/Erdkunde. In: Fauth, Dieter; Bubenheimer, Ulrich. Hochschullehre und Religion - Perspektiven verschiedener Fachdisziplinen. Würzburg: Religion-und-Kultur-Verlag, 241-285.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Psychology

Stadler Elmer, Stefanie (2004). "Wo man singt, da lass dich ruhig nieder..." Erziehung und Verführung durch Lieder. In: Schärer, Kurt. Königswege, Labyrinthe, Sackgassen: über Formen und Methoden des Denkens, Handelns und Gestaltens. Zürich: Chronos, 215-233.

Zanello, A; Weber-Rouget, B; Gex-Fabry, M; Maercker, Andreas; Guimon, J (2004). A new instrument to assess social functioning in mental health settings. European Journal of Psychiatry, 18:76-84.

Stadler Elmer, Stefanie; Elmer, F J (2004). A new method for analyzing and representing singing. In: Davidson, Jane W. The music practitioner : research for the music performer, teacher and listener. Aldershot: Ashgate, 263-284.

Sommer, Isabelle; Ehlert, Ulrike (2004). Adjustment to trauma exposure: prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in mountain guides. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 57(4):329-335.

Maercker, Andreas; Michael, Tanja; Fehm, Lydia; Becker, Eni S; Margraf, Jürgen (2004). Age of traumatisation as a predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression in young women. British Journal of Psychiatry, 184:482-487.

Maercker, Andreas (2004). Alterspychotherapie: Entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte der Persönlichkeit, Psychopathologie und Methodik der Psychotherapie mit Älteren. In: Hiller, W; Leibing, E; Leichsenring, F; Sulz, S S. Lehrbuch der Psychotherapie. Band 1: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Psychotherapie. München: CIP-Medien, 363-376.

Maercker, Andreas; Nitsche, Ines; Schuster, Peter; Boos, A (2004). Ambulante Psychotherapie Älterer: Sind ältere Psychotherapiepatienten „einfachere“ Patienten? Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 37(4):265-271.

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Gaab, Jens; Engert, Veronika; Heitz, Vera; Schad, Tanja; Schurmeyer, Thomas H; Ehlert, Ulrike (2004). Associations between neuroendocrine responses to the Insulin Tolerance Test and patient characteristics in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56(4):419-424.

Heinrichs, M; Nater, U; Ehlert, Ulrike (2004). Biopsychologische Modelle von Gesundheit und Krankheit. In: Strauss, B; Berger, U; von Troschke, J; Brähler, E. Lehrbuch Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 61-77.

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Wirtz, P H; von Känel, R; Kunz-Ebrecht, S; Ehlert, Ulrike; Fischer, J E (2004). Enhanced glucocorticoid sensitivity of cytokine release from circulating leukocytes stimulated with lipopolysaccharide in healthy male smokers. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 18(6):536-43.

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Zinetti-Bertschy, A; Fredenrich-Muhlebach, A; Rosner, M; Guimon, J; Maercker, Andreas (2004). Firsts steps towards the validation of the relations of ohters french scale (ERA: Echelle de relations avec les Autres). European Journal of Psychiatry, 18:85-92.

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Wirtz, P H; von Känel, R; Frey, K; Ehlert, Ulrike; Fischer, J E (2004). Glucocorticoid sensitivity of circulating monocytes in essential hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension, 17(6):489-494.

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Müller, J; Maercker, Andreas (2004). Psychological consequences of political imprisonment. RAHAT medical journal, 2:65-80.

Rohleder, Nicolas; Nater, Urs M; Wolf, Jutta M; Ehlert, Ulrike; Kirschbaum, Clemens (2004). Psychosocial stress-induced activation of salivary alpha-amylase: an indicator of sympathetic activity? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1032:258-263.

Ehlert, Ulrike (2004). Psychosomatische Krankheitslehre. In: Hiller, W; Leibling, E; Leisenring, F; Sulz, S K D. Lehrbuch der Psychotherapie. Band 1: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Psychotherapie. München: CIP-Medien, 99-104.

Maercker, Andreas; Barth, J (2004). Psychotherapie bei Belastungsstörungen. In: Bengel, J. Psychologie in Notfallmedizin und Rettungsdienst. Berlin: Springer, 68-88.

Maercker, Andreas; Lange, A (2004). Psychotherapie im Internet - Internet-Therapie (Editorial). Verhaltenstherapie, 14:173.

Wirtz, P H; von Känel, R; Kunz-Ebrecht, S; Ehlert, Ulrike; Fischer, J E (2004). Reduced glucocorticoid sensitivity of monocyte interleukin-6 release in male employees with high plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Life Sciences, 75(1):1-10.

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Pössel, Patrick; Horn, Andrea B; Groen, Gunter; Hautzinger, Martin (2004). School-based prevention of depressive symptoms in adolescents: A 6-month follow-up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(8):1003-1010.

Reinhard, F; Maercker, Andreas (2004). Sekundäre Traumatisierung, posttraumatische Belastungsstörung, Burnout und soziale Unterstützung bei medizinischem Rettungspersonal. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie (ZMP), 13:29-36.

Heinrichs, Markus; Meinlschmidt, Gunther; Wippich, Werner; Ehlert, Ulrike; Hellhammer, Dirk H (2004). Selective amnesic effects of oxytocin on human memory. Physiology & Behavior, 83(1):31-38.

Heinke, W; Fiebach, C J; Schwarzbauer, C; Meyer, Martin; Olthoff, D; Alter, K (2004). Sequential effects of propofol on functional brain activation induced by auditory language processing: an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 92(5):641-650.

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Oberauer, Klaus; Kliegl, Reinhold (2004). Simultaneous cognitive operations in working memory after dual-task practice. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30(4):689-707.

Maercker, Andreas; Müller, Julia (2004). Social acknowledgment as a victim or survivor: a scale to measure a recovery factor of PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17(4):345-351.

Frey, Dieter; Brandstätter, Veronika; Schuster, Beate (2004). Sozialpsychologische Grundlagen der Organisationspsychologie: Was kann die Organisationspsychologie von der Sozialpsychologie lernen? In: Schuler, H. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie - Organisationspsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 3-54.

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Maercker, Andreas; Zöllner, T (2004). The Janus face of posttraumatic growth: Towards a two component model of posttraumatic growth. Psychological Inquiry, 15:41-48.

Friederici, Angela D; Meyer, Martin (2004). The brain knows the difference: two types of grammatical violations. Brain Research, 1000(1-2):72-77.

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Haas, Henriette; Farrington, David P; Killias, Martin; Sattar, Ghazala (2004). The impact of different family configurations on delinquency: a detailed examination. British Journal of Criminology, 44(4):520-532.

Maercker, Andreas (2004). The study of values: an unconventional approach to cross-cultural and social psychiatry (Editorial). The International journal of social psychiatry, 50(2):99-101.

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Köllner, V; Maercker, Andreas (2004). Verhaltensmodelle. In: Strauss, B; Berger, U; von Troschke, J; Brähler, E. Lehrbuch Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 43-60.

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Lavric, Aureliu; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Forstmeier, Simon (2004). When 'go' and 'nogo' are equally frequent: ERP components and cortical tomography. European Journal of Neuroscience, 20(9):2483-8.

Oberauer, Klaus; Lange, E; Engle, R W (2004). Working memory capacity and resistance to interference. Journal of Memory & Language, 51(1):80-96.

Jonas, Kai J; Brandstätter, Veronika (2004). Zivilcourage: Definition, Befunde und Handlungsempfehlungen. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 35(4):185-200.

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Peus, C; Traut-Mattausch, E; Kerschreiter, R; Frey, Dieter; Brandstätter, Veronika (2004). Ökonomische Auswirkungen professioneller Führung. In: Dürndorfer, M; Friederichs, P. Human Capital Leadership. Hamburg, Germany: Murmann, 193-207.

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Di Sole, F; Cerull, R; Babich, V; Quiñones, H; Gisler, S M; Biber, J; Murer, H; Burckhardt, G; Helmle-Kolb, C; Moe, O W (2004). Acute regulation of Na/H exchanger NHE3 by adenosine A(1) receptors is mediated by calcineurin homologous protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(4):2962-2974.

Veljkovic, E; Bacconi, A; Stetak, A; Hajnal, A; Stasiuk, S; Skelly, P J; Forster, I; Shoemaker, C B; Verrey, F (2004). Aromatic amino acid transporter AAT-9 of Caenorhabditis elegans localizes to neurons and muscle cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(47):49268-49273.

Briest, W; Homagk, L; Baba, H A; Deten, A; Rassler, B; Tannapfel, A; Wagner, K F; Wenger, R H; Zimmer, H G (2004). Cardiac remodeling in erythropoietin-transgenic mice. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 14(4-6):277-284.

Katschinski, D M; Le, L; Schindler, S G; Thomas, T; Voss, A K; Wenger, R H (2004). Interaction of the PAS B domain with HSP90 accelerates hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha stabilization. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 14(4-6):351-360.

Bachmann, S; Schlichting, U; Geist, B; Mutig, K; Petsch, T; Bacic, D; Wagner, C A; Kaissling, B; Biber, J; Murer, H; Willnow, T E (2004). Kidney-specific inactivation of the megalin gene impairs trafficking of renal inorganic sodium phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIa). Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), 15(4):892-900.

Carrière, A; Carmona, M C; Fernandez, Y; Rigoulet, M; Wenger, R H; Pénicaud, L; Casteilla, L (2004). Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species control the transcription factor CHOP-10/GADD153 and adipocyte differentiation: a mechanism for hypoxia-dependent effect. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(39):40462-40469.

Deten, A; Shibata, J; Scholz, D; Briest, W; Wagner, K F; Wenger, R H; Zimmer, H G (2004). Norepinephrine-induced acute heart failure in transgenic mice overexpressing erythropoietin. Cardiovascular Research, 61(1):105-114.

Bacic, D; Wagner, C A; Hernando, N; Kaissling, B; Biber, J; Murer, H (2004). Novel aspects in regulated expression of the renal type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporter. Kidney International, 66:S5-S12.

Biber, J; Gisler, S M; Hernando, N; Wagner, C A; Murer, H (2004). PDZ interactions and proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption. American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology, 287(5):F871-F875.

Hernando, N; Wagner, C A; Gisler, S M; Biber, J; Murer, H (2004). PDZ proteins and proximal ion transport. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 13(5):569-5741.

Palmada, M; Dieter, M; Speil, A; Böhmer, C; Mack, A F; Wagner, H J; Klingel, K; Kandolf, R; Murer, H; Biber, J; Closs, E I; Lang, F (2004). Regulation of intestinal phosphate cotransporter NaPi IIb by ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 and by serum- and glucocorticoid-dependent kinase 1. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 287(1):G143-G150.

Wenger, R H (2004). Sauerstoffhomöostase in Gewebe und Zelle: Wie Sauerstoffmangel die Genexpression reguliert. Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie, 39(S1):S38-S43.

Madjdpour, C; Bacic, D; Kaissling, B; Murer, H; Biber, J (2004). Segment-specific expression of sodium-phosphate cotransporters NaPi-IIa and -IIc and interacting proteins in mouse renal proximal tubules. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology (Pflugers Archiv), 448(4):402-410.

Hofer, T; Pohjanvirta, R; Spielmann, P; Viluksela, M; Buchmann, D P; Wenger, R H; Gassmann, M (2004). Simultaneous exposure of rats to dioxin and carbon monoxide reduces the xenobiotic but not the hypoxic response. Biological Chemistry, 385(3-4):291-294.

Ehnes, C; Forster, I C; Bacconi, A; Kohler, K; Biber, J; Murer, H (2004). Structure-function relations of the first and fourth extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter: II. Substrate interaction and voltage dependency of two functionally important sites. Journal of General Physiology, 124(5):489-503.

Ehnes, C; Forster, I C; Kohler, K; Bacconi, A; Stange, G; Biber, J; Murer, H (2004). Structure-function relations of the first and fourth predicted extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter: I. Cysteine scanning mutagenesis. Journal of General Physiology, 124(5):475-488.

Markovich, D; Murer, H (2004). The SLC13 gene family of sodium sulphate/carboxylate cotransporters. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology (Pflugers Archiv), 447(5):594-602.

Handschin, C; Blättler, S; Roth, A; Looser, R; Oscarson, M; Kaufmann, M R; Podvinec, M; Gnerre, C; Meyer, U A (2004). The evolution of drug-activated nuclear receptors: one ancestral gene diverged into two xenosensor genes in mammals. Nuclear Receptor, 2:7.

Murer, H; Forster, I C; Biber, J (2004). The sodium phosphate cotransporter family SLC34. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology (Pflugers Archiv), 447(5):763-767.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Philosophy

Mudroch, Vilem; Holzhey, Helmut (2004). Vorwort. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Schwabe: Schwabe, XIX-XXIII.

Berthold, Jürg (2004). "Wer denken will, muss sich fragen" - Zu einem Königsweg der Philosophie. In: Schärer, Kurt. Königswege, Labyrinthe, Sackgassen. Zürich: Chronos, 47-63.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). All kinds of nonsense. In: Amareller, E; Fischer, E. Wittgenstein at work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations. London: Routledge, 221-245.

Mudroch, Vilem; Uehlein, F A; Baum, A (2004). Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 51-89.

Schaber, Peter (2004). Are there insolvable moral conflicts? In: Baumann, Peter; Betzler, Monika. Practical conflicts. New philosophical essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 279-294.

Baumann, Holger (2004). Autonomie und Biografie. In: Bluhm, Roland; Nimtz, Christian. Ausgewählte Beiträge zu den Sektionen der GAP .5/ = Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP .5. Münster: Mentis Verlag, n/a.

Saporiti, Katia (2004). Berkeley's perceptual realism. In: Schumacher, Ralph. Perception and reality. From Descartes to the present. Paderborn: Mentis, 188-213.

Baer, Josette (2004). Bulgaria’s Divided Minds? On Zheliu Zhelev’s ‘Conformist Dissent’. Balkanistica, 17:1-21.

Mudroch, Vilem; Baum, A (2004). Catharine Macaulay. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 790-796.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Das 'Erkennen als solches'. Überlegungen zur Grundstruktur von Hegels Epistemologie. In: Halbig, Christoph; Quante, Michael. Hegels Erbe und die theoretische Philosophie der Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 138-163.

Strassberg, Daniel. Das poietische Subjekt: Giambattista Vicos Wissenschaft vom Singulären. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Cheneval, Francis (2004). Der kosmopolitische Republikanismus – erläutert am Beispiel Anacharsis Cloots’. Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 58(3):373-396.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Die Auseinandersetzungen um Shaftesbury und Mandeville. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 108-124.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Die Debatte um Priestleys Materialismus und Determinismus. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 884-904.

Cheneval, Francis (2004). Die EU und das Problem der demokratischen Repräsentation. Information Philosophie, 2:14-25.

Cheneval, Francis. Die EU – ein Gewinn an Demokratie in Europa. Wie es um die demokratische Legitimität der Europäischen Union steht. In: NZZ, 95, 24 April 2004, 81.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Die schreckliche englische Sprache. In: Lütterfelds, W; Mohrs, T. Die Welt ist meine Welt : Globalisierung als Bedrohung und Bewahrung kultureller Identität? Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 59-78.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Die stoische Affektenlehre. In: Guckes, Barbara. Zur Ethik der älteren Stoa. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 30-68.

Kalhat, Javier (2004). Discussion Nozick on objectivity, truth, and necessity. Ratio, 17(3):345-352.

Ferber, Rafael (2004). Dominik Schmidig (1936-2003). In: Angehrn, Emil; Baertschi, Bernhard. Menschenwürde / La dingte de l'être humain. Basel: Schwabe, 13-15.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Einleitung zu Kapitel 13. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 751-754.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Einleitung zu Kapitel 2. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 49-50.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Ethische und ästhetische Werte. Überlegungen zu ihrem Verhältnis. In: Althoff, Gerd. Zeichen - Rituale - Werte. Sinnschichten und Deutungsstrategien symbolisch vermittelter Wertevorstellungen. Münster: Rhema Verlag, 37-53.

Mudroch, Vilem; Baum, A (2004). Frauenrechte und Liebesethik. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 304-315.

Saporiti, Katia (2004). Gilbert Ryle: Was ist Philosophie? In: Beckermann, Ansgar; Perler, Dominik. Klassiker der Philosophie heute. Stuttgart: Reclam, 728-748.

Schaber, Peter (2004). Good and right as non-natural properties. In: Schaber, Peter. Normativity and Naturalism. Frankfurt a.M.: Ontos Verlag, 105-119.

Greek Philosophy in the New Millennium : Essays in Honour of Thomas M. Robinson. Edited by: Brisson, Luc; Rossetti, Livio; Ferber, Rafael; Rowe, Christopher (2004). St. Augustin: Academia Verlag.

Grossbritannien, Nordamerika, Niederlande. Edited by: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem; Brühlmeier, Daniel; Cheneval, Francis; Zurbuchen, Simone (2004). Basel: Schwabe.

Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, Reihe 18. Jh. Band 1. Edited by: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Basel: Schwabe.

Hegels Erbe. Edited by: Halbig, Christoph; Quante, Michael; Siep, Ludwig (2004). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Halbig, Christoph; Quante, Michael; Siep, Ludwig (2004). Hegels Erbe - eine Einleitung. In: Halbig, Christoph; Quante, Michael; Siep, Ludwig. Hegels Erbe und die theoretische Philosophie der Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 7-20.

Koch, Felix (2004). Historie und Begriffsgeschichte bei Geuss, Foucault und Nietzsche. In: Kern, Andrea; Menke, Christoph. Raymond Geuss: Glück und Politik : Potsdamer Vorlesungen. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 61-67.

Leist, Anton (2004). In Geschichten verstrickt. Rezension von Peter Bieri: Das Handwerk der Freiheit (München 2001). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 52:313-317.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Intuitions in moral realism. Acta Philosophica Fennica, 76:7-19.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Ist Hegels Wahrheitsbegriff geschichtlich? In: Merker, Barbara; Mohr, Georg; Quante, Michael. Subjektivität und Anerkennung. Paderborn: Mentis, 32-46.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Joseph Priestley. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 849-883.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Josiah Tucker. In: Holzhey, Helmut; Mudroch, Vilem. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Philosophie des 18. Jh. Basel: Schwabe, 755-763.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Kants Erkenntnistheorie Heute. Schweizer Monat:31-36.

Leist, Anton (2004). Kants Ethik: Verwerfen oder Retten? Ein pragmatischer Vorschlag. Schweizer Monatshefte, 84(7/8):27-33.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Knowledge, certainty and scepticism: in Moore's defence. In: Moyal-Sharrock, D. The Third Wittgenstein : The Post-Investigations Works. Aldershot: Ashgate, 63-78.

Leist, Anton (2004). Lebensgüter, nicht moralische Pflichten. In: Hogrebe, W. Grenzen und Grenzüberschreitungen. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 144-161.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Ludwig Wittgenstein - Sprache, Bedeutung und Gebrauch. In: Beckermann, A; Perler, D. Klassiker der Philosophie Heute. Stuttgart: Reclam, 601-622.

Schaber, Peter (2004). Menschenwürde und Selbstachtung. Ein Vorschlag zum Verständnis der Menschenwürde. Studia Philosophica, 63:93-106.

Jauch, Ursula Pia (2004). Nachwort. In: Blei, Franz; Jauch, Ursula Pia. Franz Blei: Erzählung eines Lebens. Wien: Zsolnay, n/a.

Normativity and Naturalism. Edited by: Schaber, Peter (2004). Frankfurt a.M.: Ontos Verlag.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Perception and the brain. In: Fischer-Seidel, T; Peters, S; Potts, A. Perception and the Senses - Sinneswahrnehmungen. Tübingen: Francke, 39-50.

Lotter, Maria-Sibylla (2004). Personen: Ein Kulturvergleich. In: Därmann, Iris; Hobuss, Steffi; Lölke, Ulrich. Konversionen : Fremderfahrungen in ethnologischer und interkultureller Perspektive. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 145-170.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Review of: T. Baldwin: Contemporary Philosophy. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 12(3):564-569.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Review: Alexander Grau, Ein Kreis von Kreisen. Hegels postanalytische Erkenntnistheorie. Hegel-Studien, 37:235-238.

Mudroch, Vilem (2004). Rezension: Kulenkampff, Arend: Esse est percipi. Untersuchungen zur Philosophie George Berkeleys. Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 50:585-589.

Sozialphilosophie zwischen Ethik und Anerkennung. Edited by: Halbig, Christoph; Quante, Michael; Honneth, Axel (2004). Münster: LIT-Verlag.

Rother, Wolfgang (2004). Strafrechtsreformdiskussionen in Leipzig. Karl Ferdinand Hommel "Germano-rum Beccaria". In: Marti, Hanspeter; Döring, Detlef. Die Universität Leipzig und ihr gelehrtes Umfeld, 1680-1780. Basel: Schwabe, 459-486.

Rother, Wolfgang (2004). The beginning of higher education in political economy in Milan and Modena. Cesare Beccaria, Alfonso Longo, Agostino Paradisi. History of Universities, 19(2):119-158.

Baer, Josette (2004). The creation of polity in Bulgaria. Realpolitik or ‘Constitutionalism per default'. East Central Europe/L’Europe du Centre-Est. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 31(1):1-21.

Marti, Urs (2004). Tocquevilles Wirkungsgeschichte in Europa. In: Herb, Karlfriedrich; Hidalgo, Oliver. Alter Staat – Neue Politik. Tocquevilles Entdeckung der modernen Demokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 135-153.

Ferber, Rafael (2004). Von Nietzsche zu Burkert: Einige Streiflichter zur Erforschung der antiken Philosophie in der Schweiz im letzten und gegenwärtigen Jahrhundert. In: Rossetti, Livio. Greek Philosophy in the New Millennium: Essays in Honour of Thomas M. Robinson. St. Augustin: Academia Verlag, St. Augustin, 245-253.

Cheneval, Francis (2004). Völkerbund. In: Ritter, Joachim; Gründer, Karlfried. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Basel: Schwabe, 1090-1094.

Ferber, Rafael (2004). Warum und wie sich die philosophische Ethik im Verlauf der Neuzeit von der theologischen Ethik emanzipiert hat. Ethica, 12(4):246-263.

Leist, Anton (2004). Was Körper schön macht. In: Bayertz, K. Die menschliche Natur: Welchen und wieviel Wert hat sie? Paderborn: Mentis-Verlag, 97-116.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Was Wittgenstein an Analytic Philosopher? Metaphilosophy, 35(4):419-444.

Halbig, Christoph (2004). Was ist moralischer Realismus? In: Halbig, Christoph; Suhm, Christian. Was ist wirklich?: Neuere Beiträge zu Realismusdebatten in der Philosophie. Heusenstamm: Ontos-Verlag, 277-298.

Was ist wirklich? Neuere Beiträge zur Realismusdebatte in der Philosophie. Edited by: Halbig, Christoph; Suhm, Christian (2004). Heusenstamm: Ontos-Verlag.

Ways of Life in Classical Political Philosophy; Papers of the 3rd Meeting of the Collegium politicum, Madrid. Edited by: Lisi, Francesco; Brisson, Luc; Ferber, Rafael; Rossetti, Livio; Rowe, Christopher (2004). St. Augustin: Academia Verlag.

Cheneval, Francis (2004). Weltfrieden. In: Ritter, Joachim; Gründer, Karlfried; Gabriel, Gottfried. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Basel: Schwabe, 471-474.

Marti, Urs (2004). Wenn das Symbol zum Argument wird. In: Pellin, Elio; Ryter, Elisabeth. Weiss auf Rot. Das Schweizer Kreuz zwischen nationaler Identität und Corporate Identity. Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 93-107.

Berthold, Jürg; Hügli, Anton (2004). Wertphilosophie. In: Ritter, Joachim; Gründer, Karlfried; Gabriel, Gottfried. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Basel: Schwabe, 611-614.

Berthold, Jürg (2004). Wertwandel/Wertwandelforschung. In: Ritter, Joachim; Gründer, Karlfried; Gabriel, Gottfried. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Basel: Schwabe, 609-611.

Ferber, Rafael; Bundi, Markus. Willensfreiheit, eine Illusion? In: Neue Luzerner Zeitung, 257, 4 November 2004, 47.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Wittgenstein on truth. In: Löffler, W; Weingartner, P. Knowledge and belief. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 13-31.

Glock, Hans Johann (2004). Wittgenstein's conventionalism. In: Coliva, A; Picardi, E. Wittgenstein Today. Padova: Il Poligrafo, 141-167.

Leist, Anton (2004). Zeugungsversuche - Der Konflikt zwischen pränataler Diagnostik und Autonomie. In: Leonhardt, A. Wie perfekt muss der Mensch sein? Behinderung, molekulare Medizin und Ethik. München: Reinhardt, 81-98.

Schulthess, Peter (2004). Zum Proprium der scholastischen "logica moderna" gegenüber Antike und Moderne. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 2:48-87.

Schaber, Peter (2004). Zur Debatte um den Moralischen Realismus. Eine Einführung. In: Schaber, Peter; Fischer, Johannes; Grotefeld, Stefan. Moralischer Realismus. Theologische Beiträge zu einer philosophischen Debatte. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 15-26.

Halbig, Christoph; Kohl, Tim (2004). Zur Rechtfertigung von Anerkennungsforderungen. In: Halbig, Christoph; Quante, Michael. Axel Honneth: Sozialphilosophie zwischen Kritik und Anerkennung. Münster: LIT-Verlag, 59-64.

Cheneval, Francis (2004). „Bonum commune“ oder von der beständigen Wiederkehr des Politischen. In: Bovin, Jean-Michel; Kohler, Georg; Sitter-Liver, Beat. Gemeinwohl – Ein kritisches Plädoyer. Bien commun – Un plaidoyer critique. Fribourg: Academic Press, 15-45.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Rojas, A L; Nagem, R A P; Neustroev, K N; Arand, Michael; Adamska, M; Eneyskaya, E V; Kulminskaya, A A; Garratt, R C; Golubev, A M; Polikarpov, I (2004). Crystal structures of beta-galactosidase from Penicillium sp. and its complex with galactose. Journal of Molecular Biology, 343(5):1281-1292.

Oesch, Franz; Hengstler, Jan Georg; Arand, Michael (2004). Detoxication strategy of epoxide hydrolase-the basis for a novel threshold for definable genotoxic carcinogens. Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology, and Medicine, 2(1):21-26.

Jenni, O G; Borbély, A A; Achermann, P (2004). Development of the nocturnal sleep electroencephalogram in human infants. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 286(3):R528-R538.

Haverkamp, S; Müller, U; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich; Harvey, R J; Wässle, H (2004). Diversity of glycine receptors in the mouse retina: localization of the alpha2 subunit. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 477(4):399-411.

Reetz, Manfred T; Torre, Claudia; Eipper, Andreas; Lohmer, Renate; Hermes, Marcus; Brunner, Birgit; Maichele, Andrea; Bocola, Marco; Arand, Michael; Cronin, Annette; Genzel, Yvonne; Archelas, Alain; Furstoss, Roland (2004). Enhancing the enantioselectivity of an epoxide hydrolase by directed evolution. Organic Letters, 6(2):177-180.

Monterde, Maria I; Lombard, Murielle; Archelas, Alain; Cronin, Annette; Arand, Michael; Furstoss, Roland (2004). Enzymatic transformations. Part 58: Enantioconvergent biohydrolysis of styrene oxide derivatives catalysed by the Solanum tuberosum epoxide hydrolase. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 15(18):2801-2805.

Bayer, K; Ahmadi, Seifollah; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich (2004). Gabapentin may inhibit synaptic transmission in the mouse spinal cord dorsal horn through a preferential block of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels. Neuropharmacology, 46(5):743-749.

Harvey, R J; Depner, U B; Wässle, H; Ahmadi, Seifollah; Heindl, C; Reinold, H; Smart, T G; Harvey, K; Schütz, B; Abo-Salem, O M; Zimmer, A; Poisbeau, P; Welzl, H; Wolfer, D P; Betz, H; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich; Müller, U (2004). GlyR alpha3: an essential target for spinal PGE2-mediated inflammatory pain sensitization. Science, 304(5672):884-887.

Huarte, Eduardo; Karbach, Julia; Gnjatic, Sacha; Bender, Armin; Jäger, Dirk; Arand, Michael; Atanackovic, Djordje; Skipper, Jonathan; Ritter, Gerd; Chen, Yao-Tseng; Old, Lloyd J; Knuth, Alexander; Jäger, Elke (2004). HLA-DP4 expression and immunity to NY-ESO-1: correlation and characterization of cytotoxic CD4+ CD25- CD8- T cell clones. Cancer Immunity, 4:15.

Gottselig, Julie M; Brandeis, Daniel; Hofer-Tinguely, Gilberte; Borbély, Alexander A; Achermann, Peter (2004). Human central auditory plasticity associated with tone sequence learning. Learning & Memory, 11(2):162-171.

Vyazovskiy, V V; Achermann, P; Borbély, A A; Tobler, I (2004). Interhemispheric coherence of the sleep electroencephalogram in mice with congenital callosal dysgenesis. Neuroscience, 124(2):481-888.

Gottselig, J M; Hofer-Tinguely, G; Borbély, A A; Regel, S J; Landolt, H P; Rétey, J V; Achermann, P (2004). Sleep and rest facilitate auditory learning. Neuroscience, 127(3):557-561.

Hartmann, B; Ahmadi, Seifollah; Heppenstall, P A; Lewin, G R; Schott, C; Borchardt, T; Seeburg, P H; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich; Sprengel, R; Kuner, R (2004). The AMPA receptor subunits GluR-A and GluR-B reciprocally modulate spinal synaptic plasticity and inflammatory pain. Neuron, 44(4):637-650.

Vyazovskiy, V V; Achermann, P; Borbély, A A; Tobler, I (2004). The dynamics of spindles and EEG slow-wave activity in NREM sleep in mice. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 142(4):511-523.

Muth-Selbach, U; Dybek, E; Kollosche, K; Stegmann, J U; Holthusen, H; Lipfert, P; Zeilhofer, Hanns Ulrich (2004). The spinal antinociceptive effect of nocistatin in neuropathic rats is blocked by D-serine. Anesthesiology, 101(3):753-758.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology

Westling, Jennifer; Gottschall, Paul E; Thompson, Vivian P; Cockburn, Amber; Perides, George; Zimmermann, Dieter R; Sandy, John D (2004). ADAMTS4 (aggrecanase-1) cleaves human brain versican V2 at Glu405-Gln406 to generate glial hyaluronate binding protein. Biochemical Journal, 377(Pt 3):787-795.

Mihic-Probst, Daniela; Perren, Aurel; Schmid, Sonja; Saremaslani, Parvin; Komminoth, Paul; Heitz, Philipp U (2004). Absence of BRAF gene mutations differentiates spitz nevi from malignant melanoma. Anticancer Research, 24(4):2415-2418.

Hafner, J; Hess Schmid, M; Kempf, W; Burg, G; Künzi, W; Meuli-Simmen, C; Neff, P; Meyer, V; Mihic, D; Garzoli, E; Jungius, K P; Seifert, Burkhardt; Dummer, R; Steinert, H (2004). Baseline staging in cutaneous malignant melanoma. British Journal of Dermatology, 150(4):677-686.

Mihic-Probst, Daniela; Zhao, Jianming; Saremaslani, Parvin; Baer, Angela; Oehlschlegel, Christian; Paredes, Bruno; Komminoth, Paul; Heitz, Philipp U (2004). CGH analysis shows genetic similarities and differences in atypical fibroxanthoma and undifferentiated high grade pleomorphic sarcoma. Anticancer Research, 24(1):19-26.

Stähli, Barbara E; Caduff, Rosmarie F; Greutert, Helen; Kipfer, Beat; Carrel, Thierry P; Tanner, Felix C (2004). Endothelial and smooth muscle cell dysfunction in human atherosclerotic radial artery: implications for coronary artery bypass grafting. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 43(2):222-226.

Rübben, Albert; Kempf, Werner; Kadin, Marshall E; Zimmermann, Dieter R; Burg, Günter (2004). Multilineage progression of genetically unstable tumor subclones in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Experimental Dermatology, 13(8):472-483.

Varga, Z; Zhao, J; Ohlschlegel, C; Odermatt, B; Heitz, P U (2004). Preferential HER-2/neu overexpression and/or amplification in aggressive histological subtypes of invasive breast cancer. Histopathology, 44(4):332-338.

Heinrich, Stefan; Hetzer, Franc Heinrich; Bauerfeind, Peter; Jochum, Wolfram; Demartines, Nicolas; Clavien, Pierre-Alain (2004). Retroperitoneal perforation of the colon caused by colonic tuberculosis: report of a case. Diseases of the colon and rectum, 47(12):2211-2214.

Keller, Thomas M; Michel, Sven C A; Fröhlich, Johannes; Fink, Daniel; Caduff, Rosmarie; Marincek, Borut; Kubik-Huch, Rahel A (2004). USPIO-enhanced MRI for preoperative staging of gynecological pelvic tumors: preliminary results. European Radiology, 14(6):937-944.

Schweigreiter, Rüdiger; Walmsley, Adrian R; Niederöst, Barbara; Zimmermann, Dieter R; Oertle, Thomas; Casademunt, Elisabeth; Frentzel, Stefan; Dechant, Georg; Mir, Anis; Bandtlow, Christine E (2004). Versican V2 and the central inhibitory domain of Nogo-A inhibit neurite growth via p75NTR/NgR-independent pathways that converge at RhoA. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences, 27(2):163-174.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Parasitology
04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Parasitology

Schwarzenbach, G A; Hegglin, D; Stieger, C; Deplazes, P; Ward, P I (2004). An experimental field approach to parasitism and immune defence in voles. Parasitology, 129(1):93-99.

Hegglin, Daniel; Bontadina, Fabio; Gloor, Sandra; Romer, Jann; Müller, Ueli; Breitenmoser, Urs; Deplazes, Peter (2004). Baiting red foxes in an urban area: A camera trap study. Journal of Wildlife Management, 68(4):1010-1017.

Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Meli, Marina L; Dreher, U M; Gönczi, E; Deplazes, P; Braun, Ueli; Engels, M; Schüpbach, J; Jörger, K; Thoma, R; Griot, C; Stärk, K D C; Willi, Barbara; Schmidt, J; Kocan, K M; Lutz, H (2004). Concurrent infections with vector-borne pathogens associated with fatal hemolytic anemia in a cattle herd in Switzerland. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42(8):3775-3780.

Casulli, A; La Rosa, G; Manfredi, M T; Di Cerbo, A R; Dinkel, A; Romig, T; Deplazes, P; Genchi, C; Pozio, E (2004). Copro-diagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis by a nested PCR in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from northern Italy. Parassitologia, 46(4):419-420.

Štefanić, Saša. Polymerase chain reaction for detection of patent infections of Echinococcus granulosus ("sheep strain") in naturally infected dogs. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Schindler, Anna Regina. Real time RT-PCR for tracing and quantification of Borna Disease Virus RNA in diseased hosts compared to experimentally inoculated ticks. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Deplazes, Peter; Hegglin, Daniel; Gloor, Sandra; Romig, Thomas (2004). Wilderness in the city: the urbanization of Echinococcus multilocularis. Trends in Parasitology, 20(2):77-84.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Center for Dental Medicine > Institute of Oral Biology

Guggenheim, B; Guggenheim, M; Gmür, R; Giertsen, E; Thurnheer, T (2004). Application of the Zürich biofilm model to problems of cariology. Caries Research, 38(3):212-222.

van der Ploeg, J R; Guggenheim, B (2004). Deletion of gtfC of Streptococcus mutans has no influence on the composition of a mixed-species in vitro biofilm model of supragingival plaque. European Journal of Oral Sciences, 112(5):433-438.

Gmür, R; Wyss, C; Xue, Y; Thurnheer, T; Guggenheim, B (2004). Gingival crevice microbiota from Chinese patients with gingivitis or necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. European Journal of Oral Sciences, 112(1):33-41.

Kamma, J J; Nakou, M; Gmür, R; Baehni, P C (2004). Microbiological profile of early onset/aggressive periodontitis patients. Molecular Oral Microbiology, 19(5):314-321.

Thurnheer, T; Gmür, R; Guggenheim, B (2004). Multiplex FISH analysis of a six-species bacterial biofilm. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 56(1):37-47.

Nair, P N R; Schug, J (2004). Observations on healing of human tooth extraction sockets implanted with bioabsorbable polylactic-polyglycolic acids (PLGA) copolymer root replicas: a clinical, radiographic, and histologic follow-up report of 8 cases. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology, 97(5):559-569.

Nair, P N R (2004). Pathogenesis of apical periodontitis and the causes of endodontic failures. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, 15(6):348-381.

van der Ploeg, J R; Giertsen, E; Lüdin, B; Mörgeli, C; Zinkernagel, A S; Gmür, R (2004). Quantitative detection of Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotypes in dental plaque. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 232(1):31-37.

Wyss, C; Moter, A; Choi, B K; Dewhirst, F E; Xue, Y; Schüpbach, P; Göbel, U B; Paster, B J; Guggenheim, B (2004). Treponema putidum sp. nov., a medium-sized proteolytic spirochaete isolated from lesions of human periodontitis and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54(4):1117-1122.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Institute of Neuropathology

Gandy, S; DeMattos, R B; Lemere, C A; Heppner, F L; Leverone, J; Aguzzi, Adriano; Ershler, W B; Dai, J; Fraser, P; Hyslop, Peter St George; Holtzman, D M; Walker, L C; Keller, E T (2004). Alzheimer A beta vaccination of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 18(1):44-46.

Gandy, S; DeMattos, R B; Lemere, C A; Heppner, F L; Leverone, J; Aguzzi, A; Ershler, W B; Dai, J; Fraser, P; St George Hyslop, P; Holtzman, D M; Walker, L C; Keller, E T (2004). Alzheimer's Abeta vaccination of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 125(2):149-151.

Aguzzi, A; Sigurdson, C J (2004). Antiprion immunotherapy: to suppress or to stimulate? Nature Reviews. Immunology, 4(9):725-736.

Kovacs, G G; Lindeck-Pozza, E; Chimelli, L; Araújo, A Q C; Gabbai, A A; Ströbel, T; Glatzel, M; Aguzzi, A; Budka, H (2004). Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and inclusion body myositis: abundant disease-associated prion protein in muscle. Annals of Neurology, 55(1):121-125.

Heikenwalder, M; Prinz, M; Heppner, F L; Aguzzi, A (2004). Current concepts and controversies in prion immunopathology. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 23(1-2):3-12.

Genoud, Nicolas; Behrens, A; Miele, G; Robay, D; Heppner, F L; Freigang, S; Aguzzi, A (2004). Disruption of Doppel prevents neurodegeneration in mice with extensive Prnp deletions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 101(12):4198-4203.

Aguzzi, A (2004). Host-microbe interactions: viruses a never-ending creativity contest. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 7(4):397-399.

Polymenidou, M; Heppner, F L; Pellicioli, E C; Urich, E; Miele, G; Braun, N; Wopfner, F; Schätzl, H M; Becher, B; Aguzzi, A (2004). Humoral immune response to native eukaryotic prion protein correlates with anti-prion protection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 101(S2):14670-14676.

Weissenberger, J; Loeffler, S; Kappeler, A; Kopf, M; Lukes, A; Afanasieva, T A; Aguzzi, A; Weis, J (2004). IL-6 is required for glioma development in a mouse model. Oncogene, 23(19):3308-3316.

Prinz, M; Montrasio, F; Furukawa, H; van der Haar, M E; Schwarz, Petra; Rülicke, T; Giger, O T; Häusler, K G; Perez, D; Glatzel, M; Aguzzi, A (2004). Intrinsic resistance of oligodendrocytes to prion infection. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(26):5974-5981.

Heikenwalder, M; Polymenidou, M; Junt, T; Sigurdson, C; Wagner, H; Akira, S; Zinkernagel, R; Aguzzi, A (2004). Lymphoid follicle destruction and immunosuppression after repeated CpG oligodeoxynucleotide administration. Nature Medicine, 10(2):187-192.

Aguzzi, A; Polymenidou, M (2004). Mammalian prion biology: one century of evolving concepts. Cell, 116(2):313-327.

Rossetti, A O; Bogousslavsky, J; Glatzel, M; Aguzzi, A (2004). Mimicry of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: importance of the pulvinar sign. Archives of Neurology, 61(3):445-446.

Hugel, B; Martínez, M C; Kunzelmann, C; Blättler, T; Aguzzi, A; Freyssinet, J M (2004). Modulation of signal transduction through the cellular prion protein is linked to its incorporation in lipid rafts. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 61(23):2998-3007.

Hornemann, Simone; Schorno, Christian; Wüthrich, Kurt (2004). NMR structure of the bovine prion protein isolated from healthy calf brains. EMBO Reports, 5(12):1159-1164.

Pocchiari, M; Puopolo, M; Croes, E A; Budka, H; Gelpi, E; Collins, S; Lewis, V; Sutcliffe, T; Guilivi, A; Delasnerie-Laupretre, N; Brandel, J-P; Alperovitch, A; Zerr, I; Poser, S; Kretzschmar, H A; Ladogana, A; Rietvald, I; Mitrova, E; Martinez-Martin, P; de Pedro-Cuesta, J; Glatzel, M; Aguzzi, A; Cooper, S; Mackenzie, J; van Duijn, C M; Will, R G (2004). Predictors of survival in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 127(10):2348-2359.

Aguzzi, A; Heikenwalder, M; Miele, G (2004). Progress and problems in the biology, diagnostics, and therapeutics of prion diseases. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 114(2):153-160.

Aguzzi, A; Miele, G (2004). Recent advances in prion biology. Current Opinion in Neurology, 17(3):337-342.

Heppner, F L; Aguzzi, A (2004). Recent developments in prion immunotherapy. Current Opinion in Immunology, 16(5):594-598.

Raivich, G; Bohatschek, M; Da Costa, C; Iwata, O; Galiano, M; Hristova, M; Nateri, A S; Makwana, M; Riera-Sans, L; Wolfer, D P; Lipp, H P; Aguzzi, A; Wagner, E F; Behrens, A (2004). The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is required for efficient axonal regeneration. Neuron, 43(1):57-67.

Glatzel, M; Giger, O; Braun, N; Aguzzi, A (2004). The peripheral nervous system and the pathogenesis of prion diseases. Current Molecular Medicine, 4(4):355-359.

Aguzzi, A (2004). Understanding the diversity of prions. Nature Cell Biology, 6(4):290-292.

Spaeth, N; Wyss, M T; Weber, B; Scheidegger, S; Lutz, A; Verwey, J; Radovanovic, I; Pahnke, J; Wild, D; Westera, G; Weishaupt, D; Hermann, D M; Kaser-Hotz, B; Aguzzi, A; Buck, A (2004). Uptake of 18F-fluorocholine, 18F-fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine, and 18F-FDG in acute cerebral radiation injury in the rat: implications for separation of radiation necrosis from tumor recurrence. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 45(11):1931-1938.

Glatzel, M; Giger, Olivier; Seeger, H; Aguzzi, A (2004). Variant Creutzfeldt-jakob disease: between lymphoid organs and brain. Trends in Microbiology, 12(2):51-53.

Aguzzi, A; Glatzel, M (2004). vCJD tissue distribution and transmission by transfusion--a worst-case scenario coming true? Lancet, 363(9407):411-412.

07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Neuroinformatics

Degonda, Nadia. Subliminally presented stimuli modify memory performance: implications for theories of long-term-memory. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Molecular Life Sciences

Nairz, K; Zipperlen, P; Dearolf, C; Basler, K; Hafen, E (2004). A reverse genetic screen in Drosophila using a deletion-inducing mutagen. Genome Biology, 5(10):R83.

Pyrowolakis, G; Hartmann, B; Müller, B; Basler, K; Affolter, M (2004). A simple molecular complex mediates widespread BMP-induced repression during Drosophila development. Developmental Cell, 7(2):229-240.

Meier, O; Greber, U F (2004). Adenovirus endocytosis. Journal of Gene Medicine, 6(S1):S152-S163.

Makhankov, Y V; Rinner, O; Neuhauss, S C F (2004). An inexpensive device for non-invasive electroretinography in small aquatic vertebrates. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 135(1-2):205-210.

Veljkovic, E; Bacconi, A; Stetak, A; Hajnal, A; Stasiuk, S; Skelly, P J; Forster, I; Shoemaker, C B; Verrey, F (2004). Aromatic amino acid transporter AAT-9 of Caenorhabditis elegans localizes to neurons and muscle cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(47):49268-49273.

Deng, X; Hofmann, E R; Villanueva, A; Hobert, O; Capodieci, P; Veach, D R; Yin, Xianglei; Campodonico, L; Glekas, A; Cordon-Cardo, C; Clarkson, B; Bornmann, W G; Fuks, Z; Hengartner, M O; Kolesnick, R N (2004). Caenorhabditis elegans ABL-1 antagonizes p53-mediated germline apoptosis after ionizing irradiation. Nature Genetics, 36(8):906-912.

Züllig, S; Hengartner, M O (2004). Cell biology. Tickling macrophages, a serious business. Science, 304(5674):1123-1124.

Imelli, N; Meier, O; Boucke, K; Hemmi, S; Greber, U F (2004). Cholesterol is required for endocytosis and endosomal escape of adenovirus type 2. Journal of Virology, 78(6):3089-3098.

Bosshardt Superina, Simone. Consolidation of human memory: brain activations during the retrieval of word pairs 1 day and 1 month following learning measured with fMRI. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Stergiou, L; Hengartner, M O (2004). Death and more: DNA damage response pathways in the nematode C. elegans. Cell Death and Differentiation, 11(1):21-28.

Grimsley, C M; Kinchen, J M; Tosello-Trampont, A C; Brugnera, E; Haney, L B; Lu, M; Chen, Q; Klingele, D; Hengartner, M O; Ravichandran, K S (2004). Dock180 and ELMO1 proteins cooperate to promote evolutionarily conserved Rac-dependent cell migration. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(7):6087-6097.

Dutt, A; Canevascini, S; Fröhli-Hoier, E; Hajnal, A (2004). EGF signal propagation during C. elegans vulval development mediated by ROM-1 rhomboid. PLoS Biology, 2(11):e344.

Lettre, G; Kritikou, E A; Jaeggi, M; Calixto, A; Fraser, A G; Kamath, R S; Ahringer, J; Hengartner, M O (2004). Genome-wide RNAi identifies p53-dependent and -independent regulators of germ cell apoptosis in C. elegans. Cell Death and Differentiation, 11(11):1198-1203.

Hoffmans, R; Basler, K (2004). Identification and in vivo role of the Armadillo-Legless interaction. Development, 131(17):4393-4400.

Greber, U F; Fornerod, M (2004). Nuclear import in viral infections. In: Mash, M. Membrane Trafficking in Viral Replication. Berlin: Springer, 109-138.

Scholz, N; Basler, K; Saur, P; Burchardi, H; Felder, S (2004). Outcome prediction in critical care: physicians' prognoses vs. scoring systems. European Journal of Anaesthesiology : EJA, 21(8):606-611.

Lu, M; Kinchen, J M; Rossman, K L; Grimsley, C M; deBakker, C D; Brugnera, E; Tosello-Trampont, A C; Haney, L B; Klingele, D; Sondek, J; Hengartner, M O; Ravichandran, K S (2004). PH domain of ELMO functions in trans to regulate Rac activation via Dock180. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 11(8):756-762.

deBakker, C D; Haney, L B; Kinchen, J M; Grimsley, C M; Lu, M; Klingele, D; Hsu, P K; Chou, B K; Cheng, L C; Blangy, A; Sondek, J; Hengartner, M O; Wu, Y C; Ravichandran, K S (2004). Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is regulated by a UNC-73/TRIO-MIG-2/RhoG signaling module and armadillo repeats of CED-12/ELMO. Current Biology, 14(24):2208-2216.

Pearman, P B; Garner, T W J; Straub, M; Greber, U F (2004). Response of the Italian agile frog (Rana latastei) to a Ranavirus, frog virus 3: a model for viral emergence in naïve populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 40(4):660-669.

Hediger, M; Burghardt, G; Siegenthaler, C; Buser, N; Hilfiker-Kleiner, D; Dübendorfer, A; Bopp, D (2004). Sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster and Musca domestica converges at the level of the terminal regulator doublesex. Development Genes and Evolution, 214(1):29-42.

Sirena, D; Lilienfeld, B; Eisenhut, M; Kälin, S; Boucke, K; Beerli, R R; Vogt, Lorenz; Ruedl, C; Bachmann, M F; Greber, U F; Hemmi, S (2004). The human membrane cofactor CD46 is a receptor for species B adenovirus serotype 3. Journal of Virology, 78(9):4454-4462.

Gilmour, Darren; Knaut, Holger; Maischein, Hans-Martin; Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane (2004). Towing of sensory axons by their migrating target cells in vivo. Nature Neuroscience, 7(5):491-492.

Moreno, E; Basler, K (2004). dMyc transforms cells into super-competitors. Cell, 117(1):117-129.

Hoeppner, D J; Spector, M S; Ratliff, T M; Kinchen, J M; Granat, S; Lin, S C; Bhusri, S S; Conradt, B; Herman, M A; Hengartner, M O (2004). eor-1 and eor-2 are required for cell-specific apoptotic death in C. elegans. Developmental Biology, 274(1):125-138.

Hernandez, Rafael E; Rikhof, Holly A; Bachmann-Gagescu, Ruxandra; Moens, Cecilia B (2004). vhnf1 integrates global RA patterning and local FGF signals to direct posterior hindbrain development in zebrafish. Development, 131(18):4511-4520.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Molecular Cancer Research
07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Molecular Cancer Research

Engler, O B; Schwendener, R; Dai, W J; Wölk, B; Pichler, W; Moradpour, D; Brunner, T; Cerny, A (2004). A liposomal peptide vaccine inducing CD8+ T cells in HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice, which recognise human cells encoding hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins. Vaccine, 23(1):58-68.

Chastel, C; Jiricny, J; Jaussi, R (2004). Activation of stress-responsive promoters by ionizing radiation for deployment in targeted gene therapy. DNA Repair, 3(3):201-215.

Enzlin, J H. Biochemical Studies of Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group F Protein Active Site and Patient Mutants. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Caporali, S; Falcinelli, S; Starace, G; Russo, M T; Bonmassar, E; Jiricny, J; D'Atri, S (2004). DNA damage induced by temozolomide signals to both ATM and ATR: role of the mismatch repair system. Molecular Pharmacology, 66(3):478-491.

Papouli, E; Cejka, P; Jiricny, J (2004). Dependence of the cytotoxicity of DNA-damaging agents on the mismatch repair status of human cells. Cancer Research, 64(10):3391-3394.

Marty, C; Meylan, C; Schott, H; Ballmer-Hofer, K; Schwendener, R (2004). Enhanced heparan sulfate proteoglycan-mediated uptake of cell-penetrating peptide-modified liposomes. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 61(14):1785-1794.

Garcia, P L; Liu, Y; Jiricny, J; West, S C; Janscak, Pavel (2004). Human RECQ5beta, a protein with DNA helicase and strand-annealing activities in a single polypeptide. The EMBO Journal, 23(14):2882-2891.

Hohl, M. Insight into DNA Binding and Catalysis by the Human XPG Endonuclease. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Cejka, P; Stojic, L; Marra, Giancarlo; Jiricny, Josef (2004). Is mismatch repair really required for ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage signaling? Nature Genetics, 36(5):432-3; author reply 434.

Plaschke, J; Krüger, S; Jeske, B; Theissig, F; Kreuz, F R; Pistorius, S; Saeger, H D; Iaccarino, I; Marra, Giancarlo; Schackert, H K (2004). Loss of MSH3 protein expression is frequent in MLH1-deficient colorectal cancer and is associated with disease progression. Cancer Research, 64(3):864-870.

Stojic, L; Brun, R; Jiricny, J (2004). Mismatch repair and DNA damage signalling. DNA Repair, 3(8-9):1091-1101.

Stojic, L; Mojas, N; Cejka, P; Di Pietro, M; Ferrari, Stefano; Marra, Giancarlo; Jiricny, Josef (2004). Mismatch repair-dependent G2 checkpoint induced by low doses of SN1 type methylating agents requires the ATR kinase. Genes and Development, 18(11):1331-1344.

Grimm, J; Müller, Anne; Hefti, F; Rosenthal, A (2004). Molecular basis for catecholaminergic neuron diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 101(38):13891-13896.

Storni, T; Ruedl, C; Schwarz, K; Schwendener, R; Renner, W A; Bachmann, M F (2004). Nonmethylated CG motifs packaged into virus-like particles induce protective cytotoxic T cell responses in the absence of systemic side effects. Journal of Immunology, 172(3):1777-1785.

Sartori, Alessandro A; Lingaraju, G M; Hunziker, P; Winkler, F K; Jiricny, J (2004). Pa-AGOG, the founding member of a new family of archaeal 8-oxoguanine DNA-glycosylases. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(22):6531-6539.

Monack, D M; Müller, Anne; Falkow, S (2004). Persistent bacterial infections: the interface of the pathogen and the host immune system. Nature Reviews. Microbiology, 2(9):747-765.

El-Etr, A H; Müller, Anne; Tompkins, L S; Falkow, S; Merrell, D S (2004). Phosphorylation-independent effects of CagA during interaction between Helicobacter pylori and T84 polarized monolayers. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190(8):1516-23.

Grossi, S; Puglisi, A; Dmitriev, P V; Lopes, Massimo; Shore, D (2004). Pol12, the B subunit of DNA polymerase alpha, functions in both telomere capping and length regulation. Genes and Development, 18(9):992-1006.

Müller, Anne; Merrell, D S; Grimm, J; Falkow, S (2004). Profiling of microdissected gastric epithelial cells reveals a cell type-specific response to Helicobacter pylori infection. Gastroenterology, 127(5):1446-1462.

Garcia, P L; Bradley, G; Hayes, C H; Krintel, S J; Soultanas, P; Janscak, Pavel (2004). RPA alleviates the inhibitory effect of vinylphosphonate internucleotide linkages on DNA unwinding by BLM and WRN helicases. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(12):3771-3778.

Muheim-Lenz, R; Buterin, T; Marra, Giancarlo; Naegeli, H (2004). Short-patch correction of C/C mismatches in human cells. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(22):6696-6705.

Jiricny, J (2004). Unfaithful DNA polymerase caught in the act. Molecular Cell, 13(6):768-769.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Medical Virology

Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Meli, Marina L; Dreher, U M; Gönczi, E; Deplazes, P; Braun, Ueli; Engels, M; Schüpbach, J; Jörger, K; Thoma, R; Griot, C; Stärk, K D C; Willi, Barbara; Schmidt, J; Kocan, K M; Lutz, H (2004). Concurrent infections with vector-borne pathogens associated with fatal hemolytic anemia in a cattle herd in Switzerland. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42(8):3775-3780.

Böni, J; Shah, C A; Flepp, M; Lüthy, R; Schüpbach, J (2004). Detection of low copy numbers of HIV-1 proviral DNA in patient PBMCs by a high-input, sequence-capture PCR (Mega-PCR). Journal of Medical Virology, 72(1):1-9.

Soldati, G; Lu, Z H; Vaughan, L; Polkinghorne, A; Zimmermann, D R; Huder, J B; Pospischil, A (2004). Detection of mycobacteria and chlamydiae in granulomatous inflammation of reptiles: a retrospective study. Veterinary Pathology, 41(4):388-397.

Shah, C A; Huder, J B; Böni, J; Schönmann, M; Mühlherr, J; Lutz, H; Schüpbach, J (2004). Direct evidence for natural transmission of small-ruminant lentiviruses of subtype A4 from goats to sheep and vice versa. Journal of Virology, 78(14):7518-7522.

Oxenius, Annette; Price, D A; Hersberger, M; Schlaepfer, E; Weber, R; Weber, M; Kundig, T M; Böni, J; Joller, H; Phillips, R E; Flepp, M; Opravil, M; Speck, R F (2004). HIV-specific cellular immune response is inversely correlated with disease progression as defined by decline of CD4+ T cells in relation to HIV RNA load. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 189(7):1199-1208.

Shah, C A; Böni, J; Huder, J B; Vogt, H R; Mühlherr, J; Zanoni, R; Miserez, R; Lutz, H; Schüpbach, J (2004). Phylogenetic analysis and reclassification of caprine and ovine lentiviruses based on 104 new isolates: evidence for regular sheep-to-goat transmission and worldwide propagation through livestock trade. Virology, 319(1):12-26.

Böni, J; Bisset, L R; Burckhardt, J J; Joller-Jemelka, H I; Bürgisser, P; Perrin, L; Gorgievski, M; Erb, P; Fierz, W; Piffaretti, J C; Schüpbach, J (2004). Prevalence of human T-cell leukemia virus types I and II in Switzerland. Journal of Medical Virology, 72(2):328-337.

Schüpbach, J (2004). SHCS und die Labordiagnostik der HIV-Infektion - von der Entwicklung des HIV Western Blot über die Virusquantifizierung zur klinisch relevanten individuellen Viruscharakterisierung. Therapeutische Umschau, 61(10):603-607.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Medical Microbiology

Ender, Miriam; McCallum, Nadine; Adhikari, Rajan; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte (2004). Fitness cost of SCCmec and methicillin resistance levels in Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48(6):2295-2297.

Schneider, Tanja; Senn, Maria Magdalena; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte; Tossi, Alessandro; Sahl, Hans-Georg; Wiedemann, Imke (2004). In vitro assembly of a complete, pentaglycine interpeptide bridge containing cell wall precursor (lipid II-Gly5) of Staphylococcus aureus. Molecular Microbiology, 53(2):675-685.

Springer, B; Sander, P; Sedlacek, L; Hardt, W D; Mizrahi, V; Schärer, P; Böttger, E C (2004). Lack of mismatch correction facilitates genome evolution in mycobacteria. Molecular Microbiology, 53(6):1601-1609.

Sander, P; Rezwan, M; Walker, B; Rampini, S K; Kroppenstedt, R M; Ehlers, S; Keller, C; Keeble, J R; Hagemeier, M; Colston, M J; Springer, B; Böttger, E C (2004). Lipoprotein processing is required for virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Molecular Microbiology, 52(6):1543-1552.

Bischoff, Markus; Dunman, Paul; Kormanec, Jan; Macapagal, Daphne; Murphy, Ellen; Mounts, William; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte; Projan, Steven (2004). Microarray-based analysis of the Staphylococcus aureus sigmaB regulon. Journal of Bacteriology, 186(13):4085-4099.

Homerova, Dagmar; Bischoff, Markus; Dumolin, Alexis; Kormanec, Jan (2004). Optimization of a two-plasmid system for the identification of promoters recognized by RNA polymerase containing Staphylococcus aureus alternative sigma factor sigmaB. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 232(2):173-179.

Nishi, Hiromi; Komatsuzawa, Hitoshi; Fujiwara, Tamaki; McCallum, Nadine; Sugai, Motoyuki (2004). Reduced content of lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol in the cytoplasmic membrane affects susceptibility to moenomycin, as well as vancomycin, gentamicin, and antimicrobial peptides, in Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48(12):4800-4807.

McCallum, Nadine; Bischoff, Markus; Maki, Hideki; Wada, Akihito; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte (2004). TcaR, a putative MarR-like regulator of sarS expression. Journal of Bacteriology, 186(10):2966-2972.

Komatsuzawa, Hitoshi; Fujiwara, Tamaki; Nishi, Hiromi; Yamada, Sakuo; Ohara, Masaru; McCallum, Nadine; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte; Sugai, Motoyuki (2004). The gate controlling cell wall synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus. Molecular Microbiology, 53(4):1221-31.

Rice, Kelly C; Patton, Toni; Yang, Soo-Jin; Dumoulin, Alexis; Bischoff, Markus; Bayles, Kenneth W (2004). Transcription of the Staphylococcus aureus cid and lrg murein hydrolase regulators is affected by sigma factor B. Journal of Bacteriology, 186(10):3029-3037.

Adhikari, Rajan P; Scales, Georgina C; Kobayashi, Kere; Smith, John M B; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte; Cook, Gregory M (2004). Vancomycin-induced deletion of the methicillin resistance gene mecA in Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 54(2):360-363.

Maki, Hideki; McCallum, Nadine; Bischoff, Markus; Wada, Akihito; Berger-Bächi, Brigitte (2004). tcaA inactivation increases glycopeptide resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48(6):1953-1959.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Medical Genetics

Zenker, Martin; Rauch, Anita; Winterpacht, Andreas; Tagariello, Andreas; Kraus, Cornelia; Rupprecht, Thomas; Sticht, Heinrich; Reis, André (2004). A dual phenotype of periventricular nodular heterotopia and frontometaphyseal dysplasia in one patient caused by a single FLNA mutation leading to two functionally different aberrant transcripts. American Journal of Human Genetics, 74(4):731-737.

Hennies, Hans Christian; Rauch, Anita; Seifert, Wenke; Schumi, Christian; Moser, Elisabeth; Al-Taji, Eva; Tariverdian, Gholamali; Chrzanowska, Krystyna h; Krajewska-Walasek, Malgorzata; Rajab, Anna; Giugliani, Roberto; Neumann, Thomas e; Eckl, Katja m; Karbasiyan, Mohsen; Reis, André; Horn, Denise (2004). Allelic heterogeneity in the COH1 gene explains clinical variability in Cohen syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics, 75(1):138-145.

Bähring, Sylvia; Rauch, Anita; Toka, Okan; Schroeder, Christoph; Hesse, Christiane; Siedler, Heike; Fesüs, Gabor; Haefeli, Walter e; Busjahn, Andreas; Aydin, Atakan; Neuenfeld, Yvette; Mühl, Astrid; Toka, Hakan R; Gollasch, Maik; Jordan, Jens; Luft, Friedrich C (2004). Autosomal-dominant hypertension with type E brachydactyly is caused by rearrangement on the short arm of chromosome 12. Hypertension, 43(2):471-476.

Zankl, Andreas (2004). Computer-aided anthropometry in the evaluation of dysmorphic children. Pediatrics, 114(3):e333-e336.

Zankl, Andreas; Scheffer, H; Schinzel, Albert (2004). Ectodermal dysplasia with tetramelic deficiencies and no mutation in p63: odontotrichomelic syndrome or a new entity? American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 127A(1):74-80.

Horn, Denise; Weschke, Bernhard; Zweier, Christiane; Rauch, Anita (2004). Facial phenotype allows diagnosis of Mowat-Wilson syndrome in the absence of Hirschsprung disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 124A(1):102-104.

Zenker, Martin; Buheitel, Gernot; Rauch, Ralf; Koenig, Rainer; Bosse, Kirstin; Kress, Wolfram; Tietze, Hans-Ulrich; Doerr, Helmuth-Guenther; Hofbeck, Michael; Singer, Helmut; Reis, André; Rauch, Anita (2004). Genotype-phenotype correlations in Noonan syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 144(3):368-74.

Hübner, Christian A; Utermann, Barbara; Tinschert, Sigrid; Krüger, Gabriele; Ressler, Bernadette; Steglich, Cordula; Schinzel, Albert; Galli, Andreas (2004). Intronic mutations in the L1CAM gene may cause X-linked hydrocephalus by aberrant splicing. Human Mutation, 23(5):526.

Wey, Eva; Bartholdi, Deborah; Riegel, Mariluce; Nazlican, Hülya; Horsthemke, Bernhard; Schinzel, Albert; Baumer Wolz, Alessandra (2004). Mosaic imprinting defect in a patient with an almost typical expression of the Prader-Willi syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics, 13(3):273-277.

Khan, Nadia; Schinzel, Albert; Shuknecht, Bernhard; Baumann, Fabian; Østergaard, John R; Yonekawa, Yasuhiro (2004). Moyamoya angiopathy with dolichoectatic internal carotid arteries, patent ductus arteriosus and pupillary dysfunction: a new genetic syndrome? European Neurology, 51(2):72-77.

Zankl, Andreas; Brooks, Daniela; Boltshauser, Eugen; Largo, Remo; Schinzel, Albert (2004). Natural history of twin disruption sequence. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 127A(2):133-138.

Baumer Wolz, Alessandra; Riegel, Mariluce; Schinzel, Albert (2004). Non-random asynchronous replication at 22q11.2 favours unequal meiotic crossovers leading to the human 22q11.2 deletion. Journal of Medical Genetics, 41(6):413-420.

Rauch, Anita; Hofbeck, Michael; Cesnjevar, Robert; Koch, Andreas; Rauch, Ralf; Buheitel, Gernot; Singer, Helmut; Weyand, Michael (2004). Search for somatic 22q11.2 deletions in patients with conotruncal heart defects. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 124A(2):165-169.

Nazarenko, Sergey; Sazhenova, Elena; Baumer Wolz, Alessandra; Schinzel, Albert (2004). Segmental maternal heterodisomy of the proximal part of chromosome 15 in an infant with Prader-Willi syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics, 12(5):411-414.

Hernandez, Rafael E; Rikhof, Holly A; Bachmann-Gagescu, Ruxandra; Moens, Cecilia B (2004). vhnf1 integrates global RA patterning and local FGF signals to direct posterior hindbrain development in zebrafish. Development, 131(18):4511-4520.

07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Mathematics

Barbour, A D; Choi, K P (2004). A non-uniform bound for translated Poisson approximation. Electronic Journal of Probability, 9(2):18-36.

Ambrosio, L; De Lellis, C (2004). A note on admissible solutions of 1D scalar conservation laws and 2D Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 1(4):813-826.

Grébert, B; Kappeler, T; Pöschel, J (2004). A note on gaps of Hill's equation. International Mathematics Research Notices, (50):2703-2717.

Carstensen, C; Sauter, Stefan A (2004). A posteriori error analysis for elliptic PDEs on domains with complicated structures. Numerische Mathematik, 96(4):691-721.

Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2004). A posteriori error estimation for the Poisson equation with mixed Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 164/16:601-612.

Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2004). A posteriori estimation of dimension reduction errors. In: Feistauer, M. Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Berlin: Springer, 716-725.

Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2004). A posteriori estimation of dimension reduction errors for elliptic problems on thin domains. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 42(4):1435-1451.

Carillo, S; Chipot, M; Vergara-Caffarelli, G (2004). A variational problem with non-local constraints. In: Monaco, R; Pennisi, S; Rionero, S; Ruggeri, T. "WASCOM 2003"--12th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media. Singapore: World Scientific, 116-121.

Babuska, I; Sauter, Stefan A (2004). Algebraic algorithms for the analysis of mechanical trusses. Mathematics of Computation, 73(248):1601-1622.

Barbour, A D; Utev, S (2004). Approximating the Reed-Frost epidemic process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 113(2):173-197.

van den Berg, M; Bolthausen, E (2004). Area versus capacity and solidification in the crushed ice model. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 130(1):69-108.

Walker, Ch (2004). Asymptotic behaviour of liquid-liquid dispersions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 134(4):753-772.

Bertoin, Jean; Gnedin, Alexander V (2004). Asymptotic laws for nonconservative self-similar fragmentations. Electronic Journal of Probability, 9(19):575-593.

Foertsch, T (2004). Ball versus distance convexity of metric spaces. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 45(2):481-500.

Sauter, S; Schwab, C (2004). Boundary elements methods. Analysis, numerics and implementation of fast algorithms. (Randelementmethoden. Analyse, Numerik und Implementierung schneller Algorithmen.). Stuttgart: Teubner.

Cattaneo, A S; Felder, G (2004). Coisotropic submanifolds in Poisson geometry and branes in the Poisson sigma model. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 69:157-175.

Barbour, A D; Pugliese, A (2004). Convergence of a structured metapopulation model to Levins's model. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 49(5):468-500.

Barbour, A D; Reinert, G (2004). Correction: Small worlds. Random Structures & Algorithms, 25(1):115.

Elkies, N; Howe, E; Kresch, A; Poonen, B; Wetherell, J; Zieve, M (2004). Curves of every genus with many points. II. Asymptotically good families. Duke Mathematical Journal, 122(2):399-422.

Bertoin, Jean; Goldschmidt, C (2004). Dual random fragmentation and coagulation and an application to the genealogy of Yule processes. In: Drmota, M; Flajolet, Ph; Gardy, D; Gittenberger, B. Mathematics and computer science. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 295-308.

Babuska, I; Sauter, Stefan A (2004). Efficient solution of lattice equations by the recovery method. I. Scalar elliptic problems. Computing and Visualization in Science, 7(3-4):113-119.

Guerini, P; Savo, A (2004). Eigenvalue and gap estimates for the Laplacian acting on p-forms. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 356(1):319-344 (electronic).

Chipot, M; Quittner, P (2004). Equilibria, connecting orbits and a priori bounds for semilinear parabolic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 16(1):91-138.

Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Sauter, Stefan; Schwab, Christoph (2004). Fast numerical methods for non-local operators. Oberwolfach Reports, 1(3):1747-1788.

Franz, Silvio; Toninelli, Fabio (2004). Finite-range spin glasses in the Kac limit: free energy and local observables. J. Phys. A, 37(30):7433-7446.

Reinold, B (2004). Flow invariant subsets for geodesic flows of manifolds with non-positive curvature. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 24(6):1981-1990.

Latschev, J (2004). Flows with Lyapunov one-forms and a generalization of Farber's theorem on homoclinic cycles. International Mathematics Research Notices, (5):239-247.

Okonek, C; Teleman, A (2004). Gauge theoretical Gromov-Witten invariants and virtual fundamental classes. In: Collino, A. The Fano Conference. Turin: Università di Torino, 591-623.

Kappeler, T; Topalov, P (2004). Global fold structure of the Miura map on L2(T). International Mathematics Research Notices, (39):2039-2068.

Cattaneo, A S; Xu, P (2004). Integration of twisted Poisson structures. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 49(2):187-196.

Dahmen, W; Faermann, B; Graham, I G; Hackbusch, W; Sauter, S A (2004). Inverse inequalities on non-quasi-uniform meshes and application to the mortar element method. Mathematics of Computation, 73(247):1107-1138 (electronic).

Buch, A; Kresch, A; Tamvakis, H (2004). Littlewood-Richardson rules for Grassmannians. Advances in Mathematics, 185(1):80-90.

Brodmann, M; Fumasoli, S; Lim, C (2004). Low-codimensional associated primes of graded components of local cohomology modules. Journal of Algebra, 275(2):867-882.

Farber, M; Kappeler, T; Latschev, J; Zehnder, E (2004). Lyapunov 1-forms for flows. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 24(5):1451-1475.

Farber, M; Kappeler, T (2004). Lyusternik-Shnirel'man theory and dynamics. II. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 247:232-245.

Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: Seminars 2003/2004. Edited by: Tschinkel, Y (2004). Göttingen: Universitätsdrucke Göttingen.

Amann, H (2004). Maximal regularity for nonautonomous evolution equations. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 4(4):417-430.

De Lellis, C; Otto, F; Westdickenberg, M (2004). Minimal entropy conditions for Burgers equation. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 62(4):687-700.

Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. Edited by: Kenmochi, N; Otani, M; Zheng, S (2004). Tokyo: Gakkotosho.

Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Edited by: Feistauer, M; Dolejsi, V; Knobloch, P; Najzar, K (2004). Berlin: Springer.

Kresch, A; Vistoli, A (2004). On coverings of Deligne-Mumford stacks and surjectivity of the Brauer map. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 36(2):188-192.

Bertoin, Jean (2004). On small masses in self-similar fragmentations. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 109(1):13-22.

Chang, N; Chipot, M (2004). On some mixed boundary value problems with nonlocal diffusion. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 14(1):1-24.

Kresch, A; Tschinkel, Y (2004). On the arithmetic of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2. Proceedings London Mathematical Society, 89(3):545-569.

Chipot, M; Xie, Y (2004). On the asymptotic behaviour of elliptic problems with periodic data. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 339(7):477-482.

Chipot, M; Xie, Y (2004). On the asymptotic behaviour of the p-Laplace equation in cylinders becoming unbounded. In: Kenmochi, N; Ôtani, M; Zheng, S. Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. Tokyo: Gakko Tosho, 16-27.

Cattaneo, A S (2004). On the integration of Poisson manifolds, Lie algebroids, and coisotropic submanifolds. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 67(1):33-48.

van den Berg, M; Bolthausen, E; den Hollander, F (2004). On the volume of the intersection of two Wiener sausages. Annals of Mathematics. Second Series, 159(2):741-782.

Bertoin, J; Biane, Ph; Yor, M (2004). Poissonian exponential functionals, q-series, q-integrals, and the moment problem for log-normal distributions. In: Dalang, R C; Dozzi, M; Russo, F. Seminar on stochastic analysis, random fields and applications IV. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 45-56.

Kim, M; Rosenthal, J; Wang, X (2004). Pole placement and matrix extension problems: a common point of view. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 42(6):2078-2093.

Guerini, P (2004). Prescription du spectre du laplacien de Hodge-de Rham. Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure, 37(2):270-303.

Kelley, C; Sridhara, D; Xu, J; Rosenthal, J (2004). Pseudocodeword weights and stopping sets. In: 2004 IEEE Symposium on Information Theory. Proceedings. Chicago: IEEE, 67.

Kresch, A; Tamvakis, H (2004). Quantum cohomology of orthogonal Grassmannians. Compositio Mathematica, 140(2):482-500.

Bertoin, Jean (2004). Random covering of an interval and a variation of Kingman's coalescent. Random Structures & Algorithms, 25(3):277-292.

De Lellis, C; Grisanti, C; Tilli, P (2004). Regular selections for multiple-valued functions. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 183(1):79-95.

Anza Hafsa, O; Mandallena, J-P (2004). Relaxation of second order geometric integrals and non-local effects. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 5(3):295-306.

Buch, A S; Kresch, A; Tamvakis, H; Yong, A (2004). Schubert polynomials and quiver formulas. Duke Mathematical Journal, 122(1):125-143.

Amann, H; Quittner, P (2004). Semilinear parabolic equations involving measures and low regularity data. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 356(3):1045-1119 (electronic).

Farber, M; Kappeler, T; Latschev, J; Zehnder, E (2004). Smooth Lyapunov 1-forms. L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue Internationale. 2e Série, 50(1-2):3-17.

Bertoin, Jean (2004). Some aspects of random fragmentations in continuous times. In: Maass, A; Martinez, S; San Martin, J. Dynamics and randomness II. Dordrecht: Springer U K, 1-15.

Jarchow, H (2004). Special operators on classical spaces of analytic functions. Extracta Mathematicae, 19(1):21-53.

den Hollander, F; Toninelli, F (2004). Spin glasses: A mystery about to be solved. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (5), 5(4):274-278.

Stationary partial differential equations. Vol. I. Edited by: Chipot, M; Quittner, P (2004). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co..

The Fano Conference. Edited by: Collino, A; Conte, A; Marchisio, M (2004). Turin: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Matematica.

Walker, Ch (2004). The discrete diffusive coagulation-fragmentation equations with scattering. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 58(1-2):121-142.

Chipot, M; Hastings, S; Kinderlehrer, D (2004). Transport in a molecular motor system. M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 38(6):1011-1034.

Hoover, D; Longchamp, R; Rosenthal, J (2004). Two-degree-of-freedom ℓ2-optimal tracking with preview. Automatica, 40(1):155-162.

Han, G; Rosenthal, J (2004). Upper bound analysis of diversity for unitary space time constellations. In: 2004 IEEE IInternational Symposium on Information Theory. Proceedings. Chicago: IEEE, 157.

Ambrosio, L; Bouchut, F; De Lellis, C (2004). Well-posedness for a class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in several space dimensions. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 29(9-10):1635-1651.

Kappeler, T; Topalov, P (2004). Well-posedness of KdV on H−1(T). In: Tschinkel, Y. Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: Seminars 2003/2004. Göttingen: Universitätsdrucke Göttingen, 151-155.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Laboratory Animal Science
05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Laboratory Animal Science

Herzig, M C; Winkler, D T; et al; Bürki, K (2004). Abeta is targeted to the vasculature in a mouse model of hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis. Nature Neuroscience, 7(9):954-960.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Institute of Intensive Care Medicine

Schmid, A; Pugin, J; Chevrolet, J C; Marsch, S; Ludwig, S; Stocker, R; Finnern, H (2004). Burden of illness imposed by severe sepsis in Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(7-8):97-102.

Fandino, Javier; Keller, Emanuela; Barth, Alain; Landolt, Hans; Yonekawa, Yasuhiro; Seiler, Rolf W (2004). Decompressive craniotomy after middle cerebral artery infarction. Retrospective analysis of patients treated in three centres in Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(29-30):423-429.

Stover, J F; Sakowitz, O W; Kroppenstedt, S N; Thomale, U W; Kempski, O S; Flügge, G; Unterberg, A W (2004). Differential effects of prolonged isoflurane anesthesia on plasma, extracellular, and CSF glutamate, neuronal activity, 125I-Mk801 NMDA receptor binding, and brain edema in traumatic brain-injured rats. Acta Neurochirurgica, 146(8):819-830.

Hoover, R C; Motta, M; Davis, J; Saatman, K E; Fujimoto, S T; Thompson, H J; Stover, J F; Dichter, M A; Twyman, R; White, H S; McIntosh, T K (2004). Differential effects of the anticonvulsant topiramate on neurobehavioral and histological outcomes following traumatic brain injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma, 21(5):501-512.

Härter, L; Mica, L; Stocker, R; Trentz, O; Keel, M (2004). Increased expression of toll-like receptor-2 and -4 on leukocytes from patients with sepsis. Shock, 22(5):403-409.

Schuepbach, Reto A; Meili, Esther O; Schneider, Ernst; Peter, Ueli; Bachli, Esther B (2004). Lepirudin therapy for thrombotic complications in congenital afibrinogenaemia. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 91(5):1044-1046.

Stover, J F; Sakowitz, O W; Unterberg, A W (2004). Neuronal activity and cortical perfusion determined by quantitative EEG analysis and laser doppler flowmetry are uncoupled in brain injured rats. In: Baethmann, A; et al. Mechanisms of secondary brain damage from trauma and ischemia : recent advances of our understanding. Wien: Springer, 81-85.

Thomale, U W; Griebenow, M; Kroppenstedt, S N; Unterberg, A W; Stover, J F (2004). Small volume resuscitation with HyperHaes improves pericontusional perfusion and reduces lesion volume following controlled cortical impact injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma, 21(12):1737-1746.

Neff, T A; Stocker, R (2004). Stable creatinine clearance using large-dose HES versus reduced GFR. Kidney International, 65(3):1111-1112.

Speich, R; Nicod, L P; Aubert, J D; Spiliopoulos, A; Wellinger, J; Robert, J H; Stocker, R; Zalunardo, M; Gasche-Soccal, P; Boehler, A; Weder, W (2004). Ten years of lung transplantation in Switzerland: results of the Swiss Lung Transplant Registry. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(1-2):18-23.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of History

Jaun, Rudolf (2004). "Das einzige wahre und ächte Volksheer": die schweizerische Miliz und die helvetische Projektion deutscher Radikal-Liberaler und Demokraten 1830-1870. In: Jansen, Christian. Der freie Bürger als Soldat : die Militarisierung europäischer Gesellschaften im langen 19. Jahrhundert: ein internationaler Vergleich. Essen: Klartext Verlag, 68-82.

Meier, Marietta (2004). "Soziale Heilung" als Ziel psychochirurgischer Eingriffe: Leukotomie im Spannungsfeld von Individuum, Anstalt und Gesellschaft. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte (Revue suisse d'histoire), 54(4):410-425.

Kränzle, Andreas; Ritter, Gerold. Ad fontes : zu Konzept, Realisierung und Nutzung eines E-Learning-Angebots. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Sarasin, Philipp (2004). Anthrax: Bioterror als Phantasma. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.

Straumann, Benjamin (2004). Appetitus societatis and oikeiosis: Hugo Grotius’ Ciceronian argument for natural law and just war. Grotiana, 24-25:41-66.

Dommann, Monika (2004). Belehren und geistig verkehren: Wissensvermittlung und Medienentwicklung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. In: Bürgi, Michael; Speich, Daniel. Lokale Naturen. Die Thurgauische Naturforschende Gesellschaft 1854-2004. Frauenfeld: Thurgauische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, 63-86.

Teuscher, Simon (2004). Chains of Favour: Approaching the City Council in Late Medieval Berne. In: Nubola, Cecilia; Würgler, Andreas. Formen der politischen Kommunikation in Europa vom 15. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert: Bitten, Beschwerden, Briefe. Bologna, Milano, 311-328.

Bürgi, Markus (2004). Demokratische Partei. In: Jorio, Marco. Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Basel: Schwabe, 641-642.

Höfert, Almut (2004). Den Feind beschreiben. „Türkengefahr“ und europäisches Wissen über das Osmanische Reich (1450-1600). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

Thommen, L (2004). Der Spartanische Kosmos und sein "Feldlager" der Homoioi. Begriffs- und forschungsgeschichtliche Überlegungen zum Sparta-Mythos. In: Rollinger, R. Griechische Archaik : interne Entwicklungen - externe Impulse. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 127-141.

Bürgi, Markus (2004). Deutsche Arbeitervereine. In: Jorio, Marco. Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Basel: Schwabe, 670-671.

Sandl, Marcus; Crivellari, Fabio; Kay, Kirchmann; Schlögl, Rudolf (2004). Die Medialität des Historischen und die Historizität des Medialen. In: Sandl, Marcus; Crivellari, Fabio; Kay, Kirchmann; Schlögl, Rudolf. Die Medien der Geschichte. Medialität und Historizität in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Konstanz: UVK-Verlagsgesellschaft, 9-45.

Die Medien der Geschichte. Edited by: Sandl, M; Crivellari, F; Kirchmann, K; Schlögl, R (2004). Konstanz: UVK.

Büsser, Nathalie (2004). Frauen im Soldunternehmertum : geschäftliche Handlungsfelder von weiblichen Familienangehörigen der Zuger Zurlauben um 1700. Zürich: Lizenziatsarbeit.

Meier, Marietta; Bernet, Brigitta (2004). Grenzen der Selbstgestaltung: zur "Produktion" der Kategorie Geschlecht in der psychiatrischen Anstalt. In: Brand-Claussen, Bettina; Michely, Viola. Irre ist weiblich: künstlerische Interventionen von Frauen in der Psychiatrie um 1900. Heidelberg: Das Wunderhorn, 37-44.

Zürcher, Lukas (2004). Gute Dienste in Südafrika : die Politikgestaltung des Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbundes zwischen 1970 und 1990. 2004: TVZ.

Loetz, Francisca (2004). How to do things with God: blasphemy in early modern Switzerland. In: Lindemann, Mary. Ways of knowing: ten interdisciplinary essays. Boston: Brill, 137-151.

Zey, Claudia (2004). Imperatrix, si venerit Romam ... Zu den Krönungen von Kaiserinnen im Mittelalter. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 60(1):3-51.

Stercken, Martina (2004). Kartographische Repräsentation von Herrschaft: Jos Murers Karte des Zürcher Gebiets von 1566. In: Opll, Ferdinand. Bild und Wahrnehmung der Stadt. Linz: Österreichischer Arbeitskreis für Stadtgeschichtsforschung, 219-240.

Thommen, L (2004). Klassische Zeit und Römische Geschichte, nämlich Republik. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.

Rippmann, Dorothee (2004). Königsschicksal in Frauenhand: Der „Kronraub“ von Visegrád im Brennpunkt von Frauenpolitik und ungarischer Reichspolitik. In: Flemming, Jens; Puppel, Pauline; Trossbach, Werner; Vanja, Christina; Wörner-Heil, Ortrud. Lesarten der Geschichte: Ländliche Ordnungen und Geschlechterverhältnisse: Festschrift für Heide Wunder zum 65. Geburtstag. Kassel: Kassel University Press, 377-401.

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Teuscher, Simon (2004). Parenté, politique et comptabilité: chroniques familiales autour de 1500 (Suisse et Allemagne du Sud). Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, 59(4):847-858.

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Rippmann, Dorothee (2004). Spitäler in der Schweiz im Mittelalter und an der Wende zur Frühen Neuzeit. In: Friedrich, Arnd; Heinrich, Fritz; Vanja, Christina. Das Hospital am Beginn der Neuzeit : soziale Reform in Hessen im Spiegel europäischer Kulturgeschichte : zum 500. Geburtstag Landgraf Philipps des Grossmütigen. Petersberg: Imhof Verlag, 107-120.

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06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of German Studies

Groddeck, Wolfram (2004). "Ebenbild" und "Narben": Poetische Revision beim späten Hölderlin und der Ort der Handschrift. In: Giuriato, Davide; Stingelin, Martin; Zanetti, Sandro. "Mir ekelt vor diesem tintenklecksenden Säkulum": Schreibszenen im Zeitalter der Manuskripte. München: Fink, 175-190.

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Naumann, Barbara (2004). Bilder-Denken: Bildlichkeit und Argumentation. München: Fink.

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Groddeck, Wolfram (2004). Das Fragment von Hyperion - Hölderlins 'Erstlingsopfer'. In: Emig, Günter. Erstlinge. Heilbronn: Kleist-Archiv Sembdner, 41-52.

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Spitzmüller, Jürgen (2004). Des Turmes lange Schatten. Vom Trauma der babylonischen Sprachverwirrung. Zwiebelfisch. Magazin für Gestaltung, 4:44-53.

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Giger, Nadio; Spitzmüller, Jürgen (2004). Exploring Youth. The Phonetician, 90(2):52-58.

Naumann, Barbara (2004). Gesicht und Defiguration: Bemerkungen zu Don DeLillo, Andy Warhol und Chuck Close. In: Naumann, Barbara; Pankow, Edgar. Bilder-Denken: Bildlichkeit und Argumentation. München: Fink, 267-288.

Kiening, Christian (2004). Gewalt und Heiligkeit: Mittelalterliche Texte in anthropologischer Perspektive. In: Braungart, Wolfgang; Ridder, Klaus; Apel, Friedmar. Wahrnehmen und Handeln: Perspektiven einer Literaturanthropologie. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 19-39.

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De Wulf, Chris (2004). Het project ′Het veertiende‐eeuwse talig erfgoed van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden: eindverslag. Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde:44-48.

Rubini Messerli, Luisa (2004). I trionfi di Viola: intersezioni e giochi prospettici fra letteratura e tradizione popolare. In: Picone, Michelangelo; Messerli, Alfred. Giambattista Basile e l'invenzione della fiaba. Ravenna: Longo, 135-160.

Kiening, Christian (2004). Identitäten und Identifikationen zwischen Alter und Neuer Welt. In: Von Moos, Peter. Unverwechselbarkeit: Persönliche Identität und Identifikation in der vormodernen Gesellschaft. Köln: Boehlau Verlag GmbH & Cie, 355-377.

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Köbele, Susanne (2004). Mythos und Metapher : Die Kunst der Anspielung in Gottfrieds Tristan. In: Friedrich, Udo; Quast, Bruno. Präsenz des Mythos : Konfigurationen einer Denkform in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 219-246.

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Spitzmüller, Jürgen (2004). Neuere Entwicklungen [in der Semantik]. In: Linke, Angelika; Nussbaumer, Markus; Portmann, Paul R. Studienbuch Linguistik. Ergänzt um ein Kapitel "Phonetik und Phonologie“ von Urs Willy. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 187-192.

Rubini Messerli, Luisa (2004). Note a una nuova antologia di cantari. Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, 22:93-105.

Kiening, Christian (2004). Oberdeutscher vierzeitiger Totentanz. In: Wachinger, Burghart. Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters : Verfasserlexikon. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1074-1080.

Berndt, Frauke (2004). Performativität und Ästhetische Erfahrung. IASL online:1-6.

Günthart, Romy (2004). Rezension zu: Alfred Messerli: Lesen und Schreiben 1700 bis 1900. Untersuchung zur Durchsetzung der Literalität in der Schweiz. Variations, (12):313-315.

Groddeck, Wolfram (2004). Robert Walser und das Fantasieren: Zur Niederschrift der "Geschwister Tanner". Text + Kritik : Zeitschrift für Literatur, 12(a):55-67.

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Rubini Messerli, Luisa (2004). Rotunda, Dominik Peter. In: Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 868-869.

Köbele, Susanne (2004). S. Ringler (Hg.), Gertrud von Helfta, Exercitia spiritualia: Geistliche Übungen. Lateinisch und deutsch, hg., übersetzt und kommentiert von S.R., Elberfeld 2001. Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 39:294-297.

Rubini Messerli, Luisa (2004). Sarnelli, Pompeo. In: Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 1128-1131.

Groddeck, Wolfram (2004). Schreiben und Schrift: Zu Kafkas Prosastück "Ein Traum". In: Locher, Elmar; Schiffermüller, Isolde. Franz Kafka, Ein Landarzt: Interpretationen. Bozen: Edition Sturzflüge, 243-253.

Stocker, C; Macher, D; Studler, R; Bubenhofer, N; Crvelin, D; Liniger, R; Volk, Martin (2004). Studien-CD Linguistik: multimediale Einführungen und interaktive Übungen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft. Tübingen: Niemeyer Verlag.

Naumann, Barbara (2004). Styles of Change: Ernst Cassirer's Philosophical Writing. In: Hamlin, Cyrus; Krois, John. Symbolic forms and cultural studies: Ernst Cassirer's theory of culture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 78-98.

Transkulturelle Beziehungen. Spanien und Österreich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Edited by: Siguán, Marisa; Wagner, Karl (2004). Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Köbele, Susanne (2004). Vom "Schrumpfen" der Rede auf dem Weg zu Gott. Aporien christlicher Ästhetik (Meister Eckhart und das 'Granum sinapis' - Michel Beheim - Sebastian Franck). Poetica, 36:119-147.

Amrein, Ursula. »Los von Berlin!« Die Literatur- und Theaterpolitik der Schweiz und das »Dritte Reich«. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kiening, Christian (2004). Ästhetische Heiligung: Von Hartmann von Aue zu Lars von Trier. Neue Rundschau, 115(1):56-71.

07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Geography

Huber, Silvia; Schopfer, Jürg T; Kneubühler, Mathias; Nieke, Jens; Itten, Klaus I (2004). A new approach using various remote sensing data for vegetation parameter retrieval as input to ecosystem models. In: Envisat & ERS Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 6 September 2004 - 10 September 2004. s.n., 314-319.

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Huggel, C; Haeberli, W; Kääb, A; Bieri, D; Richardson, S (2004). An assessment procedure for glacial hazards in the Swiss Alps. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 41(6):1068-1083.

Eckert, Sandra; Kneubühler, Mathias (2004). Application of HYPERION data to agricultural land classification and vegetation properties estimation in Switzerland. In: XXth ISPRS Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 July 2004 - 23 July 2004. ISPRS, 866-872.

Huggel, Christian. Assessment of glacial hazards based on remote sensing and GIS modeling. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schaepman, Michael E; Zurita-Milla, Raúl; Kneubühler, Mathias; Clevers, Jan G P W; Delwart, Steven (2004). Assessment of long-term vicarious calibration efforts of MERIS on land product quality. In: Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VIII, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 13 September 2004 - 15 September 2004. SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 363-371.

Salzmann, N; Kääb, A; Huggel, C; Allgöwer, B; Haeberli, W (2004). Assessment of the hazard potential of ice avalanches using remote sensing and GIS‐modelling. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 58(2):74-84.

Haeberli, W; Frauenfelder, R; Kääb, A; Wagner, S (2004). Characteristics and potential climatic significance of "miniature ice caps" (crest- and cornice-type low-altitude ice archives). Journal of Glaciology, 50(168):129-136.

Koetz, Benjamin; Morsdorf, Felix; Kneubühler, Mathias; Schaepman, Michael E; Meier, Erich; Itten, Klaus I; Allgoewer, Britta (2004). Combination of imaging spectrometer data and high-resolution LIDAR data by 3-D radiative transfer modeling. In: 13th Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, Pasadena, CA, USA, 31 March 2004 - 2 April 2004. s.n., 151-156.

Schopfer, Juerg T; Dangel, Stefan; Kaiser, Johannes W; Kneubühler, Mathias; Nieke, Jens; Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela; Schaepman, Michael E; Itten, Klaus I (2004). Comparison of field and laboratory spectro-directional measurements using a standard artificial target. In: Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VIII, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 13 September 2004 - 15 September 2004. SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 626-633.

Schopfer, Jürg T; Dangel, Stefan; Kaiser, Johannes W; Kneubühler, Mathias; Nieke, Jens; Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela; Schaepman, Michael E; Itten, Klaus I (2004). Correction of the diffuse influence in spectrodirectional measurements. In: International Radiation Symposium, Busan, Korea, 23 August 2004 - 28 August 2004. s.n., 371-374.

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Korf, Benedikt (2004). Der „Andere“ als Schurke: Zur Rolle ethnisierter Feindbilder in den srilankischen Friedensverhandlungen. Internationales Asienforum = International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 35(3-4):245-261.

Haeberli, Wilfried; Huggel, Christian; Kääb, Andreas; Gruber, Stephan; Noetzli, Jeannette; Zgraggen-Oswald, S (2004). Development and perspectives of applied research on glacier and permafrost hazards in high-mountain regions - the example of Switzerland. In: International Conference on High Mountain Hazard Prevention, Vladikavkaz-Moscow, 23 June 2004 - 26 June 2004, 219-228.

Müller, U; Kollmair, M (2004). Die Erweiterung des Schweizerischen Nationalparks: der Planungsprozess 1995–2000, betrachtet aus partizipationstheoretischer Sicht. Disp, 159(4):44-51.

Korf, Benedikt (2004). Die Ordnung der Entwicklung: zur Ethnographie der Entwicklungspraxis und ihrer ethischen Implikationen. Geographische Zeitschrift, 92(4):208-226.

Vertès, Françoise; Abiven, Samuel; Loiseau, P (2004). Effects of grassland cultivation and ley-arable rotations on soil quality. In: Conijn, J G; Taube, F. Grassland resowing and grass-arable crop rotations. Consequences for performance and environment. Wageningen: Plant Research International, 27-40.

Zingerli, Claudia; Zimmermann, Willi (2004). Environmental policy for engineers and natural scientists: a teaching module. In: Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin, 3 December 2004 - 4 December 2004, online.

Watson, R T; Haeberli, W (2004). Environmental threats, mitigation strategies and high-mountain areas. Ambio Special Report, 13:2-10.

Thieme, S; Müller-Böker, U (2004). Financial self-help associations among Far West Nepalese labor migrants in Delhi, India. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 13(3):339-361.

Korf, Benedikt (2004). Food security in times of war: geographical development research at the nexus of theory and practice. Die Erde, 135(1):61-80.

Huggel, Christian; Kääb, Andreas; Salzmann, Nadine (2004). GIS‐based modeling of glacial hazards and their interactions using Landsat‐TM and IKONOS imagery. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 58(2):61-73.

Müller-Böker, Ulrike (2004). Geographische Forschung in Nepal auf der Grundlage von Karten und Luft­bildern von Erwin Schneider. In: Haffner, Willibald. Arbeiten aus Nepal. Erwin Schneider zum Gedächtnis. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner, 103-118.

Kääb, Andreas; Huggel, Christian; Schmutz, K; Zgraggen-Oswald, S (2004). Glacier hazard assessment from air and space: technologies and applications. In: International Conference on High Mountain Hazard Prevention, Vladikavkaz-Moscow, 23 June 2004 - 26 June 2004, 147-155.

Bishop, M P; Olsenholler, J A; Shroder, J F; Barry, R G; Raup, B H; Bush, A B G; Copland, L; Dwyer, J L; Fountain, A G; Haeberli, W; Kääb, A; Paul, F; Hall, D K; Kargel, J S; Molnia, B F; Trabant, D C; Wessels, R (2004). Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS): remote sensing and GIS investigations of the Earth's cryosphere. Geocarto International, 19(2):57-84.

Véron, René; Strasser, Balz; Geiser, Urs (2004). Globalisierung und Agrarproduktmärkte in Kerala : das Beispiel Cashew und Kautschuk. Geographische Rundschau, 56(11):18-24.

Rixen, C; Haeberli, W; Stoeckli, V (2004). Ground Temperatures under Ski Pistes with Artificial and Natural Snow. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 36(4):419-427.

Viviroli, Daniel; Weingartner, Rolf (2004). Hydrologische Bedeutung des europäischen Alpenraums. In: Weingartner, Rolf; Hauser, Felix. Hydrologischer Atlas der Schweiz. Bern: Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, 6.4.

Siegert, Martin J; Welch, Brian; Morse, David; Vieli, Andreas; Blankenship, Donald D; Joughin, Ian; King, Edward C; Leysinger Vieli, Gwendolyn; Payne, Antony J; Jacobel, Robert (2004). Ice flow direction change in interior west Antarctica. Science, 305(5692):1948-1951.

Gruber, S; King, L; Kohl, T; Herz, T; Haeberli, W; Hoelzle, M (2004). Interpretation of geothermal profiles perturbed by topography: the alpine permafrost boreholes at Stockhorn Plateau, Switzerland. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 15(4):349-357.

Müller-Böker, Ulrike; Geiger, Danilo; Geiser, Urs; Kansakar, Vidya; Kollmair, Michael; Molesworth, Kate; Suleri, Abid (2004). JACS South Asia. Sustainable development in marginal regions of South Asia. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland. Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change : A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Bern: Geographica Bernensia, 225-261.

Boillat, S; Burga, C A; Gigon, A; Backhaus, N (2004). La succession végétale sur les cultures en terrasses de la Vallée de la Roya (Alpes-Maritimes, France) et sa perception par la population locale. Geographica Helvetica, 59(2):154-167.

Kneubühler, Mathias; Eckert, Sandra (2004). Landnutzungsklassifikation und Schätzung von Vegetationsparametern in der Schweiz mittels EO-1 HYPERION-Daten. Geomatik Schweiz, (9):564-567.

Kreutzmann, Hermann; Müller-Böker, Ulrike (2004). Leitthema D1 – Gebirge als Kriegs- und Krisenräume. In: Gamerith, Werner; Messerli, Paul; Meusburger, Peter; Wanner, Heinz. Alpenwelt - Gebirgswelten. Inseln, Brücken, Grenzen. Heidelberg, Bern: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGfG), 615-616.

Zurita-Milla, Raúl; Schaepman, Michael E; Clevers, Jan G P W; Kneubühler, Mathias; Delwart, Steven (2004). Long-term MERIS land product accuracy assessment based on vicarious calibration and regional validation. In: ENVISAT & ERS Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 6 September 2004 - 10 September 2004. European Space Agency * Communication Production Office, 63-71.

Huggel, Christian; Zgraggen-Oswald, S; Kääb, Andreas; Haeberli, Wilfried; Galushkin, W; Misetov, A (2004). Modeling and analysis of the 2002 Kolka Glacier erosion, avalanche formation and dynamics, and downstream mudflow hazards. In: International Conference on High Mountain Hazard Prevention, Vladikavkaz-Moscow, 23 June 2004 - 26 June 2004, 196-203.

Messerli, Bruno; Viviroli, Daniel; Weingartner, Rolf (2004). Mountains of the world: vulnerable water towers for the 21st century. Ambio, 13:29-34.

Viviroli, Daniel; Weingartner, Rolf (2004). Mountains – water towers for a thirsty world? In: Herrmann, Andreas. Extended abstracts / International Conference on Hydrology of Mountain Environments, Berchtesgaden (D), 27 September - 1 October 2004. Braunschweig: Institut für Geoökologie, 409-411.

Viviroli, Daniel; Weingartner, Rolf (2004). Mountains: essential water towers for a thirsty world. In: Webb, B; Acreman, M; Maksimovic, C; Smithers, H; Kirby, C. Hydrology: Science & Practice for the 21st Century. International Conference at Imperial College for Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK, 12–16 July 2004. Proceedings, Volume I. London: British Hydrological Society, 65-72.

Backhaus, N (2004). Nachhaltiger Tourismus in malaysischen Nationalparks? Koordination der Bedürfnisse von Individual- und Gruppenreisenden. Tourismus Journal, 8(1):87-110.

Zaugg, Marc; Ejderyan, Olivier; Geiser, Urs (2004). Normen, Kontext und konkrete Praxis des kantonalen Wasserbaus. Resultate einer Umfrage zu den Rahmenbedingungen der kantonalen Ämter oder Fachstellen für Wasserbau bei der Umsetzung der eidgenössischen Wasserbaugesetzgebung. Zürich: Geographisches Institut, Abteilung Humangeographie, Universität Zürich.

Huggel, Christian; Zgraggen-Oswald, S; Haeberli, Wilfried; Kääb, Andreas; Polkvoj, A; Valieva, L; Dreyer, D (2004). Objectives and achievements of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) - North Ossetia Project "High Mountain Hazard Prevention in North Ossetia". In: International Conference on High Mountain Hazard Prevention, Vladikavkaz-Moscow, 23 June 2004 - 26 June 2004, 207-213.

Leysinger Vieli, Gwendolyn; Gudmundsson, G Hilmar (2004). On estimating length fluctuations of glaciers caused by changes in climatic forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 109(F1):F01007.

Zgraggen-Oswald, S; Frauenfelder, Regula; Huggel, Christian; Polkvoj, A (2004). Permafrost estimations for the Karmadon region. In: International Conference on High Mountain Hazard Prevention, Vladikavkaz-Moscow, 23 June 2004 - 26 June 2004, 233-239.

Gruber, S; Hoelzle, M; Haeberli, W (2004). Permafrost thaw and destabilization of Alpine rock walls in the hot summer of 2003. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(13):L13504.

Paul, F; Kääb, A; Maisch, M; Kellenberger, T; Haeberli, W (2004). Rapid disintegration of Alpine glaciers observed with satellite data. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(21):L21402.

Payne, Antony J; Vieli, Andreas; Shepherd, Andrew P; Wingham, Duncan J; Rignot, Eric (2004). Recent dramatic thinning of largest West Antarctic ice stream triggered by oceans. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(23):L23401.

Leysinger Vieli, Gwendolyn; Siegert, Martin J; Payne, Antony J (2004). Reconstructing ice-sheet accumulation rates at ridge B, East Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 39(1):326-330.

Frauenfelder, Regula. Regional-scale modelling of the occurrence and dynamics of rockglaciers and the distribution of paleopermafrost. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gruber, S; Hoelzle, M; Haeberli, W (2004). Rock-wall temperatures in the Alps: modelling their topographic distribution and regional differences. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 15(3):299-307.

Lorup, E J; Bleisch, S (2004). Schweizweite GIS-Ausbildung mit GITTA - Aufbau und Organisation. In: Schiewe, J. E-Learning in Geoinformatik und Fernerkundung. Heidelberg: Wichmann, Herbert, Verlag, 33-40.

Vieli, Andreas; Jania, Jacek; Blatter, Heinz; Funk, Martin (2004). Short-term velocity variations on Hansbreen, a tidewater glacier in Spitsbergen. Journal of Glaciology, 50(170):389-398.

Geiser, U; Steimann, B (2004). State actors’ livelihoods, acts of translation, and forest sector reforms in northwest Pakistan. Contemporary South Asia, 13(4):437 -448.

Luetschg, M; Stoeckli, V; Lehning, M; Haeberli, W; Ammann, W (2004). Temperatures in two boreholes at Flüela Pass, Eastern Swiss Alps: the effect of snow redistribution on permafrost distribution patterns in high mountain areas. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 15(3):283-297.

Haeberli, W; Huggel, C; Kääb, A; Zgraggen-Oswald, S; Polkvoj, A; Galushkin, I; Zotikov, I; Osokin, N (2004). The Kolka-Karmadon rock/ice slide of 20 September 2002: an extraordinary event of historical dimensions in North Ossetia, Russian Caucasus. Journal of Glaciology, 50(171):533-546.

Nikitin, M V; Huggel, Christian; Swartz, M; Goncharenko, O A; Galushkin, I (2004). The analysis of the remotely sensed material for the reconstruction of the Kolka glacier collapse. In: International Conference on High Mountain Hazard Prevention, Vladikavkaz-Moscow, 23 June 2004 - 26 June 2004, 160-171.

Fabrikant, Sara I; Montello, Daniel R; Ruocco, Marco; Middleton, Richard S (2004). The distance–similarity metaphor in network-display spatializations. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 31(4):237-252.

Viviroli, Daniel; Weingartner, Rolf (2004). The hydrological significance of mountains: from regional to global scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8(6):1016-1029.

Zingerli, Claudia; Bisang, Kurt; Zimmermann, Willi (2004). Towards policy integration: experiences with intersectoral coordination in international and national forest policy. In: Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin, 3 December 2004 - 4 December 2004, online.

Burga, C A; Frauenfelder, R; Ruffet, J; Hoelzle, M; Kääb, A (2004). Vegetation on Alpine rock glacier surfaces: a contribution to abundance and dynamics on extreme plant habitats. Flora, 199(6):505-515.

Korf, Benedikt (2004). War, livelihoods and vulnerability in Sri Lanka. Development and Change, 35(2):275-295.

Kienast, Felix; Peter, Armin; Geiser, Urs (2004). Wasserbauer werden zu Moderatoren. Kommunalmagazin, 10:14-17.

Burga, C A; Beer, P C (2004). Zur Natürlichkeit von Laubwäldern des Schweizer Mittellands: Hemerobie und Biodiversität von Buchenwäldern bei Zürich und Zofingen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 155(10):441-449.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Food Safety and Hygiene

Lehner, Angelika; Tasara, Taurai; Stephan, Roger (2004). 16S rRNA gene based analysis of Enterobacter sakazakii strains from different sources and development of a PCR assay for identification. BMC Microbiology, 4:43.

Glanemann, B; Hoelzle, L E; Bögli-Stuber, K; Jemmi, T; Wittenbrink, M M (2004). Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in Swiss dairy cattle by culture and serology. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 146(9):409-415.

Camenisch, U; Lu, Z H; Vaughan, L; Corboz, L; Zimmermann, D R; Wittenbrink, M M; Pospischil, A; Sydler, T (2004). Diagnostic investigation into the role of Chlamydiae in cases of increased rates of return to oestrus in pigs. Veterinary Record, 155(19):593-596.

Wortmann, Manita. Ein Programm zur Simulation des Wirkspiegelverlaufes, eingebunden in das Internet-Informationssystem von CliniPharm/CliniTox. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Baltzer, Dominik. Erhebung von Daten zur Festlegung einer Baseline für die Anwendung der Nass-Trockentupfertechnik (NTT) bei Schlachttierkörpern von Rind und Schwein gemäss der EU-Entscheidung 2001/471/EG. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Stephan, Roger; Borel, Nicole; Zweifel, Claudio; Blanco, M A; Blanco, J E (2004). First isolation and further characterization of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) O157:H45 strains from cattle. BMC Microbiology, 4:10.

Sudler, C; Hoelzle, L E; Schiller, I; Hoop, R K (2004). Molecular characterisation of chlamydial isolates from birds. Veterinary Microbiology, 98(3-4):235-241.

Štefanić, Saša. Polymerase chain reaction for detection of patent infections of Echinococcus granulosus ("sheep strain") in naturally infected dogs. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hoelzle, L E; Hoelzle, K; Wittenbrink, M M (2004). Recombinant major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydophila abortus, Chlamydophila pecorum, and Chlamydia suis as antigens to distinguish chlamydial species-specific antibodies in animal sera. Veterinary Microbiology, 103(1-2):85-90.

Dahl, Patrick. Retrospektive Auswertung von Befunden der Mikrobiologischen Fleischuntersuchung (MFU) der letzten acht Jahre. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hoelzle, L E; Corboz, L; Ossent, P; Wittenbrink, M M (2004). Tularaemia in a captive golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) in Switzerland. Veterinary Record, 155(2):60-61.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Experimental Immunology

Wu, J; Wong, W Wei-Lynn; Khosravi, F; Minden, M; Penn, L Z (2004). Blocking the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway sensitizes acute myelogenous leukemia cells to lovastatin-induced apoptosis. Cancer Research, 64:6461-6468.

Basler, M; Youhnovski, N; van den Broek, Maries; Prybylski, M; Groettrup, Marcus (2004). Immunoproteasomes down-regulate presentation of a subdominant T cell epitope from lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Journal of Immunology:3925-3934.

McPherson, John Peter; Lemmers, Bénédicte; Chahwan, Richard; Pamidi, Ashwin; Migon, Eva; Matysiak-Zablocki, Elzbieta; Moynahan, Mary Ellen; Essers, Jeroen; Hanada, Katsuhiro; Poonepalli, Anuradha; Sanchez-Sweatman, Otto; Khokha, Rama; Kanaar, Roland; Jasin, Maria; Hande, M Prakash; Hakem, Razqallah (2004). Involvement of mammalian Mus81 in genome integrity and tumor suppression. Science, 304(5678):1822-1826.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Evolutionary Medicine

Rühli, Frank J; Henneberg, Maciej (2004). Clinical perspectives on secular trends of intervertebral foramen diameters in an industrialized European society. European Spine Journal, 13(8):733-739.

Rühli, Frank J; Chhem, R K; Böni, Thomas (2004). Diagnostic paleoradiology of mummified tissue: interpretation and pitfalls. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):218-227.

Böni, Thomas; Rühli, Frank J; Chhem, R K (2004). History of paleoradiology: early published literature, 1896-1921. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):203-210.

Rühli, Frank J; Böni, Thomas; Henneberg, Maciej (2004). Hyperostosis frontalis interna: archaeological evidence of possible microevolution of human sex steroids? HOMO : Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 55(1-2):91-99.

Chhem, R K; Venkatesh, S K; Wang, S C; Wong, K M; Rühli, Frank J; Siew, E P Y; Latinis, K; Pottier, C (2004). Multislice computed tomography of two 2000-year-old skeletons in a soil matrix from Angkor, Cambodia. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):235-241.

Chhem, R K; Rühli, Frank J (2004). Paleoradiology: current status and future challenges. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):198-199.

Rühli, Frank J; Böni, Thomas (2004). Radiologisch-anatomische Untersuchungsbefunde. In: Simonett, J. Die Mumie der Ta-Di-Isis: Eine Reise vom Nil zum Rhein. Chur: Rätisches Museum Chur, 43-48.

07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Safi, K; Kerth, G (2004). A comparative analysis of specialization and extinction risk in temperate-zone bats. Conservation biology, 18(5):1293-1303.

Naef-Daenzer, L; Nager, R G; Keller, L F; Naef-Daenzer, B (2004). Are hatching delays a cost or a benefit for Great Tit Parus major parents? Ardea, 92(2):229-237.

Kerth, G; Morf, L (2004). Behavioural and genetic data suggest that Bechstein’s bats predominantly mate outside the breeding habitat. Ethology, 110(12):987-999.

Vorburger, C (2004). Cold tolerance in obligate and cyclical parthenogens of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae. Ecological Entomology, 29(4):498-505.

Walters, Jeffrey R; Cooper, Caren B; Daniels, Susan J; Pasinelli, Gilberto; Schiegg, Karin (2004). Conservation biology. In: Koenig, W D; Dickison, J. Ecology and Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Birds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 197-209.

Grant, P R; Grant, B R; Markert, J A; Keller, L F; Petren, K (2004). Convergent evolution of Darwin's finches caused by introgressive hybridization and selection. Evolution, 58(7):1588-1599.

Schmidt, B R (2004). Declining amphibian populations: The pitfalls of count data in the study of diversity, distributions, dynamics, and demography. Herpetological Journal, 14(4):167-174.

Ozgul, A; Getz, L L; Oli, M K (2004). Demography of fluctuating populations: temporal and phase-related changes in vital rates of Microtus ochrogaster. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(2):201-215.

Hall, M; Lindholm, A K; Brooks, R (2004). Direct selection on male attractiveness and female preference fails to produce a response. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 4:1.

Ariizumi, Tohru; Hatakeyama, Katsunori; Hinata, Kokichi; Inatsugi, Rie; Nishida, Ikuo; Sato, Shusei; Kato, Tomohiko; Tabata, Satoshi; Toriyama, Kinya (2004). Disruption of the novel plant protein NEF1 affects lipid accumulation in the plastids of the tapetum and exine formation of pollen, resulting in male sterility in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal, 39:170-181.

Blanckenhorn, Wolf U; Hellriegel, B; Hosken, D J; Jann, P; Altwegg, R; Ward, Paul I (2004). Does testis size track expected mating success in yellow dung flies? Functional Ecology, 18:414-418.

Dechmann, D K N; Kalko, E K V; Kerth, G (2004). Ecology of an exceptional roost: energetic benefits could explain why the bat Lophostoma silvicolum roosts in active termite nests. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6:1037-1050.

Geisser, H; Reyer, H U (2004). Efficacy of hunting, feeding, and fencing to reduce crop damage by wild boars. Journal of Wildlife Management, 68(4):939-946.

Schaub, M; Gimenez, O; Schmidt, B R; Pradel, R (2004). Estimating survival and temporary emigration in the multistate capture-recapture framework. Ecology, 85(8):2107-2113.

Dupont, Y L; Hansen, D M; Rasmussen, J T; Olesen, J M (2004). Evolutionary changes in nectar sugar composition associated with switches between bird and insect pollination: the Canarian bird-flower element revisited. Functional Ecology, 18(5):670-676.

Bernasconi, G; Ashman, T-L; Birkhead, T R; Bishop, J D D; Grossniklaus, U; Kubli, E; Marshall, D L; Schmid, B; Skogsmyr, I; Snook, R R; Taylor, D; Till-Bottraud, I; Ward, Paul I; Zeh, D W; Hellriegel, B (2004). Evolutionary ecology of the prezygotic stage. Science, 303(5660):971-975.

Fischer, M; van Kleunen, M; Schmid, B (2004). Experimental life-history evolution: selection on growth form and its plasticity in a clonal plant. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17(2):331-341.

Lindholm, A K; Brooks, R; Breden, F (2004). Extreme polymorphism in a Y-linked sexually selected trait. Heredity, 29(3):156-162.

Uhl, Gabriele; Schmitt, Sandra; Schäfer, Martin A; Blanckenhorn, Wolf U (2004). Food and sex-specific growth strategies in a spider. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6:523-540.

Berner, Daniel; Körner, Christian; Blanckenhorn, Wolf U (2004). Grasshopper populations across 2000 m of altitude: is there life history adaptation? Ecography, 27(6):733-740.

Petchey, Owen L; Hector, Andy; Gaston, Kevin J (2004). How do different measures of functional diversity perform? Ecology, 85(3):847-857.

Reyer, H U; Bättig, I (2004). Identification of reproductive status in female frogs-a quantitative comparison of nine methods. Herpetologica, 60(3):349-357.

Dupont, Y L; Hansen, D M; Valido, A; Olesen, J M (2004). Impact of introduced honey bees on native pollination interactions of the endemic Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) on Tenerife, Canary Islands. Biological Conservation, 118(3):301-311.

Berlow, Eric L; Neutel, Anje-Margiet; Cohen, Joel E; de Ruiter, Peter C; Ebenman, Bo; Emmerson, Mark; Fox, Jeremy W; Jansen, Vincent A A; Iwan Jones, J; Kokkoris, Giorgos D; Logofet, Dmitrii O; McKane, Alan J; Montoya, Jose M; Petchey, Owen L (2004). Interaction strengths in food webs: issues and opportunities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(3):585-598.

McElligott, A G; Maggini, I; Hunziker, L; König, B (2004). Interactions between red-billed oxpeckers and black rhinos in captivity. Zoo Biology, 23(4):347-354.

Dupont, Y L; Hansen, D M; Valido, A; Olesen, J M (2004). Introduced honeybees on islands: impacts on native pollination interactions. Ecologia Mediterranea, 30(2):236-237.

Kanaoka, Masahiro; Shimizu, Kentaro K; Okada, Kiyotaka (2004). KOMPEITO is essential for the sculpture of pollen wall and callose accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nippon Shokubutsu Seiri Gakkai Nenkai ayobi Shinpojiumu Koen Yshishu 45, University of Zurich.

Abt Tietje, G; Reyer, H U (2004). Larval Development and Recruitment of Juveniles in a Natural Population of Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta. Copeia, 2004(3):638-646.

Blumstein, D T; Runyan, A; Seymour, M; Nicodemus, A; Ozgul, Arpat; Ransler, F; Im, S; Stark, T; Zugmeyer, C; Daniel, J C (2004). Locomotor ability and wariness in yellow-bellied marmots. Ethology, 110(8):615-634.

Reyer, H U; Wälti, M O; Bättig, I; Altwegg, R; Hellriegel, B (2004). Low proportions of reproducing hemiclonal females increase the stability of a sexual parasite-host system (Rana esculenta, R. lessonae). Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(6):1089-1101.

Markert, J A; Grant, P R; Grant, B R; Keller, L F; Coombs, J L; Petren, K (2004). Neutral locus heterozygosity, inbreeding, and survival in Darwin's ground finches (Geospiza fortis and G. scandens). Heredity, 92(4):306-315.

Petchey, O L (2004). On the statistical significance of functional diversity effects. Functional Ecology, 18(3):297-303.

Schmidt, B R (2004). Pesticides, mortality and population growth rate. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19(9):459-460.

Rusu, A S; König, B; Krackow, S (2004). Pre-reproductive alliance formation in female wild house mice (Mus domesticus): the effects of familiarity and age disparity. Acta Ethologica, 6(2):53-58.

Waiblinger, E; König, B (2004). Refinement of gerbil housing and husbandry in the laboratory. ATLA. Alternatives to laboratory animals, 2004(32, Supple):163-169.

Waiblinger, E; König, B (2004). Refinement of gerbil housing and husbandry in the laboratory. Animal Welfare, 13(Supp 1):229-235.

Blanckenhorn, Wolf U; Kraushaar, U; Teuschl, Y; Reim, C (2004). Sexual selection on morphological and physiological traits and fluctuating asymmetry in the black scavenger fly Sepsis cynipsea. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17(3):629-641.

Reid, J M; Arcese, P; Cassidy, A L E V; Hiebert, S M; Smith, J N M; Stoddard, P K; Marr, A B; Keller, L F (2004). Song repertoire size predicts initial mating success in male song sparrows, Melospiza melodia. Animal Behaviour, 68(5):1055-1063.

Manser, M B; Bell, M B (2004). Spatial representation of shelter locations in meerkats, Suricata suricatta. Animal Behaviour, 68(1):151-157.

Petchey, Owen L; Downing, Amy L; Mittelbach, Gary G; Persson, Lennart; Steiner, Christopher F; Warren, Philip H; Woodward, Guy (2004). Species loss and the structure and functioning of multitrophic aquatic systems. Oikos, 104(3):467-478.

Ward, Paul I; Jann, P; Blanckenhorn, Wolf U (2004). Temperature-mediated seasonal variation in phosphoglucomutase allozyme frequency in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Molecular Ecology, 13(10):3213-3218.

Sstatecsny, M; Jehle, R; Schmidt, B R; Arntzen, J W (2004). The abundance of premetamorphic newts (Triturus cristatus, T. marmoratus) as a function of habitat determinants: an a priori model selection approach. Herpetological Journal, 14:89-97.

Furman, A; Ozgul, A (2004). The distribution of cave-dwelling bats and conservation status of underground habitats in Northwestern Turkey. Biological Conservation, 120(2):243-248.

Mühlhäuser, Claudia; Blanckenhorn, Wolf U (2004). The quantitative genetics of sexual selection in the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea. Behaviour, 141(3):327-341.

Manser, M B; Fletcher, L B (2004). Vocalize to localize: A test on functionally referential alarm calls. Interaction Studies, 5(3):327-344.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Education

Hedderich, Ingeborg (2004). Berufliche Belastungssituationen: erkennen und begegnen. In: Rumpler, Fritz. Grenzen überwinden - Erfahrungen austauschen: der grosse Berichtsband zum Sonderpädagogischen Kongress 2004. Würzburg, Germany: Verband Sonderpädagogik e.V, 115-124.

Kraus, Katrin (2004). Constructing «Europe» and «European Identity»: The role of education in the process of european unification. In: Geisen, Thomas; Hickey, Anthony Andrew; Karcher, Allen. Migration, mobility, and borders : issues of theory and policy. Frankfurt am Main: IKO-Verlag, 137-158.

Hedderich, Ingeborg (2004). Das Studium der Heilpädagogik und Rehabilitation an der Hochschule Magdeburg - Stendal: eine empirische Studie zu Ausbildungsbiographie, Studienmotivation und Berufseinstieg. In: Greving, Heinrich. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Heilpädagogik. Berlin, Germany: Berufsverband der Heilpädagogen (BHP), 125-147.

Kraus, Katrin; Carter, Patricia (2004). Disincentives to employment: family and educational policies in unified Germany. In: Lakes, Richard D; Carter, Patricia A. Globalizing education for work : comparative perspectives on gender and the new economy. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 169-187.

Kraus, Katrin (2004). Education, social policy and governance: an analysis of the third way. In: Husemann, Rudolf; Heikkinen, Anja. Governance and marketisation in vocational and continuing education. Bern: Peter Lang, 31-48.

Kraus, Katrin (2004). Edutainment – ein Phänomen zwischen Aufklärung und Entgrenzung der Pädagogik. Education permanente EP, (3):12-15.

Kraus, Katrin (2004). Employability als Thema der betrieblichen Weiterbildung im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Individualisierung. In: Gonon, Philipp; Stolz, Stefanie. Betriebliche Weiterbildung : empirische Befunde, theoretische Perspektiven und aktuelle Herausforderungen. Bern: hep-Verlag, 169-194.

Petko, Dominik; Knüsel, Daniela (2004). Evaluationsbericht: Das Notebookprojekt USE-IT an den Oberstufenschulen der Stadt Solothurn. Rickenbach, Switzerland: Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz.

Staub, Fritz C (2004). Fachspezifisch-Pädagogisches Coaching: Ein Beispiel zur Entwicklung von Lehrerfortbildung und Unterrichtskompetenz als Kooperation. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 7(3):113-141.

Petko, Dominik (2004). Gesprächsformen und Gesprächsstrategien im Alltag der sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe. Göttingen: Cuvillier.

Kraus, Katrin; Müller, Susanne; Gonon, Philipp (2004). Gesundheitsberufe in der Grenzregion. Eine international-vergleichende Regionalstudie zur beruflichen Bildung. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: IKO - Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.

Staub, Fritz C; Gogg, K; Kreis, Annelies (2004). Handlungsorientierte Berufsschullehrpersonenbildung. Aus der Sicht von Dozierenden und (ehemaligen) Lehramtsstudierenden. In: Höheres Lehramt für Berufsschulen, xx; Höheres Lehramt für Mittelschulen, xx. Beiträge zur Handlungsorientierung. Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung. Bern: Verlag Pestalozzianum, 213-236.

Staub, Fritz C; Kreis, Annelies; Gogg, K (2004). Handlungsorientierung im allgemein bildenden Unterricht ans Berufsschulen. Eine Fallstudie zu Verständnis und Akzeptanz eines pädagogisch-didaktischen Konzepts bei neu ausgebildeten und in Ausbildung stehenden Berufsschullehrpersonen. In: Höheres Lehramt für Berufsschulen, xx; Höheres Lehramt für Mittelschulen, xx. Beiträge zur Handlungsorientierung. Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung. Bern: Verlag Pestalozzianum, 237-259.

Eberle, F; Müller, C; Pflüger, M; Otazo, P (2004). Leitlinien für einen problem- und handlungsorientierten Unterricht in gymnasialen Lehr-/Lernumgebungen. Theoretische Festlegung, Umsetzung und Wirkung in der Schulpraxis - Eine Pilotstudie. In: Höheres Lehramt für Berufsschulen. Beiträge zur Handlungsorientierung. Bern: h.e.p., 35-139.

Ramseier, Erich. Motivation als Ergebnis und als Determinante schulischen Lernens: eine Analyse im Rahmen von TIMSS. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kraus, Katrin (2004). New «virtues of employees»: a topic for educational science? In: Heikkinen, Anja; Lindgren, Antony. Social competences in vocational and continuing education. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 215-226.

Koller, Andreas. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit in Westeuropa und den USA : theoretische, metatheoretische und empirische Rekonstruktion und transatlantische Integration der Klassiker. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Staub, Fritz C (2004). Transforming educational theory into usable knowledge: A case of co-constructing tools for lesson design and reflection. In: Ralle, B; Eilks, I. Quality of practice-oriented research in science education. Aachen: Shaker, 41-51.

Kreis, Annelies; Staub, Fritz C (2004). Zwischen Handlungsorientierung und direkter Instruktion. Überzeugungen zur Unterrichtsgestaltung im allgemeinbildenden Unterricht an Berufsschulen. In: Höheres Lehramt für Berufsschulen; Höheres Lehramt für Mittelschulen. Beiträge zur Handlungsorientierung. Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung. Zürich: Verlag Pestalozzianum, 187-200.

Eisner, Manuel (2004). Zürcher Projekt zur sozialen Entwicklung von Kindern. Newsletter 1. Zürich: Universität Zürich, Pädagogisches Institut.

Eisner, Manuel; Ribeaud, Denis (2004). Zürcher Projekt zur sozialen Entwicklung von Kindern. Newsletter 2. Zürich: Universität Zürich, Pädagogisches Institut.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Computational Linguistics

Schneider, G; Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J (2004). A robust and hybrid deep-linguistic theory applied to large scale parsing. In: COLING-2004 Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural language Data, Geneva, Switzerland, August 2004, 14-23.

Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Schneider, G (2004). Answering questions in the genomics domain. In: ACL-2004 workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains, Barcelona, Spain., July 2004, 46-53.

Samuelsson, Y; Volk, Martin (2004). Automatic node insertion for treebank deepening. In: Third Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) 2004, Tübingen, Germany, 2004.

Volk, Martin; Samuelsson, Y (2004). Bootstrapping parallel treebanks. In: Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC) at COLING, Genève, 2004.

Schneider, G (2004). Combining shallow and deep processing for a robust, fast, deep-linguistic dependency parser. In: European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information ESSLLI 2004, Nancy, France, 2004, 41-50.

Spiliopoulou, M; Rinaldi, Fabio; Black, B; Zarri, G P; Mueller, R M; Brunzel, M; Theodoulidis, B; Orphanos, G; Hess, M; Dowdall, J; McNaught, J; King, M; Persidis, A; Bernard, L (2004). Coupling information extraction and data mining for ontology learning in PARMENIDES. In: RIAO'2004, Avignon, France, April 2004, 156-169.

Buitelaar, P; Steffen, D; Volk, Martin; Widdows, D; Sacaleanu, B; Vintar, S; Peters, S; Uszkoreit, H (2004). Evaluation resources for concept-based cross-lingual information retrieval in the medical domain. In: LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.

Kaljurand, K; Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Hess, M (2004). Exploiting language resources for semantic web annotations. In: LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, 815-818.

Schneider, G; Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J (2004). Fast, deep-linguistic statistical minimalist dependency parsing. In: COLING-2004 Recent Advances in Dependency Grammars, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004, 33-40.

Clematide, S (2004). GermaNet und UniNet. LDV Forum, 19(1/2):137-142.

Rinaldi, Fabio; Schneider, G; Kaljurand, K; Dowdall, J; Andronis, C; Persidis, A; Konstanti, O (2004). Mining relations in the GENIA corpus. In: Second European Workshop on Data Mining and Text Mining for Bioinformatics, Pisa, Italy, September 2004, 61-68.

Rinaldi, Fabio; Hess, M; Dowdall, J; Aliod Moll, D; Schwitter, R (2004). Question answering in terminology-rich technical domains. In: Maybury, M T. New directions in question answering. Menlo Park: AAAI Press, 133-140.

Scarlata, Salvatore (2004). Rezension zu Niederreiter, Stefan: Morphologische Varianz und semantische Konkurrenz. Verbalabstrakta im Rig-Veda. Graz, Leykam Verlag, 2001. Kratylos:182-183.

Mahlow, C; Hess, M (2004). Sentence completion tests for training and assessment in a computational linguistics curriculum. In: COLING-2004 Workshop on eLearning for Computational Linguistics and Computational Linguistics for eLearning, Geneva, Switzerland, August 2004, 61-70.

Klenner, M; Rinaldi, Fabio; Hess, M (2004). Steps towards Semantically Annotated Language Resources. In: LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, 1161-1164.

Schneider, G; Rinaldi, Fabio; Kaljurand, K; Hess, M (2004). Steps towards a GENIA dependency treebank. In: Third Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) 2004, Tübingen, Germany, 2004, 137-149.

Stocker, C; Macher, D; Studler, R; Bubenhofer, N; Crvelin, D; Liniger, R; Volk, Martin (2004). Studien-CD Linguistik: multimediale Einführungen und interaktive Übungen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft. Tübingen: Niemeyer Verlag.

Dowdall, J; Rinaldi, Fabio; Persidis, A; Kaljurand, K; Schneider, G; Hess, M (2004). Terminology expansion and relation identification between genes and pathways. In: Workshop on Terminology, Ontology and Knowledge Representation, Universit Jean Moulin (Lyon 3), January 2004, 61-68.

Schwitter, R; Rinaldi, Fabio; Clematide, S (2004). The importance of how-questions in technical domains. In: Proc of the Question-Answering workshop of TALN 04, Fez, Morocco, April 2004, 451-460.

Dowdall, J; Lowe, W; Elleman, J; Rinaldi, Fabio; Hess, M (2004). The role of MultiWord Terminology in Knowledge Management. In: LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, 915-918.

Hoefler, S (2004). The syntax of Attempto Controlled English: An abstract grammar for ACE 4.0. ifi Technical Reports ifi2004.03, University of Zurich.

Klenner, M (2004). Tutorial Dialogue in DiBEx. In: InSTIL/ICALL Symposium 2004, NLP and Speech Technologies in Advanced Language Learning Systems, Venice, Italy, June 2004, 161-164.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Institute of Clinical Chemistry

Gander, M L; Fischer, J E; Maly, F E; von Känel, R (2004). Effect of the G-308A polymorphism of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha gene promoter site on plasma levels of TNF-alpha and C-reactive protein in smokers: a cross-sectional study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 4:17.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Cinema Studies

Flückiger, Barbara (2004). Where's the Link? Original und Aufnahme im Zeitalter des digitalen Cut-and-Paste. Cinema, 49:58-69.

Flückiger, Barbara (2004). Zur Konjunktur der analogen Störung im digitalen Bild. In: Schröter, Jens; Böhnke, Alexander. Analog, digital – Opposition oder Kontinuum? : zur Theorie und Geschichte einer Unterscheidung. Bielefeld: 43915, 407-428.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine

Porzsolt, Franz; Schlotz-Gorton, Nicole; Biller-Andorno, Nikola; Thim, Anke; Meissner, Karin; Roeckl-Wiedmann, Irmgard; Herzberger, Barbara; Ziegler, Renatus; Gaus, Wilhelm; Pöppe, Ernst (2004). Applying evidence to support ethical decisions: is the placebo really powerless? Science and Engineering Ethics, 10(1):119-132.

Biller-Andorno, Nikola (2004). Between solidarity and self-interest: how fair is the "club model" for organ donation? The American Journal of Bioethics, 4(4):19-20; discussion W35.

Biller-Andorno, Nikola; Lenk, Christian; Leititis, J. (2004). Ethics, EBM, and hospital management. Journal of Medical Ethics, 30(2):136-140.

Rüttimann, Beat (2004). Kussmaul et l'endoscopie de l'oesophage et de l'estomac. In: 12e colloque des conservateurs des musées d'histoire des sciences médicales, Vienne, 1 September 2004 - 4 September 2004, 141-151.

Netzer, Christian; Biller-Andorno, Nikola (2004). Pharmacogenetic testing, informed consent and the problem of secondary information. Bioethics, 18(4):344-360.

Biller-Andorno, Nikola (2004). The use of the placebo effect in clinical medicine--ethical blunder or ethical imperative? Science and Engineering Ethics, 10(1):43-50.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Completeness through Limitation: On the Classification of tattvas in Sāṃkhya Philosophy. Berliner Indologische Studien, 15-17:307-325.

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Die Ganga: Zwischen Reinheit und Reinigung. Wissenschaftsmagazin funidert, 2:64-69.

Heinzelmann, Tobias (2004). Heiliger Kampf oder Landesverteidigung? Die Diskussion um die Einführung der allgemeinen Militärpflicht im Osmanischen Reich 1826-1856. Frankfurt a. M.: Lang.

Behr, Wolfgang (2004). Hinc sunt leones – two ancient Eurasian migratory terms in Chinese revisited (I-II). : IACD.

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Hinduismus. In: Emrich, Ulrike; Baer, Harald. Brockhaus Religionen. Glauben, Riten, Heilige. Mannheim: s.n., 253-256.

Malinar, Angelika; Beltz, Johannes; Frese, Heiko (2004). Introduction: Text and Context. In: Malinar, Angelika; Beltz, Johannes; Frese, Heiko. Text and context in the history, literature, and religion of Orissa. New Delhi: Manohar, vii-xxix.

Rudolph, Ulrich (2004). Joseph und seine Brüder im Koran. In: Fuhrer, Therese; Michel, Paul; Stotz, Peter. Geschichten und ihre Geschichte. Basel: Schwabe, 199-235.

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Körper-Theater und Selbst-Erkenntnis. Konzepte von Erfahrung in der indischen Philosophie. Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 4:211-231.

Behr, Wolfgang (2004). Language change in premodern China – notes on its perception and impact on the idea of a ‘con­stant way’. In: Mittag, Achim; Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig. Ideology and historical criticism. Leiden: s.n., 13-51.

Petrova, Gergana. Male characters in the Japanese fairy tale : classification and analysis. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kaplony, Andreas (2004). Manifestations of Private Piety: Muslims, Christians and Jews in Fatimid Jerusalem. In: Korn, L; Pahlitzsch, J. Governing the Holy City: the interaction of social groups in Jerusalem between the Fatimid and the Ottoman period. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 33-46.

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Mantra-Recitation as a religious institution: Śrī Kalpataru Sevā Āśrama in Bhubaneshwar. In: Malinar, Angelika; Beltz, Johannes; Frese, Heiko. Text and Context in the History, Literature and Religion of Orissa. New Delhi: Manohar, 175-202.

Kaplony, Andreas (2004). Mieten und Wohnen in einer heiligen Stadt. Jerusalemer Alltag in Geniza-Dokumenten des 11. Jh.s n. Chr. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 120:182-192.

Heinzelmann, Tobias (2004). Osmanlı karikatüründe Balkan sorunu 1908-1914. İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi.

Kaplony, Andreas (2004). Review of: Lamdan, Ruth, A Separate People: Jewish Women in Palestine, Syria and Egypt in the Sixteenth Century, Leiden 2000 (Brill's Series in Jewish Studies 26). H-Gender-Mideast:1-4.

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Review of: Maya Burger and Peter Schreiner: The Perception of the Elements in the Hindu Traditions. La perception des éléments dans les traditions hindoues. Studia Religiosa Helvetica Vol. 4/5. Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 99(6):654-657.

Text and Context in the History, Literature and Religion of Orissa. Edited by: Malinar, Angelika; Beltz, Johannes; Frese, Heiko (2004). New Delhi: Manohar.

Thomann, Johannes; Arn, David; Kaplony, Andreas (2004). The Arabic Papyrology School: An Interactive Introduction to the Reading of Arabic Documents. Zurich: Institute of Oriental Studies.

Heinzelmann, Tobias (2004). The Hedgehog as Historian. Linguistic Archaism as a Means of Satire in the Early Work of Refik Halid Karay. In: Unbehaun, Horst. The Middle Eastern Press as a Forum for Literature. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang, 195-211.

Behr, Wolfgang (2004). The extent of tonal irregularity in pre-qin inscriptional rhyming. In: Yue, Anna O; Ting, Pang-hsin; Hoh, Dah-an. Hànyŭshĭ yánjiū — jìniàn Lĭ Fāngguī xiānshēng băisuì míngdàn lùn­wénjí 漢語史研究—紀念李方桂先生 百歲冥单誕論文集 [Studies in the Hi­story of the Chinese Lan­guage — Memorial Collection on the occasion of Mr. Li Fang-kuei’s 100th birth­ day]. Taipei: Academia Sinica, 111-146.

Malinar, Angelika (2004). Zeit und Zeitpunkt in den Upaniṣaden und im Epos. In: Schweidler, Walter. Zeit: Anfang und Ende : Ergebnisse und Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums der Hermann-und-Marianne-Straniak-Stiftung, Weingarten 2002 = Time: beginning and end. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 29-46.

Rudolph, Ulrich (2004). al-Ṭūsī, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn ʿAlī. In: Bosworth, Clifford Edmund. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden, 815.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Art History

Jäggi, Carola (2004). "Sy bettet och gewonlich vor únser frowen bild...": Überlegungen zur Funktion von Kunstwerken in spätmittelalterlichen Frauenklöstern. In: Schmitt, Jean-Claude. Femmes, art et religion au Moyen Âge: [publié en collaboration avec le Musée d'Unterlinden de Colmar ... à l'Exposition Les Dominicaines d'Unterlinden présentée du 10 décembre 2000 au 10 juin 2001 au Musée d'Unterlinden de Colmar]. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires, 63-86.

Jäggi, Carola (2004). Archäologische Quellen und ihre Interpretation, oder: Vom traum zu wissen, wie es eigentlich gewesen. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, 12:118-128.

Jäggi, Carola; Mohn, Claudia; Schorer, Fabian (2004). Das Sprechgitter im ehemaligen Klarissenkloster Pfullingen, Kreis Reutlingen: neue Erkenntnisse aufgrund bau- und bodenarchäologischer Untersuchungen. In: Landesdenkmalamt, Baden-Württemberg. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg, 2003. Stuttgart: wbg Theiss, 188-192.

Matile, Michael (2004). Das zweyte Ich der Zeichnung: zur Reproduktion von Handzeichnungen im Zeitalter des Klassizismus. In: Griener, Pascal; Imesch, Kornelia. Klassizismen und Kosmopolitismus: Programm oder Problem? Austausch in Kunst und Kunsttheorie im 18. Jahrhundert. Zürich: Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, 193-208.

Jäggi, Carola (2004). Donator oder Fundator?: zur Genese des monumentalen Stifterbildes. Georges-Bloch-Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der Universität Zürich, 9(10):26-45.

Jäggi, Carola (2004). Ein Parlatorium im ehemaligen Klarissenkloster Pfullingen?: Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse einer Lehrgrabung im Sommer 2003. Nürnberger Blätter zur Archäologie, 19:198-199.

Matile, Michael (2004). Gusto e passione: italienische Zeichnungen aus der Sammlung Gadola. Basel: Schwabe.

Minta, Anna (2004). Israel bauen: Architektur, Städtebau und Denkmalpolitik nach der Staatsgründung 1948. Berlin: Reimer.

Rüfenacht, Andreas (2004). Katalogbeiträge. In: Neidhardt, Uta; Giebe, Marlies. Johannes Vermeer - Bei der Kupplerin: Kabinettausstellung anlässlich der Restaurierung des Gemäldes. Dresden: s.n., 90, 92.

de Riedmatten, Henri; Rüfenacht, Andreas; Weddigen, Tristan (2004). Pietro Maria Guarientis "Catalogo" der Dresdner Gemäldegalerie von 1750. In: Bischoff, Kristina. Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlung Dresden. Dresden: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 105-141.

Rimmele, Marius (2004). Rezension von: Christian Kiening: Das andere Selbst. Figuren des Todes an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit, München: Wilhelm Fink 2003. München:

Jäggi, Carola (2004). Rezension zu: Anne Michel, Les églises d’époque byzantine et umayyade de Jordanie (Provinces d’Arabie et de Palestine), Ve-VIIIe siècle, Typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques (avec catalogue des monuments), Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité tardive 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2001). Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, 47:213-217.

Jäggi, Carola; Meier, Hans-Rudolf (2004). »... migravit ad Christum sepultusque in cripta suburbano civitatis illius ...«: zur Genese der Krypta in der frühmittelalterlichen Sakralarchitektur. In: Graenert, Gabriele. Hüben und Drüben: Räume und Grenzen in der Archäologie des Frühmittelalters. Fest-schrift für Prof. Max Martin zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. Liestal: Archäologie und Kantonsmuseum Baselland, 129-140.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Animal Nutrition

Schaub, Daniel. Der Einfluss von Futterrationen mit unterschiedlichen physikalischen Eigenschaften auf Futteraufnahme, Verhalten und weitere verdauungsphysiologische Parameter bei Giraffen (Giraffa camelopardalis). 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Anatomy

Rühli, Frank J; Henneberg, Maciej (2004). Clinical perspectives on secular trends of intervertebral foramen diameters in an industrialized European society. European Spine Journal, 13(8):733-739.

Rühli, Frank J; Chhem, R K; Böni, Thomas (2004). Diagnostic paleoradiology of mummified tissue: interpretation and pitfalls. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):218-227.

Jevdjovic, T; Maake, C; Eppler, E; Zoidis, E; Reinecke, M; Zapf, J (2004). Effects of insulin--like growth factor-I treatment on the endocrine pancreas of hypophysectomized rats: comparison with growth hormone replacement. European Journal of Endocrinology, 151(2):223-231.

Caelers, A; Berishvili, G; Meli, M L; Eppler, E; Reinecke, M (2004). Establishment of a real-time RT-PCR for the determination of absolute amounts of IGF-I and IGF-II gene expression in liver and extrahepatic sites of the tilapia. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 137(2):196-204.

Bachli, E B; Brack, T; Eppler, E; Stallmach, T; Trüeb, R M; Huizing, M; Gahl, W A (2004). Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 4 in a patient from Sri Lanka with pulmonary fibrosis. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 127A(2):201-207.

Böni, Thomas; Rühli, Frank J; Chhem, R K (2004). History of paleoradiology: early published literature, 1896-1921. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):203-210.

Rühli, Frank J; Böni, Thomas; Henneberg, Maciej (2004). Hyperostosis frontalis interna: archaeological evidence of possible microevolution of human sex steroids? HOMO : Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 55(1-2):91-99.

Chhem, R K; Venkatesh, S K; Wang, S C; Wong, K M; Rühli, Frank J; Siew, E P Y; Latinis, K; Pottier, C (2004). Multislice computed tomography of two 2000-year-old skeletons in a soil matrix from Angkor, Cambodia. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):235-241.

Chhem, R K; Rühli, Frank J (2004). Paleoradiology: current status and future challenges. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 55(4):198-199.

Rühli, Frank J; Böni, Thomas (2004). Radiologisch-anatomische Untersuchungsbefunde. In: Simonett, J. Die Mumie der Ta-Di-Isis: Eine Reise vom Nil zum Rhein. Chur: Rätisches Museum Chur, 43-48.

06 Faculty of Arts > Institute for Research on the Public Sphere and Society

Eisenegger, Mark; Vonwil, Matthias (2004). Die Wirtschaft im Bann der Öffentlichkeit. Ursachen und empirische Evidenzen für die erhöhte öffentliche Exponiertheit ökonomischer Organisationen seit den 1990er Jahren. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, (2):80-89.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Die öffentliche Geltung der Bürger- und Menschenrechte. In: Kirchschläger, Peter G; Belliger, Andréa; Krieger, David J. Menschenrechte und Terrorismus. Band 1 der Reihe „Internationales Menschenrechtsforum Luzern“. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag, 95-116.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Einführung: Der Austritt der Kommunikationswissenschaft aus ihrer selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. In: Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried. Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Reihe: Mediensymposium Luzern. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 19-30.

Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried (2004). Einleitung: Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. In: Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried. Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Reihe: Mediensymposium Luzern, Band 8. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 9-18.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Katastrophenkommunikation in der Moderne. In: Pfister, Christian; Summermatter, Stephanie. Katastrophen und ihre Bewältigung – Perspektiven und Positionen. Bern: Haupt, 145-164.

Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried (2004). Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Kamber, Esther; Imhof, Kurt (2004). Phänomenologie der politischen Kommunikation. In: SGKM. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz 1/2004. Zürich: Scheizerische Gesellschaft für Kommunikation- und Medienwissenschaft, 10-18.

Eisenegger, Mark (2004). Reputationskonstitution in der Mediengesellschaft. In: Imhof, Kurt; Blum, Roger; Bonfadelli, Heinz; Jarren, Otfried. Mediengesellschaft : Strukturen, Merkmale, Entwicklungsdynamiken. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 262-292.

Eisenegger, Mark; Imhof, Kurt (2004). Reputationsrisiken moderner Organisationen. In: Röttger, Ulrike. PR-Theorien. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 239-260.

Eisenegger, Mark; Schranz, Mario (2004). Reputationsrisiken von Regierungsakteuren. Medienwissenschaft Schweiz:50-56.

Imhof, Kurt (2004). Wirtschaftsethik und Medien. Die Moralisierung in der Mediengesellschaft. In: Forum Wirtschaftsethik des Deutschen Netzwerkes Wirtschaftsethik. Forum Wirtschaftsethik des Deutschen Netzwerkes Wirtschaftsethik. Berlin: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, 4-9.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM)

Roozendaal, B; de Quervain, D J F; Schelling, G; McGaugh, J L (2004). A systemically administered beta-adrenoceptor antagonist blocks corticosterone-induced impairment of contextual memory retrieval in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 81(2):150-154.

Pennanen, L; Welzl, H; D'Adamo, P; Nitsch, R M; Götz, J (2004). Accelerated extinction of conditioned taste aversion in P301L tau transgenic mice. Neurobiology of Disease, 15(3):500-509.

Koller, M F; Mohajeri, M H; Huber, M; Wollmer, M A; Roth Z'graggen, B V; Sandmeier, E; Moritz, E; Tracy, J; Nitsch, R M; Christen, P (2004). Active immunization of mice with an Abeta-Hsp70 vaccine. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 1(1):20-28.

Greeve, I; Kretzschmar, D; Tschäpe, J A; Beyn, A; Brellinger, C; Schweizer, M; Nitsch, R M; Reifegerste, R (2004). Age-dependent neurodegeneration and Alzheimer-amyloid plaque formation in transgenic Drosophila. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(16):3899-3906.

Götz, J; Schild, A; Hoerndli, F; Pennanen, L (2004). Amyloid-induced neurofibrillary tangle formation in Alzheimer's disease: insight from transgenic mouse and tissue-culture models. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 22(7):453-465.

Mohajeri, M H; Kuehnle, K; Li, H; Poirier, R; Tracy, J; Nitsch, R M (2004). Anti-amyloid activity of neprilysin in plaque-bearing mouse models of Alzheimer's disease. FEBS Letters, 562(1-3):16-21.

Schiltz, J G; Salzer, U; Mohajeri, M H; Franke, D; Heinrich, J; Pavlovic, J; Wollmer, M A; Nitsch, R M; Moelling, K (2004). Antibodies from a DNA peptide vaccination decrease the brain amyloid burden in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 82(10):706-714.

Mohajeri, M H; Gaugler, M N M; Martinez, J; Tracy, J; Li, H; Crameri, A; Kuehnle, K; Wollmer, M A; Nitsch, R M (2004). Assessment of the bioactivity of antibodies against beta-amyloid peptide in vitro and in vivo. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 1(4-5):160-167.

Repetto, E; Russo, C; Venezia, V; Nizzari, M; Nitsch, R M; Schettini, G (2004). BACE1 overexpression regulates amyloid precursor protein cleavage and interaction with the ShcA adapter. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1030:330-338.

Papassotiropoulos, A; Maddalena, A; Gretener, D; Nitsch, R M; Hock, C (2004). Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. In: Hyman, B T; Demonet, L F; Christen, Y. The Living Brain and Alzheimer’s Disease. Berlin [etc.]: Springer Verlag, 17-24.

Maddalena, A S; Papassotiropoulos, A; Gonzalez-Agosti, C; Signorell, A; Hegi, T; Pasch, T; Nitsch, R M; Hock, C (2004). Cerebrospinal fluid profile of amyloid beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer's disease determined by protein biochip technology. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 1(4-5):231-235.

Bosshardt Superina, Simone. Consolidation of human memory: brain activations during the retrieval of word pairs 1 day and 1 month following learning measured with fMRI. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Eliaz, R E; Nir, S; Marty, C; Szoka, F C (2004). Determination and modeling of kinetics of cancer cell killing by doxorubicin and doxorubicin encapsulated in targeted liposomes. Cancer Research, 64(2):711-718.

Finckh, U; Hock, C; Nitsch, R M (2004). Die Alzheimer-Krankheit: Molekulare Grundlagen und Therapieansätzte. In: Ganten, D; Ruckpaul, K; Ruiz-Torres, A. Molekularmedizinische Grundlagen von altersspezifischen Erkrankungen. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 148-179.

Marty, C; Meylan, C; Schott, H; Ballmer-Hofer, K; Schwendener, R (2004). Enhanced heparan sulfate proteoglycan-mediated uptake of cell-penetrating peptide-modified liposomes. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 61(14):1785-1794.

Maddalena, A S; Fox, M; Hofmann, M; Hock, C (2004). Esophageal dysfunction on psychotropic medication. A case report and literature review. Pharmacopsychiatry, 37(3):134-138.

Alberici, A; Gobbo, C; Panzacchi, A; Nicosia, F; Ghidoni, R; Benussi, L; Hock, C; Papassotiropoulos, A; Liberini, P; Growdon, J H; Frisoni, G B; Villa, A; Zanetti, O; Cappa, S; Fazio, F; Binetti, G (2004). Frontotemporal dementia: impact of P301L tau mutation on a healthy carrier. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 75(11):1607-1610.

Martens, E; Stevens, I; Janssens, V; Vermeesch, J; Götz, J; Goris, J; Van Hoof, C (2004). Genomic organisation, chromosomal localisation tissue distribution and developmental regulation of the PR61/B' regulatory subunits of protein phosphatase 2A in mice. Journal of Molecular Biology, 336(4):971-986.

Roozendaal, B; Hahn, E L; Nathan, S V; de Quervain, D J F; McGaugh, J L (2004). Glucocorticoid effects on memory retrieval require concurrent noradrenergic activity in the hippocampus and basolateral amygdala. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(37):8161-8169.

de Quervain, D J F; Poirier, R; Wollmer, M A; Grimaldi, L M E; Tsolaki, M; Streffer, J R; Hock, C; Nitsch, R M; Mohajeri, M H; Papassotiropoulos, A (2004). Glucocorticoid-related genetic susceptibility for Alzheimer's disease. Human Molecular Genetics, 13(1):47-52.

Savaskan, E; Löffler, K U; Meier, F; Müller-Spahn, F; Flammer, J; Meyer, P (2004). Immunohistochemical localization of angiotensin-converting enzyme, angiotensin II and AT1 receptor in human ocular tissues. Ophthalmic Research, 36(6):312-320.

Nitsch, R M (2004). Immunotherapy of Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 18(4):185-189.

Schreiner, B; Mitsdoerffer, M; Kieseier, B C; Chen, L; Hartung, H P; Weller, M; Wiendl, H (2004). Interferon-beta enhances monocyte and dendritic cell expression of B7-H1 (PD-L1), a strong inhibitor of autologous T-cell activation: relevance for the immune modulatory effect in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 155(1-2):172-182.

Wolf, H; Julin, P; Gertz, H J; Winblad, B; Wahlund, L O (2004). Intracranial volume in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia: evidence for brain reserve? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(10):995-1007.

Wolfer, D P; Litvin, O; Morf, S; Nitsch, R M; Lipp, H P; Würbel, H (2004). Laboratory animal welfare: cage enrichment and mouse behaviour. Nature, 432(7019):821-822.

Grasbon-Frodl, E; Lorenz, H; Mann, U; Nitsch, R M; Windl, O; Kretzschmar, H A (2004). Loss of glycosylation associated with the T183A mutation in human prion disease. Acta Neuropathologica, 108(6):476-484.

Aerni, A; Traber, R; Hock, C; Roozendaal, B; Schelling, G; Papassotiropoulos, A; Nitsch, R M; Schnyder, U; de Quervain, D J F (2004). Low-dose cortisol for symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(8):1488-1490.

Umbricht, D; Vyssotky, D; Latanov, A; Nitsch, R; Brambilla, R; D'Adamo, P; Lipp, H P (2004). Midlatency auditory event-related potentials in mice: comparison to midlatency auditory ERPs in humans. Brain Research, 1019(1-2):189-200.

Savaskan, E; Müller-Spahn, F; Meier, F; Wirz-Justice, A; Meyer, P (2004). Orexins and their receptors in the human retina. Pathobiology, 71(4):211-216.

Günther, C; von Hadeln, K; Müller-Thomsen, T; Alberici, A; Binetti, G; Hock, C; Nitsch, R M; Stoppe, G; Reiss, J; Gal, A; Finckh, U (2004). Possible association of mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) genotype with sporadic Alzheimer disease. Neuroscience Letters, 369(3):219-223.

Chen, F; David, D; Ferrari, A; Götz, J (2004). Posttranslational modifications of tau - role in human tauopathies and modeling in transgenic animals. Current Drug Targets, 5(6):503-515.

Hoerndli, F J; Toigo, M; Schild, A; Götz, J; Day, P J (2004). Reference genes identified in SH-SY5Y cells using custom-made gene arrays with validation by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Analytical Biochemistry, 335(1):30-41.

Frahm, C; Haupt, C; Weinandy, F; Siegel, G; Bruehl, C; Witte, O W (2004). Regulation of GABA transporter mRNA and protein after photothrombotic infarct in rat brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 478(2):176-188.

Chen, F; Wollmer, M A; Hoerndli, F; Münch, G; Kuhla, B; Rogaev, E I; Tsolaki, M; Papassotiropoulos, A; Götz, J (2004). Role for glyoxalase I in Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 101(20):7687-7692.

Henke Westerholt, K. Roles of the hippocampus in human memory. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schelling, G; Kilger, E; Roozendaal, B; de Quervain, D J F; Briegel, J; Dagge, A; Rothenhäusler, H B; Krauseneck, T; Nollert, G; Kapfhammer, H P (2004). Stress doses of hydrocortisone, traumatic memories, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in patients after cardiac surgery: a randomized study. Biological Psychiatry, 55(6):627-633.

Wolf, H; Hensel, A; Kruggel, F; Riedel-Heller, S G; Arendt, T; Wahlund, L O; Gertz, H J (2004). Structural correlates of mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging, 25(7):913-924.

Degonda, Nadia. Subliminally presented stimuli modify memory performance: implications for theories of long-term-memory. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

von Rotz, R C; Kohli, B M; Bosset, J; Meier, M; Suzuki, T; Nitsch, R M; Konietzko, U (2004). The APP intracellular domain forms nuclear multiprotein complexes and regulates the transcription of its own precursor. Journal of Cell Science, 117(Pt 19):4435-4448.

Mohajeri, M H; Madani, R; Saini, K; Lipp, H P; Nitsch, R M; Wolfer, D P (2004). The impact of genetic background on neurodegeneration and behavior in seizured mice. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 3(4):228-239.

de Quervain, D J F; Fischbacher, U; Treyer, V; Schellhammer, M; Schnyder, U; Buck, A; Fehr, Ernst (2004). The neural basis of altruistic punishment. Science, 305(5688):1254-1258.

Kuner, R; Teismann, P; Trutzel, A; Naim, J; Richter, A; Schmidt, N; Bach, A; Ferger, B; Schneider, A (2004). TorsinA, the gene linked to early-onset dystonia, is upregulated by the dopaminergic toxin MPTP in mice. Neuroscience Letters, 355(1-2):126-130.

Mohajeri, M H; Saini, K D; Nitsch, R M (2004). Transgenic BACE expression in mouse neurons accelerates amyloid plaque pathology. Journal of Neural Transmission, 111(3):413-425.

Götz, J; Streffer, J R; David, D; Schild, A; Hoerndli, F; Pennanen, L; Kurosinski, P; Chen, F (2004). Transgenic animal models of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders: histopathology, behavior and therapy. Molecular Psychiatry, 9(7):664-683.

Rauer, M; Götz, J; Schuppli, D; Staeheli, P; Hausmann, J (2004). Transgenic mice expressing the nucleoprotein of Borna disease virus in either neurons or astrocytes: decreased susceptibility to homotypic infection and disease. Journal of Virology, 78(7):3621-3632.

Working Paper Series > Institute for Empirical Research in Economics (former)

Frey, Bruno S (2004). 'Just Forget It' - Memory Distortion as Bounded Rationality". Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 192, University of Zurich.

Leoni, Patrick (2004). A Learning Theory for the Harsanyi's Doctrine in Repeated Games. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 196, University of Zurich.

Lalive, Rafael; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Approval of Equal Rights and Gender Differences in Well-Being. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 194, University of Zurich.

Monnin, Pierre (2004). Are stock markets really like beauty contests? Empirical evidence of higher order belief's impact on asset prices. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 202, University of Zurich.

Frey, Bruno S; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Beyond Outcomes: Measuring Procedural Utility (final version). Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 76, University of Zurich.

Frey, Bruno S; Luechinger, Simon; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Calculating Tragedy: Assessing the Costs of Terrorism. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 205, University of Zurich.

Blavatskyy, Pavlo R (2004). Contest success function with the possibility of a draw: axiomatization. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 208, University of Zurich.

Stutzer, Alois; Kienast, Lukas (2004). Demokratische Beteiligung und Staatsausgaben: Die Auswirkungen des Frauenstimmrechts. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 210, University of Zurich.

Leoni, Patrick; Luchini, Stéphane (2004). Designing the Financial Tool to Promote Universal Free-Access to AIDS Care. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 214, University of Zurich.

Falk, Armin; Kosfeld, Michael (2004). Distrust - The Hidden Cost of Control. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 193, University of Zurich.

Stutzer, Alois; Frey, Bruno S (2004). Does Marriage Make People Happy, Or Do Happy People Get Married. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 143, University of Zurich.

Frey, Bruno S; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Economic Consequences of Mispredicting Utility. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 218, University of Zurich.

Blavatskyy, Pavlo R (2004). Efficient elicitation of utility and probability weighting functions. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 211, University of Zurich.

De Giorgi, Enrico (2004). Evolutionary Portfolio Selection with Liquidity Shocks. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 185, University of Zurich.

Leoni, Patrick; Senesi, Pietro (2004). Existence and Global Attractivity of Stable Solutions in Neural Networks. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 198, University of Zurich.

Hens, Thorsten; Mayer, Janos; Pilgrim, Beate (2004). Existence of Sunspot Equilibria and Uniqueness of Spot Market Equilibria: The Case of Intrinsically Complete Markets. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 188, University of Zurich.

Fehr, Ernst; Schmidt, Klaus M (2004). Fairness and Incentives in a Multi-Task Principal-Agent Model. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 191, University of Zurich.

Frey, Bruno S; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Happiness Research: State and Prospects. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 190, University of Zurich.

Loertscher, Aleksander; Berentsen, Esther; Bruegger, Simon (2004). Heterogeneity, Local Information, and Global Interaction. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 182, University of Zurich.

Lalive, Rafael; van Ours, Jan C; Zweimüller, Josef (2004). How Changes in Financial Incentives Affect the Duration of Unemployment. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 206, University of Zurich.

Foellmi, Reto; Zweimüller, Josef (2004). Income Distribution and Demand-induced Innovations. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 212, University of Zurich.

Meier, Stephan; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Is Volunteering Rewarding in Itself? Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 180, University of Zurich.

Leoni, Patrick (2004). Learning in Repeated Games without Repeating the Game. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 215, University of Zurich.

Ewerhart, Christian; Cassola, Nuno; Ejerskov, Steen; Valla, Natacha (2004). Liquidity, Information, and the Overnight Rate. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 186, University of Zurich.

Götte, Lorenz; Huffman, David; Fehr, Ernst (2004). Loss Aversion and Labor Supply. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 178, University of Zurich.

Stutzer, Alois; Frey, Bruno S (2004). Making International Organizations More Democratic. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 217, University of Zurich.

Leoni, Patrick (2004). Market Power, Survival and Accuracy of Predictions in Financial Markets. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 216, University of Zurich.

Meier, Stephan; Frey, Bruno S (2004). Matching Donations - Subsidizing Charitable Giving in a Field Experiment. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 181, University of Zurich.

Fehr, Ernst; Tyran, Jean-Robert (2004). Money Illusion and Coordination Failure. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 177, University of Zurich.

Ewerhart, Christian; Cassola, Nuno; Ejerskov, Steen; Valla, Natacha (2004). Optimal Allotment Policy in Central Bank Open Market Operations. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 201, University of Zurich.

De Giorgi, Enrico (2004). Reward-Risk Portfolio Selection and Stochastic Dominance. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 121, University of Zurich.

Ewerhart, Christian; Wichardt, Philipp (2004). Signaling, Globality, and the Intuitive Criterion. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 189, University of Zurich.

Stutzer, Alois; Frey, Bruno S (2004). Stress That Doesn't Pay: The Commuting Paradox. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 151, University of Zurich.

Berentsen, Aleksander; Camera, Gabriele; Waller, Christopher (2004). The Distribution of Money and Prices in an Equilibrium with Lotteries. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 174, University of Zurich.

Huck, Steffen; Kosfeld, Michael (2004). The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Watch and Norm Enforcement. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 199, University of Zurich.

Ewerhart, Christian (2004). The Effect of Sunk Costs on the Outcome of Alternating-Offers - Bargaining between Inequity-Averse Agents. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 203, University of Zurich.

Gruetter, Max; Lalive, Rafael (2004). The Importance of Firms in Wage Determination. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 207, University of Zurich.

Frey, Bruno S; Stutzer, Alois (2004). The Role of Direct Democracy and Federalism in Local Power. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 209, University of Zurich.

Fehr, Ernst; Schmidt, Klaus M (2004). The Role of Equality, Efficiency, and Rawlsian Motives in Social Preferences: A Reply to Engelmann and Strobel. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 179, University of Zurich.

Hens, Thorsten; Pilgrim, Beate (2004). The Transfer Paradox and Sunspot Equilibria. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 70, University of Zurich.

De Giorgi, Enrico; Reimann, Stefan (2004). The alpa-Beauty Contest: Choosing Numbers, Thinking Intervals. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 183, University of Zurich.

Fehr, Ernst; Fischbacher, Urs (2004). Third party punishment and social norms. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 106, University of Zurich.

Luechinger, Bruno S; Frey, Simon; Stutzer, Alois (2004). Valuing Public Goods: The Life Satisfaction Approach. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 184, University of Zurich.

Leoni, Patrick (2004). When Are Market Crashes Driven by Speculation? Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 197, University of Zurich.

Blavatskyy, Pavlo R (2004). Why qualifications at the Olympics? Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 204, University of Zurich.

Blavatskyy, Pavlo R (2004). Why the Olympics have three prizes and not just one. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 200, University of Zurich.

Frey, Bruno S; Osterloh, Margit (2004). Yes, Managers Should be Paid Like Bureaucrats. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 187, University of Zurich.

07 Faculty of Science > Grid Computing Competence Center

Schopfer, Jürg T; Dangel, Stefan; Kaiser, Johannes W; Kneubühler, Mathias; Nieke, Jens; Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela; Schaepman, Michael E; Itten, Klaus I (2004). Correction of the diffuse influence in spectrodirectional measurements. In: International Radiation Symposium, Busan, Korea, 23 August 2004 - 28 August 2004. s.n., 371-374.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Functional Genomics Center Zurich

Benke, D; Fakitsas, P; Roggenmoser, C; Michel, C; Rudolph, U; Mohler, H (2004). Analysis of the presence and abundance of GABAA receptors containing two different types of alpha subunits in murine brain using point-mutated alpha subunits. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(42):43654-43660.

Gehrig, P M; Hunziker, P E; Zahariev, S; Pongor, S (2004). Fragmentation pathways of N(G)-methylated and unmodified arginine residues in peptides studied by ESI-MS/MS and MALDI-MS. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 15(2):142-149.

Rozhkova, A; Stirnimann, C U; Frei, P; Grauschopf, U; Brunisholz, R; Grütter, M G; Capitani, G; Glockshuber, R (2004). Structural basis and kinetics of inter- and intramolecular disulfide exchange in the redox catalyst DsbD. The EMBO Journal, 23(8):1709-1719.

02 Faculty of Law > Europa Institut at the University of Zurich (EIZ)

Fusionsgesetz – Auswirkungen auf die Praxis. Edited by: Kellerhals, Andreas (2004). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

Mergers & Acquisitions VI. Edited by: Tschäni, Rudolf (2004). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

Praxis zum unternehmerischen Verantwortlichkeitsrecht. Edited by: Weber, Rolf H (2004). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

Sport und Recht: Vertragsgestaltung im Sport. Edited by: Nater, Hans (2004). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

The challenge of proximity : Referate zu Fragen der Zukunft Europas 2003. Edited by: Kellerhals, Andreas (2004). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

Ökonomische Grundlagen zur kartellrechtlichen Beurteilung von Alleinvertriebsverträgen. Edited by: Reinert, Mani (2004). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinary Clinic > Equine Department

Schwarzwald, Colin C; Schuback, K (2004). Abnormalities of the Erythron. In: Hinchcliff, Kenneth; Kaneps, A; Geor, R. Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery. Edinburgh: Saunders, 967-999.

El-Warrak, Alexander O; Olmstead, Marvin; Schneider, Rebecca; Meinel, Lorenz; Bettschart-Wolfisberger, Regula; Akens, Margerete K; Auer, Jörg A; von Rechenberg, Brigitte (2004). An experimental animal model of aseptic loosening of hip prostheses in sheep to study early biochemical changes at the interface membrane. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 5:7.

Rietmann, T R; Stuart, A E A; Bernasconi, P; Stauffacher, Markus; Auer, Jörg A; Weishaupt, Michael A (2004). Assessment of mental stress in warmblood horses: heart rate variability in comparison to heart rate and selected behavioural parameters. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 88(1-2):121-136.

Vogt, Rainer. Atemparameter bei Warmblutpferden mit Hemiplegia laryngis Grad 4 vor und nach chirurgischer Intervention. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Weishaupt, Michael A; Wiestner, Thomas; Hogg, H P; Jordan, P; Auer, Jörg A (2004). Compensatory load redistribution of horses with induced weightbearing hindlimb lameness trotting on a treadmill. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36(8):727-733.

Weishaupt, Michael A. Compensatory mechanisms of weightbearing lameness in horses: a novel approach by measuring vertical ground reaction forces on an instrumented treadmill. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Dressel, C; Fürst, Anton; Imhof, A (2004). Einsatz von Small Intestine Submucosa (SIS) zur Wundversorgung bei 11 Pferden: erste Erfahrungen. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift, 91:142-150.

Stahel, Simone. Erhebung von Trainingsintensitäten und -umfang bei Trabrennpferden in der Schweiz. 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Derungs, Simone; Fürst, Anton E; Hässig, Michael; Auer, Jörg A (2004). Frequency, consequences and clinical outcome of kick injuries in horses: 256 cases (1992-2000). Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift, 91(5):114-119.

Feige, Karsten; Dennler, Matthias; Kästner, S B; Wunderli-Allenspach, H; Demuth, Daniel; Huber, A (2004). Pharmacokinetics of recombinant hirudin in healthy horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36(2):135-141.

Braun, Ueli; Salis, F; Gerspach, Christian; Feige, Karsten; Sydler, Titus (2004). Pharyngeal perforation in three cows caused by administration of a calcium bolus. Veterinary Record, 154(8):240-242.

Rietmann, T R; Stauffacher, M; Bernasconi, P; Auer, Jörg A; Weishaupt, Michael A (2004). The association between heart rate, heart rate variability, endocrine and behavioural pain measures in horses suffering from laminitis. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 51(5):218-225.

Weishaupt, Michael A; Wiestner, Thomas; Hogg, H P; Jordan, P; Auer, Jörg A (2004). Vertical ground reaction force-time histories of sound Warmblood horses trotting on a treadmill. Veterinary Journal, 168(3):304-311.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)

Erba, P; Anastasi, S; Senn, O; Maggiorirni, M; Bloch, K E (2004). Acute mountain sickness is related to nocturnal hypoxemia but not to hypoventilation. European Respiratory Journal, 24(2):303-308.

Wang, J; Etter, J F (2004). Administering an effective health intervention for smoking cessation online: the international users of Stop-Tabac. Preventive Medicine, 39(5):962-968.

Hardmeier, Beat; Braunschweig, Suzanne; Cavallaro, Marzia; Roos, Malgorzata; Pauli-Magnus, Christiane; Giger, Max; Meier, Peter J; Fattinger, Karin (2004). Adverse drug events caused by medication errors in medical inpatients. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(45-46):664-670.

Gostynski, Michal; Gutzwiller, Felix; Kuulasmaa, K; Döring, A; Ferrario, M; Grafnetter, D; Pajak, A (2004). Analysis of the relationship between total cholesterol, age, body mass index among males and females in the WHO MONICA Project. International Journal of Obesity, 28(8):1082-1090.

Hämmig, Oliver; Bauer, Georg (2004). Arbeit und Gesundheit im Kanton Zürich : Befragungsergebnisse zu Arbeitsbedingungen, Work-Life Balance und Befindlichkeit. Zürich: Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der Universität Zürich.

Heitz, P U; Komminoth, P; Zimmermann, D; Probst-Hensch, N M; Bopp, M (2004). Aufgaben der Pathologie. In: Böcker, W. Lehrbuch Pathologie. München: Urban & Fischer Verlag, 5-37.

Liu, J Y; Hafner, J; Dragieva, G; Seifert, Burkhardt; Burg, G (2004). Autologous cultured keratinocytes on porcine gelatin microbeads effectively heal chronic venous leg ulcers. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 12(2):148-156.

Hafner, J; Hess Schmid, M; Kempf, W; Burg, G; Künzi, W; Meuli-Simmen, C; Neff, P; Meyer, V; Mihic, D; Garzoli, E; Jungius, K P; Seifert, Burkhardt; Dummer, R; Steinert, H (2004). Baseline staging in cutaneous malignant melanoma. British Journal of Dermatology, 150(4):677-686.

Krieger, E; van Der Loo, B; Amann-Vesti, B R; Rousson, V; Koppensteiner, R (2004). C-reactive protein and red cell aggregation correlate with late venous function after acute deep venous thrombosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 40(4):644-649.

Gessler, P; Prêtre, René; Hohl, V; Rousson, V; Fischer, J; Dahinden, C (2004). CXC-chemokine stimulation of neutrophils correlates with plasma levels of myeloperoxidase and lactoferrin and contributes to clinical outcome after pediatric cardiac surgery. Shock, 22(6):513-520.

Bachmann, A; Faisst, Karin (2004). Chancen und Risiken von Biobanken : Überlegungen aus ethischer Sicht. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 85(37):1987-1989.

Reichler, Iris M; Pfeiffer, Esther; Piché, Claude A; Jöchle, Wolfgang; Roos, Malgorzata; Hubler, Madeleine; Arnold, Susi (2004). Changes in plasma gonadotropin concentrations and urethral closure pressure in the bitch during the 12 months following ovariectomy. Theriogenology, 62(8):1391-1402.

de Juan, R; Seifert, B; Berthold, T; von Schulthess, G K; Goerres, G W (2004). Clinical evaluation of a breathing protocol for PET/CT. European Radiology, 14(6):1118-1123.

Baumann, F; Bjeljac, M; Kollias, S S; Baumert, B G; Brandner, S; Rousson, V; Yonekawa, Y; Bernays, R L (2004). Combined thalidomide and temozolomide treatment in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 67(1-2):191-200.

Willmann, J K; Weishaupt, D; Kobza, R; Verdun, F R; Seifert, Burkhardt; Marincek, B; Boehm, T (2004). Coronary artery bypass grafts: ECG-gated multi-detector row CT angiography--influence of image reconstruction interval on graft visibility. Radiology, 232(2):568-577.

Gervini, D; Rousson, V (2004). Criteria for Evaluating Dimension-Reducing Components for Multivariate Data. The American Statistician, 58(1):72-76.

Ochsenbein-Kölble, Nicole; Roos, Malgorzata; Gasser, T; Huch, R; Huch, A; Zimmermann, Roland (2004). Cross sectional study of automated blood pressure measurements throughout pregnancy. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 111(4):319-325.

Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Die heroingestützte Behandlung im Kontext der schweizerischen Drogenpolitik. Abhängigkeiten, 10(1):30-33.

Steffen, R; Gyr, K (2004). Diet in the treatment of diarrhea: from tradition to evidence. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 39(4):472-473.

Georgiadis, D; Oehler, J; Schwarz, S; Rousson, V; Hartmann, M; Schwab, S (2004). Does acute occlusion of the carotid T invariably have a poor outcome? Neurology, 63(1):22-26.

Gschwend, P; Rehm, J; Blattler, R; Steffen, T; Seidenberg, A; Christen, S; Burki, C; Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Dosage regimes in the prescription of heroin and other narcotics to chronic opioid addicts in switzerland – swiss national cohort study. European Addiction Research, 10(1):41-48.

Avendaño, M; Kunst, A E; Huisman, M; van Lenthe, F; Bopp, M; Borrell, C; Valkonen, T; Regidor, E; Costa, G; Donkin, A; Borgan, J K; Deboosere, P; Gadeyne, S; Spadea, T; Andersen, O; Mackenbach, J P (2004). Educational level and stroke mortality: a comparison of 10 European populations during the 1990s. Stroke, 35(2):432-437.

Hegi, T R; Bombeli, T; Seifert, Burkhardt; Baumann, P C; Haller, U; Zalunardo, M P; Pasch, T; Spahn, D R (2004). Effect of rofecoxib on platelet aggregation and blood loss in gynaecological and breast surgery compared with diclofenac. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 92(4):523-531.

Mayer-Stankeova, Simona; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Wergin, Melanie; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Wenger, Monique; Roos, Malgorzata; Reusch, Claudia E; Sumova, Andrea; Kaser-Hotz, Barbara (2004). Effektivität der Strahlentherapie in der Behandlung von hypophysären Tumoren bei 13 Hunden. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere, 32(4):232-237.

Rohner, Michèle Patricia. Emotional well-being - the cornerstone of health? 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Infante, R M; Ericsson, C D; Jiang, Z D; Ke, S; Steffen, R; Riopel, L; Sack, D A; DuPont, H L (2004). Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli diarrhea in travelers: response to rifaximin therapy. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2(2):135-138.

Kahlmeier, Sonja; Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte (2004). Environmental health indicators in policy evaluation. European Journal of Public Health, 14(1):101-104.

Bianchet, Oliver. Epidemiologie und Management der Influenza in der stationären Versorgung des Universitätsspitals Zürich und beim fliegenden Personal der Swissair. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Steffen, R; Tornieporth, N; Clemens, S A; Chatterjee, S; Cavalcanti, A M; Collard, F; De Clercq, N; DuPont, H L; von Sonnenburg, F (2004). Epidemiology of travelers' diarrhea: details of a global survey. Journal of Travel Medicine, 11(4):231-237.

Petrowsky, H; Demartines, N; Rousson, V; Clavien, P A (2004). Evidence-based value of prophylactic drainage in gastrointestinal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Annals of Surgery, 240(6):1074-1084; discussion 1084.

Schlagenhauf, Patricia; Funk, M; Mütsch, Margot; Prasad, L; Stürchler, M (2004). Focus on cruise ship travel. Journal of Travel Medicine, 11(3):191-193.

Szucs, Thomas D; Schwenkglenks, Matthias; Cathomas, G; Geschwindner, H; Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Früherfassung des Bronchuskarzinoms – Chancen und Risiken. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 85(16):840-843.

Beer, G M; Burg, D; Zehnder, A; Seifert, Burkhardt; Steurer, M; Grimaldi, H; Meyer, V E (2004). Functional, electrophysiologic, and morphometric evaluation of nerve regeneration from coaptation on regenerated nerve fibers: experimental study in rabbits. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 20(2):159-166.

Ohgaki, H; Dessen, P; Jourde, B; Horstmann, S; Nishikawa, T; Di Patre, P L; Burkhard, C; Schüler, D; Probst-Hensch, N M; Maiorka, P C; Baeza, N; Pisani, P; Yonekawa, Y; Yasargil, M G; Lütolf, U M; Kleihues, P (2004). Genetic pathways to glioblastoma: a population-based study. Cancer Research, 64(19):6892-6899.

Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Gesundheit: ein Vorsorgekapital? Gorgo : Zeitschrift für archetypische Psychologie, bildhaftes Denken und Mythodrama, 2004(47):5-11.

Gesundheitswesen Schweiz: Gibt es Unter- und Überversorgung? Edited by: Bisig, Brigitte; Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Zürich/Chur: Rüegger.

Eiholzer, U; L'Allemand, D; Schlumpf, M; Rousson, V; Gasser, T; Fusch, C (2004). Growth hormone and body composition in children younger than 2 years with Prader-Willi syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 144(6):753-758.

Steger, Katharine. HIV-Neuinfektionen in der heroingestützten Behandlung. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Jeggli, S; Steiner, D; Joller, H; Tschopp, Alois; Steffen, Robert; Hotz, Philipp (2004). Hepatitis E, Helicobacter pylori, and gastrointestinal symptoms in workers exposed to waste water. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(7):622-627.

Jeggli, Stefan. Hepatitis E, Helicobacter pylori, and gastrointestinal symptoms in workers exposed to waste water. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Beck, B R; Hatz, C F R; Loutan, L; Steffen, R (2004). Immunogenicity of booster vaccination with a virosomal hepatitis A vaccine after primary immunization with an aluminum-adsorbed hepatitis A vaccine. Journal of Travel Medicine, 11(4):201-206.

Mackenbach, J P; Huisman, M; Andersen, O; Bopp, M; Borgan, J K; Borrell, C; Costa, G; Deboosere, P; Donkin, A; Gadeyne, S; Minder, C; Regidor, E; Spadea, T; Valkonen, T; Kunst, A E (2004). Inequalities in lung cancer mortality by the educational level in 10 European populations. European Journal of Cancer, 40(1):126-135.

Simon, E A; Saur, F; Buerge, M; Glaab, R; Roos, Malgorzata; Kohler, G (2004). Inter-observer agreement of ultrasonographic measurement of alpha and beta angles and the final type classification based on the Graf method. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(45-46):671-677.

Maillat, Cédric. Interdependenz von subjektivem Belastungsempfinden, Herzfrequenz, kapillärem Blutlaktat, Sauerstoffverbrauch und Ventilation bei unterschiedlich intensiven Outdoor-Aktivitäten auf 430m, 1500m sowie 2700m ü.M. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Junge, Astrid. Inzidenz, Risikofaktoren und Prävention von Verletzungen beim Fussball. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wiesli, P; Schäffler, E; Seifert, Burkhardt; Schmid, C; Donath, M Y (2004). Islets secretory capacity determines glucose homoeostasis in the face of insulin resistance. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(37-38):559-564.

Gasser, T; Gervini, D; Molinari, L (2004). Kernel estimation, shape-invariant modelling and structural analysis. In: Hauspie, R C; Cameron, N; Molinari, L. Methods in Human Growth Research. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 179-204.

Van Herck, K; Van Damme, P; Castelli, F; Zuckerman, J; Nothdurft, H; Dahlgren, A L; Gisler, S; Steffen, R; Gargalianos, P; López‐Vélez, R; Overbosch, D; Caumes, E; Walker, E (2004). Knowledge, attitudes and practices in travel-related infectious diseases: the European airport survey. Journal of Travel Medicine, 11(1):3-8.

Hämmig, Oliver; Bauer, Georg Konzept für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung im Kanton Zürich. Edited by: Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der Universität Zürich (2004). Zürich: Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der Universität Zürich.

Hämmig, Oliver; Bopp, Matthias; Stähli, Roland (2004). Konzept zur Gesundheitsberichterstattung im Kanton Zürich 2003-2007. Zürich: Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin der Universität Zürich.

Keller, T M; Rake, A; Michel, S C A; Seifert, Burkhardt; Wisser, J; Marincek, B; Kubik-Huch, R A (2004). MR assessment of fetal lung development using lung volumes and signal intensities. European Radiology, 14(6):984-989.

Schlagenhauf, Patricia (2004). Malaria: from prehistory to present. Infectious disease clinics of North America, 18(2):189-205.

Zwahlen, M; Bopp, M; Probst-Hensch, N M (2004). Mammography screening in Switzerland: limited evidence from limited data. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134(21-22):295-306.

Dedes, Konstantin Johannes. Management and costs of treating lung cancer patients in a university hospital. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Gasser, T; Rousson, V (2004). Modelling neuromotor ratings with floor-effects. Statistics in Medicine, 23(23):3641-3653.

Schaefer, N G; Hany, T F; Taverna, C; Seifert, Burkhardt; Stumpe, K D M; von Schulthess, G K; Goerres, G W (2004). Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin disease: coregistered FDG PET and CT at staging and restaging--do we need contrast-enhanced CT? Radiology, 232(3):823-829.

Hwang, Soon-Jung; Haers, Piet E; Seifert, Burkhardt; Sailer, Hermann F (2004). Non-surgical risk factors for condylar resorption after orthognathic surgery. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 32(2):103-111.

Achermann, Roger E; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Gassmann, Max; Inteeworn, Natalie; Roos, Malgorzata; Schärz, Myriam; Wergin, Melanie C; Kaser-Hotz, Barbara (2004). Oxygenation of spontaneous canine tumors during fractionated radiation therapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 180(5):297-305.

Faisst, Karin; Probst-Hensch, N M (2004). Pharmakogenetische Tests in der ärztlichen Praxis. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 85(37):1975-1977.

Fischer, S; Bosshard, G; Zellweger, Ulrich; Faisst, Karin (2004). Place of death: "Where do people die in Switzerland nowadays?". Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 37(6):467-474.

Kovacevic, T; Van Der Loo, B; Amann-Vesti, B R; Rousson, V; Koppensteiner, R (2004). Plasma homocysteine and restenosis after femoropopliteal angioplasty. Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 11(3):302-309.

Okamoto, Y; Di Patre, P L; Burkhard, C; Horstmann, S; Jourde, B; Fahey, M; Schüler, D; Probst-Hensch, N M; Yasargil, M G; Yonekawa, Y; Lütolf, U M; Kleihues, P; Ohgaki, H (2004). Population-based study on incidence, survival rates, and genetic alterations of low-grade diffuse astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas. Acta Neuropathologica, 108(1):49-56.

Wergin, Melanie C; Ballmer-Hofer, Kurt; Roos, Malgorzata; Achermann, Roger E; Inteeworn, Natalie; Akens, Margarete K; Blattmann, Hans; Kaser-Hotz, Barbara (2004). Preliminary study of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) during low- and high-dose radiation therapy of dogs with spontaneous tumors. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 45(3):247-254.

Bell, D M; Steffen, R (2004). Public health interventions and SARS spread, 2003. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(11):1900-1906.

Rousson, V; Gasser, T (2004). Reliability. In: Chow, S C. Encyclopedia of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA: Informa HealthCare, 1-10.

Michel, S C; Forster, I; Seifert, Burkhardt; Willi, U V; Huisman, T A G M (2004). Renal dimensions measured by ultrasonography in children: variations as a function of the imaging plane and patient position. European Radiology, 14(8):1508-1512.

Gutzwiller, Felix (2004). Replik. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung (SÄZ), 85(50):2670-2671.

Bauder, Katya. SARS, management at airports - measures and experiences. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Boland, G; Beran, J; Lievens, M; Sasadeusz, J; Dentico, P; Nothdurft, H; Zuckerman, J N; Genton, B; Steffen, R; Loutan, L; Van Hattum, J; Stoffel, M (2004). Safety and immunogenicity profile of an experimental hepatitis B vaccine adjuvanted with AS04. Vaccine, 23(3):316-320.

Muroi, C; Yonekawa, Y; Khan, N; Rousson, V; Keller, E (2004). Seasonal variations in hospital admissions due to aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage in the state of Zurich, Switzerland. Acta Neurochirurgica, 146(7):659-665.

Gervini, D; Gasser, T (2004). Self-modelling warping functions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, 66(4):959-971.

Rousson, V; Gasser, T (2004). Simple component analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 53(4):539-555.

Huisman, M; Kunst, A E; Andersen, O; Bopp, M; Borgan, J K; Borrell, C; Costa, G; Deboosere, P; Desplanques, G; Donkin, A; Gadeyne, S; Minder, C; Regidor, E; Spadea, T; Valkonen, T; Mackenbach, J P (2004). Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality among elderly people in 11 European populations. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 58(6):468-475.

Rousson, V. Statistical Methods for Assessing Neuromotor Functions. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wilhelm, M J; Tavakoli, R; Schneeberger, K; Hoerstrup, S P; Reuthebuch, O; Seifert, Burkhardt; Turina, M; Genoni, M (2004). Surgical treatment of infective mitral valve endocarditis. Journal of Heart Valve Disease, 13(5):754-759.

Meier, S; Baumert, B G; Maier, T; Wellis, G; Burg, G; Seifert, Burkhardt; Dummer, R (2004). Survival and prognostic factors in patients with brain metastases from malignant melanoma. Onkologie, 27(2):145-149.

Molinari, L; Gasser, T; Largo, R H (2004). TW3 bone age: RUS/CB and gender differences of percentiles for score and score increments. Annals of Human Biology, 31(4):421-435.

Martin-Diener, E; Thüring, N; Melges, T; Martin, B W (2004). The Stages of Change in three stage concepts and two modes of physical activity: a comparison of stage distributions and practical implications. Health Education Research, 19(4):406-417.

Molinari, Luciano; Gasser, Theo (2004). The human growth curve: distance, velocity and acceleration. In: Hauspie, Roland C; Cameron, Noël; Molinari, Luciano. Methods in Human Growth Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 27-54.

Dragieva, Galya; Hafner, Jürg; Dummer, Reinhard; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter; Roos, Malgorzata; Prinz, Bettina M; Burg, Günter; Binswanger, Ulrich; Kempf, Werner (2004). Topical photodynamic therapy in the treatment of actinic keratoses and Bowen's disease in transplant recipients. Transplantation, 77(1):115-121.

Mütsch, Margot; Zhou, W; Rhodes, P; Bopp, M; Chen, R T; Linder, T; Spyr, C; Steffen, R (2004). Use of the inactivated intranasal influenza vaccine and the risk of Bell's palsy in Switzerland. New England Journal of Medicine, 350(9):896-903.

Brunckhorst, C B; Delacretaz, E; Soejima, K; Jackman, W M; Nakagawa, H; Kuck, K H; Ben-Haim, S A; Seifert, Burkhardt; Stevenson, W G (2004). Ventricular mapping during atrial and right ventricular pacing: relation of electrogram parameters to ventricular tachycardia reentry circuits after myocardial infarction. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 11(3):183-191.

Siragusa, Patrick. Vergleich von zwei unterschiedlich aufwändigen Ausdauertests (Feld vs. Labor) mit den Wettkampfleistungen von 14-18-jährigen Spitzenläuferinnen und -läufern aus dem nationalen Kader "Jugend für Olympia" 2001. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Eichholzer, M (2004). Wie sich Herr und Frau Schweizer im Alter ernähren. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin / Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine, 16(3):152-157.

Walther, Choon-Kang Rahel. Zugangsmöglichkeiten und die Inanspruchnahme der HIV-Kombinationstherapie bei HIV-positiven Menschen in der Schweiz: Vergleich von 4 unterschiedlich erhobenen Teilpopulationen. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Martin-Diener, E; Thüring, N (2004). Überprüfung der Stadienspezifität der Processes of Change bei Besuchern eines internetbasierten Expertensystems zur Bewegungsförderung. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 12(2):48-55.

06 Faculty of Arts > English Department

Frank, Michael C (2004). Die Exotik von Robert Müllers "Tropen" (1915): Begegnung mit einem fremden Roman. In: Assmann, Aleida; Frank, Michael C. Vergessene Texte. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 189-206.

Frank, Michael C (2004). Kolonialismus und Diskurs: Michel Foucaults 'Archäologie' in der postkolonialen Theorie. In: Kollmann, Susanne; Schödel, Kathrin. PostModerne De/Konstruktionen: Ethik, Politik und Kultur am Ende einer Epoche. Münster: LIT-Verlag, 139-155.

Bitterli, Dieter (2004). The Survival of the Dead Cuckoo: Exeter Book Riddle 9. In: Honegger, Thomas. Riddles, knights and cross dressing saints : essays on medieval English language and literature. Bern, Berlin: Peter ang, 95-114.

Loren, Scott (2004). What are the Implications of the Virtual for the Human? European Journal of American Culture, 23(3):173-185.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Division of Surgical Research

Al-Hussain, H; Zeisberger, S M; Huber, P R; Giunta, C; Steinmann, B (2004). Brittle cornea syndrome and its delineation from the kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS VI): report on 23 patients and review of the literature. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 124A(1):28-34.

Zisch, A H; Zeisberger, S M; Ehrbar, M; Djonov, V; Weber, C C; Ziemiecki, A; Pasquale, E B; Hubbell, J A (2004). Engineered fibrin matrices for functional display of cell membrane-bound growth factor-like activities: study of angiogenic signaling by ephrin-B2. Biomaterials, 25(16):3245-3257.

Neuenschwander, S; Hoerstrup, S P (2004). Heart valve tissue engineering. Transplant Immunology, 12(3-4):359-365.

Mol, A; Hoerstrup, S P (2004). Heart valve tissue engineering -- where do we stand? International Journal of Cardiology, 95(Suppl 1):S57-S58.

Mol, A; Bouten, C V C; Baaijens, F P T; Zünd, G; Turina, M I; Hoerstrup, S P (2004). Review article: Tissue engineering of semilunar heart valves: current status and future developments. Journal of Heart Valve Disease, 13(2):272-280.

Schmidt, D; Breymann, C; Weber, A; Guenter, C I; Neuenschwander, S; Zund, G; Turina, M; Hoerstrup, S P (2004). Umbilical cord blood derived endothelial progenitor cells for tissue engineering of vascular grafts. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 78(6):2094-2098.

08 Research Priority Programs > Digital Society Initiative

Braun Binder, Nadja (2004). E-Voting für Auslandschweizer. In: Schweighofer, Erich; et al. Informationstechnik in der juristischen Realität. WIen: Verlag Österreich, 229-234.

Braun Binder, Nadja (2004). E-Voting: Switzerland’s projects and their legal framework – in a European context. In: Prosser, Alexander; Krimmer, Robert. Electronic Voting in Europe: Technology, Law, Politics and Society. Bonn, 43-52.

Welp, Yanina (2004). Nuevas tecnologías, viejos problemas: El modelo español de difusión de Internet. Revista Internacional de Sociologia, (37):77-114.

Braun Binder, Nadja (2004). Schweizerische Erfahrungen mit brieflicher Stimmabgabe und E-Voting. Journal für Rechtspolitik (JRP):96-106.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Department of Trauma Surgery

Grosjean, Maurice Balz. Intracranial expression of Fas (CD95) and Fas ligand (CD95L) is associated with neuronal cell death and inflammation following closed head injury in mice. 2004, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

07 Faculty of Science > Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

Nickrent, D L; Blarer, A; Qiu, Y L; Vidal-Russell, R; Anderson, F E (2004). Phylogenetic inference in Rafflesiales: the influence of rate heterogeneity and horizontal gene transfer. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 4:40.

06 Faculty of Arts > Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies

Ege, Moritz (2004). 'Der deutsche Mann hat heute einfach nichts mehr zu sagen'. Deutsche Männer, thailändische Frauen, Sex und Status bei einer Geburtstagsfeier in Berlin. Berliner Blätter : Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, 33:22-36.

Flitsch, Mareile. Der Kang. Eine Studie zur materiellen Alltagskultur bäuerlicher Gehöfte in der Manjurei. 2004, Freie Universität Berlin, Faculty of Arts.

Gefässe für das Heilige. Indische Gegenstände reden von Religion. Edited by: Isler, Andreas; Vogelsanger, Cornelia; von Wyss-Giacosa, Paola (2004). Zürich: Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich.

Derks, Annuska (2004). The broken women of Cambodia. In: Micollier, Evelyne. Sexual Cultures in East Asia. The Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 127-155.

Derks, Annuska (2004). When Khmer daughters move. Tsantsa, 9:109-113.

Frizzoni, Brigitte (2004). «Mad scientists» im amerikanischen Science-Fiction-Film. In: Junge, Torsten; Ohlhoff, Dörte. Wahnsinnig genial. Der Mad Scientist Reader. Aschaffenburg: Alibri Verlag, 22-37.

05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinary Clinic > Department of Small Animals

Clauss, Marcus (2004). A potential interplay of posture, digestive anatomy, density of ingesta and gravity in mammalian herbivores, or why sloths do not rest upside down. Mammal Review, 34(3):241-245.

Sigrist, Nadja; Doherr, Marcus G; Spreng, David (2004). Clinical findings and diagnostic value of post-traumatic thoracic radiographs in dogs and cats with blunt trauma. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 14(4):259-268.

Clauss, Marcus; Schwarm, A; Ortmann, S; Thierer, D; Hildebrandt, T; Hohmann, G; Flach, E J; Kühne, R; Hofer, H (2004). Comparative analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of faeces from free-ranging and captive common hippopotami (Hippopotamus amphibius). Advances in Ethology, 38:26.

Furrer, S C; Hatt, Jean-Michel; Snell, H; Marquez, C; Honegger, R E; Rübel, A (2004). Comparative study on the growth of juvenile Galapagos giant tortoises (Geochelone nigra) at the Charles Darwin Research Station (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador) and Zoo Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland). Zoo Biology, 23(2):177-183.

Schaub, Daniel. Der Einfluss von Futterrationen mit unterschiedlichen physikalischen Eigenschaften auf Futteraufnahme, Verhalten und weitere verdauungsphysiologische Parameter bei Giraffen (Giraffa camelopardalis). 2004, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hatt, Jean-Michel; Wenker, Christian; Castell, J; Clauss, Marcus (2004). Dietary and veterinary management of a lingual abscess in a geriatric captive black rhino (Diceros bicornis). Proceedings of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5:339-340.

Clauss, Marcus; Lechner-Doll, M; Streich, W J (2004). Differences in the range of faecal dry matter content between feeding types of captive wild ruminants. Acta Theriologica, 49(2):259-267.

Mayer-Stankeova, Simona; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Wergin, Melanie; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Wenger, Monique; Roos, Malgorzata; Reusch, Claudia E; Sumova, Andrea; Kaser-Hotz, Barbara (2004). Effektivität der Strahlentherapie in der Behandlung von hypophysären Tumoren bei 13 Hunden. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere, 32(4):232-237.

Schwarm, A; Clauss, Marcus; Ortmann, S; Alber, D; Flach, E J; Kühne, R; Tack, C; Hofer, H (2004). Energy and mineral nutrition in captive hippopotamidae. Proceedings of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5:315-316.

Schwitzer, C; Peters, N; Kaumanns, W; Behlert, O; Clauss, Marcus (2004). Evaluation of lemur necropsy reports with special reference to haemosiderosis. Proceedings of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5:317.

Venzin, Claudio; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Koch, D; Spreng, D (2004). Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in a dog with chronic bicipital tenosynovitis. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 146(3):136-141.

Schaub, D; Clauss, Marcus; Flach, E J; Wettstein, H R; Tack, C; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2004). Influence of physical and chemical composition of diet on oral stereotypies in captive giraffes (giraffa camelopardalis). Proceedings of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5:27-28.

Clauss, Marcus; Schwarm, A; Ortmann, S; Alber, D; Flach, E J; Kühne, R; Hummel, J; Streich, W J; Hofer, H (2004). Intake, ingesta retention, particle size distribution and digestibility in the hippopotamidae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 139(4):449-459.

Achermann, Roger E; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Gassmann, Max; Inteeworn, Natalie; Roos, Malgorzata; Schärz, Myriam; Wergin, Melanie C; Kaser-Hotz, Barbara (2004). Oxygenation of spontaneous canine tumors during fractionated radiation therapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 180(5):297-305.

Wood, C; Clauss, Marcus (2004). Panda phlebotomies? The need for comparative screening for haemochromatosis. Lancet, 364:1384-1385.

Hatt, Jean-Michel; Gardelle, O; Hauser, B; Clauss, Marcus (2004). Preliminary results of the analysis of liver biopsies for the diagnosis of iron storage diesease in captive lemurs. Proceedings of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5:23-24.

Behrend, A; Lechner-Doll, M; Streich, W J; Clauss, Marcus (2004). Seasonal faecal excretion, gut fill, liquid and particle marker retention in mouflon Ovis ammon musimon, and a comparison with roe deer Capreolus capreolus. Acta Theriologica, 49(4):503-515.

Hatt, Jean-Michel; Grest, Paula; Posthaus, Horst; Bossart, Walter (2004). Serologic survey in a colony of captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) after infection with herpes simplex type 1-like virus. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 35(3):387-390.

Clauss, Marcus; Lendl, C E; Schramel, P; Streich, W J (2004). Skin lesions in alpacas and llamas with low zinc and copper status - a preliminary report. Veterinary Journal, 167(3):302-305.

Venzin, C; Howard, J; Rytz, U; Spreng, D; Schawalder, P; Doherr, M; Schmökel, H (2004). Tibial plateau angles with and without cranial cruciate ligament rupture - Comparison between different dog populations and a wolf population. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 17(4):232-236.

07 Faculty of Science > Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Zipfel, Cyril; Robatzek, Silke; Navarro, Lionel; Oakeley, Edward J; Jones, Jonathan D G; Felix, Georg; Boller, Thomas (2004). Bacterial disease resistance in Arabidopsis through flagellin perception. Nature, 428(6984):764-767.

Ariizumi, Tohru; Hatakeyama, Katsunori; Hinata, Kokichi; Inatsugi, Rie; Nishida, Ikuo; Sato, Shusei; Kato, Tomohiko;