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Journal Article

Bronfen, Elisabeth (2009). Introduction. Textus: English Studies In Italy, 11:197-219.

Jenzer, Sabine (2009). " Begleitung von weissbeschuhten und stark parfümierten Mädchen": die Deutschschweizer Vereine zur Hebung der Sittlichkeit und ihr bürgerlicher Blick auf die (potentielle) Prostituierte im fin de siècle. Ariadne - Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, (55):34-39.

Meier, Marietta (2009). "Adjusting" people: conceptions of the self in psychosurgery after World War II. Medicine studies, 1(4):353-366.

Simon, S (2009). "Algherese? Sì, ma solo per scherzare." Zum Gebrauch katalanischer Versatzstücke in der Jugendsprache von L'Alguer. Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, 22:37-70.

Roeck, Bernd (2009). "Applied History" – "Angewandte Geschichte": ein Weiterbildungsstudiengang der Universität Zürich. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 60(2):76-82.

Gray, Mike (2009). "Bad Fiction". Wayne Booths Beiträge zu einer literarischen Hamartiologie. Hermeneutische Blätter, (1/2):271-281.

Dommann, Monika (2009). "Be Wise - Palletize": die Transformationen eines Transportbretts zwischen den USA und Europa im Zeitalter der Logistik. Traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Zürich, 16(3):21-35.

Keller, L (2009). "C’est ainsi que j’aurais dû écrire …". Proust devant Vermeer. Marcel Proust aujourd’hui, 7:9-29.

Schlag, Thomas; Kunz, Ralph (2009). "Des Pfarrers neue Kleider..." Erkundungen und Erwägungen zur Talarfrage in den reformierten Schweizer Kirchen. Pastoraltheologie, 98:212-232.

Gutzwiller, Felix (2009). "Die Ergotherapie wird auch in Zukunft ihren festen Platz einnehmen". Egotherapie : Fachzeitschrift des Verbandes Schweizerischer Ergotherapeuten, 2009(4):22-23.

Lütteken, L (2009). "Eine seltene Erscheinung in der Tonkünstlerwelt". Festspiel-Symposium in Zürich mit Blick auf Mendelssohns Welten. Schweizer Musikzeitung, 2:23.

Grotefeld, S (2009). "Ende gut, alles gut?". Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Utilitarismus und christlicher Ethik. Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik, 53:104-119.

Heine, C (2009). "Gross in seinen Chören" - Auf Spurensuche zu Haydns Händel. Sonus: Musikwelt Zürich, 3(2):10-11.

Wagner, C C; Biollaz, J; Zeitlinger, M; Buclin, T (2009). "Iatrogenicity cascade": doing harm by treating harm? Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 159(1-2):53-57.

Feuser, Georg; Aebli, Tanja (2009). "Integration ist kein pädagogischer Luxus". Interview mit Tanja Aebli. insieme, (3):20-23.

von Wartburg, Marie-Louise; Berke, Heinz (2009). "Islamic" table ware found in Cyprus: study and analysis of fabric and glazes. Episti̲moniki̲ epeti̲ris tou tmi̲matos archaioti̲to̲n Kyprou = Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus:389-410.

Dueck, Evelyn (2009). "Komm auf den Händen zu uns": Michel Deguys und Jean Launays handschriftliche Übersetzungen der Gedichte Paul Celans. Variations. Literaturzeitschrift der Universität Zürich, 17:129-141.

Baschera, Marco (2009). "La danse-mère qui précède l'être". La matérialité du dessin chez Valère Novarina. Variations: Literaturzeitschrift der Universität Zürich, 17:15-30.

Zumstein, Jean (2009). "La mort est la grande douceur". Le Lazare d'Emile Zola. Hermeneutische Blätter, (1/2):59-67.

Goetzmann, L; Moser, K S; Vetsch, E; Grieder, E; Naef, R; Russi, E W; Buddeberg, C; Boehler, A (2009). "Medikamente sind Bomben" - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenügender Compliance. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, 18(2):72-80.

Koller, C (2009). "Nur ein paar Lumpen die Ihren Judaslohn in Alkohol umsetzen": Streikbrecher vom Balkan in der Schweiz im frühen 20. Jahrhundert und ihre Wahrnehmung. Ethnologia Balkanica, 13:91-105.

Poretti, A; Boltshauser, E (2009). "Rhombencephalosynapsis associated with Dandy-Walker malformation" is a molar tooth malformation. Journal of Neuroimaging, 19(2):198.

Gnädinger, M (2009). "Schwarze Schafe" utner der Lupe. Ergänzende Bemerkungen zum Beitrag "Krankenkassen, santésuisse und Wirtschaftlichkeitsverfahren, die keine sind". Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 90(8):290.

Bubenhofer, Noah; Dussa, Tobias; Ebling, Sarah; Klimke, Martin; Rothenhäusler, Klaus; Scharloth, Joachim; Tamekue, Suarès; Vola, Saskia (2009). "So etwas wie eine Botschaft" : Korpuslinguistische Analysen der Bundestagswahl 2009. Sprachreport, 4:2-10.

Breitenstein, S; Apestegui, C; Petrowsky, H; Clavien, P A (2009). "State of the art" in liver resection and living donor liver transplantation: a worldwide survey of 100 liver centers. World Journal of Surgery, 33(4):797-803.

Engelbert, M; Zweifel, S A; Freund, K B (2009). "Treat and extend" dosing of intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor therapy for type 3 neovascularization/retinal angiomatous proliferation. Retina, 29(10):1424-1431.

Koller, C (2009). "Welch einmalige Gelegenheit, unter dem Deckmantel des Sports seine wahren Gefühle zu zeigen": Sport in der schweizerischen "Geistigen Landesverteidigung". SportZeit: Sport in Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 9(1):7-32.

Emmert, M Y; Salzberg, S P; Plass, A; Behjati, S; Felix, C; Falk, V; Siclari, F; Grünenfelder, J (2009). "When Aneurysm Ain't Aneurysm": sinus of Valsalva aneurysm mimicked by healed abscess cavity under the aortic valve. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 57(6):367-368.

Rüttimann, B (2009). "Wirbelverrenkung" - Ursprung eines Konzepts. Rheuma Schweiz, 1(2):28-29.

Spitzmüller, Jürgen (2009). 'Armes' Deutsch - 'reiche' Sprache. Linguistische Überlegungen zur 'Denglisch'-Debatte. Der Deutschunterricht, 61(5):35-43.

Hafner, M; Koeppl, H; Hasler, M; Wagner, A (2009). 'Glocal' robustness analysis and model discrimination for circadian oscillators. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(10):e1000534.

Salis Gross, Corina; Schnoz, Dominic; Cangatin, Serhan (2009). (Nicht-)Rauchen wie ein Türke? SuchtMagazin, 35(4):30-34.

Rosenblatt-Wisch, Rina; Schenk-Hoppe, Klaus Reiner (2009). (Un)anticipated Technological Change in an Endogenous Growth Model. Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics, 13(1):1-18.

Said, M; Murtaza, G; Freisinger, Eva; Anwar, S; Rauf, A (2009). (Z)-2-Phenyl-3-pivaloyl-1,1-dipropylguanidine. Acta Crystallographica. Section E, Structure Reports Online, 65(9):o2073-o2074.

Wu, Y T; Tai, C C; Lin, W C; Baldridge, K K (2009). 1,3,4,6,7,9-Hexamethylbenzo[1,2-c:3,4-c’:5,6-c’’]trithiophene: a twisted heteroacene. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 7(13):2748-2755.

Ayoub, J; Barbieri-Viale, L (2009). 1-motivic sheaves and the Albanese functor. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 213(5):809-839.

Mayer, D; Pfammatter, T; Rancic, Z; Hechelhammer, L; Wilhelm, M; Veith, F J; Lachat, Mario (2009). 10 years of emergency endovascular aneurysm repair for ruptured abdominal aortoiliac aneurysms: lessons learned. Annals of Surgery, 249(3):510-515.

Gmitterová, K; Heinemann, U; Bodemer, M; Krasnianski, A; Meissner, B; Kretzschmar, H A; Zerr, I (2009). 14-3-3 CSF levels in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease differ across molecular subtypes. Neurobiology of Aging, 30(11):1842-1850.

Schönmann, S; Loy, A; Wimmersberger, C; Sobek, J; Aquino, C; Vandamme, P; Frey, Beat; Rehrauer, H; Eberl, L (2009). 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic microarray for simultaneous identification of members of the genus Burkholderia. Environmental Microbiology, 11(4):779-800.

Hein, W; Krönert, H; Falk, V; Wittekind, C; Hasenfuss, G (2009). 17-jähriger Jugendlicher mit kardialer Raumforderung und Lungenembolie. Der Internist, 50(12):1408-1414.

Geiges, M L (2009). 1840 – die Blütezeit der plastischen Chirurgie: Krankheitskonzepte und ihr Einfluss auf die chirurgische Praxis. Aktuelle Dermatologie, 35(07):271-274.

Oberndorfer, Ulrich; Ziegler, Andreas (2009). 2002 German Federal Elections and Associated Energy Policy: How were Energy Corporations financially affected. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 229(5):570-583.

Kraemer, B; Wittmann, L; Jenewein, J; Schnyder, U (2009). 2004 Tsunami: long-term psychological consequences for Swiss tourists in the area at the time of the disaster. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43(5):420-425.

Borgeat, A; Brennan, T J; Eisenach, J C; Hemmings, H C; Isono, S; Kersten, J R; Kochs, E; Riou, B; Warner, D S (2009). 2009 in review: Advancing Medicine in Anesthesiology. Anesthesiology, 111(6):1192-1196.

Dobrovoljac, M; Geelhoed, G C (2009). 27 years of croup: an update highlighting the effectiveness of 0.15 mg/kg of dexamethasone. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 21(4):309-314.

Scheidegger, M; Sauer, M; Bösiger, P (2009). 2D und 3D Kernspintomographie von 23NA im Gehirn. Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, 33(Erg. Bd. 2):155-156.

Baici, A; Schenker, P; Wächter, M; Rüedi, P (2009). 3-Fluoro-2,4-dioxa-3-phosphadecalins as inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase: a reappraisal of kinetic mechanisms and diagnostic methods. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 6(3):261-282.

Eminoglu, F T; Ozcelik, A A; Okur, I; Tumer, L; Biberoglu, G; Demir, E; Hasanoglu, A; Baumgartner, Matthias R (2009). 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency: phenotypic variability in a family. Journal of Child Neurology, 24(4):478-481.

Saupe, N (2009). 3-Tesla high-resolution MR imaging of the wrist. Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology, 13(1):29-38.

Rosemann, A; Senn, O; Rosemann, T (2009). 35-jähriger Maurer mit Durchblutungsstörungen der linken Hand. Praxis, 98(13):717-720.

Soellinger, M; Rutz, A K; Kozerke, S; Boesiger, P (2009). 3D cine displacement-encoded MRI of pulsatile brain motion. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 61(1):153-162.

Buchholz, Julia; Hagen, Regine; Leo, Chiara; Ebling, Alessia; Roos, Malgorzata; Kaser-Hotz, Barbara; Rohrer Bley, Carla (2009). 3D conformal radiation therapy for palliative treatment of canine nasal tumors. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 50(6):679-683.

Hintermüller, C; Coats, J S; Obenaus, A; Nelson, G; Krucker, T; Stampanoni, M (2009). 3D quantification of brain microvessels exposed to heavy particle radiation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 186(1):012087.

Bindl, A; Mehl, A (2009). 3D-Software ermöglicht Quadranten-Scan. ZM - Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, (14):44-47.

Niedrist, D; Lurie, I W; Schinzel, A (2009). 4q32-q35 and 6q16-q22 are valuable candidate regions for split hand/foot malformation. European Journal of Human Genetics, 17(8):1086-1091.

Barth, A (2009). 5 Questions: The Mummy Doctor. Discover Magazine. Science, Technology and The Future, 7:15.

Amstein, R; Enseleit, F; Lüscher, T F (2009). 5. «Cardiovascular Roundtable». Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 90(9):329.

Siegel, Jay S (2009). 50 years of the Paul Karrer gold medal: 1959-2009. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 63(9):545-550.

Thalhammer, C; Amann-Vesti, B (2009). 55-jähriger Patient mit Zustand nach Hodentumor. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 134(23):1227-1278.

Singer, E; Thalhammer, C (2009). 57-Jähriger Patient mit Punktionsproblemen unter chronischer Hämodialyse / Fall 2902 Was sehen Sie? Mediquiz. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 134(4):131-132.

Huber, M; Kullak-Ublick, G A; Kirch, W (2009). 6 Jahre Erfahrungen mit einem Arzneimittelberatungsdienst für Patienten. Medizinische Klinik, 104(3):220-224.

Magnetti, F; Thalhammer, C (2009). 60-jähriger Mann mit Verdacht auf tiefe Beinvenenthrombose / Fall 2911 Was sehen Sie? Mediquiz. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 134(13):637-638.

Thalhammer, C; Amann-Vesti, B R (2009). 67-jähriger Mann mit Grippesymptomen und Halsschwellung / Fall 2935. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 134(42):2125-2126.

Convertino, M; Pellarin, R; Catto, M; Carotti, A; Caflisch, A (2009). 9,10-Anthraquinone hinders beta-aggregation: how does a small molecule interfere with Abeta-peptide amyloid fibrillation? Protein Science, 18(4):792-800.

Pfammatter, T; Hechelhammer, L; Pfiffner, R (2009). A "Buddy Wire" technique for successful OptEase filter retrieval. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 20(5):656-659.

Mindt, T L; Müller, C; Stuker, F; Salazar, J F; Hohn, A; Mueggler, T; Rudin, M; Schibli, R (2009). A "Click Chemistry" approach to the efficient synthesis of multiple imaging probes derived from a single precursor. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 20(10):1940-1949.

Sim, J H; Puria, S (2009). A 3-D Force and Moment Motor for Small-Scale Biomechanics Experiments. IEEE Sensors Journal, 9(12):1924-1932.

Malott, R J; O'Grady, E P; Toller, J; Inhülsen, S; Eberl, L; Sokol, P A (2009). A Burkholderia cenocepacia orphan LuxR homolog is involved in quorum-sensing regulation. Journal of Bacteriology, 191(8):2447-2460.

Nussbeck, F W; Eid, M; Geiser, C; Courvoisier, D S; Lischetzke, T (2009). A CTC(M-1) Model for Different Types of Raters. Methodology, 5(3):88-98.

Dong, H; Berke, H (2009). A Convenient and Efficient Rhenium-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Ketones and Aldehydes. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 351(11-12):1783-1788.

Felder, K M; Hoelzle, K; Wittenbrink, M M; Zeder, M; Ehricht, R; Hoelzle, L E (2009). A DNA microarray facilitates the diagnosis of Bacillus anthracis in environmental samples. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 49(3):324-331.

Provenzano, M; Sais, G; Bracci, L; Egli, A; Anselmi, M; Viehl, C T; Schaub, S; Hirsch, H H; Stroncek, D F; Marincola, F M; Spagnoli, G C (2009). A HCMV pp65 polypeptide promotes the expansion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells across a wide range of HLA specificities. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 13(8b):2131-2147.

Fayet, A; Béguin, A; Zanolari, B; Cruchon, S; Guignard, N; Telenti, A; Cavassini, M; Günthard, H F; Buclin, T; Biollaz, J; Rochat, B; Decosterd, L A (2009). A LC-tandem MS assay for the simultaneous measurement of new antiretroviral agents: Raltegravir, maraviroc, darunavir, and etravirine. Journal of Chromatography B, 877(11-12):1057-1069.

Bell, Thomas; Lilley, Andrew K; Hector, Andy; Schmid, Bernhard; King, Lindsay; Newman, Jonathan A (2009). A Linear Model Method for Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning Experiments. The American Naturalist, 174(6):836-849.

Nüesch, S (2009). A Note on the Endogeneity of Pay-Performance Relationship in Professional Soccer. Economics Bulletin, 29(3):1852-1857.

Bruschi, M; Limacher, P A; Hutter, J; Luethi, H P (2009). A Scheme for the Evaluation of Electron Delocalization and Conjugation Efficiency in Linearly π-Conjugated Systems. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 5(3):506-514.

Bregy, H; Heimgartner, H; Helbing, J (2009). A Time-resolved Spectroscopic Comparison of the Photoisomerization of Small beta-Turn-forming Thioxopeptides. Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 113(6):1756-1762.

Fehr, Ernst; Goette, Lorenz; Zehnder, Christian (2009). A behavioral account of the labor market: the role of fairness concerns. Annual Review of Economics, 1(1):355-384.

Wyss, M T; Obrist, N M; Haiss, F; Eckert, R; Stanley, R; Burger, C; Buck, A; Weber, B (2009). A beta-scintillator for surface measurements of radiotracer kinetics in the intact rodent cortex. NeuroImage, 48(2):339-347.

Eberli, Daniel; Andersson, Karl-Erik; Yoo, James J; Atala, Anthony (2009). A canine model of irreversible urethral sphincter insufficiency. BJU International, 103(2):248-253.

Bissonnette, A; Lange, E; van Schaik, C P (2009). A cardinal measure of competitive ability in Barbary macaque males (Macaca sylvanus). Ethology, 115(7):671-681.

Kaffenberger, T; Valko, P O; von Meyenburg, J; Baráth, K; Hewer, E; Heppner, F L; Jagella, C E; Horst, A; Siccoli, M M (2009). A case of late onset leukoencephalopathy with cerebral calcifications and cysts in a 59-year-old woman. European Journal of Neurology, 16(2):278-281.

Ruegger, J; Stoeck, K; Amsler, L; Blaettler, T; Zwahlen, M; Aguzzi, A; Glatzel, M; Hess, K; Eckert, T (2009). A case-control study of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Switzerland: analysis of potential risk factors with regard to an increased CJD incidence in the years 2001-2004. BMC Public Health, 9:18.

Handschin, A E; Vetter, S; Jung, F J; Guggenheim, M; Künzi, W; Giovanoli, P (2009). A case-matched controlled study on high-voltage electrical injuries vs thermal burns. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 30(3):400-407.

Hirano, Kiyoko; Guhl, Bruno; Roth, Jürgen; Ziak, Martin (2009). A cell culture system for the induction of Mallory bodies: Mallory bodies and aggresomes represent different types of inclusion bodies. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 132(3):293-304.

Haditsch, U; Leone, D P; Farinelli, M; Chrostek-Grashoff, A; Brakebusch, Cord; Mansuy, I M; McConnell, S K; Palmer, Theo D (2009). A central role for the small GTPase Rac1 in hippocampal plasticity and spatial learning and memory. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 41(4):409-419.

Mindt, T L; Schweinsberg, C; Brans, L; Hagenbach, A; Abram, U; Tourwé, D; Garcia-Garayoa, E; Schibli, R (2009). A click approach to structurally diverse conjugates containing a central di-1,2,3-triazole metal chelate. ChemMedChem, 4(4):529-539.

Uehleke, B; Stange, R (2009). A clinical surrogate model for proof of efficacy of external phytomedicines for muscle pain. Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study in volunteers with muscle pain due to physical training. Phytomedicine, 16(6-7):509-512.

Bachmann‐Gagescu, Ruxandra; Merritt II, J Lawrence; Hahn, S H (2009). A cognitively normal PDH‐deficient 18‐year‐old man carrying the R263G mutation in the PDHA1 gene. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 32(S1):123-126.

Köhler, K; Brunner, E; Xue, L Guan; Boucke, K; Greber, U F; Mohanty, S; Barth, J M I; Wenk, M R; Hafen, E (2009). A combined proteomic and genetic analysis identifies a role for the lipid desaturase Desat1 in starvation-induced autophagy in Drosophila. Autophagy, 5(7):980-990.

Leroy, B P; Budde, B S; Wittmer, M; De Baere, E; Berger, W; Zeitz, C (2009). A common NYX mutation in Flemish patients with X-linked CSNB. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 93(5):692-696.

Singer, T; Critchley, H D; Preuschoff, K (2009). A common role of insula in feelings, empathy and uncertainty. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(8):334-440.

Gut, H; Dominici, P; Pilati, S; Astegno, A; Petoukhov, M V; Svergun, D I; Grütter, M G; Capitani, G (2009). A common structural basis for pH- and calmodulin-mediated regulation in plant glutamate decarboxylase. Journal of Molecular Biology, 392(2):334-351.

Ritter, H; Nieminen, M; Karppinen, M; Brühwiler, D (2009). A comparative study of the functionalization of mesoporous silica MCM-41 by deposition of 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane from toluene and from the vapor phase. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 121(1-3):79-83.

Murigande, C; Regenass, S; Wirz, D; Daniels, A U; Tyndall, A (2009). A comparison between ((3)H)-thymidine incorporation and isothermal microcalorimetry for the assessment of antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation. Immunological Investigations, 38(1):67-75.

Hopwood, Christopher J; Flato, Claudia G; Ambwani, Suman; Garland, Beth H; Morey, Leslie C (2009). A comparison of Latino and Anglo socially desirable responding. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(7):769-780.

Stübinger, S; Biermeier, K; Nuss, Katja M; Bächi, B; Sader, R; von Rechenberg, Brigitte (2009). A comparison of Piezosurgery and conventional drill osteotomy for implant site preparation: an animal study in sheep. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 38(5):452.

Ebling, A J; McKnight, A L; Seiler, G; Kircher, Patrick R (2009). A complementary radiographic projection of the equine temporomandibular joint. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 50(4):385-391.

Hoerndli, F J; Walser, M; Fröhli Hoier, E; de Quervain, D; Papassotiropoulos, A; Hajnal, A (2009). A conserved function of c. elegans CASY-1 calsyntenin in associative learning. PLoS ONE, 4(3):e4880.

Di Girolamo, N; Bosch, M M; Zamora, K; Coroneo, M T; Wakefield, D; Watson, S L (2009). A contact lens-based technique for expansion and transplantation of autologous epithelial progenitors for ocular surface reconstruction. Transplantation, 87(10):1571-1578.

Abodeely, M; DuBois, K N; Hehl, A B; Stefanic, S; Sajid, M; DeSouza, W; Attias, M; Engel, J C; Hsieh, I; Fetter, R D; McKerrow, J H (2009). A contiguous compartment functions as endoplasmic reticulum and endosome/lysosome in Giardia lamblia. Eukaryotic Cell, 8(11):1665-1676.

Eich, C; Timmermann, A; Russo, S G; Cremer, S; Nickut, A; Strack, M; Weiss, M; Müller, M P (2009). A controlled rapid-sequence induction technique for infants may reduce unsafe actions and stress. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 53(9):1167-1172.

Willems, E P; Hill, R A (2009). A critical assessment of two species distribution models: a case study of the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops). Journal of Biogeography, 36(12):2300-2312.

KilBride, A L; Gillman, C; Ossent, P; Green, L (2009). A cross sectional study of prevalence, risk factors, population attributable fractions and pathology for foot and limb lesions in preweaning piglets on commercial farms in England. BMC Veterinary Research, 5:31.

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Malti, T; Noam, G G (2009). A developmental approach to the prevention of adolescent’s aggressive behavior and the promotion of resilience. European Journal of Developmental Science, 3(3):235-246.

Kucian, Karin; Kaufmann, Liane (2009). A developmental model of number representation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32(3-4):340-341.

Kotte, Oliver; Heinemann, Matthias (2009). A divide-and-conquer approach to analyze underdetermined biochemical models. Bioinformatics, 25(4):519-525.

den Ouden, H E M; Friston, K J; Daw, N D; McIntosh, A R; Stephan, K E (2009). A dual role for prediction error in associative learning. Cerebral Cortex, 19(5):1175-1185.

Matter, C M; Stein, M A S (2009). A dual role of CD4+ T cells in adipose tissue? Circulation Research, 104(8):928-930.

Muller, S; Zalunardo, M P; Hubner, M; Clavien, P A; Demartines, N (2009). A fast-track program reduces complications and length of hospital stay after open colonic surgery. Gastroenterology, 136(3):842-847.

Jung, R E; Lecloux, G; Rompen, E; Ramel, C F; Buser, D; Hämmerle, C H F (2009). A feasibility study evaluating an in situ formed synthetic biodegradable membrane for guided bone regeneration in dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 20(2):151-161.

Kiefer, C; Schroth, G; Gralla, J; Diehm, N; Baumgartner, I; Husmann, M (2009). A feasibility study on model-based evaluation of kidney perfusion measured by means of FAIR prepared true-FISP arterial spin labeling (ASL) on a 3-T MR scanner. Academic Radiology, 16(1):79-87.

Bodenreider, C; Beer, D; Keller, T H; Sonntag, S; Wen, D; Yap, L; Yau, Y H; Shochat, S G; Huang, D; Zhou, T; Caflisch, A; Su, X C; Ozawa, K; Otting, G; Vasudevan, S G; Lescar, J; Lim, S P (2009). A fluorescence quenching assay to discriminate between specific and nonspecific inhibitors of dengue virus protease. Analytical Biochemistry, 395(2):195-204.

Ickert-Bond, S M; Rydin, C; Renner, S S (2009). A fossil-calibrated relaxed clock for Ephedra indicates an Oligocene age for the divergence of Asian and New World clades and Miocene dispersal into South America. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47(5):444-456.

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