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Working Paper Series > i-call Working Paper Series

Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Bottom-up constitutionalism: The case of net neutrality. i-call Working Paper Series 01, University of Zurich.

Nester, Linda (2017). Digitale Kunst im Rahmen der Schutzvoraussetzungen von Art. 2 Abs. 1 URG. i-call Working Paper Series 2017/03, University of Zurich.

Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Freedom and affordances of the net. i-call Working Paper Series 05/2017, University of Zurich.

Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Introduction to legal sociology in Switzerland. i-call Working Paper Series 2017/04, University of Zurich.

Graber, Christoph Beat (2017). Personalisierung im Internet, Autonomie der Politik und Service public. sic! : Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht, (5):257-270.

07 Faculty of Science > Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Bui, Linh T; Pandzic, Dzevida; Youngstrom, Christopher E; Wallace, Simon; Irish, Erin E; Szövényi, Peter; Cheng, Chi-Lien (2017). A fern AINTEGUMENTA gene mirrors BABY BOOM in promoting apogamy in Ceratopteris richardii. The Plant Journal, 90(1):122-132.

Clark, V R; Timberlake, J R; Hyde, M A; Mapaura, A; Coates Palgrave, M; Wursten, B T; Ballings, P; Burrows, J E; Linder, H Peter; McGregor, G K; Chapano, C; Plowes, D C H; Childes, S L; Dondeyne, S; Müller, T; Barker, N P (2017). A first comprehensive account of floristic diversity and endemism on the Nyanga massif, Manica highlands (Zimbabwe-Mozambique). Kirkia: The Zimbabwe Journal of Botany, 19(1):1-53.

The Legume Phylogeny Working Group (LPWG); et al; Hughes, Colin E (2017). A new subfamily classification of the Leguminosae based on a taxonomically comprehensive phylogeny. Taxon, 66(1):44-77.

Lehnert, Marcus; Krug, Michael; Kessler, Michael (2017). A review of symbiotic fungal endophytes in lycophytes and ferns – a global phylogenetic and ecological perspective. Symbiosis, 71(2):77-89.

Lehnert, Marcus; Weigand, Anna (2017). A synopsis of the Neotropical species of Cyathea (Cyatheaceae; Polypodiopsida) with bipinnate fronds. Brittonia, 69(1):71-90.

Eisenach, Cornelia; Baetz, Ulrike; Huck, Nicola V; Zhang, Jingbo; De Angeli, Alexis; Beckers, Gerold J M; Martinoia, Enrico (2017). ABA-induced stomatal closure involves ALMT4, a phosphorylation-dependent vacuolar anion channel of arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 29(10):2552-2569.

Linder, H Peter; Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yanis (2017). Adaptive radiations should not be simplified: the case of the danthonioid grasses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 117:179-190.

Urmi, E; Büschlen, A; Hofmann, H (2017). Aloina aloides (Schultz) Kindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Urmi, E; Büschlen, A; Hofmann, H (2017). Aloina ambigua (Bruch & Schimp.) Limpr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Urmi, E; Büschlen, A; Hofmann, H (2017). Aloina brevirostris (Hook. & Grev.) Kindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Urmi, E; Roloff, F; Hofmann, H (2017). Aloina obliquifolia (Müll.Hal.) Broth. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Urmi, E; Büschlen, A; Hofmann, H (2017). Aloina rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Ndinyanka Fabrice, Tohnyui. An Integrated Systems Understanding of the Dynamic Interplay between Plant Cell Growth and Pollen Tube Cell Wall Development. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Nadal, Marina; Sawers, Ruairidh; Naseem, Shamoon; Bassin, Barbara; Kulicke, Corinna; Sharman, Abigail; An, Gynheung; An, Kyungsook; Ahern, Kevin R; Romag, Amanda; Brutnell, Thomas P; Gutjahr, Caroline; Geldner, Niko; Roux, Christophe; Martinoia, Enrico; Konopka, James B; Paszkowski, Uta (2017). An N-acetylglucosamine transporter required for arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses in rice and maize. Nature Plants, 3:17073.

Vogler, Hannes; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Hedhly, Afif (2017). An introduction to male germline development. In: Schmidt, Anja. Plant Germline Development. New York: Springer, 3-15.

Giacomelli, Nino; Yongping, Yang; Huber, Franz K; Ankli, Anita; Weckerle, Caroline S (2017). Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels: Influence of value chain on quality criteria and marker compounds ferulic acid and Z-Ligustilide. Medicines, 4(1):14.

Reimann, M; Roloff, F; Hofmann, H (2017). Anoectangium aestivum (Hedw.) Mitt. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Reimann, M; Roloff, F; Hofmann, H (2017). Anoectangium hornschuchianum (Hook.) Hornsch. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Reimann, M; Roloff, F; Hofmann, H (2017). Anoectangium schliephackei (Schlieph.) Paris. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Reimann, M; Roloff, F; Hofmann, H (2017). Anoectangium sendtnerianum Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Reimann, M; Roloff, F; Hofmann, H (2017). Anoectangium tenuinerve (Limpr.) Paris. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Anomobryum concinnatum (Spruce) Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Anomobryum julaceum (G.Gaertn. & al.) Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Khare, Deepa; Choi, Hyunju; Huh, Sung Un; Bassin, Barbara; Kim, Jeongsik; Martinoia, Enrico; Sohn, Kee Hoon; Paek, Kyung-Hee; Lee, Youngsook (2017). Arabidopsis ABCG34 contributes to defense against necrotrophic pathogens by mediating the secretion of camalexin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(28):E5712-E5720.

Mendy, Badou; Wang’ombe, Mary Wanjiku; Radakovic, Zoran S; Holbein, Julia; Ilyas, Muhammad; Chopra, Divykriti; Holton, Nick; Zipfel, Cyril; Grundler, Florian M W; Siddique, Shahid (2017). Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor–like kinase NILR1 is required for induction of innate immunity to parasitic nematodes. PLoS Pathogens, 13(4):e1006284.

Hughes, Colin E (2017). Are there many different routes to becoming a global biodiversity hotspot? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(17):4275-4277.

Müller, Niklaus; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedw.) Schwägr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Bender, Kyle W; Blackburn, R Kevin; Monaghan, Jacqueline; Derbyshire, Paul; Menke, Frank L H; Zipfel, Cyril; Goshe, Michael B; Zielinski, Raymond E; Huber, Steven C (2017). Autophosphorylation-based Calcium (Ca2+) Sensitivity Priming and Ca2+/Calmodulin Inhibition of Arabidopsis thaliana Ca2+-dependent Protein Kinase 28 (CPK28). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(10):3988-4002.

Simonini, Sara; Bencivenga, Stefano; Trick, Martin; Østergaard, Lars (2017). Auxin-Induced Modulation of ETTIN Activity Orchestrates Gene Expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 29(8):1864-1882.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Barbula unguiculata Hedw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Bergamini, Ariel; Hofmann, Heike; Kiebacher, Thomas; Müller, Niklaus; Peintinger, Markus; Schnyder, Norbert (2017). Beiträge zur bryofloristischen Erforschung der Schweiz - Folge 12. Meylania, (59):13-28.

Urmi, Edi (2017). Betreffend Diplophyllum obtusatum (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust. in der Schweiz. Meylania, 60:5-7.

Noben, Sarah; Kessler, Michael; Quandt, Dietmar; Weigand, Anna; Wicke, Susann; Krug, Michael; Lehnert, Marcus (2017). Biogeography of the Gondwanan tree fern family Dicksoniaceae - a tale of vicariance, dispersal and extinction. Journal of Biogeography, 44(11):2648-2659.

Roloff, Frauke; Hofmann, Heike; Meier, Markus K (2017). Bryoerythrophyllum alpigenum (Venturi) P.C.Chen. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Roloff, Frauke; Meier, Markus K (2017). Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens (Stirt.) Giacom. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Roloff, Frauke; Meier, Markus K (2017). Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Roloff, Frauke; Meier, Markus K (2017). Bryoerythrophyllum rubrum (Geh.) P.C.Chen. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Urmi, Edi; Keller, Christine (2017). Bryoflorula Gaudensis - Ein Beitrag zur Kryptogamenflora der Ägäis. Herzogia, 30(2):327-342.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum algovicum Müll.Hal. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum alpinum With. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum archangelicum Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum arcticum (R.Br.) Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum capillare Hedw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum cyclophyllum (Schwägr.) Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum elegans Nees. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum gemmiparum De Not. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum intermedium (Brid.) Blandow. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum longisetum Schwägr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum mildeanum Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum moravicum Podp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum pallens Sw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum schleicheri DC. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum stirtonii Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum torquescens Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum turbinatum (Hedw.) Turner. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum uliginosum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Schröder, W (2017). Bryum weigelii Spreng. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Guyer, Luzia; Salinger, Kathrin; Krügel, Undine; Hörtensteiner, Stefan (2017). Catalytic and structural properties of pheophytinase, the phytol esterase involved in chlorophyll breakdown. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69:879-889.

She, Wenjing; Baroux, Célia; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Cell-type specific chromatin analysis in whole-mount plant tissues by immunostaining. In: Bemer, Marian; Baroux, Célia. Plant Chromatin Dynamics. New York: Springer, 443-454.

Souza, Clarice de Azevedo; Li, Shundai; Lin, Andrew Z; Boutrot, Freddy; Grossmann, Guido; Zipfel, Cyril; Somerville, Shauna C (2017). Cellulose-Derived Oligomers Act as Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns and Trigger Defense-Like Responses. Plant Physiology, 173(4):2383-2398.

Hu, Chengzhi; Munglani, Gautam; Vogler, Hannes; Ndinyanka Fabrice, Tohnyui; Shamsudhin, Naveen; Wittel, Falk K; Ringli, Christoph; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Herrmann, Hans J; Nelson, Bradley J (2017). Characterization of size-dependent mechanical properties of tip-growing cells using a lab-on-chip device. Lab on a chip, 17(1):82-90.

Grob, Stefan; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Chromatin Conformation Capture-Based Analysis of Nuclear Architecture. In: Kovalchuk, I. Plant Epigenetics. Boston, MA: Springer, 15-32.

You, Wanhui; Pien, Stéphane; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Protocol for Histone Modifications and Protein-DNA binding analyses in arabidopsis. In: Kovalchuk, I. Plant Epigenetics. Boston, MA: Springer, 1-13.

Grob, Stefan; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Chromosome conformation capture-based studies reveal novel features of plant nuclear architecture. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 36:149-157.

Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Conrad, Olaf; Böhner, Jürgen; Kawohl, Tobias; Kreft, Holger; Soria-Auza, Rodrigo Wilber; Zimmermann, Niklaus E; Linder, H Peter; Kessler, Michael (2017). Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas. Scientific Data, 4:170122.

Stegmann, Martin; Zipfel, Cyril (2017). Complex regulation of plant sex by peptides. Science, 358(6370):1544-1545.

Hsu, Elisabeth; Huber, Franz K; Weckerle, Caroline S (2017). Condensing life substances within the house: the rice-boiling Shuhi of Southwest China. Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 71(1):281-303.

Carvajal-Hernández, César I; Krömer, Thorsten; López-Acosta, Juan Carlos; Gómez-Díaz, Jorge A; Kessler, Michael (2017). Conservation value of disturbed and secondary forests for ferns and lycophytes along an elevational gradient in Mexico. Applied Vegetation Science, 20(4):662-672.

Roloff, Frauke; Urmi, Edi (2017). Crossidium crassinerve (De Not.) Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Kang, Joohyun; Lee, Youngsook; Sakakibara, Hitoshi; Martinoia, Enrico (2017). Cytokinin transporters: GO and STOP in signaling. Trends in Plant Science, 22(6):455-461.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon acutus (Brid.) K.Saito. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon asperifolius (Mitt.) H.A.Crum & al. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon cordatus Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon fallax (Hedw.) R.H.Zander. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon ferrugineus (Besch.) M.O.Hill. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon giganteus (Funck) Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon glaucus Ryan. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon icmadophilus (Müll.Hal.) K.Saito. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon insulanus (De Not.) M.O.Hill. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon johansenii (R.S.Williams) H.A.Crum. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon luridus Spreng. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon nicholsonii Culm. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon rigidulus Hedw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon sinuosus (Mitt.) Delogne. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon spadiceus (Mitt.) Limpr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon subandreaeoides (Kindb.) R.H.Zander. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon tophaceus (Brid.) Lisa. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon verbanus (W.E.Nicholson & Dixon) Loeske. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Didymodon vinealis (Brid.) R.H.Zander. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Sasheva, Pavlina; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Differentially methylated region-representational difference analysis (DMR-RDA): a powerful method to identify DMRs in uncharacterized genomes. In: Kovalchuk, I. Plant Epigenetics. Boston, MA: Springer, 113-125.

Averyanov, Leonid V; Endress, Peter K; Quang, Bui Hong; Nguyen, Khang Sinh; Nguyen, Dzu Van (2017). Disanthus ovatifolius (Hamamelidaceae), a new species from northwestern Vietnam. Phytotaxa, 308(1):104-110.

Yousefi, Narjes; Hassel, Kristian; Flatberg, Kjell Ivar; Kemppainen, Petri; Trucchi, Emiliano; Shaw, A. Jonathan; Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen; Szövényi, Peter; Stenøien, Hans K (2017). Divergent evolution and niche differentiation within the common peatmoss Sphagnum magellanicum. American Journal of Botany, 104(7):1060-1072.

Homeier, Jürgen; Salazar, Laura; Chinchero, Miguel Angel; Bossen, Sarah; Trogisch, Stefan; Unger, Malte; Kessler, Michael; Kluge, Jürgen; Navarrete, Hugo; Leuschner, Christoph (2017). Diversidad de plantas vasculares en relación con factores edafológicos y climáticos en los bosques de la Reserva Biosfera Sumaco y sus alrededores. In: Torres, Bolier; Vargas, Julio C; Arteaga, Yasiel; Torres, Alexandra; Lozano, Pablo. Gente, bosque y biodiversidad. Puyo: Universidad Estatal Amazónica, 203-218.

Richner, Nina; Holderegger, Rolf; Linder, H Peter; Walter, Thomas (2017). Dramatic decline in the Swiss arable flora since the 1920s. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 241:179-192.

Linder, Hans Peter (2017). East African Cenozoic vegetation history. Evolutionary Anthropology, 26(6):300-312.

Yankova, Yana. Effects of Lake Warming on Cyanobacterial and Algal Bloom Dynamics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Del Fabbro, Corina; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Kessler, Michael (2017). Ein Grossprojekt auf der Zielgeraden. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 162(4):4-7.

Nguyen, Chi Tam; Martinoia, Enrico; Farmer, Edward E (2017). Emerging jasmonate transporters. Molecular Plant, 10(5):659-661.

Boschi, Federico; Schvartzman, Claudia; Murchio, Sara; Ferreira, Virginia; Siri, Maria I; Galván, Guillermo A; Smoker, Matthew; Stransfeld, Lena; Zipfel, Cyril; Vilaró, Francisco L; Dalla-Rizza, Marco (2017). Enhanced Bacterial Wilt Resistance in Potato Through Expression of Arabidopsis EFR and Introgression of Quantitative Resistance from Solanum commersonii. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1642.

Lehtonen, Samuli; Silvestro, Daniele; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Scotese, Christopher; Tuomisto, Hanna; Kessler, Michael; Peña, Carlos; Wahlberg, Niklas; Antonelli, Alexandre (2017). Environmentally driven extinction and opportunistic origination explain fern diversification patterns. Scientific Reports:7:4831.

Coiro, Mario; Pott, Christian (2017). Eobowenia gen. nov. from the early Cretaceous of Patagonia: indication for an early divergence of Bowenia? BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17:online.

Hofmann, Heike (2017). Etappensiege im Projekt ‚Moosflora der Schweiz‘. Meylania, 60:15-20.

Weckerle, Caroline S. Ethnobotany in a globalized world. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Chomicki, Guillaume; Coiro, Mario; Renner, Susanne S (2017). Evolution and ecology of plant architecture: integrating insights from the fossil record, extant morphology, developmental genetics and phylogenies. Annals of Botany, 120(6):855-891.

Granato, Elisa. Evolution of Cooperation and Virulence in an Opportunistic Pathogen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Honegger, Rosmarie; Edwards, Dianne; Axe, Lindsey; Strullu-Derrien, Christine (2017). Fertile Prototaxites taiti: a basal ascomycete with inoperculate, polysporous asci lacking croziers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 373(1739):20170146.

Juillerat, Philippe; Bäumler, Beat; Bornand, Christophe; Gygax, Andreas; Jutzi, Michael; Möhl, Adrian; Nyffeler, Reto; Sager, Lionel; Santiago, Helder; Eggenberg, Stefan (2017). Flora Helvetica Checklist 2017: der Gefässpflanzen der Schweiz = de la flore vasculaire de la Suisse = della flora vascolare della Svizzera. Genève: Info Flora.

Del Fabbro, Corina; Nyffeler, Reto; Villiger, Natascha; Wohlgemuth, Thomas (2017). Florenwandel im Kanton Zürich neu bewertet = Réévaluation des changements de la flroe dans le canton de Zurich. Info flora plus, 2017:30-31.

Hilpold, Andreas; Gasser, Stefan; Ballini, Simone; Ceresa, Francesco; Hofer, David; Kahlen, Manfred; Kiebacher, Thomas; Ladurner, Eva; von Mörl, Georg; Pramsohler, Manuel (2017). Floristische und faunistische Beobachtungen im Naturdenkmal Trumbichl (Feldthurns, Südtirol, Italien). Gredleriana, 17:39-53.

Saladin, Bianca; Leslie, Andrew B; Wüest, Rafael O; Litsios, Glenn; Conti, Elena; Salamin, Nicolas; Zimmermann, Niklaus E (2017). Fossils matter: improved estimates of divergence times in Pinus reveal older diversification. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17(1):17:95.

Sylvester, Steven Paul; Sylvester, Mitsy D P V; Kessler, Michael (2017). Four new and five overlooked records of vascular plants from high elevation puna grasslands of the southern Peruvian Andes. Arnaldoa, 24(1):229-238.

Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yanis; Linder, H Peter (2017). Frequent and parallel habitat transitions as driver of unbounded radiations in the Cape flora. Evolution, 71(11):2548-2561.

Bobrov, Alexey V F Ch; Romanov, Mikhail S; Zdravchev, Nikita S; Endress, Peter K (2017). Fruit structure and development in Eupomatiaceae and comparison of fruit histology with other Magnoliales and with Laurales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 185(2):129-146.

Boutrot, Freddy; Zipfel, Cyril (2017). Function, Discovery, and Exploitation of Plant Pattern Recognition Receptors for Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 55:257-286.

Boni, Rainer. Functional Characterization of the Wheat Disease Resistance Gene Lr34 in Heterologous Barley. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Do, Thanh Ha Thi; Martinoia, Enrico; Lee, Youngsook (2017). Functions of ABC transporters in plant growth and development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 41:32-38.

Urmi, Edi; Büschlen, Arnold (2017). Gattung Aloina: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (4 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Reimann, Markus; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Gattung Anoectangium: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (4 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Anomobryum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (3 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Aulacomnium: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (2 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Gattung Barbula: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (8 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Roloff, Frauke; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Bryoerythrophyllum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (4 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Bryum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (20 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Roloff, Frauke (2017). Gattung Crossidium: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (1 Art). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Gattung Didymodon: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (19 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Roloff, Frauke; Berger, Hugo (2017). Gattung Oligotrichum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (1 Art). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Plagiobryum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (2 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike; Büschlen, Arnold (2017). Gattung Pohlia: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (21 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Urmi, Edi; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Polytrichum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (1 Art). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike (2017). Gattung Pterygoneurum: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (4 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Schnyder, Norbert; Müller, Niklaus; Roloff, Frauke; Berger, Hugo (2017). Gattung Syntrichia: neue Artbeschreibungen 2017 in der "Moosflora der Schweiz" (12 Arten). In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Ren, Guangpeng; Mateo, Rubén G; Liu, Jianquan; Suchan, Tomasz; Alvarez, Nadir; Guisan, Antoine; Conti, Elena; Salamin, Nicolas (2017). Genetic consequences of Quaternary climatic oscillations in the Himalayas: Primula tibetica as a case study based on restriction site-associated DNA sequencing. New Phytologist, 213(3):1500-1512.

Ruinelli, Michela. Genomic Investigations of Members of the Pseudomonas syringae Species Complex Associated with Prunus spp. and Kiwifruit. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Gymnobarbula bicolor (Bruch & Schimp.) Jan Kučera. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hu, Chengzhi; Vogler, Hannes; Aellen, Marianne; Shamsudhin, Naveen; Jang, Bumjin; Burri, Jan T; Läubli, Nino; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Pané, Salvador; Nelson, Bradley J (2017). High precision, localized proton gradients and fluxes generated by a microelectrode device induce differential growth behaviors of pollen tubes. Lab on a chip, 17(4):671-680.

Li, Fay-Wei; Villarreal, Juan Carlos; Szövényi, Peter (2017). Hornworts: an overlooked window into carbon-concentrating mechanisms. Trends in Plant Science, 22(4):275-277.

Theodoridis, Spyros; Randin, Christophe; Szövényi, Peter; Boucher, Florian C; Patsiou, Theofania Sotiria; Conti, Elena (2017). How do cold-adapted plants respond to climatic cycles? Interglacial expansion explains current distribution and genomic diversity in Primula farinosa L. Systematic Biology, 66(5):715-736.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Hydrogonium amplexifolium (Mitt.) P.C.Chen. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Hydrogonium bolleanum (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Hydrogonium consanguineum (Thwaites & Mitt.) Hilp. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Hydrogonium croceum (Brid.) Jan Kučera. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Zhang, Jie; Hwang, Jae-Ung; Song, Won-Yong; Martinoia, Enrico; Lee, Youngsook (2017). Identification of amino acid residues important for the arsenic resistance function of Arabidopsis ABCC1. FEBS letters, 591(4):656-666.

Pires, Nuno D; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Identification of parent-of-origin-dependent QTLs using bulk-segregant sequencing (Bulk-Seq). In: Bemer, Marian; Baroux, Célia. Plant Chromatin Dynamics. New York: Springer, 361-371.

Hu, Chengzhi; Zhang, Qi; Meyer, Tobias; Vogler, Hannes; Burri, Jan T; Shamsudhin, Naveen; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Nelson, Bradley J (2017). In vivo tracking and measurement of pollen tube vesicle motion. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, 29 May 2017 - 3 June 2017. IEEE, 3575-3580.

Schiestl, Florian P (2017). Innate receiver bias: Its role in the ecology and evolution of plant–animal interactions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 48(1):585-603.

Bowman, John L; Kohchi, Takayuki; Yamato, Katsuyuki T; Jenkins, Jerry; Shu, Shengqiang; Ishizaki, Kimitsune; Yamaoka, Shohei; Nishihama, Ryuichi; Nakamura, Yasukazu; Berger, Frédéric; Adam, Catherine; Aki, Shiori Sugamata; Althoff, Felix; Araki, Takashi; Arteaga-Vazquez, Mario A; Balasubrmanian, Sureshkumar; Barry, Kerrie; Bauer, Diane; Boehm, Christian R; Briginshaw, Liam; Caballero-Perez, Juan; Catarino, Bruno; Chen, Feng; Chiyoda, Shota; Chovatia, Mansi; Davies, Kevin M; Delmans, Mihails; Demura, Taku; Dierschke, Tom; Dolan, Liam; Rövekamp, Moritz; Schmid, Marc W; et al (2017). Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome. Cell, 171(2):287-304.

Rogers, Sean M; Xu, Shuqing; Schlüter, Philipp M (2017). Introduction: integrative molecular ecology is rapidly advancing the study of adaptation and speciation. Molecular Ecology, 26(1):1-6.

Hauenstein, Mareike; Hörtensteiner, Stefan (2017). Isolation and detection of the chlorophyll catabolite hydroxylating activity from capsicum annuum chromoplasts. Bio-protocol, 7(18):e2561.

Bouchaud, Charlene; Jacquat, Christiane; Martinoli, Danièle (2017). Landscape use and fruit cultivation in Petra (Jordan) from Early Nabataean to Byzantine times (2nd century bc–5th century ad). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 26(2):223-244.

Vogler, Hannes; Shamsudhin, Naveen; Nelson, Bradley J; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Measuring cytomechanical forces on growing pollen tubes. In: Kovalchuk, I. Pollen tip growth : from biophysical aspects to systems biology. New York: Springer, 65-85.

Kiebacher, Thomas; Steffen, Julie; Meier, Markus K; Bergamini, Ariel; Hofmann, Heike; Müller, Niklaus; Reimann, Markus; Schnyder, Norbert; Urmi, Edi (2017). Missionen, Dauerflächen und verschollene Arten - Neues von der Roten Liste der Moose = Missions, surfaces d’analyses permanentes et espèces menacées - des nouvelles de Liste rouge des bryophytes de Suisse. Meylania, 60:8-14.

McNally, Kaitlin. Molecular and evolutionary studies of race-specific avirulence factors from wheat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

de la Harpe, Marylaure; Paris, Margot; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Rolland, Jonathan; Kessler, Michael; Salamin, Nicolas; Lexer, Christian (2017). Molecular ecology studies of species radiations: current research gaps, opportunities, and challenges. Molecular Ecology, 26(10):2608-2622.

Molecular mechanisms of adaptation and speciation: integrating genomic and molecular approaches. Edited by: Rogers, Sean M; Xu, Shuqing; Schlüter, Philipp M (2017). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Byers, Kelsey J R P; Xu, Shuqing; Schlüter, Philipp M (2017). Molecular mechanisms of adaptation and speciation: why do we need an integrative approach? Molecular Ecology, 26(1):277-290.

Mair, Petra; Schäfer-Verwimp, Alfons; Kiebacher, Thomas; Stix, Senta; Verwimp, Inge (2017). Mooserhebungen (Bryophyta) in den LTSER-Untersuchungsflächen in Matsch (Südtirol, Italien) im Rahmen der Forschungswoche 2016. Gredleriana, 17:115-127.

Cicuzza, Daniele; Stäheli Sombra, Danielle; Nyffeler, Reto; Eggli, Urs (2017). Morphology and anatomy support a reclassification of the African succulent taxa of Senecio S.L. (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). Haseltonia, 23:11-26.

Schneider, Harald; Liu, Hong-Mei; Chang, Yan-Fen; Ohlsen, Daniel; Perrie, Leon R; Shepherd, Lara; Kessler, Michael; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Hennequin, Sabine; Marquardt, Jeannine; Russell, Stephen; Ansell, Stephen; Lu, Ngan Thi; Kamau, Peris; Lóriga, Josmaily; Regalado, Ledis; Heinrichs, Jochen; Ebihara, Atsushi; Smith, Alan R; Gibby, Mary (2017). Neo- and paleopolyploidy contribute to the species diversity of Asplenium - the most species-rich genus of ferns. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55(4):353-364.

Strullu-Derrien, Christine; Spencer, Alan R T; Goral, Tomasz; Dee, Jaclyn; Honegger, Rosmarie; Kenrick, Paul; Longcore, Joyce E; Berbee, Mary L (2017). New insights into the evolutionary history of Fungi from a 407 Ma Blastocladiomycota fossil showing a complex hyphal thallus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 373(1739):20160502.

Baroux, Célia; Pecinka, Ales; Fuchs, Jörg; Kreth, Gregor; Schubert, Ingo; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Non-random chromosome arrangement in triploid endosperm nuclei. Chromosoma, 126(1):115-124.

Christ, Bastien; Hochstrasser, Ramon; Guyer, Luzia; Francisco, Rita; Aubry, Sylvain; Hörtensteiner, Stefan; Weng, Jing-Ke (2017). Non-specific activities of the major herbicide-resistance gene BAR. Nature Plants, 3(12):937-945.

Ruiz Sola, M Aguila; Coiro, Mario; Crivelli, Simona; Zeeman, Samuel C; Schmidt Kjølner Hansen, Signe; Truernit, Elisabeth (2017). OCTOPUS-LIKE 2, a novel player in Arabidopsis root and vascular development, reveals a key role for OCTOPUS family genes in root metaphloem sieve tube differentiation. New Phytologist, 216(4):1191-1204.

Schöneberg, Torsten. Occurrence and Epidemiology of Fusarium Species in Barley and Oats. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Roloff, Frauke; Berger, Hugo; Urmi, Edi (2017). Oligotrichum hercynicum (Hedw.) Lam. & DC. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hansen, Dennis M; Austin, Jeremy J; Baxter, Rich H; de Boer, Erik J; Falcón, Wilfredo; Norder, Sietze J; Rijsdijk, Kenneth F; Thébaud, Christophe; Bunbury, Nancy J; Warren, Ben H (2017). Origins of endemic island tortoises in the western Indian Ocean: a critique of the human-translocation hypothesis. Journal of Biogeography, 44(6):1430-1435.

Vogiatzaki, Evangelia; Baroux, Célia; Jung, Ji-Yul; Poirier, Yves (2017). PHO1 exports phosphate from the chalazal seed coat to the embryo in developing arabidopsis seeds. Current Biology, 27(19):2893-2900.

Schneider, Eliane; Cámara-Leret, Rodrigo; Weckerle, Caroline S; Carnicer, Olga (2017). Palm use by the Chachi of Ecuador : an ethnobotanical survey with information in Cha’palaa. Basel: PEP + NONAME.

Linder, H Peter; Suda, Jan; Weiss-Schneeweiss, Hanna; Trávníček, Pavel; Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yanis (2017). Patterns, causes and consequences of genome size variation in Restionaceae of the Cape flora. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 183(4):515-531.

D’Ambrosio, Juan Martín; Couto, Daniel; Fabro, Georgina; Scuffi, Denise; Lamattina, Lorenzo; Munnik, Teun; Andersson, Mats X; Álvarez, María E; Zipfel, Cyril; Laxalt, Ana M (2017). Phospholipase C2 Affects MAMP-Triggered Immunity by Modulating ROS Production. Plant Physiology, 175(2):970-981.

Soltis, Douglas; Soltis, Pamela; Endress, Peter K; Chase, Mark; Manchester, Steven; Judd, Walter; Majure, Lucas; Mavrodiev, Evgeny (2017). Phylogeny and evolution of the angiosperms (2nd, revised and updated edition). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Kotliński, Maciej; Knizewski, Lukasz; Muszewska, Anna; Rutowicz, Kinga; Lirski, Maciej; Schmidt, Anja; Baroux, Célia; Ginalski, Krzysztof; Jerzmanowski, Andrzej (2017). Phylogeny-based systematization of arabidopsis proteins with histone H1 globular domain. Plant Physiology, 174(1):27-34.

Hofmann, H; Roloff, F (2017). Plagiobryum demissum (Hook.) Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, H; Roloff, F (2017). Plagiobryum zieri (Hedw.) Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Park, Jiyoung; Lee, Youngsook; Martinoia, Enrico; Geisler, Markus (2017). Plant hormone transporters: what we know and what we would like to know. BMC Biology, 15(1):93.

Bücherl, Christoph A; Jarsch, Iris K; Schudoma, Christian; Segonzac, Cécile; Mbengue, Malick; Robatzek, Silke; MacLean, Daniel; Ott, Thomas; Zipfel, Cyril (2017). Plant immune and growth receptors share common signalling components but localise to distinct plasma membrane nanodomains. eLife, 6:e25114.

Zipfel, Cyril; Oldroyd, Giles E D (2017). Plant signalling in symbiosis and immunity. Nature, 543(7645):328-336.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia andalusica (Höhn.) Broth. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia andrewsii A.J.Shaw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia annotina (Hedw.) Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia bulbifera (Warnst.) Warnst. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia camptotrachela (Renauld & Cardot) Broth. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia cruda (Hedw.) Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia drummondii (Müll.Hal.) A.L.Andrews. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia elongata Hedw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia filum (Schimp.) Mårtensson. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia flexuosa Hook. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia lescuriana (Sull.) Ochi. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia longicolla (Hedw.) Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia ludwigii (Schwägr.) Broth. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia lutescens (Limpr.) H.Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia melanodon (Brid.) A.J.Shaw. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia nutans (Hedw.) Lindb. subsp. nutans. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia obtusifolia (Brid.) L.F.Koch. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia proligera (Kindb.) Broth. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia sphagnicola (Bruch & Schimp.) Broth. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia vexans (Limpr.) H.Lindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Köckinger, Heribert; Büschlen, Arnold; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Pohlia wahlenbergii (F.Weber & D.Mohr) A.L.Andrews. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Abrahamczyk, Stefan; Kessler, Michael; Hanley, Daniel; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Müller, Matthias P J; Knauer, Anina C; Keller, Felix; Schwerdtfeger, Michael; Humphreys, Aelys M (2017). Pollinator adaptation and the evolution of floral nectar sugar composition. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(1):112-127.

Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Polyspermy produces tri-parental seeds in maize. Current Biology, 27(24):1300-1302.

Urmi, Edi; Hofmann, Heike (2017). Polytrichum commune subsp. perigoniale (Michx.) Kindb. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Zu, Pengjuan. Predicting floral evolution: a complementary approach to floral signals in Brassica rapa. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. I. General introduction and key to families. Phytotaxa, 327(1):57-89.

Øllgaard, Benjamin; Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. II. Lycopodiaceae. Phytotaxa, 334(3):255-294.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. IX. Osmundaceae. Phytotaxa, 327(1):100-102.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. V. Ophioglossaceae. Phytotaxa, 327(1):90-94.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. VI. Psilotaceae. Phytotaxa, 327(1):95-96.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. VII. Equisetaceae. Phytotaxa, 327(1):97-99.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. X. Hymenophyllaceae. Phytotaxa, 328(3):201-226.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XII. Lygodiaceae. Phytotaxa, 329(1):87-89.

Smith, Alan R; Kessler, Michael (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XIII. Anemiaceae. Phytotaxa, 329(1):80-86.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XIV. Schizaeaceae. Phytotaxa, 329(1):90-92.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XV. Marsileaceae. Phytotaxa, 329(1):93-96.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XVI. Salviniaceae. Phytotaxa, 329(1):97-100.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXIII. Saccolomataceae. Phytotaxa, 332(3):287-289.

Smith, Alan R; Kessler, Michael (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXIV. Lonchitidaceae. Phytotaxa, 332(3):295-296.

Smith, Alan R; Kessler, Michael (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXV. Lindsaeaceae. Phytotaxa, 332(3):290-294.

Schwartsburd, Pedro B; Navarrete, Hugo; Smith, Alan R; Kessler, Michael (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXVI. Dennstaedtiaceae. Phytotaxa, 332(3):251-268.

Kessler, Michael; Smith, Alan R; Prado, Jefferson (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXVII. Pteridaceae. Phytotaxa, 332(3):201-250.

Smith, Alan R; Kessler, Michael (2017). Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXX. Thelypteridaceae. Phytotaxa, 331(1):1-34.

Shubchynskyy, Volodymyr; Boniecka, Justyna; Schweighofer, Alois; Simulis, Justinas; Kvederaviciute, Kotryna; Stumpe, Michael; Mauch, Felix; Balazadeh, Salma; Mueller-Roeber, Bernd; Boutrot, Freddy; Zipfel, Cyril; Meskiene, Irute (2017). Protein phosphatase AP2C1 negatively regulates basal resistance and defense responses to Pseudomonas syringae. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(5):1169-1183.

Grossmann, Jonas; Fernández, Helena; Chaubey, Pururawa M; Valdés, Ana E; Gagliardini, Valeria; Cañal, María J; Russo, Giancarlo; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). Proteogenomic analysis greatly expands the identification of proteins related to reproduction in the apogamous fern dryopteris affinis ssp. affinis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:336.

Hofmann, Heike; Urmi, Edi (2017). Pterygoneurum lamellatum (Lindb.) Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Urmi, Edi (2017). Pterygoneurum ovatum (Hedw.) Dixon. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Urmi, Edi (2017). Pterygoneurum sampaianum (Guim.) Guim. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Hofmann, Heike; Urmi, Edi (2017). Pterygoneurum subsessile (Brid.) Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Butaitė, Elena. Pyoverdine production and its social effects in natural communities of Pseudomonas bacteria. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mecchia, Martin A; Santos-Fernandez, Gorka; Duss, Nadine N; Somoza, Sofía C; Boisson-Dernier, Aurélien; Gagliardini, Valeria; Martínez-Bernardini, Andrea; Fabrice, Tohnyui Ndinyanka; Ringli, Christoph; Muschietti, Jorge P; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2017). RALF4/19 peptides interact with LRX proteins to control pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis. Science, 358(6370):1600-1603.

Zhao, Xin’Ai; Bramsiepe, Jonathan; Van Durme, Matthias; Komaki, Shinichiro; Prusicki, Maria Ada; Maruyama, Daisuke; Forner, Joachim; Medzihradszky, Anna; Wijnker, Erik; Harashima, Hirofumi; Lu, You; Schmidt, Anja; Guthörl, Daniela; Logroño, Rosa Sahún; Guan, Yonsheng; Pochon, Gaetan; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Laux, Thomas; Higashiyama, Tetsuya; Lohmann, Jan U; Nowack, Moritz K; Schnittger, Arp (2017). RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED1 mediates germline entry in Arabidopsis. Science, 356:6336.

Gervasi, Daniel D L; Schiestl, Florian P (2017). Real-time divergent evolution in plants driven by pollinators. Nature Communications, 8:14691.

Imperiali, Nicola; Dennert, Francesca; Schneider, Jana; Laessle, Titouan; Velatta, Christelle; Fesselet, Marie; Wyler, Michele; Mascher, Fabio; Mavrodi, Olga; Mavrodi, Dmitri; Maurhofer, Monika; Keel, Christoph (2017). Relationships between root pathogen resistance, abundance and expression of pseudomonas antimicrobial genes, and soil properties in representative swiss agricultural soils. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:427.

Sylvester, Steven Paul; Heitkamp, Felix; Sylvester, Mitsy D P V; Jungkunst, Hermann F; Sipman, Harrie J M; Toivonen, Johanna M; Gonzales Inca, Carlos A; Ospina, Juan C; Kessler, Michael (2017). Relict high-Andean ecosystems challenge our concepts of naturalness and human impact. Scientific Reports, 7(1):3334.

Zeng, Liping; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Qiang; Endress, Peter K; Huang, Jie; Ma, Hong (2017). Resolution of deep eudicot phylogeny and their temporal diversification using nuclear genes from transcriptomic and genomic datasets. New Phytologist, 214(3):1338-1354.

Harley, Raymond M; Giulietti, Ana Maria; Abreu, Ivan Silva; Bitencourt, Cassia; de Oliveira, Favizia F; Endress, Peter K (2017). Resupinate dimorphy, a novel pollination strategy in two-lipped flowers of Eplingiella (Lamiaceae). Acta Botanica Brasilica, (ahead):0.

Leonti, Marco; Stafford, Gary I; Dal Cero, Maja; Cabras, Stefano; Castellanos, Maria Eugenia; Casu, Laura; Weckerle, Caroline S (2017). Reverse ethnopharmacology and drug discovery. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 198:417-431.

Khare, Deepa; Mitsuda, Nobukata; Lee, Seungchul; Song, Won-Yong; Hwang, Daehee; Ohme-Takagi, Masaru; Martinoia, Enrico; Lee, Youngsook; Hwang, Jae-Ung (2017). Root avoidance of toxic metals requires the GeBP-LIKE 4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist, 213(3):1257-1273.

Szövényi, Peter; Ullrich, Kristian K; Rensing, Stefan A; Lang, Daniel; van Gessel, Nico; Stenøien, Hans K; Conti, Elena; Reski, Ralf (2017). Selfing in haploid plants and efficacy of selection: codon usage bias in the model moss Physcomitrella patens. Genome Biology and Evolution, 9(6):1528-1546.

Morales, J Francisco; Endress, Mary E; Liede-Schumann, Sigrid (2017). Sex, drugs and pupusas: disentangling relationships in Echiteae (Apocynaceae). Taxon, 66(3):623-644.

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Olivares, Ingrid; Svenning, Jens-Christian; van Bodegom, Peter M; Valencia, Renato; Balslev, Henrik (2017). Stability in a changing world - palm community dynamics in the hyperdiverse western Amazon over 17 years. Global Change Biology, 23(3):1232-1239.

Thalmann, Matthias; Santelia, Diana (2017). Starch as a determinant of plant fitness under abiotic stress. New Phytologist, 214(3):943-951.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Streblotrichum convolutum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Meier, Markus K; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Streblotrichum enderesii (Garov.) Loeske. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Sucher, Justine. Study of the wheat resistance gene Lr34 after its transfer into heterologous crop species. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Jiménez, Ares; Weigelt, Barbara; Santos-Guerra, Arnoldo; Caujapé-Castells, Juli; Fernández-Palacios, José María; Conti, Elena (2017). Surviving in isolation: genetic variation, bottlenecks and reproductive strategies in the Canarian endemic Limonium macrophyllum (Plumbaginaceae). Genetica, 145(1):91-104.

Testoni, Daniel; Linder, H Peter (2017). Synoptic taxonomy of Cortaderia Stapf (Danthonioideae, Poaceae). PhytoKeys, 76:39-69.

Schnyder, Norbert; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia calcicola J.J.Amann. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Schnyder, Norbert; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Schnyder, Norbert; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia fragilis (Taylor) Ochyra. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia laevipila Brid. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia latifolia (Hartm.) Huebener. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Schnyder, Norbert; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia montana Nees. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Schnyder, Norbert; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia norvegica F.Weber. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J.Amann. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia papillosa (Wilson) Jur. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Schnyder, Norbert; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia ruralis (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia sinensis (Müll.Hal.) Ochyra. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Müller, Niklaus; Berger, Hugo; Roloff, Frauke (2017). Syntrichia virescens (De Not.) Ochyra. In: Swissbryophytes Working Group (Hrsg.), Moosflora der Schweiz.

Morales, J Francisco; Endress, Mary E; Liede-Schumann, Sigrid (2017). Systematics of Prestonia (Apocynaceae: Apocynoids: Echiteae) 80 years after Woodson. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 102(3):520-541.

Mair, Petra; Kiebacher, Thomas; Stix, Senta; Schäfer-Verwimp, Alfons (2017). Tag der Artenvielfalt 2016 in Matsch (Gemeinde Mals, Südtirol, Italien): Moose (Bryophyta). Gredleriana, 17:259-264.

Meier, Markus K (2017). Taxonomische und nomenklatorische Neuerungen – Moose; Dritte Folge. Herzogiella, 4:32-36.

Imkampe, Julia; Halter, Thierry; Huang, Shuhua; Schulze, Sarina; Mazzotta, Sara; Schmidt, Nikola; Manstretta, Raffaele; Postel, Sandra; Wierzba, Michael; Yang, Yong; van Dongen, Walter M A M; Stahl, Mark; Zipfel, Cyril; Goshe, Michael B; Clouse, Steven; de Vries, Sacco C; Tax, Frans; Wang, Xiaofeng; Kemmerling, Birgit (2017). The Arabidopsis Leucine-Rich Repeat Receptor Kinase BIR3 Negatively Regulates BAK1 Receptor Complex Formation and Stabilizes BAK1. Plant Cell, 29(9):2285-2303.

Van der Does, Dieuwertje; Boutrot, Freddy; Engelsdorf, Timo; Rhodes, Jack; McKenna, Joseph F; Vernhettes, Samantha; Koevoets, Iko; Tintor, Nico; Veerabagu, Manikandan; Miedes, Eva; Segonzac, Cécile; Roux, Milena; Breda, Alice S; Hardtke, Christian S; Molina, Antonio; Rep, Martijn; Testerink, Christa; Mouille, Grégory; Höfte, Herman; Hamann, Thorsten; Zipfel, Cyril (2017). The Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase MIK2/LRR-KISS connects cell wall integrity sensing, root growth and response to abiotic and bioticstresses. PLoS Genetics, 13(6):e1006832.

Thalmann, Matthias. The Function and Regulation of Starch Degradation during Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Huber, Franz K; Weckerle, Caroline S; Hsu, Elisabeth (2017). The Shuhi house between reformist China and revivalist Tibet. Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 71(1):353-374.

Sauquet, Hervé; von Balthazar, Maria; Magallón, Susana; Doyle, James A; Endress, Peter K; Bailes, Emily J; Barroso de Morais, Erica; Bull-Hereñu, Kester; Carrive, Laetitia; Chartier, Marion; Chomicki, Guillaume; Coiro, Mario; Cornette, Raphaël; El Ottra, Juliana H L; Epicoco, Cyril; Foster, Charles S P; Jabbour, Florian; Haevermans, Agathe; Haevermans, Thomas; Hernández, Rebeca; Little, Stefan A; Löfstrand, Stefan; Luna, Javier A; Massoni, Julien; Nadot, Sophie; Pamperl, Susanne; Prieu, Charlotte; Reyes, Elisabeth; dos Santos, Patrícia; Schoonderwoerd, Kristel M; Sontag, Susanne; Soulebeau, Anaelle; Staedler, Yannick; Tschan, Georg F; Wing-Sze Leung, Amy; Schönenberger, Jürg (2017). The ancestral flower of angiosperms and its early diversification. Nature Communications, 8:16047.

Kuai, Benke; Chen, Junyi; Hörtensteiner, Stefan (2017). The biochemistry and molecular biology of chlorophyll breakdown. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(4):751-767.

Patsiou, Theofania S; Conti, Elena; Theodoridis, Spyros; Randin, Christophe F (2017). The contribution of cold air pooling to the distribution of a rare and endemic plant of the Alps. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 10(1):29-42.

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Ezer, Daphne; Jung, Jae-Hoon; Lan, Hui; Biswas, Surojit; Gregoire, Laura; Box, Mathew S; Charoensawan, Varodom; Cortijo, Sandra; Lai, Xuelei; Stöckle, Dorothee; Zubieta, Chloe; Jaeger, Katja E; Wigge, Philip A (2017). The evening complex coordinates environmental and endogenous signals in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, 3:17087.

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Singh, Vijayata; Perraki, Artemis; Kim, Sang Y; Shrivastava, Stuti; Lee, Jae H; Zhao, Youfu; Schwessinger, Benjamin; Oh, Man-Ho; Marshall-Colon, Amy; Zipfel, Cyril; Huber, Steven C (2017). Tyrosine-610 in the Receptor Kinase BAK1 Does Not Play a Major Role in Brassinosteroid Signaling or Innate Immunity. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1273.

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06 Faculty of Arts > Zurich Center for Linguistics

A spune lucrurile asa cum sunt... Conversatii cu Eugeniu Coseriu. Edited by: Kabatek, Johannes; Murguía, Adolfo (2017). Iași: Casa Editoriala Demiurg Plus.

Kleinberger, Ulla; Perrin, Daniel; de Nardi, Gianni; Whitehouse, Marlies (2017). Angewandte Linguistik anwenden. In: Perrin, Daniel; Kleinberger, Ulla. Doing Applied Linguistics. Enabling Transdisciplinary Communication. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1-8.

Bickel, Balthasar (2017). Areas and universals. In: Hickey, Raymond. The Cambridge handbook of areal linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 40-55.

Bickel, Balthasar (2017). Belhare. In: Thurgood, Graham; LaPolla, Randy J. The Sino-Tibetan Languages (2nd, revised edition). London: Taylor & Francis, 546-570.

Schneider, Gerold; Pettersson, Eva; Percillier, Michael (2017). Comparing Rule-based and SMT-based Spelling Normalisation for English Historical Texts. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language, Gothenburg, 22 May 2017. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet, 40-46.

Hundt, Marianne; Gardner, Anne-Christine (2017). Corpus-based approaches : watching english change. In: Brinton, Laurel. English Historical Linguistics: Approaches and Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 96-130.

Höfler, Stefan (2017). Das Legalitätsprinzip in der Gesetzessprache. In: Uhlmann, Felix. Das Legalitätsprinzip in Verwaltungsrecht und Rechtsetzungslehre. Zürich: Dike Verlag, 143-171.

Kabatek, Johannes (2017). Determinación y entorno: 60 años después. In: Hassler, Gerda; Stehl, Thomas. Kompetenz – Funktion – Variation / Competencia – Función – Variación. Frankfurt am Mein: Peter Lang, 19-37.

Kabatek, Johannes (2017). Dez teses sobre o cambio lingüístico (e unha nota sore o galego). In: Regueira, Xosé Luís; Fernández Rei, Elisa. Estudos Sobre o Cambio Lingüístico no Galego Actual. Santiago de Compostel: Consello Da Cultura Galega, 21-43.

Gardner, Anne-Christine; Hundt, Marianne; Kindlimann, Moira (2017). Digitization of the Mary Hamilton papers. ICAME Journal, 41(1):3-30.

Doing Applied Linguistics: Enabling transdisciplinary communication. Edited by: Perrin, Daniel; Kleinberger, Ulla (2017). Berlin: De Gruyter.

Energiediskurs : Perspektiven auf Sprache und Kommunikation im Kontext der Energiewende. Edited by: Rosenberger, Nicole; Kleinberger, Ulla (2017). Bern: Peter Lang Verlag.

Kleinberger, Ulla; Rosenberger, Nicole (2017). Energiediskurs – Einführende Überlegungen zu einem aktuellen Thema aus linguistischer Sicht. In: Rosenberger, Nicole; Kleinberger, Ulla. Energiediskurs : Perspektiven auf Sprache und Kommunikation im Kontext der Energiewende. Bern: Peter Lang, 11-17.

Kathiresan, Thayabaran; Maurer, Dieter; Dellwo, Volker (2017). Enhancing the objectivity of interactive formant estimation: introducing euclidean distance measure and numerical conditions for numbers and frequency ranges of formants. In: Trouvain, Juergen; Steiner, Ingmar; Moebius, Bernd. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017. Dresden: TUDpress, 130-137.

Kabatek, Johannes (2017). Entrevista con Eugeniu Coseriu – "Alteridad, tolerancia y masoquismo’“. Anadiss:15-26.

Smith, Andrew D M; Höfler, Stefan (2017). From metaphor to symbols and grammar: The cumulative cultural evolution of language. In: Power, Camilla; Finnegan, Morna; Callan, Hilary. Human origins: Contributions from social anthropology. Oxford: Berghahn Books Ltd., 153-179.

De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Erráez, Ana (2017). Introducción. Si Alvar levantara la cabeza: cómo tratar con informantes virtuales. In: De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Arráez, Ana. Variación lingüística e internet: cayendo en la red. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 7-17.

Vitale, Giuseppina; Pellegrino, Elisa (2017). Investigations into interlinguistic transfer : the role of reading assessment techniques. In: Masuhara, H; Mishan, F; Tomlison, B.. Practice and Theory for Materials Development in L2 learning. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 312-333.

Kabatek, Johannes (2017). Klaus Dieter Vervuert (1945-2017). Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, 15(1 (29)):5-7.

Hove, Ingrid (2017). Konfrontiert mit Schweizerdeutsch, Schweizerhochdeutsch und bundesdeutschem Hochdeutsch. SAL-Bulletin, (165):5-14.

Salvati, L; De Santo, M; Pellegrino, Elisa (2017). Learning italian as foreign language : A look at online course italian language & culture. In: Masuhara,, H; Mishan,, F; Tomlison, T. Practice and Theory for Materials Development in L2 learning. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 254-274.

Höfler, Stefan; Nussbaumer, Markus; Xanthaki, Helen (2017). Legislative drafting. In: Karpen, Ulrich; Xanthaki, Helen. Legislation in Europe: A comprehensive guide for scholars and practitioners. Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart, 145-163.

Kolly, Marie-José; Boula de Mareüil, Philippe; Leemann, Adrian; Dellwo, Volker (2017). Listeners use temporal information to identify French- and English-accented speech. Speech Communication, 86:121-134.

Grigonyte, Gintare; Schneider, Gerold (2017). Measuring Encoding Efficiency in Swedish and English Language Learner Speech Production. In: Interspeech 2017, Stockholm, 19 August 2017 - 24 August 2017. ISCA, 1779-1783.

Widmer, Manuel; Auderset, Sandra; Nichols, Johanna; Widmer, Paul; Bickel, Balthasar (2017). NP recursion over time: evidence from indo-european. Language, 93(4):799-826.

Landert, Daniela; Miscione, Gianluca (2017). Narrating the stories of leaked data: The changing role of journalists after Wikileaks and Snowden. Discourse, Context & Media, 19:13-21.

Landert, Daniela (2017). Participation as user involvement. In: Hoffmann, Christian R; Bublitz, Wolfram. Pragmatics of Social Media. Berlin: De Gruyter, 31-60.

De Santo, Marilena; Pellegrino, Elisa; Salvati, Luisa; Vitale, Giuseppina (2017). Putting theory into practice : a framework for a CLIL course in linguistics in a blended learning environment. In: Masuhara, H; Mishan, F; Tomlison, B. Practice and Theory for Materials Development in L2 learning. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 236-253.

Landert, Daniela (2017). Review of Birte Bös and Lucia Kornexl (eds.). Changing Genre Conventions in Historical English News Discourse. Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics 5. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, PA: Benjamins, 2015. Anglia : Journal of English Philology, 135(2):358-362.

Höfler, Stefan (2017). Rezension: Alan Durant/Janny H. C. Leung. Language and Law: A Resource Book for Students. London/New York: Routledge 2016, 241 Seiten. LeGes: Gesetzgebung & Evaluation, 28(3):594-596.

Vrana, Leo; Schneider, Gerold (2017). Saying Whatever It Takes: Creating and Analyzing Corpora from US Presidential Debate Transcripts. In: Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017, Birmingham, 25 July 2017 - 28 July 2017, 537-544.

Hofer, Gertrud; Eggler, Marcel; Kleinberger, Ulla; Naser, Morina (2017). Schmerz und Emotion. Analyse von Schlusssequenzen aus einer gedolmetschten Diabetes-Konsultation. In: Perrin, Daniel; Kleinberger, Ulla. Doing Applied Linguistics. Enabling transdisciplinary communication. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 83-95.

Lykartsis, Athanasios; Weinzierl, Stefan; Dellwo, Volker (2017). Speaker Identification for Swiss German with Spectral and Rhythm Features. In: 2017 AES International Conference on Semantic Audio (June 2017), Erlangen, June 2017, Audio Engineering Society.

Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2017). Tautologies at the interfaces: Wer kann, der kann. Journal of Pragmatics, (117):16-28.

Stoll, Sabine; Mazara, Jekatarina; Bickel, Balthasar (2017). The acquisition of polysynthetic verb forms in Chintang. In: Fortescue, Michael D; Mithun, Marianne; Evans, Nicholas. The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 495 - 514.

Rübekeil, Ludwig (2017). The dialectology of Germanic. In: Klein, Jared; Joseph, Brian; Fritz, Matthias. Handbook of comparative and historical Indo-European linguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 986-1002.

Bickel, Balthasar; Zúñiga, Fernando (2017). The ‘word’ in polysynthetic languages : phonological and syntactic challenges. In: Fortescue, Michael D.; Mithun, Marianne; Evans, Nicholas. The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 158 - 185.

Schneider, Gerold; El-Assady, Menna; Lehmann, Hans Martin (2017). Tools and Methods for Processing and Visualizing Large Corpora. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English, 19:online.

Estrada Arráez, Ana; De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2017). Variación en las redes sociales: datos twilectales. In: de Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Arráez, Ana. Variación lingüística e internet: cayendo en la red. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 77-111.

Friedrichs, Daniel; Maurer, Dieter; Rosen, Stuart; Dellwo, Volker (2017). Vowel recognition at fundamental frequencies up to 1 kHz reveals point vowels as acoustic landmarks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(2):1025-1033.

Höfler, Stefan (2017). Zur Diskursstruktur von Gesetzestexten : Satzübergreifende Bezüge als Problem der Gesetzesredaktion. Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtslinguistik:1-33.

Seiler, Annina (2017). Zur Graphematik des i-Umlauts im Altenglischen und Althochdeutschen. In: Waxenberger, Gaby; Sauer, Hans; Kazzazi, Kerstin. Von den Hieroglyphen zur Internetsprache: Das Verhältnis von Laut, Schrift und Sprache. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 97-110.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP)

Moulin, Flore; Ponte, Belen; Pruijm, Menno; Ackermann, Daniel; Bouatou, Yassine; Guessous, Idris; Ehret, Georg; Bonny, Olivier; Pechère-Bertschi, Antoinette; Staessen, Jan A; Paccaud, Fred; Martin, Pierre-Yves; Burnier, Michel; Vogt, Bruno; Devuyst, Olivier; Bochud, Murielle (2017). A population-based approach to assess the heritability and distribution of renal handling of electrolytes. Kidney International, 92(6):1536-1543.

Dolder, Patrick C; Grünblatt, Edna; Müller, Felix; Borgwardt, Stefan J; Liechti, Matthias E (2017). A single dose of LSD does not alter gene expression of the serotonin 2A receptor gene (HTR2A) or early growth response genes (EGR1-3) in healthy subjects. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8:423.

Stäubli, Andrina; Capatina, Nadejda; Fuhrer, Yvonne; Munier, Francis L; Labs, Stephan; Schorderet, Daniel F; Tiwari, Amit; Verrey, Francois; Heon, Elise; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Wong, Tien-Yin; Berger, Wolfgang; Camargo, Simone M R; Kloeckener-Gruissem, Barbara (2017). Abnormal creatine transport of mutations in monocarboxylate transporter 12 (MCT12) found in patients with age-related cataract can be partially rescued by exogenous chaperone CD147. Human Molecular Genetics, 26(21):4203-4214.

Bollmann, Steffen; Ghisleni, Carmen; Poil, Simon-Shlomo; Martin, Ernst; Ball, Juliane; Eich-Höchli, Dominique; Klaver, Peter; O'Gorman, Ruth L; Michels, Lars; Brandeis, Daniel (2017). Age-dependent and independent changes in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during spatial working memory performance. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 18(4):279-290.

Rommel, Anna-Sophie; James, Sarah-Naomi; McLoughlin, Gráinne; Brandeis, Daniel; Banaschewski, Tobias; Asherson, Philip; Kuntsi, Jonna (2017). Altered EEG spectral power during rest and cognitive performance: a comparison of preterm-born adolescents to adolescents with ADHD. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(12):1511-1522.

Kehl, Debora; Generali, Melanie; Görtz, Sabrina; Geering, Diego; Slamecka, Jaroslav; Hoerstrup, Simon P; Bleul, Ulrich; Weber, Benedikt (2017). Amniotic fluid cells show higher pluripotency-related gene expression than allantoic fluid cells. Stem Cells and Development, 26(19):1424-1437.

Brock, Matthias; Schuoler, Claudio; Leuenberger, Caroline; Bühlmann, Carlo; Haider, Thomas J; Vogel, Johannes; Ulrich, Silvia; Gassmann, Max; Kohler, Malcolm; Huber, Lars C (2017). Analysis of hypoxia-induced noncoding RNAs reveals metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 as an important regulator of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.), 242(5):487-496.

Borner, Tito; Arnold, Myrtha; Ruud, Johan; Breit, Samuel N; Langhans, Wolfgang; Lutz, Thomas A; Blomqvist, Anders; Riediger, Thomas (2017). Anorexia-cachexia syndrome in hepatoma tumour-bearing rats requires the area postrema but not vagal afferents and is paralleled by increased MIC-1/GDF15. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 8(3):417-427.

Randi, Elisa. Anti-oxidative role of cytoglobin in podocytes and its association with chronic kidney disease. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schuoler, Claudio; Haider, Thomas J; Leuenberger, Caroline; Vogel, Johannes; Ostergaard, Louise; Kwapiszewska, Grazyna; Kohler, Malcolm; Gassmann, Max; Huber, Lars C; Brock, Matthias (2017). Aquaporin 1 controls the functional phenotype of pulmonary smooth muscle cells in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. Basic Research in Cardiology, 112(3):30.

Boecker-Schlier, Regina; Holz, Nathalie E; Hohm, Erika; Zohsel, Katrin; Blomeyer, Dorothea; Buchmann, Arlette F; Baumeister, Sarah; Wolf, Isabella; Esser, Günter; Schmidt, Martin H; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Banaschewski, Tobias; Brandeis, Daniel; Laucht, Manfred (2017). Association between pubertal stage at first drink and neural reward processing in early adulthood. Addiction Biology, 22(5):1402-1415.

Rommel, Anna-Sophie; James, Sarah-Naomi; McLoughlin, Gráinne; Brandeis, Daniel; Banaschewski, Tobias; Asherson, Philip; Kuntsi, Jonna (2017). Association of Preterm Birth With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-Like and Wider-Ranging Neurophysiological Impairments of Attention and Inhibition. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(1):40-50.

Asgari, Mahdi; de Zélicourt, Diane A; Kurtcuoglu, Vartan (2017). Barrier dysfunction or drainage reduction: differentiating causes of CSF protein increase. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 14(1):14.

Strupp, Michael; Kim, Ji-Soo; Murofushi, Toshihisa; Straumann, Dominik; Jen, Joanna C; Rosengren, Sally M; Della Santina, Charles C; Kingma, Herman (2017). Bilateral vestibulopathy: Diagnostic criteria Consensus document of the Classification Committee of the Bárány Society. Journal of Vestibular Research, 27(4):177-189.

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Montero, David; Lundby, Carsten (2017). Red cell volume response to exercise training: association with aging. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 27(7):674-683.

Thiersch, M; Swenson, E R; Haider, T; Gassmann, M (2017). Reduced Cancer Mortality at High Altitude: The Role of Glucose, Lipids, Iron and Physical Activity. Experimental Cell Research, 356(2):209-216.

Merlini, Mario; Shi, Yi; Keller, Stephan; Savarese, Gianluigi; Akhmedov, Alexander; Derungs, Rebecca; Spescha, Remo D; Kulic, Luka; Nitsch, Roger M; Luescher, Thomas F; Camici, Giovanni G (2017). Reduced nitric oxide bioavailability mediates cerebroarterial dysfunction independent of cerebral amyloid angiopathy in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 312(2):H232-H238.

Montero, David; Lundby, Carsten (2017). Refuting the myth of non-response to exercise training: 'non-responders' do respond to higher dose of training. Journal of Physiology, 595(11):3377-3387.

Kuo, Willy; Kurtcuoglu, Vartan (2017). Renal arteriovenous oxygen shunting. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 26(4):290-295.

Montero, David; Lundby, Carsten (2017). Repeated sprint training in hypoxia versus normoxia does not improve performance: a double-blind and cross-over study. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(2):161-167.

Tüshaus, Laura; Balsters, Joshua Henk; Schläpfer, Anthony; Brandeis, Daniel; O'Gorman Tuura, Ruth; Achermann, Peter (2017). Resisting sleep pressure: Impact on resting state functional network connectivity. Brain Topography, 30(6):757-773.

Caspar, S; Meienberg, J; Matyas, G (2017). Response to: The genetics and pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysm disorder and dissections. Clinical Genetics, 91(3):501.

Fagagnini, Stefania; Heinrich, Henriette; Rossel, Jean-Benoît; Biedermann, Luc; Frei, Pascal; Zeitz, Jonas; Spalinger, Marianne; Battegay, Edouard; Zimmerli, Lukas; Vavricka, Stephan R; Rogler, Gerhard; Scharl, Michael; Misselwitz, Benjamin (2017). Risk factors for gallstones and kidney stones in a cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. PLoS ONE, 12(10):e0185193.

Romano, Adele; Gallelli, Cristina Anna; Koczwara, Justyna Barbara; Braegger, Fiona E; Vitalone, Annabella; Falchi, Mario; Micioni Di Bonaventura, Maria Vittoria; Cifani, Carlo; Cassano, Tommaso; Lutz, Thomas A; Gaetani, Silvana (2017). Role of the area postrema in the hypophagic effects of oleoylethanolamide. Pharmacological Research, 122:20-34.

Deng, Jun; Xu, Xinzhou; Zhang, Zixing; Frühholz, Sascha; Schuller, Bjorn (2017). Semi-supervised autoencoders for speech emotion recognition. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, (99):1.

Beck-Schimmer, Beatrice; Baumann, Lukas; Restin, Tanja; Eugster, Philipp; Hasler, Melanie; Booy, Christa; Schläpfer, Martin (2017). Sevoflurane attenuates systemic inflammation compared with propofol, but does not modulate neuro-inflammation. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 34(11):764-775.

Müller, Thomas; Riederer, Peter; Grünblatt, Edna (2017). Simultaneous determination of MAO-A and -B activity following first time intake of an irreversible MAO-B inhibitor in patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124(6):745-748.

Gehrig, Saskia Maria; Petersen, Jens A; Frese, Sebastian; Mueller, Sandro Manuel; Mihaylova, Violeta; Ligon-Auer, Maria; Lundby, Carsten; Toigo, Marco; Jung, Hans H (2017). Skeletal muscle characteristics and mitochondrial function in Huntington's disease patients. Movement Disorders, 32(8):1258-1259.

Tavakoli, Reza; Lebreton, Guillaume; Gassmann, Max; Jamshidi, Peiman; Leprince, Pascal (2017). Standardized technique of aortic valve re-implantation for valve-sparing aortic root replacement. Journal of Visualized Experiments (Jove), (130):online.

Hoogman, Martine; et al; Brandeis, Daniel (2017). Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(4):310-319.

Klein, Carina; Hiestand, Thierry; Ghadri, Jelena-Rima; Templin, Christian; Jäncke, Lutz; Hänggi, Jürgen (2017). Takotsubo Syndrome - Predictable from brain imaging data. Scientific Reports, 7(1):5434.

Tavakoli, Reza; Nemska, Simona; Jamshidi, Peiman; Gassmann, Max; Frossard, Nelly (2017). Technique of minimally invasive transverse aortic constriction in mice for induction of left ventricular hypertrophy. Journal of Visualized Experiments (Jove), (127):e56231.

Whiting, Lynda; McCutcheon, James E; Boyle, Christina N; Roitman, Mitchell F; Lutz, Thomas A (2017). The area postrema (AP) and the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) are important sites for salmon calcitonin (sCT) to decrease evoked phasic dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Physiology and Behavior, 176:9-16.

Wiedemair, Wolfgang; Tukovic, Zeljko; Jasak, Hrvoje; Poulikakos, Dimos; Kurtcuoglu, Vartan (2017). The breakup of intravascular microbubbles and its impact on the endothelium. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, (16):611-624.

Riederer, Peter; Korczyn, Amos D; Ali, Sameh S; Bajenaru, Ovidiu; Choi, Mun Seong; Chopp, Michael; Dermanovic-Dobrota, Vesna; Grünblatt, Edna; Jellinger, Kurt A; Kamal, Mohammad Amjad; Kamal, Warda; Leszek, Jerzy; Sheldrick-Michel, Tanja Maria; Mushtaq, Gohar; Meglic, Bernard; Natovich, Rachel; Pirtosek, Zvezdan; Rakusa, Martin; Salkovic-Petrisic, Melita; Schmidt, Reinhold; Schmitt, Angelika; Sridhar, G Ramachandra; Vécsei, László; Wojszel, Zyta Beata; Yaman, Hakan; Zhang, Zheng G; Cukierman-Yaffe, Tali (2017). The diabetic brain and cognition. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124(11):1431-1454.

Marinova, Zoya; Walitza, Susanne; Grünblatt, Edna (2017). The hallucinogen 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine hydrochloride activates neurotrophin receptors in a neuronal cell line and promotes neurites extension. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124(6):749-759.

Bartl, Jasmin; Palazzesi, Ferruccio; Parrinello, Michele; Hommers, Leif; Riederer, Peter; Walitza, Susanne; Grünblatt, Edna (2017). The impact of methylphenidate and its enantiomers on dopamine synthesis and metabolism in vitro. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 79(Pt B):281-288.

Rasmussen, Peter; Widmer, Mario; Hilty, Matthias P; Hug, Mike; Sørensen, Henrik; Ogoh, Shigehiko; Sato, Kohei; Secher, Niels H; Maggiorini, Marco; Lundby, Carsten (2017). Thermodilution-determined Internal Jugular Venous Flow. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49(4):661-668.

Ruiz, Pedro A; Morón, Belén; Becker, Helen M; Lang, Silvia; Atrott, Kirstin; Spalinger, Marianne R; Scharl, Michael; Wojtal, Kacper A; Fischbeck-Terhalle, Anne; Frey-Wagner, Isabelle; Hausmann, Martin; Kraemer, Thomas; Rogler, Gerhard (2017). Titanium dioxide nanoparticles exacerbate DSS-induced colitis: role of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Gut, 66(7):1216-1224.

Robineau, Fabien; Saj, Arnaud; Neveu, Rémi; Van De Ville, Dimitri; Scharnowski, Frank; Vuilleumier, Patrik (2017). Using real-time fMRI neurofeedback to restore right occipital cortex activity in patients with left visuo-spatial neglect: proof-of-principle and preliminary results. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation:1-22.

Razafinjatovo, Caroline Fanja; Stiehl, Daniel; Deininger-Czermak, Eva; Rechsteiner, Markus; Moch, Holger; Schraml, Peter (2017). VHL missense mutations in the p53 binding domain show different effects on p53 signaling and HIFα degradation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. OncoTarget, 8(6):10199-10212.

Holz, Nathalie E; Boecker-Schlier, Regina; Buchmann, Arlette F; Blomeyer, Dorothea; Jennen-Steinmetz, Christine; Baumeister, Sarah; Plichta, Michael M; Cattrell, Anna; Schumann, Gunter; Esser, Günter; Schmidt, Martin; Buitelaar, Jan; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Banaschewski, Tobias; Brandeis, Daniel; Laucht, Manfred (2017). Ventral striatum and amygdala activity as convergence sites for early adversity and conduct disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(2):261-272.

Feddermann-Demont, Nina; Echemendia, Ruben J; Schneider, Kathryn J; Solomon, Gary S; Hayden, K Alix; Turner, Michael; Dvorak, Jiri; Straumann, Dominik; Tarnutzer, Alexander A (2017). What domains of clinical function should be assessed after sport-related concussion? A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(11):903-918.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Schlafforschung

Moser-Bracher, Alexia; Balmer, Christian; Cavigelli, Anna; Satir, Aylin; Caduff Good, Angela; Klauwer, Dietrich (2017). Digoxin Toxicity in a Neonate Caused by the Interaction with Carvedilol. Klinische Pädiatrie, 229(2):90-92.

06 Faculty of Arts > Zentrum Künste und Kulturtheorie

Zanetti, Sandro; Heine, Stefanie (2017). Einleitung. In: Zanetti, Sandro; Heine, Stefanie. Transaktualität : Ästhetische Dauerhaftigkeit und Flüchtigkeit. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 9-31.

Sasse, Sylvia (2017). Vorwort. In: Sasse, Sylvia; Arns, Inke; Chubarov, Igor. Nikolaj Evreinov & andere »Sturm auf den Winterpalast«. Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag, 7-18.

De Oliveira, Eduardo (2017). A pulsão bioescritural como método : as Galáxias de Haroldo de Campos. In: Chiara, Ana; Masseno, André; Ribeiro Fortuna, Daniele; Dos Santos, Marcelo. Bioescritas/Biopoéticas : Corpo, memória e arquivos. Porto Alegre: Editora Sulina, 43-61.

Sasse, Sylvia. Das Verschwinden des Theaters. Wie sich eine Retusche am Bild der Oktoberrevolution als politische Allegorie lesen lässt. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 28 October 2017, 48-49.

De Oliveira, Eduardo (2017). Dias no chão : Lucas Dupin e os despojos do tempo. São Paulo: Funarte.

Zanetti, Sandro (2017). Im Kinderland der Mummerehlen und Bachstuben. In: Hunkeler, Thomas; Jaussi, Sophie; Légeret, Joëlle. Produktive Fehler, konstruktive Missverständnisse // Erreurs productives, malentendus constructifs. Bielefeld: Academic Press Fribourg, 157-164.

De Oliveira, Eduardo (2017). Jean Fautrier und Georges Bataille : Die erotische Berührung der Materie. In: Schwarz, Dieter. Jean Fautrier. Düsseldorf: Richter Verlag/Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 188-202.

Kunst als Alibi. Edited by: Sajewska, Dorota; Frimmel, Sandra; Sasse, Sylvia; Liptay, Fabienne (2017). Zürich: diaphanes.

Zanetti, Sandro (2017). Kunst der Indifferenz. Duchamps Sprach- und Schriftinszenierungen. In: Wiehager, Renate. Duchamp als Kurator : Symposium im Daimler Contemporary Berlin 25./26. April 2017 = Duchamp as Curator. Köln: Snoeck, 350-369.

Zanetti, Sandro (2017). Literarische Transaktualität. … Horaz … Shakespeare … Shelley … Brecht … Celan ... In: Zanetti, Sandro. Transaktualität : ästhetische Dauerhaftigkeit und Flüchtigkeit. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 237-248.

Michail Bachtin : Sprechgattungen. Edited by: Sasse, Sylvia; Lachmann, Renate; Grübel, Rainer (2017). Berlin: Matthes & Seitz.

Nikolaj Evreinov & andere »Sturm auf den Winterpalast«. Edited by: Arns, Inke; Chubarov, Igor; Sasse, Sylvia (2017). Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag.

De Oliveira, Eduardo (2017). Pays d’encre, lignes des mots : L’Ecuador d’Estefanía Peñafiel Loaiza. Bresson: Les Deux-Points.

De Oliveira, Eduardo; Sabatini, Sofia (2017). Poesia contemporaneã brasileira : o que herdamos da metáfora de Camões. Radio Lora (17.10. 2017) Zürich.

Sajewska, Dorota (2017). Rekonstrukcja jako profanacja archiwum (Reconstruction as a profanation of the archive). Dialog, (7-8):162-170.

Robotnik. Performanse pamięci (The Worker. Performances of Memory). Edited by: Sajewska, Dorota; Sosnowska, Dorota; Adamiecka-Sitek, Agata (2017). Warszawa: Książka i Prasa.

Sajewska, Dorota; Sosnowska, Dorota (2017). Simulations and stimulations. In: Sajewska, Dorota; Sosnowska, Dorota; Adamiecka, Agata. Robotnik : performanse pamięci. Warszawa: Instytut Teatralny im Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, 401-415.

Zanetti, Sandro; Heine, Stefanie (2017). Transaktualität. Ästhetische Dauerhaftigkeit und Flüchtigkeit. München: Wilhelm Fink.

Zanetti, Sandro (2017). vielleicht - peut-être. In: Kasper, Monika; Villiger, Christian. Das Zeichen und sein Double. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 195-196.

Sasse, Sylvia (2017). »Geschichte wird mit dem Objektiv geschrieben«. Wie das Foto vom theatralen Sturm zum historischen Dokument wird. In: Arns, Inke; Chubarov, Igor; Sasse, Sylvia. Nikolaj Evreinov & andere »Sturm auf den Winterpalast«. Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag, 291-302.

Sasse, Sylvia (2017). “History is Written with the Lens”: How the Photo of the Theatrical Storming becomes a Historical Document. In: Arns, Inke; Chubarov, Igor; Sasse, Sylvia. Nikolaj Evreinov & andere »Sturm auf den Winterpalast«. Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag, 269-279.

De Oliveira, Eduardo Jorge (2017). “Vender alguma coisa, dar certo na vida”: A passagem do poema ao objeto na obra de Marcel Broodthaers. Remate de Males, 37(1):261-284.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Urological Clinic

Kranzbühler, Benedikt; Tran, Sébastien; Zilli, Thomas; Burger, Irene A (2017). 68Ga-PSMA PET/MR-positive peritoneal metastasis in the falciform ligament in recurrent prostate cancer. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 42(8):e388-e389.

Zhong, Qing; Guo, Tiannan; Rechsteiner, Markus; Rüschoff, Jan H; Rupp, Niels; Fankhauser, Christian; Saba, Karim; Mortezavi, Ashkan; Poyet, Cédric; Hermanns, Thomas; Zhu, Yi; Moch, Holger; Aebersold, Ruedi; Wild, Peter J (2017). A curated collection of tissue microarray images and clinical outcome data of prostate cancer patients. Scientific Data, 4:170014.

Gross, Oliver. Ablative efficiency of 532-nm laser vaporization compared to transurethral resection of the prostate: results from a prospective three-dimensional ultrasound volumetry study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Simões, Irina N; Vale, Paulo; Soker, Shay; Atala, Anthony; Keller, Daniel; Noiva, Rute; Carvalho, Sandra; Peleteiro, Conceição; Cabral, Joaquim M S; Eberli, Daniel; da Silva, Cláudia L; Baptista, Pedro M (2017). Acellular urethra bioscaffold: decellularization of whole urethras for tissue engineering applications. Scientific Reports, 7:41934.

Grünherz, Lisanne; Startseva, Xenia; Kozomara-Hocke, Marko; Barth, Borna K; Simmen, Hans-Peter; Mica, Ladislav; Rauer, Thomas (2017). Combined intra- and extraperitoneal urinary bladder rupture - a rare seat-belt injury: a case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 38:119-121.

Bhindi, Bimal; Jiang, Haiyan; Poyet, Cedric; Hermanns, Thomas; Hamilton, Robert J; Li, Kathy; Toi, Ants; Finelli, Antonio; Zlotta, Alexandre R; van der Kwast, Theodorus H; Evans, Andrew; Fleshner, Neil E; Kulkarni, Girish S (2017). Creation and internal validation of a biopsy avoidance prediction tool to aid in the choice of diagnostic approach in patients with prostate cancer suspicion. Urologic Oncology, 35(10):604.e17-604.e24.

Hermanns, Thomas. Critical evaluation of novel, minimally invasive surgical procedures for the treatment of prostatic bladder outlet obstruction. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Corrò, Claudia; Hejhal, Tomas; Poyet, Cédric; Sulser, Tullio; Hermanns, Thomas; Winder, Thomas; Prager, Gerald; Wild, Peter J; Frew, Ian; Moch, Holger; Rechsteiner, Markus (2017). Detecting circulating tumor DNA in renal cancer: An open challenge. Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 102(2):255-261.

Barth, Borna K; De Visschere, Pieter J L; Cornelius, Alexander; Nicolau, Carlos; Vargas, Hebert Alberto; Eberli, Daniel; Donati, Olivio F (2017). Detection of clinically significant prostate cancer: short dual-pulse sequence versus standard multiparametric MR imaging-a multireader study. Radiology, 284(3):725-736.

Adank, Jean-Pascal; Mortezavi, Ashkan (2017). Diagnostik und Therapie der Harninkontinenz. Praxis-Depesche:67-71.

Becker, Anton S; Cornelius, Alexander; Reiner, Cäcilia S; Stocker, Daniel; Ulbrich, Erika J; Barth, Borna K; Mortezavi, Ashkan; Eberli, Daniel; Donati, Olivio F (2017). Direct comparison of PI-RADS version 2 and version 1 regarding interreader agreement and diagnostic accuracy for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer. European Journal of Radiology, 94:58-63.

Olkhov-Mitsel, Ekaterina; Savio, Andrea J; Kron, Ken J; Pethe, Vaijayanti V; Hermanns, Thomas; Fleshner, Neil E; van Rhijn, Bas W; van der Kwast, Theodorus H; Zlotta, Alexandre R; Bapat, Bharati (2017). Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling identifies differential methylation biomarkers in high-grade bladder cancer. Translational Oncology, 10(2):168-177.

Günthart, Michèle S. Espression of lymph-angiogenic genes in bladder cancer patients who underwent radical cystectomy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schmidli, Tobias. Evaluation von IDO, IL-6, IL-1β und MMP-9 als neue Biomarker für das Prostatakarzinom. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Fankhauser, Christian Daniel; Hermanns, Thomas; Hasse, Barbara; Rancic, Zoran (2017). Excessive Wound Fluid Discharge during Retroperitoneal Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 43:314.e1-314.e3.

Froehlich, Maryna. Extraction Strings for Ureteric Stents: is there an increased risk for urinary tract infections? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Fröhlich, Maryna; Fehr, Jan; Sulser, Tullio; Eberli, Daniel; Mortezavi, Ashkan (2017). Extraction strings for ureteric stents: is there an increased risk for urinary tract infections? Surgical Infections, 18(8):936-940.

Provenzano, Maurizio; Allayeh, Abdou Kamal (2017). Harnessing systemic immune responses for polyomavirus BK involvement in cancer development and progression. Cytokine, 96:273.

Roudnicky, Filip; Dieterich, Lothar C; Poyet, Cedric; Buser, Lorenz; Wild, Peter; Tang, Dave; Camenzind, Peter; Hsien Ho, Chien; Otto, Vivianne I; Detmar, Michael (2017). High expression of insulin receptor on tumor-associated blood vessels in invasive bladder cancer predicts poor overall and progression-free survival. Journal of Pathology, 242(2):193-205.

Haralampieva, Deana; Salemi, Souzan; Dinulovic, Ivana; Sulser, Tullio; Ametamey, Simon M; Handschin, Christoph; Eberli, Daniel (2017). Human muscle precursor cells overexpressing PGC-1α enhance early skeletal muscle tissue formation. Cell Transplantation, 26(6):1103-1114.

Poyet, Cedric; Thomas, Linto; Benoit, Tobias M; Aquino Delmo, David; Luberto, Laura; Banzola, Irina; Günthart, Michèle S; Sais, Giovanni; Eberli, Daniel; Sulser, Tullio; Provenzano, Maurizio (2017). Implication of vascular endothelial growth factor A and C in revealing diagnostic lymphangiogenic markers in node-positive bladder cancer. OncoTarget, 8(13):21871-21883.

Engeler, Daniel. Low-dose Rate Brachytherapy of the Prostate - a Therapeutic Option for Selected Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mortezavi, Ashkan; Salemi, Souzan; Rupp, Niels J; Rüschoff, Jan Hendrik; Hermanns, Thomas; Poyet, Cedric; Randazzo, Marco; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Moch, Holger; Sulser, Tullio; Wild, Peter; Eberli, Daniel (2017). Negative LC3b immunoreactivity in cancer cells is an independent prognostic predictor of prostate cancer specific death. OncoTarget, 8(19):31765-31774.

Hollenstein, Michael; Thwaites, Philip; Bütikofer, Simon; Heinrich, Henriette; Sauter, Matthias; Ulmer, Irina; Pohl, Daniel; Ang, Daphne; Eberli, Daniel; Schwizer, Werner; Fried, Michael; Distler, Oliver; Fox, Mark; Misselwitz, Benjamin (2017). Pharyngeal swallowing and oesophageal motility during a solid meal test: a prospective study in healthy volunteers and patients with major motility disorders. Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2(9):644-653.

Horst, Maya; Milleret, Vincent; Noetzli, Sarah; Gobet, Rita; Sulser, Tullio; Eberli, Daniel (2017). Polyesterurethane and acellular matrix based hybrid biomaterial for bladder engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, 105(3):658-667.

Wettstein, Marian S; Saba, Karim; Umbehr, Martin H; Murtola, Teemu J; Fankhauser, Christian D; Adank, Jean-Pascal; Hofmann, Marc; Sulser, Tullio; Hermanns, Thomas; Moch, Holger; Wild, Peter; Poyet, Cédric (2017). Prognostic role of preoperative serum lipid levels in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. The Prostate, 77(5):549-556.

Poyet, Cédric. Prognostische Biomarker beim Urothelkarzinom der Harnblase. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Kulkarni, Girish S; Hermanns, Thomas; Wei, Yanliang; Bhindi, Bimal; Satkunasivam, Raj; Athanasopoulos, Paul; Bostrom, Peter J; Kuk, Cynthia; Li, Kathy; Templeton, Arnoud J; Sridhar, Srikala S; van der Kwast, Theodorus H; Chung, Peter; Bristow, Robert G; Milosevic, Michael; Warde, Padraig; Fleshner, Neil E; Jewett, Michael A S; Bashir, Shaheena; Zlotta, Alexandre R (2017). Propensity score analysis of radical cystectomy versus bladder-sparing trimodal therapy in the setting of a multidisciplinary bladder cancer clinic. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(20):2299-2305.

Kranzbühler, Benedikt; Gross, Oliver; Fankhauser, Christian D; Wettstein, Marian S; Grossmann, Nico C; Hefermehl, Lukas J; Zimmermann, Matthias; Müller, Alexander; Eberli, Daniel; Sulser, Tullio; Poyet, Cédric; Hermanns, Thomas (2017). Prostate volume reduction following pure transurethral bipolar plasma vaporization and conventional transurethral resection of the prostate: a prospective investigation using transrectal 3D ultrasound volumetry. World Journal of Urology, 35(3):429-435.

Fankhauser, Christian Daniel; Mucci, Lorelei A; Gerke, Travis A (2017). Re: Won Sik Ham, Heather J. Chalfin, Zhaoyong Feng, et al. New Prostate Cancer Grading System Predicts Long-term Survival Following Surgery for Gleason Score 8-10 Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol. In press. European Urology, 72(1):e9-e10.

Bezan, Angelika; Posch, Florian; Ploner, Ferdinand; Bauernhofer, Thomas; Pichler, Martin; Szkandera, Joanna; Hutterer, Georg C; Pummer, Karl; Gary, Thomas; Samonigg, Hellmut; Beyer, Joerg; Winder, Thomas; Hermanns, Thomas; Fankhauser, Christian D; Gerger, Armin; Stotz, Michael (2017). Risk stratification for venous thromboembolism in patients with testicular germ cell tumors. PLoS ONE, 12(4):e0176283.

Marcon, Magda; Keller, Daniel; Wurnig, Moritz C; Weiger, Markus; Kenkel, David; Eberhardt, Christian; Eberli, Daniel; Boss, Andreas (2017). Separation of collagen-bound and porous bone-water longitudinal relaxation in mice using a segmented inversion recovery zero-echo-time sequence. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 77(5):1909-1915.

Hermanns, Thomas; Poyet, Cédric (2017). The Next Generation of Prostate Cancer Risk Calculators. European Urology, 72(6):897-898.

Schmidt-Weitmann, Sabine; Schulz, Urs; Schmid, Daniel Max; Brockes, Christiane (2017). The University Hospital Zurich offers a medical online consultation service for men with intimate health problems. American Journal of Men's Health, 11(3):518-524.

Stölting, Meline N L; Hefermehl, Lukas J; Tremp, Mathias; Azzabi, Fahd; Sulser, Tullio; Eberli, Daniel (2017). The role of donor age and gender in the success of human muscle precursor cell transplantation. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 11(2):447-458.

UZH Dissertations

Reeb, Claudia. "Für mehr Bekommlichkeit, Luft und Licht": Erker im Bodenseegebiet: Inventar der auskragenden Fassadenbauten im profanen städtischen Umfeld von den Anfängen im 15. Jahrhundert bis zum Beginn des Jugendstils mit besonderem Fokus auf die motivischen Charakteristika der bauplastischen Ausprägung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Seiz, Susanne. "Ich habe einen Schnitt gemacht!": narrative Identitäten älterer Frauen nach einem Umzug ins Betreute Wohnen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hartmann-Pustički, Nikolina. "Selbstdarstellung im Team": eine empirische Untersuchung von Präsenzfiguren in der betrieblichen Ausbildung von Mechatronikern. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Tran, Halina. 2D-IR Spectroscopy of High-Pressure Phases of Ice. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Koziol, Klemens. 2D-IR Spectroscopy of etide-Protein Binding. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Asgari, Mahdi. A Computational Physiology Approach to Understanding Cerebrospinal Fluid and Solute Dynamics in the Central Nervous System. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bornhöft, Nikolaus Alexander. A Dynamic Probabilistic Material Flow Modeling Method for Environmental Exposure Assessment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Kilanowski, Kamilla Kornelia. A Model for Structured Education for Patients with Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis: an Explorative Study of the ″Haut Tief″ Patient Educational Program. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Häfelin, Andrea. A Novel Electromagnetic Catheter Steering Technology for Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias: In Vitro Evaluation of System Performance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wetzel, Oliver Thomas. A Smartphone application to determine Body length for Body weight estimation in children: a prospective clinical trial. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bornhöft, Nikolaus Alexander. A dynamic probabilistic material flow modeling method for environmental exposure assessment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Ivic, Sandra. A gene therapy approach: gene engineering of HIV resistant cells using the humanized mouse model. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Julia Victoria, Lechmann. A pilot study contributing to the virome of water buffaloes in Switzerland. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Mosimann, Marc René. A single center experience on angiofibroma treatment including long term follow-up. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Roentgen, Anne Marie. ARH1 regulates LPS-induced iNOS expression. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Gross, Oliver. Ablative efficiency of 532-nm laser vaporization compared to transurethral resection of the prostate: results from a prospective three-dimensional ultrasound volumetry study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Papageorgiou, Panagiota. Accelerated bone healing by tissue progenitor recruitment inducing hydrogels. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Thoonen-Tornic, Ana. Access to constitutional courts: popular complaints in Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Coppetti, Thomas. Accuracy of smartphone apps for heart rate measurement. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mordasini, Vanessa. Activation of ATR-Chk1 pathway facilitates EBV-mediated transformation of primary tonsillar B-cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Wu, Yufan. Adapting DARPin-Based Rigid Fusions for Crystallography. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bachmann, Judith. Adaptive Divergence across an Elevational Gradient in the Common Frog (Rana temporaria). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bracher, Lukas. Adhesion of resin composite to enamel and dentin - A methodological assessment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Gulati, Pratiksha. Adoptive therapy with T-cells genetically targeted to tumor associated antigen through the introduction of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Killeen, Tim. Advanced gait analysis : insights into human locomotor control. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Militz, Elisabeth. Affective nationalism: bodies, materials and encounters with the nation in Azerbaijan. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Erlenbach, Rolf. Age-related outcome of patients after traumatic brain injury: a single-center observation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Peege, Christina. Agia Varvara-Almyras. An Iron Age Copper Smelting Site in Cyprus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Dörr, Konstantin. Algorithmischer Journalismus - Eine Analyse der automatisierten Textproduktion im Journalismus auf gesellschaftlicher, organisatorischer und professioneller Ebene. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Zürcher, Jean-Pierre. Als Lehrperson erfolgreich vor Eltern auftreten: eine Interventionsstudie zur Auftrittskompetenz von Lehrpersonen an Elternabenden. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ndinyanka Fabrice, Tohnyui. An Integrated Systems Understanding of the Dynamic Interplay between Plant Cell Growth and Pollen Tube Cell Wall Development. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bänziger, Mathias. An der Schwelle zum Integralen: Henry Corbins religionsphilosophischer Pionierweg durch das 20. Jahrhundert. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Theology.

De Rosa, Antonio. Anisotropic energies in geometric measure theory. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

De Rosa, Antonio. Anisotropic energies in geometric measure theory. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Meyer, Sabrina. Anthropological and Paleopathological Investigations on Human Remains from Ancient Egypt and Medieval Switzerland. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Randi, Elisa. Anti-oxidative role of cytoglobin in podocytes and its association with chronic kidney disease. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hartmann, Stephanie. Antibiotikaeinsatz und Tierbehandlungsindex in Schweizer Ferkelerzeugungsbetrieben. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Zimmermann, Dorothe. Antikommunisten und Staatsschützer: der Schweizerische Vaterländische Verband, 1930-1948. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rickenbacher, Daniel. Arab states, Arab interest groups and anti-Zionist movements in Western Europe and the US. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gerber, Thomas Jan. Are macrophage glucocorticoid receptors involved in the immunomodulatory effect of sevoflurane and its metabolite hexafluoroisopropanol? : an in vitro study in mice and human macrophages. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Kressig, Michel Andreas. Are specific MRI abnormalities Related to Outcomes in Symptomatic Cervical Disc Herniation Patients treated with High Velocity, Low Amplitude Spinal Manipulation? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Onodi, Christina. Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in children undergoing mechanical ventilation of the lungs during general anaesthesia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Onodi, Christina. Arterial to endtidal carbon dioxide difference in children undergoing lung ventilation during general anaesthesia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Büber, Nydia Elena. Assessment of hindfoot alignment using MRI and standing hindfoot alignment radiographs ( Saltzman view). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Zube, Stephanie Paulina Monika. Asymptotic behaviour of elliptic boundary value problems in long domains. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

De Stavola, Dario. Asymptotic results for representations of finite groups. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hendriks, Manya J. At the Beginning and the End: End of Life Decision-Making for Extremely Preterm Infants. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

He, Helen Al. Augmenting Computer-Mediated Communication Tools to Mitigate Language and Culture Barriers in Global Virtual Teams. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Brunner-Fähndrich, Carine. Auswirkungen von Celecoxib auf die Tissue Factor Expression glatter Gefässmuskelzellen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Liechti, Thomas. B cell perturbations in HIV-1 infection. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Frater, Nakita. Back problems : functional, historical and paleo-anthropological aspects. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Aliotta, Massimo. Begutachtungen im Bundessozialversicherungsrecht. Gehörs- und Partizipationsrechte der versicherten Personen bei Begutachtungen im nichtstreitigen Verwaltungsverfahren gemäss ATSG. 2017, Zürich Universität, Faculty of Law.

Macauda, Gianluca. Behavioral and neural aspects of the vestibular influence on bodily self consciousness. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Dennler, Cyrill. Beurteilbarkeit der Humeruskopfnekrose in der MRT nach CF/PEEK-Plattenosteosynthese. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Friedrichs, Daniel. Beyond formants: vowel perception at high fundamental frequencies. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Roth, Sofia. Bilberry-derived anthocyanins modulate cytokine expression in the intestine of patients with ulcerative colitis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Abplanalp, Jeannette. Biochemical and biological characterization of the ADP-Ribosylhydrolase 3. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hürlimann, Lea. Biochemical and functional characterization of heterodimeric ABC exporters mediating drug efflux in Enterococcus faecalis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Tiziani, Simon. Biomechanical Comparison of Different External Fixation Configurations for Posttraumatic Pelvic Ring Instability. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schwill, Martin. Biparatopic DARPins for Anti-ErbB2 Therapy: Intermolecular Trapping of ErbB2/HER2 Receptor Induces pan-ErbB Inhibition and Overcomes the Signaling Robustness in ErbB2-Dependent Cancers. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bachmann, Michael. Blue and White Light Triplet Emitters Based on Organometallic Au(III) and Pt (II) Complexes. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kalebasi, Nilüfer. Blunted responses to reward in remitted post-traumatic stress disorder. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wyss, Sebastian. Blurred boundaries: an exercise in Wittgenstein's method. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Pelzelmayer, Katharina. Bodies that work, discourses that care: powerful narratives of elder care on the move. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Arsiwala, Tasneem. Bone marrow-specific Sirt6 deficiency enhances atherosclerosis by increasing Macrophage scavenger receptor 1 expression. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kelley, Christopher. Building power: how organized labor is shaping industrial relations in the changing Swiss construction industry. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gerster, Alexander. Bundesgesetz über die Produktesicherheit (PrSG) : Grundlagen, Pflichten und Folgen einer Pflichtverletzung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des zivilrechtlichen Haftungsrechts. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Codilupi, Tamara. CRL4 ubiquitin ligase promotes fanconi anemia pathway-induced single-stranded DNA signaling at interstrand crosslinks. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Pakarha, Payam. Calibration system of the photosensors for the XENON1T dark matter search experiment, and response of liquid xenon to low-energy neutron interactions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schmid, Florence Daniela. Canine lipoprotein separation and characterization of the canine lipidome in healthy and prednisolone treated beagles. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Mauracher, Andrea A. Causes of low neonatal T-cell receptor excision circles: A systematic review. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mereu, Louisa. Cell polarity shapes the epidermal growth factor morphogen gradient during C. elegans vulval induction and reciprocal epidermal growth factor signaling orients cell polarity to promote vulval morphogenesis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Parrinello, Natalia. Cellular consequences of loss of eukaryiotic translation initiation factor 5A in eukaryiotic cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Franz, Alexandra. Challenging the Wnt signaling dogma: deciphering the role of Armadillo and Pangolin for Wnt/Wg target gene regulation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Koch, Ursula. Change Processes in Healthcare: From Patient Centered Medical Homes to Clinical-Community Networks. Key Factors for Succesful Implementation and Lessons Learned. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Fierz, Lisa Martha. Characteristics of Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated during 2010-2014 from human infections in Switzerland. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Lanz, Caroline. Characterization of Human and Swine IFITM-Mediated Restriction of Influenza A Virus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Rominski, Anna. Characterization of antibiotic resistance genes from Mycobacterium abscessus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Spoerel, Susanne. Characterization of canine plasma lipidome alterations due to prednisolone or tetracosactide treatment of healthy beagle dogs. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Erdogan, S. Characterization of enhanced beta-amyloid clearance with sleep using two-photon imaging. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kehl, Debora. Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells for their use in cardiovascular regenerative medicine. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ursprung, Nadine. Charakteristika von Patienten mit peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit in der Hausarztpraxis und Determinanten der ehandlungsqualität. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Kumar, Roopender. Chemistry of cyclometalated gold(III) complexes: outfit for mechanistic investigations and beyond. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Liu, Jinyi. Chemistry of functional molecules at metal surfaces. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hubmann, Priska. Child development : adaptive behavior and biological embedding. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Wunderli, Michael Dominic. Chronic effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on social and non-social cognition. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Maric, Angelina. Chronically increased sleep pressure: electrophysiological correlates and hehavioral consequences. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Thalmann, Mirko. Chunking and rehearsal in working memory: a matter of central attention? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rozati, Sima. Clinical and Experimental Insights in the Biology of Cutaneous Lymphomas. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Frauenfelder, Sandra. Clinical features, virulence, and epidemiology of pulmonary disease due to Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mangani, D. Co-inhibition of the TGF-β and VEGF pathways in glioblastoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

van Moorsel, Sofia Julia. Community evolution increases ecosystem functioning and stability. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Annousaki, Olga. Comparative analysis of the mechanical properties of fiber and stainless steel multistranded wires used for lingual fixed retention. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Meier, Anja Barbara. Comparative phenotypic and genotypic analysis of Swiss and Finnish Listeria monocytogenes isolates with respect to benzalkonium chloride resistance. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Elfgen, Jochen. Comparison of internal diameters of tracheal tubes for small children. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Marchand, Jean-Rémy. Computational Drug Discovery: Methods Development and Applications to Bromodomains. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mitsumasu Heredia, Manuel Andrés. Computational and brain stimulation approaches to study the influence of visually guided comparisons in value-based decision-making. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Mitsumasu Heredia, Manuel Andrés. Computational and brain stimulation approaches to study the influence of visually guided comparisons in value-based decision-making. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Reinhard, Jürgen. Computational frameworks to increase effectiveness and efficiency of data collection in Life Cycle Assessment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Michelitsch, Christian. Computed tomography-based three-dimensional visualisation of bone corridors and trajectories for screws in open reduction and internal fixation of symphysis diastasis: a retrospective radiological study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Brosse, Morgane. Conodont taxonomy, quantitative biochronology and evolution in the immediate aftermath of the permian-triassic boundary. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Philipp, Michel. Contributions to Machine Learning and Psychometrics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Zhao, Yingnan. Contributions to the current debates on the financial markets and on environmental policy in China. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Boiadjieva, Emilia Borislavova. Cooperation of basolateral epithelial amino acid transporters investigated in vivo. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Windisch, Johannes. Copper Photosensitizers in Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Shojaati, Golnar. Corneal stromal stem cells reduce corneal scarring by mediating neutrophil infiltration after wounding. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wachtl, Josephine. Correlation between Dynamic Contour Tonometry, Uncorrected and Gorrected Goldmann Applanation Tonometry, and Stage of Glaucoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mascarell, Laura. Crossing Sentence Boundaries in Machine Translation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Papa, E. Crosstalk between the Met and TGF-β pathways in glioblastoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

De Boer, Patrick. Crowd process design : how to coordinate crowds to solve complex problems. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Bousbah, Karima. Cutting young citizens' political participation into context: an analysis of the role of socioeconomic and political context factors. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Jagannathan, Vinita. D-amino acid oxidase activator (DAOA/G72) pathways and its role in Schizophrenia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Boucsein-Keller, Valerie Minh-Thi. Das Anliegen. Wie ein psychotherapeutisches Erstgespräch gelingen kann : eine theoretische Abhandlung und empirische Studie zum Anliegen von Ratsuchenden. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hitz, Flurina. Das Baurecht als selbstständiges und dauerndes Recht – Konstruktion aus dinglichen und obligatorischen Rechtspositionen. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Sieber, Janina Johanna. Das Symposium des Methodius von Olympus: Überlieferung, Edition, Übersetzung und Erläuterungen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Trost, Tanja. Das elterliche Erziehungsrecht und die Persönlichkeitsrechte des Kindes. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Cognitive Enhancement. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Staiger, Dominic Nicolaj. Data protection compliance in the cloud. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Cruickshank, Sam S. Dealing with uncertainty in amphibian and reptile population monitoring for conservation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Poullie, Patrick. Decentralized Multi-resource Allocation in Clouds. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Guzzella, Sandra Esther. Deltoid, triceps, or both responses improve the success rate of the interscalene catheter surgical block compared with the biceps response. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Peter, Lukas. Democracy, markets and the commons. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Letsch, Walter. Demographic aspects of the early modern times: the example of the Zurich countryside in a European perspective. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lanini-Maggi, Sara. Depicting movement data with animations for embodied and real-time decision-making: a user study with air traffic control displays and real-time movement data. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Roth, David. Der "ebenso effiziente Wettbewerber". Kosten-Preis-Vergleiche im Kartellrecht am Beispiel des Behinderungsmissbrauchs. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Ege, Gian. Der Affekt im schweizerischen Strafrecht. Die Berücksichtigung von heftigen Gemütsbewegungen im Allgemeinen und Besonderen Teil des schweizerischen Strafgesetzbuches. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Etter, Stefan. Der Charakter des Arbeitnehmers als Kündigungsgrund. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Rechsteiner, Kuno W. Der Delaware Asset Protection Trust und seine Schutzwirkung gegen die Mittel des SchKG. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Meier, Ines. Der Dualismus von Verwaltungs- und Strafverfahren: illustriert am Recht des Strassenverkehrs, der Finanzmarktaufsicht und der Heilmittelordnung. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Bieler, Jonathan. Der Einheitsbegriff als Kohärenzprinzip in der Theologie des Maximus Confessor. Eine Studie zu Ps-Dionysius-Rezeption, triplex via und analogem Weltbild bei Maximus Confessor. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Theology.

Wild, Roman. Der Fussabdruck der unsichtbaren Hand: die Geschichte des schweizerischen Schuhmarktes, 1918-1948. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Meier, Benjamin. Der Fussballfan: Ein Gewalttäter? Prävention und Repression im Umgang mit Fangewalt. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Kuglstatter, Verena. Der Gebrauch der Jugendgewaltprävention Subjektivierungsformen eines Problemdiskurses. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Timmermann, Felix. Der Magnetismus des Guten. Perspektiven und Probleme des metaethischen Platonismus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Loewe-Baur, Mirjam. Der Risikoorientierte Sanktionenvollzug (ROS) : Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse einer Evaluation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schilter, Andreas. Der Umgang mit gebietsfremden Organismen aus rechtlicher Perspektive. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Zobl, Christoph. Der arbeitsrechtliche Aufhebungsvertrag. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Salvati Manni, Livia. Design, Characterization and Biomedical Applications of Cyclopropanated Lipidic Mesophases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ferrari, Giada. Detection of pathogens by metagenomic analysis in preserved historic and prehistoric soft tissues. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Zottler, Eva-Maria. Detection of specific antibodies in cats infected with the lung nematode Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and investigations on the larval development of A. abstrusus in the tropical freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Wellenzohn, Sara. Development and evaluation of humor-based online positive psychology interventions in placebo-controlled designs. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Zeltner, Nina Amélie. Development and psychometric evaluation of a health-related quality of life questionnaire for children and adolescents with intoxication-type inborn errors of metabolism. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Sutter, Patrizia. Diatopische Variation im Wörterbuch : Theorie und Praxis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Wellauer, Hanna. Die "Zürich Ankle Hybrid Orthesis", eine neue Nachbehandlungsmethode für unkomplizierte Distorsionen des oberen Sprunggelenkes. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Strickler, Peter. Die Anerkennung ausländischer Insolvenzverfahren in der Schweiz im Vergleich mit Deutschland, Österreich und der Europäischen Union. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Lang, Simon. Die Aussicht auf Sanierung. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Ruff, Franziska. Die Burgergemeinden des Kantons Wallis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Otto, Dietrich W. Die Entwicklung der Regulierung der Luftfahrt in Hinsicht auf die Globalisierung, 1783-1947. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Frey, Tom. Die Ermittlung des Schadens und anderer quantifizierbarer Werte im Anwendungsbereich von Art. 42 Abs. 2 OR. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Berger, Martin. Die Glaubwürdigkeit der Lehrperson: die Sicht der Lernenden. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Jendrsczok, Jens. Die Grenzen der finanziellen Unterstützung des Aktienerwerbs in der Schweiz und in Deutschland. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der gesellschafts- und zivilrechtlichen Beschränkungen der Heranziehung des Vermögens der Aktiengesellschaft zur Akquisitionsfinanzierung. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Diensthuber, Anita. Die Kollektivbegrüssung : eine multimodale Analyse sequenzieller Ordnungsstuktur. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lötscher, Samuel. Die Markenparodie. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Krause, José. Die Rechtsweggarantie (Art. 29a BV) im Bereich der politischen Rechte: insbesondere mit Blick auf Probleme bei der Beschwerde in eidgenössischen Stimmrechtssachen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Schneider, Oliver. Die Schweiz im Ausnahmezustand: Expansion und Grenzen von Staatlichkeit im Vollmachtenregime des Ersten Weltkriegs, 1914-1919. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Sotzek, Corinne Linda. Die Spätimpressionistin Martha Stettler: im Spannungsfeld zwischen Malerei und Akademieleitung (1870-1945) : (mit Werkverzeichnis). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bellofatto, Sabina. Die italienische Küche in der Schweiz : Wahrnehmung - Vermarktung - Etablierung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Niedermann, Ursula. Die polizeiliche Auskunftsperson. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Skarupinski, Philipp. Die postmortale Gewebespende. Rechtsvergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Schweiz. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Leuzinger, Samuel. Die psychoanalytische Sichtweise der Sucht - eine Evaluation psychoanalytischer Suchttheorien: psychodynamische Diagnostik und Einstellungen zum Methadon. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Projer, Kaspar. Die Übermittlung des Aktionärswillens durch die unabhängige Stimmrechtsvertretung. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Pfister, Curdin. Different educational structures and their economic impact on individuals and the economy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Büchi, Moritz. Digital inequalities: differentiated internet use and social implications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio. Digital innovation: people, practices, tools. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Cathomen, Elena. Discoloration of the mucosa caused by different restorative materials : a spectrophotometric in vitro study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wismer, Katrin. Dispositionsbefugnisse der Ehegatten im Vorsorgeausgleich bei Scheidung. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Haueis, Silvia A. Does the distribution pattern of brain metastases during BRAF inhibitor therapy reflect phenotype switching? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Gieling, Fabian. Does the sorting of mesenchymal stem cells based on their Runx2/Sox9 expression ratio improve bone healing in calvarial defects in rats? 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Heberlein, Marianne T E. Dog (Canis familiaris) – Human Communication: Domestication Effects, Showing, Perception Understanding and Deception. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Müller, Salome Kathrin. Durchführbarkeit und Brauchbarkeit eines diagnostischen Fragebogens in der Grundversorgung zur Früherkennung chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schulz, Nadine. Dynamic in vivo profiling of DNA damage and -repair after radiotherapy using canine patients as a model. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Boccato, Chiara. Dynamical and spectral properties of bose gases with singular interactions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Giroud, Nathalie. Dynamics of electrophysiology and morphology in older adults with age-related hearing loss. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Chaurasia, Soumya. Dynamics of the meiotic division in Drosophila males. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Steiner, Bernhard. ER remodeling by the large GTPase atlastin promotes vacuole expansion and intracellular growth of the bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bischofberger, Andrea S. Early detection of degeneration of the equine joint cartilage using quantitative MRI techniques. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

von Braun, Amrei. Early virological failure and HIV drug resistance in Ugandan adults co-infected with tuberculosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

König, Tim. Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function in healthy horses and in horses with heart disease using pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Tajika, Amane. Ecology and Variation of Cretaceous and Recent Cephalopods. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hochreutener, Mirjam. Effect of a commercial steam-vacuuming treatment implemented after slaughtering for the decontamination of cattle carcasses. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Groddeck, Sabine Elisabeth Lucette. Effect of cavity contamination by blood and hemostatic agents on marginal adaptation of composite restorations. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Srivastava, Kavita. Effect of drought on carbon cycling in model temperate grassland and heathland plant-soil systems. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Yankova, Yana. Effects of Lake Warming on Cyanobacterial and Algal Bloom Dynamics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Zaichuk, Mariana. Effects of induced seizures and possible role of inhibitory synaptic plasticity in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Korkmaz, Firat. Effects of sodium pyruvate on viability, synthesis of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and DNA integrity of cryopreserved bovine sperm. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Minder, Franziska. Efficacy of Cognitive Training and Neurofeedback in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as Evaluated from Different Perspectives: Informant Ratings, Behavioral Observations, and Neuropsychological Measures. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ziegler, Johanna. Effizienz von Selektiver Laser-Trabekuloplastie nach erfolgloser kombinierter Kataraktoperation mit Excimer-Laser-Trabekulotomie bei Offenwinkelglaukom und erhöhtem lntraokulardruck. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Höpfer, Eva Maria. Eigenaktivität als Lernchance: lernförderliches Potenzial und adaptive Unterstützung eigeninitiierter verbaler Handlungen von angehenden Kaufleuten. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Sisman, Filiz. Eine In-vivo-Studie über die Saugfähigkeit und Proteinabgabe verschiedener Filterpapiere zum Sammeln von Dentinliquor. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Freudenhammer, Julia Maria. Eine multiphosphorisierte Oberflächenbehandlung orthopädischer Implantate: eine Studie an Schafen. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Jetel, Daniel. Eine zwiespältige Beziehung: der Völkerbund und die Sicherheit der Ersten Tschechoslowakischen Republik 1919-1938. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kuster, Irina. Einfluss der Oberflächenbehandlung (poliert vs. nativ) von bovinem Schmelz auf den anti-erosiven Effekt des acquired Pellikels. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Rosenberg, Iljas. Einfluss einer optimierten Gesprächsführung von Ärzten auf die Entwicklung von Autopsieraten und Gesprächsqualität. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Löhr, Nikolaus. Einfluss eines standartisierten Versorgungsalgoritmus (PHTLS) auf die Kommunikation, Notarzteinsätzte und Einsatzzeiten in einer europäischen Grossstadt. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dünner, B. Einfluss von Probiotika auf die Etablierung einer Konkurrenzflora sowie auf den Antibiotikaverbrauch und die Leistung in Schweinezuchtbetrieben. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Pfister, Joachim. Electronic Data Safes: personal information management at the intersection of electronic process support and user-managed access in e-business and e-government. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hasler, Stefanie. Elevated high-sensitivity troponin T levels are associated with adverse cardiac remodelling and myocardial fibrosis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bartmess, Jennifer. Empty enough: indigenous communal land titling in the oil palm frontier of Sabah, Malaysia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Sargsyan, Mane. Endorsements and behavioral advertising in social media under EU, Swiss, and US law. Disclosure requirements, personality rights, and data protection. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Kuhn, Julia. Epigenetic analysis of ribosomal RNA sequence heterogeneity in embryonic stem cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Dietlicher, A. Ertrinkungsunfälle bei Kindern: Epidemiologie, Behandlung, Rehabilitation und Langzeitverlauf. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Thanabalasingam, Arjun. Erwärmungseffekte von Metallprothesen im MRT. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Günthart, Michèle S. Espression of lymph-angiogenic genes in bladder cancer patients who underwent radical cystectomy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Petzev, Ivan. Essays in Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Ita, Andreas. Essays in Corporate Finance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Schaffner, Florian. Essays in applied econometrics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Ruh, Philippe. Essays in applied labor economics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Benkert, Jean-Michel. Essays in economic theory. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Liu, Liu. Essays in macroeconomics and economic development. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Schmidt, Peter. Essays on Financial Market Efficiency. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Sommer, Marc. Essays on games on networks. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Letina, Igor. Essays on innovation and contest theory. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Heinke, Steve. Essays on mental characteristics of traders and financial markets. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Pisarov, Sonja. Essays on relative performance evaluation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Bögli, Andrin. Essays on the Economics of Deception and Debt. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Bögli, Andrin. Essays on the economics of deception and dept. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Bisig, Benedikt. Essays on transfer pricing, taxes and corporate sustainability performance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hiltbrunner, Thomas. Ethischer Naturalismus. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bernini, Domino Amber Jenifer. Evaluating the effect of orthognathic treatment on facial attractiveness and estimated age by means of artificial intelligenece. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hausammann, Andrea. Evaluation der Effizienz der Technik der epiduralen Anästhesie/Analgesie im Universitätsspital Zürich von 2009: eine retrospektive Datenanalyse. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Both, Christian. Evaluation of an algorithm for length based weight estimation in comparison to already known devices like the pediatric emergency tape (Pädiatrisches Notfalllineal - PNL). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Cap, Veronika. Evaluation of different dose rate combinations of ketamine, romifidine and azaperone for castration of 3-4 and 5-6 weeks old piglets. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Wang, Anna Shi-Ning. Evaluation of the effects of adipose transplantation on vascularisation in an in vivo Dorsal Skinfold Chamber mouse model under normothermic and hyperthermic conditions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schmidli, Tobias. Evaluation von IDO, IL-6, IL-1β und MMP-9 als neue Biomarker für das Prostatakarzinom. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Eberli, Daniela. Evaluationsnutzung im Parlament : eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Müggler, Elias. Event-based Vision for High-Speed Robotics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Girardat-Rotar, Laura. Evidence-based management in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Stange, Madlen. Evolution in Northern Neotropical Catfishes – Integrating Genomics and Morphometrics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Granato, Elisa. Evolution of Cooperation and Virulence in an Opportunistic Pathogen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mourocq, Emeline. Evolution of life histories in birds: Reproductive strategies and survival - relationship with ecology, social system and life histories. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Giesen, Athene. Evolution of reproductive barriers between the two hybridizing sister species Sepsis cynipsea and S. neocynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Giesen, Athene. Evolution of reproductive barriers between the two hybridizing sister species Sepsis cynipsea and S. neocynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mathews, Sandra. Evolutionary aspects of the human shoulder girdle: Functional morphology and evolutionary origin of its pathologies. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Shim, Jin Young. Exchange of social support within the older generation : evidence from Korea. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Song, Zhuolun. Exogenous melatonin protects small-for-size liver grafts by promoting monocyte infiltration and releases interleukin-6. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Sonego, Ina Lucia. Explaining latrine cleanliness : habitual latrine cleaning, psychosocial factors, contextual factors and general hygiene practice. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Aguadé-Gorgorió, Júlia. Exploiting alternative cell death mechanisms to overcome drug resistance in leukemia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Plamadă, Magdalena. Exploiting comparable corpora for domain-specific statistical machine translation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kyburz, Andreas. Exploiting the Intergenerational Immunomodulatory Properties of Helicobacter Pylori for the Treatment of Allergic Disorders. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bringolf, Lilian Germaine. Exploring prognostic factors for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study in a major Swiss hospital. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schuoler, C. Expression and function of aquaporin 1 in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Beyer, Nora Maria. Expression und zelluläre Lokalisation von PGRMC1 und PGRMC2 im Uterus und Plazentom während der Trächtigkeit beim Rind. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Ventura, E. Extracellular control of TGF-beta signaling in glioblastoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Ventura, Elisa. Extracellular control of TGF-β signaling in glioma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Froehlich, Maryna. Extraction Strings for Ureteric Stents: is there an increased risk for urinary tract infections? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Noser, Emilou. Facial appearance and its association with bio-psychosocial parameters in healthy men. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Muster, Ileana Belinda. Factors influencing ACT after intravenous bolus administration of 100 IU/kg of unfractionated heparin during cardiac catheterization in children. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mangold, Hannes. Fahndung nach dem Raster: Informationsverarbeitung bei der bundesdeutschen Kriminalpolizei, 1965-1984. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Alsha, A. Feasability and applicability of SESI-HRMS breath analysis in infants. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Uhlmann, Matthias. Filmzensur im Kanton Zürich nach 1945 : Geschichte, Praxis, Entscheide. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lienhard, Bettina. Finanzielle Abgeltung von Betreuungsleistungen zwischen nahestehenden Personen und Bekannten. Familien- und erbrechtliche Ansprüche de lege lata und ferenda. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Grunder, Jan. Fluggast- und Handgepäckkontrollen an Flughäfen: Konzept, Rechtsgrundlagen und Verfassungsmässigkeit der Kontrollen zur Verhinderung von unrechtmässigen Eingriffen in den zivilen Luftverkehr. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Papachristodoulou, A. Focused ultrasound-mediated delivery of encapsulated MGMT antagonists for the treatment of temozolomide-resistant glioblastoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Gesche, Tobias. Four essays on the economics of communication with strategic and social motives. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Donati, Brice. Fractures in the horse: - Epidemiology of fractures: the role of kick injuries in equine fractures - Metal plate removal after osteosynthesis in horses: a retrospective study. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Rupschus, Nicole. Frauen in Qumran. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Theology.

Meier, S. Frequency and characteristics of challenging behaviour in a paediatric rehabilitation setting. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Gaul, Daniel S. From caloric restriction to cardiovascular health: a protective role for Sirt3 and Sirt6 in atherothrombosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Frey, Stefan. Fromme feste Junker : neuer Stadtadel im spätmittelalterlichen Zürich. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Neuhauser, Alex. Frühe Förderung in belasteten Familien: Evaluation des Hausbesuchsprogramms PAT - Mit Eltern Lernen mit Fokus auf mütterliche Sensitivität und sprachliche Entwicklung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Boni, Rainer. Functional Characterization of the Wheat Disease Resistance Gene Lr34 in Heterologous Barley. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Chang, Ning. Functional analysis of the oncogene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C and its regulation under hypoxia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hansen, Simon. Functional and Structural Characterization of Modular Peptide-binding by Designed Armadillo Repeat Proteins. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Pinto, Cosimo. Functions of Human DNA2 and its Protein Partners in DNA End Resection. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Rauchfleisch, Adrian. Funktionen von Onlineöffentlichkeit: eine globale Perspektive. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rieder, Michael. Galactic Magnetic Fields and the Small-Scale Dynamo. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Macauda, G. Gbehavioral and neural aspects of the vestibular influence on bodily self consciousness. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dedual, Alessia. Geltungserhaltende Reduktion. Richterliche Ersatzregelbildung im schweizerischen Vertragsrecht. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Schärer, Andreas. General Relativity: Alternatives, Tests and Applications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Meier, Simone Martina. Generation of an infectious laryngotracheitis reporter virus. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Ruinelli, Michela. Genomic Investigations of Members of the Pseudomonas syringae Species Complex Associated with Prunus spp. and Kiwifruit. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Rezaee Vahdati, Reza Ali. Genotype networks: convergent evolution, population size and adaptation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Aguilar Rodriguez, Jose. Genotype-Phenotype Maps in Complex Living Systems. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Stuvard, Salvatore. Geometric variational problems on spaces of multiple-valued functions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kevic, Katja. Getting the Right Code Changes Done Right. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hofstetter, Philipp. Go West Markets: multi- und bilaterale Handelsdiplomatie der Schweiz in der Kennedy-Runde des GATT (1963-1967) und beim Freihandelsabkommen mit der EG (1969-1972). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gall, Gabriella. Group Coordination and Decision-Making during Foraging in Meerkats (Suricata suricatta). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Frey, Michael. Grundsätze der Streitwertbestimmung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Rochat, Mary-Aude. HIV latency, in vitro and in vivo studies. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schwer, Marc-Simon. Heading for Light-Switchable Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Weber, Sabine. Health-related quality of life and service provision in maltreated children. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Sargsyan, Hayk. Heavy-Quark Pair Production at Hadron Collider: Transverse-Momentum Resummation, NNLO Corrections and Azimuthal Asymmetries. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Fritsch, Kristin. Hematopoietic stem cell maintenance in steady-state and inflammation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Preisig, Daniel Florian. High-speed video gait analysis reveals early and characteristic locomotor phenotypes in mouse models of neurodegenerative movement disorders. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Niehues, Jan. Higher-Order QCD Corrections to Jet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Pfister, Pascal. Hochfeld-Magnetresonanzbildung des Kiefergelenks bei 7.0 Tesla mit hochpermissiven dielektrischen Polstern und bei 3.0 Tesla: Ein quantitativer und qualitativer Vergleich. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Franzoso, Francesca Daniela. Host cell proteins and cell cycle phase affect adeno-associated virus DNA replication / gene expression. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gillis-Germitsch, Nina. Host-specific serological response to Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and impact of heat treatment on antigen detection in dog sera. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Heldstab, Sandra Andrea. How do mammals buffer environmental seasonality? The role of brain size, body fat and allomaternal care in dealing with energy shortage. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Michel, Chloé. How do people perceive information? Three essays in empirical economics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hugentobler, Leoni. Human-derived antibody targeting pancreatic islet amyloid for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Heintz, Sonja. Humor styles and beyond: the role of individual differences in humor for psychosocial well-being and the importance of construct validity. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Jänicke, Nadine. Hypoxia-induced resistance to radiotherapy in lung cancer cells is mediated by the erythropoietin receptor. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Zoller, Bernhard. ICG-liver test versus new biomarkers as prognostic markers for prolonged length of stay in critically ill patients - a prospective study of accuracy for prediction of length of stay in the ICU. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hofer, René. Identification and Structural Characterisation of a Prokaryotic Bestrophin Homologue. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Zygoula, Ioanna. Identification of Hypoxia-related Biomarkers in dry age-related Macular Degeneration. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Casanova Benito, Ruben. Identification of Morphologic Parameters Affecting the Prognosis of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients by Quantitative Image Analysis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Dal Molin, Michael. Identification of drugs targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kümmerle, Jan Michael. Identification of novel tendon specific molecular markers in the horse. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Spagnoli, Riccardo. Il Porto è la Furia del Mare: la parola che libera ride la morte in Carlo Michelstaedter. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Abadir, Nadin. Imaging in children with unilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction: time to reduce investigations? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Siegenthaler, Martin. Impact of cardio-renal syndrome on adverse outcomes in patients with Fabry disease in a long-term follow-up. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Weber, Isabel. Impact of oral gut decontamination on Staphylococ-cus aureus colonization in patients undergoing al-logeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Sauerwald, Julia. Impacts of surrounding tissues on FGF-dependent vessel ingrowth during Drosophila airway development. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Restin, Tanja. Impairment of the Blood-Brain-Barrier: Evaluation of Pharmacological Postconditioning with Sevoflurane. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Restin, Tanja. Impairment of the blood-brain barrier : evaluation of pharmacological postconditioning with sevoflurane. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Häusler, Nadine Sara. Implications of population aging and resulting multiple social responsibilities on health outcomes of the workforce. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Zhou, Xiaobei. Improving statistical methods for RNA sequencing data: outliers, boundary conditions, benchmarking and differential transcript expression. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hammad, Mostafa Adel. In-situ-Untersuchung zum Einfluss von verschiedenen Tetrafluoridlösungen und eines Natriumfluoridlacks auf Schmelz- und Dentinerosionen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hediger, Sebastian. In-srew cement augmentation for iliosacral screw fixation in posterior ring pathologies with insufficient bone stock. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hipp, Florian. In-vivo-Studie über die Biokompatibilität, Verteilung und Resorbierbarkeit von intraartikulär applizierten Siliziumnitrid-Partikeln am Tiermodell Ratte. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Muheim, Léandre Léonard Samuel. Inappropriate use of arthroscopic meniscal surgery in degenerative knee disease An observational study from Switzerland. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Remy, Christian. Incorporating Sustainable HCI Research into Design Practice. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Ruhnau, Charlotte Anna Sophie. Inflammation leads to down-regulation of Rbm3(+Arg) causing enhanced expression of complement activator C1q. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Eggensperger, B H. Influence of 2nd-degree AV blocks, ECG recording length, and recording time on heart rate variability analyses in horses. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Deari, Shengjile. Influence of different pretreatments on the microtensile bond strength to eroded dentin. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Akers, Isabel. Influence of time to diagnosis of severe influenza on antibiotic use, length of stay, isolation precautions and mortality: a retrospective study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Sitek, Ania. Informed Consent und genetische Beratung bei pränatalen Untersuchungen. Ein vielschichtiger Entscheidungsprozess aus rechtlicher Sicht. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Bombardo, Marta. Inhibition of class I HDAC ameliorates acute and chronic pancreatitis by reducing leukocyte recruitment, acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and fibrosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schärli, Sarah. Injury potential of thrown sharp kitchen and household utensils. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Kannan, Abhilash. Innate sensing of miRNA mimetics provides broad range antiviral effects. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Moser, Christoph. Institutional quality, functional systems and trust. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Moraitis, Timoleon. Interactions between cognitive and automatic components of biological, artificial, and hybrid sensory-motor systems. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Biel, Philippe Marco. Interactions between the tetrasodium salts of EDTA and 1-hydroxyethane 1,1-diphosphonic acid with sodium hypochlorite irrigants. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Thöny, Matthias. Interactive visualization of large-scale geographic data. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Bruntsch, Richard. Interindividual differences in verbal irony detection and use: the role of personality and ability. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kallenberger, Lia. Interplay of DNA Metabolic Pathways Involved in the Regulation of Gene Expression and Genomic Rearrangements. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Wyss, Yves Emmanuel. Interventional closure of secundum type atrial septal defects in infants less than 10 kilograms: indications and procedural outcome. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Höchli, Damian Philipp. Interventions for orthodontically induced white spot lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Prates de Matos, Nuno Miguel. Investigation of the human brain neurochemistry in pain related cortical areas and brainstem. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rambow, Sebastian Giovanni. Investigation of the tumorigenicity of GoST cells derived from miPS cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hertig, Gabriel. Iodixanol as a contrast agent in a fibrin hydrogel for endodontic applications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Zingg, Emanuel (2017). Isokrates : Archidamos: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Duisburg: Wellem Verlag.

Ettlin, Chloé. Ist die plastische Deformation der proximalen Tibia ein Faktor bei der Pathogenese des vorderen Kreuzbandrisses des Hundes? 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Fichtner-Egloff, Jeanne. Kindai Bijutsu : die Rezeption westlicher Kunstkonzepte in Japan um 1900. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Byland Rosero Marcial, Mara. Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern: Lebenswelten betroffener Familien damals und heute. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Busch, Nina Elisabeth. Kommerz vor Meritorik und publizistischen Zielen?! die diskursive Strukturierung der Transformation im Zeitungswesen: eine diachrone Diskursanalyse am Beispiel Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Guth, Michèle. Konsensuale Streitbeilegung im öffentlichen Verfahrensrecht. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Zimmermann, Andrea Maria. Kritik der Geschlechterordnung : Selbst-, Liebes- und Familienverhältnisse im Theater der Gegenwart. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Tschachtli, Sarina. Körper- und Sinngrenzen : zur Sprachbildlichkeit in Dramen von Andreas Gryphius. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Destefani, Sibilla. L'anticiviltà : il naufragio dell'Occidente nelle narrazioni della Shoah. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ceppi, Matteo. La biblioteca di Gio. Vincenzo Imperiale (Genova, 1582-1648). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lopez, Gloria Lorena. La narco-realidad desde la ficción: los narco-héroes en las novelas y teleseries colombianas. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Dischler, Sibylle. Landvertreibung zu Zwecken der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Postkonfliktstaateneine Analyse der menschenrechtlich garantierten Land-, Eigentums- und Wohnrechte und der daraus abzuleitenden staatlichen Schutzpflichten; dargestellt am Beispiel Kambodschas. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Steiner, Christian. Leben und Vernunft. Begriffliche Grundlagen einer transformativen Theorie der Rationalität. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Mantel, Carola. Lehrer_in, Migration und Differenz: Fragen der Zugehörigkeit bei Grundschullehrer_innen der zweiten Einwanderungsgeneration in der Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Spirig, Esther. Leistungsverhalten in der neuropsychologischen Untersuchung: ein neuropsychophysiologischer Ansatz zur Leistungsvalidierung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Veitschegger, Kristof. Life History Evolution in Extant and Extinct Laurasiatheria – Case Studies Elucidating the Junctions among Selective Forces, Disparity,and Trait Evolution. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Zhang, Quan. Limits of Arbitrage and Collateral Constraints. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Özelt, Clemens. Literatur im Jahrhundert der Physik : Geschichte und Funktion interaktiver Gattungen (1900-1975). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Spillmann, Brigitte. Long calls mediate male-male competition in Bornean orangutans: an approach using automated acoustic localization. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hofer, Daniel. Long-term incidence of inappropriate shocks in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators in clinical practice - an underestimated complication? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wilhelm, Jan. Low-Scaling Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Nanoscopic Systems. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Szelloe, Patricia. Lower airway dimensions in paediatric patients - A computed tomography study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Loi, Monica. Macroautophagy in Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I-restricted Antigen Presentation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schnidrig, Stephan. Macrocyclic poly-pyridyl based transition metal complexes for photocatalytic water splitting. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Smits, Nadja Ileana. Magentic nanoparticle-based T and B lymphocyte elimination from PBMC suspension and whole blood. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bollhalder, Andrea Edith. Magnetic resonance imaging assessment and midterm follow-up of TMJ involvement and mandibular growth in JIA patients not treated with intra-articular corticosteroid injection. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schneider, Marcel André. Major Postoperative Complications Are a Risk Factor for Impaired Survival After CRS/HIPEC. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Viganó, Claudia. Malaria history: investigations of mediterranean and swiss archaeological human remains using ancient DNA techniques. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hanslin, Marc. Markt- und Kursmanipulation: Art. 143 und Art. 155 FinfraG sowie Art. 122 ff. FinfraV. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Bilan, Vera. Mass spectrometry-based methods for analyzing oxidative stress-mediated cellular ADP-ribosylation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Piastra, Francesco. Materials radioassay for the XENON1T dark matter experiment, and development of a time projection chamber for the study of low-energy nuclear recoils in liquid xenon. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schlegel, Anne-Katrin. Mathematische Sätze als Normen der Darstellung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lareida, Andri. Measuring and analyzing video downloads in BitTorrent. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Lareida, Andri. Measuringand Analyzing Video Downloadsin BitTorrent. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Eder, Dominik. Mechanical forces in growth regulation: challenging force measurements and force manipulations in the Drosophila wing imaginal disk. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gschwind, Tilo Aurelio. Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis in a Mouse Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Knöpfel, Thomas. Mechanisms of intestinal phosphate absorption. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ginde, V. Mechanisms underlying synuclein reduction with sleep: enhanced clearance? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Zwicky, Katharina. Mechanistic and Structural Insights into Unusual Replication Intermediates in Mammalian Cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kristiansen, Silje. Media and Risk: A Phase Model Explaining Media Attention to Nuclear Energy Risk. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Xiu, Daiming. Memory, emotion and grief : investigating processes and a clinical application. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rechsteiner, Andrea. Menschenrechte und ihre moralphilosophische Begründung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hruzova, Martina. Metabolic Regulation of Adult Neurogenesi. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Keller, Claudia. Metabolic response to three different diets in lean cats and cats predisposed to overweight. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Sousek, Alexandra. Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors of Subtype 5 (mGluR5) and Sleep Homeostasis: Effects of Gene Knock-out and of Selective Negative Allosteric Modulation on EEG, Behavioral and Molecular Variables in Mice. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Leuenberger, Caroline. MicroRNAs as regulators of epigenetic mechanisms in chronic pulmonary diseases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Beerli, Olivia. Microtus arvalis and Arvicola scherman: key players in the Echinococcus multilocularis life cycle. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Ruf, Roman. Mikrobiologische Qualität von erhitzten Lebensmitteln aus Verpflegungszentren der Schweizer Armee. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Mühlestein, Helene. Mit Schulbüchern Geschichte vermitteln: didaktische Konzeptionen in Deutschschweizer Schulgeschichtsbüchern, 1870-1990. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ghosh, Laboni. Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neural Stem Cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Brandt, Laura P. Modeling soft tissue sarcomas using somatic mouse genetics. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ojeda Naharros, Irene. Modelling ciliopathies in the zebrafish: elucidating the role of CC2D2A and TALPID3 in photoreceptor development and function. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Andres, Fabio. Modulating RTK Interactions with DARPins for Cancer Cell Targeting and Characterization. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Razafinjatovo, Caroline. Molecular Profiling of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcimoma and Targeted Therapy Response. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

McNally, Kaitlin. Molecular and evolutionary studies of race-specific avirulence factors from wheat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hanke, Ulrich Michael. Molecular and isotopic signatures of combustion in the modern environment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Neubauer, Jacqueline. Molecular autopsy in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexplained Death (SUD) in the young. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Kresoja-Rakic, Jelena. Molecular mechanisms regulating calretinin expression in malignant pleural mesothelioma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gomez Giménez, Marta. Monitoring agricultural management practices and nitrogen deposition in Swiss agroecosystems using remote sensing. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gomez Giménez, Marta. Monitoring agricultural management practices and nitrogen deposition in Swiss agroecosystems using remote sensing. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mutreja, Karun. Monitoring the Replication and Repair of Psoralen Induced Interstrand Crosslinks on Human Genomic DNA. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Steiger, Vivian Roger. Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging in treatment-induced and experience-dependent brain plasticity. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hoffelner, Elisabeth. Multimodale Bildgebung und ihre Beeinflussung des Energy-Loss-Index zur Quantifizierung der Aortenstenose bei Patienten vor TAVI. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Fudrini Olivencia, Begonia. Mycobacterium smegmatis PafBC is involved in regulation of DNA damage response. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Nicolussi, Katrin. Natrium- und Kaliumverschiebungen bei Hunden mit Herzerkrankungen korrelieren mit dem Schweregrad der Herzinsuffizienz, eine retrospektive Studie. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Véron, Anna C. Near-infrared absorbing cyanine dyes and organic-inorganic perovskites for electronic applications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ideli, Mustafa. Neue Medien - ethnische und ethno-religiöse Minderheiten im Migrationskontext : eine empirische Studie zur Nutzung neuer Medien durch Personen mit alevitischem, assyrischem, kurdischem und türkischem Hintergrund in der Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Küppers, Kathrin Maria. Neuordnung der Finanzmarktaufsicht im Bereich der bankseitigen Erbringung und Vergütung von Finanzdienstleistungen. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Pleisch, Georgette. Neural correlates of short-term and long-term grapheme-phoneme correspondence training in children with a familial risk for developmental dyslexia. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bühler, Jessica C. Neural mechanisms of linguistic mismatch in adults and children based on dialect familiarity and the impact of speaking Swiss German dialect on early reading and spelling acquisition. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Makwana, Aidan. Neural mechanisms supporting the effects of social context on economic decision making. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Naef, Nadja. Neurodevelopmental profiles of children with congenital heart disease at school age. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schöps, Tim-Friedjof. Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) in patients with spinal cord injury: long-term urodynamic findings. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Schneider, Marc P. Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in spinal cord injured rats: establishment of a new translational urodynamic model, analysis of lower urinary tract regulating neuronal circuits and treatment effects of anti-Nogo-A antibody. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Borner, Tito. Neuronal mechanisms involved in cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome and evaluation of possible therapeutic approaches. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Neff, Patrick. Neuroplasticity and -modulation in tinnitus: understanding brain imprints and suppression of a phantom sound. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Dervas, Eva. Nidovirus-Associated Proliferative Pneumonia in the Green Tree Python (Morelia viridis). 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Holm, Mea Mirelle. No-go goes the distance: long-range Nogo-A signalling via extracellular vesicles. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Keller, Christian. Non-Canonical Functions of the Essential Autophagy Protein ATG5 in Antigen Processing and Presentation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Imbach, Jessica. Not afraid of ghosts: stories of the spectral in modern Chinese fiction. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schumann, Anke. Novel Insights into the Pathophysiology of Kidney Disease in Methylmalonic Aciduria. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dressel, Susann. Novel hyperthermia applicator system allows adaptive treatment planning: preliminary clinical results in tumor-bearing animals. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Villano, Assunta. Nutzen des DIAGNOcam®-Verfahrens zur Kariesdetektion und -diagnose im Milchgebiss. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Genner, Sarah. ON-OFF: risks and rewards of the anytime-anywhere Internet. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schöneberg, Torsten. Occurrence and Epidemiology of Fusarium Species in Barley and Oats. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Barra, Steffen. On the Heterogeneity of Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Occurence, Maintenance, and Prediction of Crime. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Berner, Tobias Christian. On the language of diary words. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Raaijmakers, Marieke I G. On the origin of melanoma targeted therapy resistance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Genner, Sarah. On | off: risks and rewards of the anytime-anywhere internet. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gander, Fabian. Online positive psychology interventions based on pleasure, engagement, meaning, positive relationships, and accomplishment : measurement, validation of interventions, and exploration of working mechanisms. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hug, Petra Julia. Optimization of analgesia for piglet castration under isoflurane anaesthesia with parenteral butorphanol, meloxicam or intratesticular lidocaine. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hauri, P. Out-of-Field Dose in Photon Radiotherapy: Models and Measurements. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Harboe, Gunnar. PapperlappApp: augmenting paper-based affinity diagrams. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Eichenberger, Ramon Marc. Parasite factors, prognostic markers and epidemiological aspects in babesia canis babesiosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Weber, Susanna. Parsing Reward: Behavioral, neural, and pharmacological investigations of motivational and hedonic dimensions or reward. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Elfgen, Jochen. Patency of paediatric endotracheal tubes for airway instrumentation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Barben, M. Pathological consequences of a chronic hypoxic response in cone and rod photoreceptors and a potential gene therapy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bissig, Marina Evelyne. Patients's views on fecal microbiota transplantation : an acceptable therapeutic option in inflammatory bowel disease? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Schoch-Ruppen, Jessica. Perceived chronic stress and implicit motives in middle-aged men. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Comes, Tino. Persuasive mobile advisory services. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hiestand, Mayke Julia. Persönlichkeitsrecht als Eigentumsrecht? Persönlichkeitsrechte und Möglichkeiten der Kommerzialisierung von realen Personen in der fiktiven Literatur in Deutschland und in der Schweiz. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Orazietti, Margherita. Photo-induced Multiple Electron Transfer in a Molecular Pentad. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Losapio, Gianalberto. Plant interaction networks Spatial dynamics, robustness and scaling up to pollinators. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Osorio Lujan, Suzanne Marie. Plasma concentrations of transdermal fentanyl and buprenorphine in pigs (Sus scropha domesticus). 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Reisel, Monika. Poliomyelitis : als Eltern den Sommer fürchteten : eine historische Betrachtung der Epidemien in der Schweiz aus heilpädagogischer Sicht. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Morach, Marina Meret. Population structure and virulence gene profiles of Streptococcus agalactiae collected worldwide from different hosts. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Manucci, Luca. Populism and collective memory comparing fascist legacies in Western Europe. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Baden, Jennifer. Populäre Mythen : Darstellung und Vermittlung nordischer Mythologie um 1900. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Deniz, Okan. Post-growth Intercalation for Electronic Characterization of On-surface Synthesized Graphene Nanoribbons. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Früh, Simon. Postsynaptic molecular determinants of synapse specificity in the GABAergic neurotransmitter system. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bachmann, Simon Ronnie. Potential of Bryophyllum pinnatum as a Detrusor Relaxant: An in Vitro Exploratory Study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Frauenfelder, Sara Regina. Potenzielle Schmerzmediatoren in spinozellulären Karzinomen der Haut von organtransplantatierten Patienten. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Douls Eicher, Fabienne. Poétique de la simultanéité dans les écrits de Pablo Picasso : à l’instant où le drame se joue. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Zu, Pengjuan. Predicting floral evolution: a complementary approach to floral signals in Brassica rapa. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Guerra, Beniamino. Prediction models: novel ways for external validation and comparison of their performance: an application to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Radu, Raluca R. Prevalence and in-hospital outcome of aspiration in out-of-hospital intubated trauma patients. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bernasconi, Marco Plinio. Prevalence of peri-implantitis and peri-mucositis in 478 implants in private office. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Peterhans, Sophie Eugenie. PrfA activation at the single cell level in Listeria monocytogenes. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Küng, Rafael. Probing the universe with citizen science and gravitational lensing. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Van Eerd, Jonathan. Processes of democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: the significance of opposition competitiveness in dominant party systems. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Tanadini, Lorenzo G. Prognostic factors in spinal cord injury clinical trials. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Molkentin, Jan-Philip. Prognostic value of mean pulmonary artery pressure in the stable phase after heart transplantation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Niklaus, Marcel. Properties and mechanisms of the focus of attention in working memory. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Frontzek, Karl. Protective and toxic antibodies in prion diseases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Wegleiter, Thomas. Protein Palmitoylation in the context of adult neurogenesis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

von Ziegler, Lukas M. Protein expression profiling of mouse hippocampus area CA1 and CA3 during memory formation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Leutert, Mario. Proteome-wide identification and characterization of protein ADP-ribosylation in mammalian cells and mouse tissues. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Lieberherr, Silva. Protests, prices and the peasantry: mobilising around "agrarian crisis" and suicides in Vidarbha, India. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Völlink, Mathias. Proximale Femurfrakturen bei Älteren: funktionelle Outcome-Messung mit dem neuen Limitationen-Adaptierten Harris Hip Score. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Nauer, Carla. Prädikatoren für einen negativen Outcome bei Patienten mit proximalen Humerusfrakturen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Grundmann, Daniela. Prävalenz von Diagnosen und Beschwerden aus Arzt- und Patientensicht – eine Querschnittsstudie unter multimorbiden Patienten und deren Hausärzten in der Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Sonderegger, Lars B. Psychobiological evaluation of a cognitive behavioral- and kinesiological stressmanagement with healthy subjects. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hunold, Julia Maria. Psychoendocrine correlates of the healthy human pregnancy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Butaitė, Elena. Pyoverdine production and its social effects in natural communities of Pseudomonas bacteria. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Krebs, Isabelle. Qualitätsorientiertes Markenmanagement von Nachrichtenmedien. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bogowicz, Marta. Quantification of Inter- and Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity Using Medical Imaging and Its Implication on Response to Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Widmer, Fabienne. R-hyper-CVAD versus R-CHOP/cytarabine with high-dose therapy and autologous haematopoietic stem cell support in fit patients with mantle cell lymphoma: 20 years of single-Center experience. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dal Borge, Martina. Random matrices and Coulomb gases : a panorama of fluctuations. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schädler, Robin. Re-designing the admissibility model of the European Court of Human Rights. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Stähelin, Beda. Rechtsverfolgungskosten und unentgeltliche Rechtspflege im Lichte der Rechtsgleichheit: dargestellt am Beispiel der Schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Vogt, Cédric. Recombinant bacillus subtilis spores as a safe carrier for enteric immunization against echinococcus granulosus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Wu, Helena Yuen-Wai. Reconfiguring 'post-'colonial local relations: places, things and bodies in Hong Kong culture and society. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Mouton Dorey, Corine Françoise. Reframing Ethical Guidance for the Management of large Patient Data Sets : an approach inspired by Ricoeur’s ‘little ethics’. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Balakrishnan, Karthik. Regulation of GABA$_B$ receptors under excitotoxic conditions: contribution to neuronal death and potential implications to novel therapeutic approaches. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Jando, Julia. Regulation of the Luminal Broad Neutral Amino Acid Transporter B0AT1 Investigated in vivo. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Machmutow, Katja. Relapse-preventive efforts to sustain long-term remission in depressive disorders. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Lengwiler, Fabian. Reliability of Cyclotorsion Measurements using Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Imaging in Healthy Subjects – The CySLO study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Braun, Daniela. Remote sensing of ecosystem services. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schubiger, Livia. Repression and mobilization in civil war: the consequences of state violence for wartime collective action. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Generali, Melanie. Reprogramming of human PBMCs into iPSCs for the In-vitro manufacture of engineered vascular grafts based on biodegradable synthetic polymers. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Pakarha, P. Response of liquid xenon to low-energy neutron interactions, and PMT calibration system for the XENON1T dark matter search experiment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Landolt, Simone. Rethinking microfinance: towards a multi-stakeholder framework of responsible microfinance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Warislohner, Sonja. Reticuloperitonitis traumatica beim Rind – eine Analyse von 503 Krankengeschichten. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Gasymova, Evgeniya. Retrospective clinical study on outcome in cats with nasal planum squamous cell carcinoma treated with an accelerated radiation protocol. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Russi, Natalie. Rewiring of the corticospinal tract by sprouting after incomplete spinal cord injury. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Freihofer, Pietro. Ribosome-targeting antituberculosis compounds – antibacterial activity, resistance mechanisms. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Courvoisier, M. Richtig dosieren bei Schwangeren: Dosisanpassung in Schwangerschaft und peripartal bei 15 ausgewählten Medikamenten. 2017, University of Basel, Faculty of Medicine.

Parissenti, Tamara Kornelia. Risk factors for emergency caesarean section in planned vaginal breech delivery. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Meier-Schiesser, Barbara. Role of IL-36 and the innate immune system in acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Sabaté Brescó, Marina. Role of Implant Stability and Local Inflammatory Responses on the Development and Progression of Infection Associated with Internal Fixation Devices. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Natsiou, Despoina. Role of Notch signaling in cell fate determination of dental epithelial stem/progenitor cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Jarmer, Juliane. Role of survival time and injury severity in fatal pulmonary fat embolism. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Benegiamo, Giorgia. Role of the RNA-binding Protein NONO in Regulating Circadian Gene Expression and Metabolism. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schäfer, Simon Manuel. Roles of the Stemness Factor SOX2 in Melanoma and Multicolor Lineage Tracing to Address Clonality in Melanoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mura, Claudio. Room-aware Architectural 3D Modeling of Building Interiors from Point Clouds. 2017, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Economics.

Antonetti, Manuel. Runoff generation during heavy rainfall events: integrating expert knowledge about dominant runoff processes in conceptual hydrological models. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Buttgereit, Anne. Sall1 is a transcriptional regulator defining microglia identity and function. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hindermann, Denise. Salmonella enterica serovar infantis from food and human infections, Switzerland, 2010-2015: poultry-related multidrug resistant clones and an emerging ESBL producing clonal lineage. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Jäggi-Stettler, Helen Manuela. Salzkonsum der Zürcher Bevölkerung. Vergiften sich die ZürcherInnen mit Salz? 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Meier, Valentina. Schiedsklauseln in Statuten schweizerischer Aktiengesellschaften. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Aeschbach, Viviane. Schreibentwicklung und Wortbildung : eine textsortenübergreifende Untersuchung zur Schreibentwicklung und Wortbildung in Texten von Schülerinnen und Schülern des 6. und 9. Schuljahres an Schulen in der Deutschschweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schmid-Weiss, Gertrud. Schweizer Kriegsnothilfe im Ersten Weltkrieg : eine Mikrogeschichte des materiellen Überlebens mit besonderer Sicht auf Stadt und Kanton Zürich. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ngadiuba, J. Search for Diboson Resonances with CMS and Pixel Barrel Detector Calibration and Upgrade. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Pinna, Deborah. Search for dark matter in association with top quarks with the CMS detector. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Barrow, Peter. Searching for Dark Matter with XENON100, Research and Development for XENON1T, and Modulating Radioactive Decay Rates. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Wach-Gygax, Lucyna Ilona. Seasonal changes of DNA fragmentation and quality of raw and cold-stored stallion spermatozoa. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Carisch, Lea. Seasonal mortality in zoo ruminants. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Bundi, Pirmin. Seeking power with truth: the role of evaluation in parliaments. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Malgorzata, Bugajska. Segmental isotope labeling of armadillo repeat proteins as a tool to study protein-peptide interactions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Egloff, Barbara. Selbstbestimmt unterstützt durch Assistenz: eine empirische Untersuchung zur Einführung und Umsetzung des Assistenzbeitrags in der Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Henning, Andrea. Selection and Characterization of Designed Armadillo Repeat Proteins for Modular Peptide Recognition. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Auerbach, Sarah. Send in the clowns? : emotional reactions to hospital clown interventions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Frick, Martina. Sensitivities of in vivo markers of arterial organ damage in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Vybiral, Pamela-Rose. Seroprevalence of PCV2 in feeding pigs before, during and after the PMWS epizooty in Switzerland. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Müller, Mattia Maria. Sevoflurane abolishes oxygenation impairment in a long-term rat model of acute lung injury. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Baumann, Lukas. Sevoflurane attenuates systemic inflammation compared with propofol, but does not modulate neuro-inflammation: A laboratory rat study. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Ribeiro da Cunha, Filipe Cristovão. Sex, cooperation, and deception: anti-predatory behavior beyond avoiding death. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schnyder, Reto Alexander. Shifted Eisenstein polynomials, irreducible compositions of polynomials and group key exchanges. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Koenig, Ivo. Single-Molecule FRET Spectroscopy of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Crowded Solutions and in Living Mammalian Cells. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Skorucak, Jelena. Sleep regulation: sleep restriction, extension, and microsleep detection. 2017, ETH Zürich, Faculty of Science.

Tschuor, Christoph. Small-for-size syndrome – overcoming regenerative limits in hepatic surgery. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Collier, Katie. Social Mongoose Vocal Communication: Insights into the Emergence of Linguistic Combinatoriality. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Graber, Maria Sereina. Social and ecological aspects of brain size evolution: a comparative approach. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Richter, Julia. Soft law in international health law - the case of the WHO's Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Ansorge, Philipp. Solution NMR studies on membrane proteins in lipid bilayers. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Petrik-Haltiner, Tanja Sarah. Spannungsfelder rund um die Stromkosten und -tarife. Eine systematische Analyse der Rechtslage im Nachgang an die erste Etappe der schweizerischen Strommarktliberalisierung. 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Depka, Dorothee. Spatiale Unterschiede in der Prävalenz von Krankheiten in der Ambulanz. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Khelifa, Rassim. Spatiotemporal pattern of phenology across geographic gradients in insects. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

He, Lei. Speaker Idiosyncratic Intensity Variability in the Speech Signal. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Zuberer, Agnieszka. Specificity of neurofeedback training in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : multilevel modeling of EGG-learning. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Brommer, Sarah. Sprachliche Muster: eine induktive korpuslinguistische Analyse wissenschaftlicher Texte. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gili, Natassia. Staatlich gesteuerte Selbstregulierung: am Beispiel der medizinisch-ethischen Richtlinien der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften (SAMW). 2017, Universität Zürich, Faculty of Law.

Schläpfer, Anthony. State-dependent cognitive processing in health and disease: linking resting state and task regulation in ADHD. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Nowicka, Malgorzata Franciszka. Statistical method development and design of computational pipelines for differential analyses of high-throughput data, including DNA microarrays, RNA sequencing and HDCyto data. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gerber, Florian. Statistical tools to model space-time data with a focus on biodiversity applications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Sommer, Katharina. Stereotype und die Wahrnehmung von Medienwirkungen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bourquin, Gabriel. Steuergeldwäscherei in Bezug auf direkte Steuern: ein Beitrag zur Auslegung von Art. 305bis Ziff. 1 und Ziff. 1bis StGB. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Bender, Sabine. Strategies to Increase the Tumor Response to Radiotherapy: Focus on ADAM17- and SUV39H1-Mediated Signaling in Lung Cancer. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Robl, Bernhard. Strategies to improve conventional chemotherapy for patients with osteosarcoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Harapin, Jan. Structural Characterization of Macromolecular Complexes Within Thick Specimens. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Anders, Carolin. Structural Framework for Cas9-mediated DNA Recognition and Cleavage. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Harapin, Jan. Structural characterization of macromolecular complexes within thick specimens using cryo-focused-ion-beam scanning electron microscopy (cryo-FIB-SEM) and cryo-electron-tomography (cryo-ET). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ivan, Branislav. Structure-functionanalysis of the HIV-1 envelope trimer to resolve the interplay of envelope subunits required for entry and shielding. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Lopes, A M. Structure-guided Functional Annotation of the Influenza A Virus NS1 p85β-Binding Site. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Reichmuth-Sprenger, Andrea. Struktur und prozedurale Produktivität von Lehr-Lern-Gesprächen im Klassenunterricht: Entwicklung eines Rasters zur Analyse von lehrseitig initiierten Gesprächssequenzen und Anwendung im kaufmännischen Unterrichtsfach "Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft". 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Koller-Heidenrijk, Mia. Studium im (Pensions-)Alter: Motive, Daten und Entwicklungen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kremer, Eloïse A. Study of the interplay between TET proteins and microRNAs for memory formation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Sucher, Justine. Study of the wheat resistance gene Lr34 after its transfer into heterologous crop species. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ramelyte, Egle. Successful Use of Grenz Rays for Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis: Report of 8 Cases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Heyne, Lea. Support for which kind of democracy?: what European citizens want from their democracies, and why they are (dis)satisfied. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ofner, Christian. Survival in connective tissue disease associated pulmonary arterial hypertension and response to treatment in patients with systemic sclerosis associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: results from the COMPERA registry. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Mader, Thomas. Symptome und COPD Risikofaktoren bei Opioid-abhängigen Personen in Substitutionsbehandlung: Machbarkeit einer COPD Prävalenz-Studie. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Vetterli, Stefan U. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of B-Hairpin peptidomimetics against pseudomonas aeruginosa and understanding the mechanism of action of the insect antimicrobial peptide thanatin. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Prieto, Lucas. Synthesis of Metal-Modified B12 Derivatives by CoCp2-Mediated Reconstitution of Secocorrins. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Atchison, Guy William. Systematic studies in Lupinus l. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Rossi, Diego. Systematische Literaturanalyse und Validitätsprüfung von Messinstrumenten bei der Lumbalstenose. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Shilaih, Mohaned Mohamed Ahmed Ali. Systems Study of HIV Transmission, Treatment, Coinfections, and Pathogenesis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Santhana Kumar, Karthiga. Targeting cell motility and dissemination in medulloblastoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Mangani, Davide. Targeting the vascular and immunosuppressive networks in glioblastoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Steingruber, Andrea Désirée. Temperaturabhängigkeit der erosiven Wirkung von Getränken - Eine In-vitro-Untersuchung. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Neysari, Mona. Temporal and situational dynamics of dyadic verbal communication in intimate relationships across the lifespan. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ballester-Ripoll, Rafael. Tensor methods for high-dimensional analysis and visualization. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Jaeger, Seraina. Test characteristics of milk amyloid A ELISA, somatic cell count and bacteriological culture for detection of intramammary pathogens that cause subclinical mastitis. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Gehlen, Manuel. Testing and Control of Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hahl, Terhi. Testing for Co-Adaptation of Plants and Soil Organisms in a Biodiversity Experiment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ferjencik, Ruth Katharina. The 3dMD photogrammetric photo system in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : validation of interexaminer variations and perceptions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Sanchez Bosch, Pablo. The Dpp morphogen gradient regulates growth and patterning in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Thalmann, Matthias. The Function and Regulation of Starch Degradation during Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Vögelin, Marius. The Impact of Azathioprine-Associated Lymphopenia on the Onset of Opportunistic Infections in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Rabold, Manuel. The Importance of Baryonic Effects in Galaxy Groups for Precision Cosmology. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Khier, Mokrane. The Influence of Mg2+ on a Single RNA Tertiary Contact. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Caspar, Cyril L. The Last Pilgrimage to Eternity: Protestant Paths to the Afterlife in Early Modern English Poetry. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Protsyuk, Darya. The Opposing Function of Leukocytes in Liver and Lung Metastases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Shrestha, Neeta. The Ov8.25 protein may represent a common denominator for the phenotype of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Fattinger, Felix. The Pricing of Uncertain Information: From the Lab, to Derivatives Markets, to State-contingent Sovereign Debt. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hänggi, K. The Role of Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs) and Receptor Interacting Protein Kinases (RIPKs) in Cancer. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Reiner, Martin F. The Role of P2Y12 Receptor Antagonists in Thrombogenesis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ghassemi Tabrizi, Mirjam. The action crisis in the disengagement process from personal goals. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gosheva, Sia Georgieva. The drivers of SOC storage: the effect of climate, forest age, and physicochemical soil properties in Swiss forest soils. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kuhn, Rebekka. The dynamics of dyadic coping: a micro-analysis fo couples' stress conversations. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Keller, Stefanie. The effect of metoclopramide treatment on serum prolactin levels, milk composition and yield, and puppy growth rate in bitches during the first week of lactation. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Ghenzi, Raffael Armando. The evolving role of left atrial appendage occlusion. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Lecheler, Leopold Cornelius. The frequent and underrecognized co-occurrence of acute exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and depression warrants screening: a systematic review. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Zechmann, Stefan. The impact of an individualized risk-adjusted approach on hypertension treatment in primary care. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Alishani, Mentor. The impact of socio-cultural factors on transmission of Taenia spp. and Echinococcus granulosus in Kosovo. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Kolly, Marie-José. The influence of speaker origin and individuality on rhythmic features of non-native speech. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Crameri, David. The influence of the emergence profile on the amount of undetected cement excess after delivery of cement-retained implant reconstructions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Jordi, Marc. The innate immune toll like receptor 9 suppresses Epstein-Barr virus lytic reactivation in Burkitt's lymphoma cells: identification of important signaling and epigenetic mechanisms. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Denzinger, Ferdinand. The malleability of implicit motives: how basic motivational orientations are affected by time, situations, and people. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kettemann, Andreas. The micro- and macroeconomics of unemployment and job protection. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Tuncer, Eylül. The new role of TGF-β superfamily signaling in melanoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Song, Zhuolun. The protective role of melatonin in small liver graft transplantation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Wagner, Gretchen. The prudent parent: phenotypic flexibility in reproductive effort across breeding stages in birds. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Hänni, Miriam. The quality of political representation in plural societies: an analysis of the causes and consequences of policy responsiveness towards ethnic minorities. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gerosa, Rahel. The regulatory role of non-hematopoietic bone marrow cells on hematopoiesis in steady-state and inflammation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Alnaouq, Motaz. The right to life in the Palestinian society. The case of the death penalty from comparative human rights perspectives. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Heri, Corina. The rights of the vulnerable under Article 3 ECHR. Promoting dignity, equality and autonomy by reimagining the human rights subject. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Mijic, Sofija. The role of BRCA2 in the maintenance of genome stability in response to replication stress. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Reiner, Martin F. The role of P2Y12 receptor antagonists in thrombogenesis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Karipidis, Iliana I. The role of audiovisual integration in reading acquisition: insights from multimodal functional neuroimaging. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Turcekova, Katarina. The role of combinatorial microRNA effects on differentiation and insulin signaling in primary skeletal muscle cells from mice and humans. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Urban, Sabine. The role of dendritic cells and macrophages in helicobacter pylori induced immunity and tolerance. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Ebner, Hanna. The role of humorl immunity in HIV infectio - understanding broadly neutralizing antibody evolution. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Lohse, Tina. The role of lifestyle factors on personality for the prevention of cancer and other noncommunicable diseases. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Fenini, Gabriele. The role of mitogen-activated protein kinases in inflammasome activation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Filliat, Gladys. The role of serine protease HTRA1 in bone formation and regeneration. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Grütter, Jeanine. The role of socio-moral development, cross-group friendship, and teacher behavior for peer group inclusivity. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Neu, Johannes. The roles of tumor-suppressive microRNA-181a and CYFIP1 in cancerous proliferation and invasion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Gavagnin, Elena. The secret lives of star clusters : formation and dynamical evolution. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schroeder, Clemens. The shape of brain structures, cortical thickness, and resting state fMRI as tools for prediction of Alzheimer's disease progression. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Manz, Salomon Miro. The use of biologicals in the treatment of inflammatory diseases: a single center experience in a large Swiss university hospital. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Berli, Ann-Sabin Jasmin. The use of strain, strain rate, and displacement by 2D speckle tracking for assessment of systolic left ventricular function in goats: applicability and influence of general anesthesia. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Aus der Au, Carmen. Theodor Fontane als Kunstkritiker. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Gürdal, Yeliz. Theoretical Investigation of H2 Generation Systems: From Homogenous to Heterogeneous Photo-Catalysis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bürli, Nicole. Third-party interventions before the European Court of Human Rights: amicus curiae, member-state and third-party interventions. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Brune, Amelie. Three Essays on Economic Crises. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Megally, Elisabeth. Three Essays on Managerial Compensation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Gotthelf, Nina. Three Essays on Media Content and Financial Markets. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Woschitz, Jiri. Three Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Markets. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Fuhrer, Lucas. Three Essays on Money and Liquidity. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Rösler, Cornelia. Three Essays on the Interbank Market. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Adelmann, Maximilian. Three essays in portfolio optimization. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Bizzozero, Paolo. Three essays on economic behavior: evidence from professional tennis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Hegglin, René. Three essays on empirical banking. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Kabitz, Lars. Three essays on firms' exposure to common risks. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Schön, Constantin. Three spotlights on careers : examining gender differences, social networks and managers' efforts. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Völlmin, Sascha. Towards a Grammar of Gumer - Phonology and Morphology of a Western Gurage Variety. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Blöchliger, Olivia. Towards a greater understanding of why child care teachers leave: examining job resources, job demands, well-being, turnover intentio, and turnover among lead and assistant teachers in a Swiss community. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Potter, James Douglas. Towards exascale computing for cosmological simulations. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Rusconi, Giulia. Towards the total synthesis of a natural product: lathyranone A. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Guliyev, Zaur. Trace functor and categorified quantum sln. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Tresch, Marco. Tracking and Particle Identification at LHCb and Strange Hadron Production in Events with Z Boson. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Lukic, Nenad. Tracking local anesthetic effects using a novel perceptual reference approach. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Zatta, Sophie. Transcriptome analysis reveals differences in mechanisms regulating cessation of luteal function in pregnant and non-pregnant dogs. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

De Simoni, Carla. Transfer effects of function-based working memory training. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schoenenberger, Petra. Transformations of the Supernatural: Problems of Representation in the Work of Daniel Defoe. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Fringes, Stefan. Transport and Assembly of Nanoparticles in a Tunable Nanofluidic Confinement. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Beham, Kristoffer. Transthoracic intracardiac catheters in pediatric cardiac patients: a single-center experience. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Seiler, Ruedi. Tree growth rings as early indicators of volcanic activity on Mt. Etna (Italy). 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Stamp Bahadur, Lilly. Troubled masculinity: the rake and the fop in the English comedy between 1662 and 1728. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Nüesch, Ursina. Ttc7 is a trans-acting regulator of cell proliferation. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Iturrate Garcia, Maitane. Tundra species diversity and plant traits in a changing Arctic. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Raykova, Ana. Type 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells Acquire a Cytotoxic Program upon Stimulation with Interleukins 12 and 15. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Niewoehner, Ole. Type III CRISPR-Cas systems regulate the ribonuclease activity of Csm6 via cyclic oligoadenylate second messengers. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Lacher, Simone Corinne. Types of abuse and risk factors associated with elder abuse. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Kochan, Manon. Ultraschalluntersuchungen zur Verabreichung verschiedener Milchmengen bei Kälbern. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Senn, Seraina S. Un-silencing of native leptin receptors (LepR) in SF-1 neurons does not rescue obese phenotype in otherwise LepR-deficient mice. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Lanfranconi, Flavio. Uncovering the Mechanical Properties of Drosophila's Wing Disc. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schauwecker, Simone Marianna. Understanding climate-driven processes for data-scarce mountain glaciers : insights from reanalysis data and global climate models, as well as in-situ and remote sensing sources. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Arseneau, Thelma Jean Marie. Understanding cooperative intergroup aggression in vervet monkeys: The importance of resource-based benefits and social incentives. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Yang, Zhao. Unethical customer behavior: causes, consequences, detection and managerial implications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Tripolitsioti, Dimitra. Unravelling MAP4K4 function in medulloblastoma cell dissemination. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Alberti, Elena. Unravelling the Interaction of a Re(I)dppz Metallo-Intercalator with an RNA Internal Loop. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Credé, Aleksandra. Untersuchung des Zahnschmelzverlustes durch Attrition mit Schmelz-, Komposit- und Keramikantagonisten in verschiedenen Milieus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Bansal-Tönz, Scharmila. Untersuchungen der Lieder Purandaradāsas (1484–1564) und ihrer modernen Rezeption im indischen Tanz Bharata Natyam. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

van Brüssel, Stephanie. Untersuchungen über das Fressen und Wiederkauen bei Kühen nach Verabreichung einer definierten Heumenge sowie bei Kühen mit verschiedenen Erkrankungen. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Schwellinger, Miriam. Untersuchungen über den Einfluss von Flunixin meglumin auf das Fressen und Wiederkauen von Kühen mit linksseitiger Labmagenverlagerung nach Omentopexie. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Pattori, Andrea. Unveiling new physics hints through Higgs sector. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Bowen, Espen. Upstream Tracking and the Decay $B^{0} \to K^{+}\pi^{-}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ at the LHCb Experiment. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Schlumpf, Lea Franziska. Urinary incontinence and its association with functional physical and cognitive health in elderly women. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Youhanna, Sonia. Uromodulin: biomarker for kidney tubular function. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

von Hof, Jessica. Uterine and placental expression of HPGD in cows during pregnancy and release of fetal membranes. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Kristiana, Lisa. V2VUNet: An Approach to a Three-dimensional Forwarding Scheme in Inter-vehicle Communications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Meier, Lorena. Vaccination of goats against Haemonchus contortus with the gut membrane proteins H11/H-gal-GP. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Ujvari, S. Validation of a point-of-care quantitative equine IgG turbidometric immunoassay and comparison of IgG concentrations measured with radial immunodiffusion and a point-of-care IgG ELISA. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Fürst, Regula. Validation of delayed gadolinium: enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage and T2 mapping for quantifying distal interphalangeal joint cartilage thickness in Warmblood horses. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Kiefer, Olivia Madeleine. Vergleich verschiedener Messmethoden zur Bestimmung der Käfiggrösse bei der Kreuzbandrissbehandlung TTA. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Hadzic, Mélodie C A S. Vesicle Encapsulation and Data Analysis Standardization to Characterize Large Catalytic RNAs Using Single Molecule FRET. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Amsler, Vreni. Veza Canetti im Kontext des Austromarxismus. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bruggmann, André. Visualization and interactive exploration of spatio-temporal and thematic information in digital text archives. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Kolp, Elisabeth. Vitamin D metabolism in growing pigs: Influence of UVB irradiation and dietary vitamin D supply on calcium homeostasis, its regulation and bone metabolism. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Nemeth, Malin Veronique. Vitamin D status in growing dairy goats and sheep: influence of UVB radiation on bone metabolism and calcium homeostasis. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.

Engesser, Sabrina. Vocal Combinations in the Southern Pied Babbler (Turdoides bicolor) and the Chestnut-Crowned Babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps): Implications for the Evolution of Human Language. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Osterle, Linda. Volumentherapie mit polymeren Plasmaexpandern ist permissiv für SIRS und Sepsis bei Polytrauma Patienten. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dörlemann, Katja. Wenn Oulipiens spielen: Italo Calvino, Georges Perec und Oskar Pastior im Vergleich am Beispiel von Il castello dei destini incrociati, La vie mode d’emploi und Kopfnuß Januskopf. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Holzer, Liezl. Wertigkeit der Embolisation der Vena ovarica bei Patientinnen mit Rezidivvarikosis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Damerius, Laura A. What makes orangutans intelligent? The role of experience and learning in the development of problem-solving abilities in orangutans. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Busso, Juan Pablo. Where to invest? Causes and consequences of Trade-offs in the polymorphic black scavenger fly Sepsis thoracica. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Weiss, Bettina. Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features in Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperosto-sis in Conjunction with Clinical Variables to Whole Body MRI and Clinical Variables in Ankylos-ing Spondylitis. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hermida, Martin. Wie Heranwachsende zu Internetnutzern werden : Persönlichkeit, Eltern und Umwelt als Einflussfaktoren auf Chancen, Risiken und Kompetenzen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

De Rocchi, Thomas. Wie Kampagnen die Entscheidung der Wähler beeinflussen: Analysen zum kurzfristigen Wirkungspotential von Medienberichten und Wahlumfragen, gestützt auf den ersten Rolling Cross-Section Survey der Schweiz. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bartelsen, Annabelle. Wirbelsturm erstmaliger Elternschaft: wie werdende Väter und werdende Mütter ihre erstmalige Elternschaft entwerfen und wie sie den antizipierten Veränderungen ihres Lebens begegnen wollen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Balmer, Thomas. Wirksamkeit von Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerweiterbildung: Effekte von Lehrmittelkursen auf Kognitionen und die Unterrichtsgestaltung von Lehrpersonen sowie die Unterrichtswahrnehmung der Schülerinnen und Schüler. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Schweri, Charlotte. Wortbildung bei Bacchylides. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hogger, Vanessa M G. Zahnbürstabrasion von gesundem und erodiertem Zahnschmelz durch eine neue "Diamant Zahnpaste". 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Lamperti, Sofia Teresa. Zahnbürstenabrasion einer neuen Diamantzahnpaste im Vergleich zu Whitening Zahnpasten. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hofstetter, Flavio. Zahnärztliche Altersdiagnostik: Auswertung der radiologischen Entwicklungsstadien von zweiten unteren Molaren auf 1794 Orthopantomogrammen bei 10- bis 20-Jährigen. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Keller, Amrei. Zivilrechtliche Haftungsrisiken des Sanierungsberaters. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Law.

Karer, A. Zusammenhang zwischen Knochenmarksveränderungen, Weichteilverletzungen und Verletzungsmechanismus nach einem akuten Knietrauma. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Jud, Stéphanie. sIL2R ratio as early marker for response in hairy cell leukemia and the prognostic relevance of IL28B genotype to interferon-α therapy. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

van Berkel, Martina. „The more you know, the more you enjoy“ – Empirische Überprüfung von Netzwerkeffekten in medialen Sportangeboten. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

08 Research Priority Programs > Translational Cancer Research

Ohs, Isabel; Ducimetière, Laura; Marinho, Joana; Kulig, Paulina; Becher, Burkhard; Tugues, Sonia (2017). Restoration of natural killer cell antimetastatic activity by IL12 and checkpoint blockade. Cancer Research, 77(24):7059-7071.

06 Faculty of Arts > The Swiss Institute of International Studies

Fokus Asien - Perspektiven und Herausforderungen. Edited by: Meyer, Martin (2017). Zürich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

04 Faculty of Medicine > The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research

Hata, M; Tanaka, T; Kazui, H; Ishii, R; Canuet, L; Pascual-Marqui, R D; Aoki, Y; Ikeda, S; Sato, S; Suzuki, Y; Kanemoto, H; Yoshiyama, K; Iwase, M (2017). Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of alzheimers disease correlate with electroencephalography parameters assessed by exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA). Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 48(5):338-347.

Koenig, Thomas; Tomescu, Miralena I; Rihs, Tonia A; Koukkou, Martha (2017). EEG Indices of Cortical Network Formation and Their Relevance for Studying Variance in Subjective Experience and Behavior. In: Philippu, Athineos. In Vivo Neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology. New York: Springer, 17-35.

Faber, Pascal L; Travis, Frederick; Milz, Patricia; Parim, Niyazi (2017). EEG microstates during different phases of Transcendental Meditation practice. Cognitive Processing, 18(3):307-314.

Kitaura, Yuichi; Nishida, Keiichiro; Yoshimura, Masafumi; Mii, Hiroshi; Katsura, Koji; Ueda, Satsuki; Ikeda, Shunichiro; Pascual-Marqui, Roberto D; Ishii, Ryouhei; Kinoshita, Toshihiko (2017). Functional localization and effective connectivity of cortical theta and alpha oscillatory activity during an attention task. Clinical neurophysiology practice, 2:193-200.

Pascual-Marqui, Roberto D; Biscay, Rolando J; Bosch-Bayard, Jorge; Faber, Pascal; Kinoshita, Toshihiko; Kochi, Kieko; Milz, Patricia; Nishida, Keiichiro; Yoshimura, Masafumi (2017). Innovations orthogonalization: a solution to the major pitfalls of EEG/MEG "leakage correction". 1, Cornell University.

Rusterholz, Thomas; Tarokh, Leila; Van Dongen, Hans P A; Achermann, Peter (2017). Interindividual differences in the dynamics of the homeostatic process are trait-like and distinct for sleep versus wakefulness. Journal of Sleep Research, 26(2):171-178.

Pascual-Marqui, Roberto D; Biscay, Rolando J; Bosch-Bayard, Jorge; Faber, Pascal; Kinoshita, Toshihiko; Kochi, Kieko; Milz, Patricia; Nishida, Keiichiro; Yoshimura, Masafumi (2017). Measures of time series coupling based on generalized weighted multiple regression. bioRxiv 235721, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Pedroni, Andreas; Gianotti, L R R; Koenig, T; Lehmann, D; Faber, Pascal L; Knoch, D (2017). Temporal characteristics of EEG microstates mediate trial-by-trial risk taking. Brain Topography, 30(1):149-159.

Milz, P; Pascual-Marqui, R D; Achermann, P; Kochi, K; Faber, P L (2017). The EEG microstate topography is predominantly determined by intracortical sources in the alpha band. NeuroImage, 162:353-361.

Pascual-Marqui, Roberto D; Faber, Pascal; Milz, Patricia; Kochi, Kieko; Kinoshita, Toshihiko; Nishida, Keiichiro; Yoshimura, Masafumi; Kitaura, Yuichi; Ikeda, Shunichiro; Ishii, Ryouhei (2017). The cross-frequency mediation mechanism of intracortical information transactions. q-bio.NC 1, University of Zurich.

Special Collections >

Hu, Chengzhi; Munglani, Gautam; Vogler, Hannes; Ndinyanka Fabrice, Tohnyui; Shamsudhin, Naveen; Wittel, Falk K; Ringli, Christoph; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Herrmann, Hans J; Nelson, Bradley J (2017). Characterization of size-dependent mechanical properties of tip-growing cells using a lab-on-chip device. Lab on a chip, 17(1):82-90.

08 Research Priority Programs > Systems Biology / Functional Genomics

Leuenberger, Pascal; Ganscha, Stefan; Kahraman, Abdullah; Cappelletti, Valentina; Boersema, Paul J; von Mering, Christian; Claassen, Manfred; Picotti, Paola (2017). Cell-wide analysis of protein thermal unfolding reveals determinants of thermostability. Science, 355(6327):1-13.

Huerta-Cepas, Jaime; Forslund, Kristoffer; Coelho, Luis Pedro; Szklarczyk, Damian; Jensen, Lars Juhl; von Mering, Christian; Bork, Peer (2017). Fast Genome-Wide Functional Annotation through Orthology Assignment by eggNOG-Mapper. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34(8):2115-2122.

Rot, Gregor; Wang, Zhen; Huppertz, Ina; Modic, Miha; Lenče, Tina; Hallegger, Martina; Haberman, Nejc; Curk, Tomaž; von Mering, Christian; Ule, Jernej (2017). High-Resolution RNA Maps Suggest Common Principles of Splicing and Polyadenylation Regulation by TDP-43. Cell Reports, 19(5):1056-1067.

Matias Rodrigues, João F; Schmidt, Thomas Sebastian Benedikt; Tackmann, Janko; von Mering, Christian (2017). MAPseq: highly efficient k-mer search with confidence estimates, for rRNA sequence analysis. Bioinformatics, 33(23):3808-3810.

Junge, Alexander; Refsgaard, Jan C; Garde, Christian; Pan, Xiaoyong; Santos, Alberto; Alkan, Ferhat; Anthon, Christian; von Mering, Christian; Workman, Christopher T; Jensen, Lars Juhl; Gorodkin, Jan (2017). RAIN: RNA-protein Association and Interaction Networks. Database, 2017:1-9.

Feigelman, Rounak; Kahlert, Christian R; Baty, Florent; Rassouli, Frank; Kleiner, Rebekka L; Kohler, Philipp; Brutsche, Martin H; von Mering, Christian (2017). Sputum DNA sequencing in cystic fibrosis: non-invasive access to the lung microbiome and to pathogen details. Microbiome, 5(1):20.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

Haug, Severin; Paz Castro, Raquel; Meyer, Christian; Filler, Andreas; Kowatsch, Tobias; Schaub, Michael P (2017). A Mobile Phone-Based Life Skills Training Program for Substance Use Prevention Among Adolescents: Pre-Post Study on the Acceptance and Potential Effectiveness of the Program, Ready4life. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(10):e143.

Salis Gross, Corina (2017). Auf dem Weg zu einer patientengerechten Versorgung für Menschen mit seltenen Krankheiten in der Schweiz? Pflegerecht, 17(1):51-53.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2017). Buchrezension Wulf Rössler (Hrsg.): Handlungsfelder der psychiatrischen Versorgung. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie:167.

Schaaf, Susanne (2017). Der Forschungsverbund stationäre Suchttherapie act-info-FOS im Jahr 2016 : Tätigkeitsbericht und Jahresstatistik. Zürich: ISGF.

Haug, Severin; Eggli, Peter; Schaub, Michael P (2017). Drinking goals and their association with treatment retention and treatment outcomes among clients in outpatient alcohol treatment. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(3):313-321.

Volkow, Nora D; Poznyak, Vladimir; Saxena, Shekhar; Gerra, Gilberto (2017). Drug use disorders: impact of a public health rather than a criminal justice approach. World Psychiatry, 16(2):213-214.

Haug, Severin; Paz Castro, Raquel; Kowatsch, Tobias; Filler, Andreas; Dey, Michelle; Schaub, Michael P (2017). Efficacy of a Web- and Text Messaging-Based Intervention to Reduce Problem Drinking in Adolescents: Results of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85(2):147-159.

Haug, Severin; Paz Castro, Raquel; Kowatsch, Tobias; Filler, Andreas; Schaub, Michael P (2017). Efficacy of a technology-based, integrated smoking cessation and alcohol intervention for smoking cessation in adolescents: Results of a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 82:55-66.

Boß, Leif; Lehr, Dirk; Schaub, Michael Patrick; Paz Castro, Raquel; Riper, Heleen; Berking, Matthias; Ebert, David Daniel (2017). Efficacy of a web-based intervention with and without guidance for employees with risky drinking: results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial. Addiction, 113(4):635-646.

Paz Castro, Raquel; Haug, Severin; Filler, Andreas; Kowatsch, Tobias; Schaub, Michael P (2017). Engagement within a mobile phone–based smoking cessation intervention for adolescents and its association with participant characteristics and outcomes. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(11):e356.

Salis Gross, Corina (2017). Erfolgsfaktoren für die Tabakprävention bei benachteiligten Gruppen. SuchtMagazin, 43(5):27-31.

Dey, M; Jorm, A F (2017). Help-negation in suicidal youth living in Switzerland. European Journal of Psychiatry, 31(1):17-22.

Hiltebrand, Damian; Dey, Michelle; Bolliger, Heidi; Schaub, Michael P (2017). Heroingestützte Behandlung in der Schweiz - Resultate der Erhebung 2016. Zürich: ISGF.

Boumparis, N; Karyotaki, E; Schaub, Michael P; Cuijpers, P; Riper, Heleen (2017). Internet interventions for adult illicit substance users: a meta-analysis. Addiction, 112(9):1521-1532.

Haug, Severin; Paz Castro, Raquel (2017). MobileCoach Tabak: Optimierung und Implementierung des Programms SMS-COACH zur Förderung des Rauchausstiegs bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen - Evaluationsbericht. Zürich: ISGF.

Paz Castro, Raquel; Haug, Severin; Kowatsch, Tobias; Filler, Andreas; Schaub, Michael P (2017). Moderators of outcome in a technology-based intervention to prevent and reduce problem drinking among adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 72:64-71.

Dey, Michelle; Jorm, Anthony Francis (2017). Social determinants of mental health service utilization in Switzerland. International Journal of Public Health, 62(1):85-93.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2017). Stellungnahmen. In: Jenzer, S; Keller, W; Meier, T. Eingeschlossen : Alltag und Aufbruch in der psychiatrischen Klinik Burghölzli zur Zeit der Brandkatastrophe von 1971. Zürich: Chronos, 133-136.

Salis Gross, Corina (2017). Sterbeweisen der Migrationsbevölkerung in der Schweiz. Zu Bedarf und Bedürfnissen. Praxis PalliativeCare, 17(34):32-35.

Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina; Rauber, G (2017). The art of enduring conradictory goals: challenges in the institutional co-construction of a "Good Death". In: Hunter, Alistair; Soom Ammann, Eva. Final journeys : migrant end-of-life care and rituals in Europe. London: Routledge, 24-38.

Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2017). The role and function of heroin assisted treatment at the treatment system level. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 19(2):online.

Dey, Michelle; El Fehri, Verena; Burkhalter, A (2017). Ärztliche Praktiken im Umgang mit rauchenden Patient(inn)en. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung (SÄZ):98:18.

06 Faculty of Arts > Swiss Institute of Children's and Youth Media

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). "Digital Illustrieren ist wie Lego spielen" : Gespräch mit Tobias Krejtschi. Buch&Maus, 2017(2):20-22.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). "Lies einen Satz, wie in einem Gesicht" : Hans Manz (1931-2016). Buch&Maus, 2017(1):25.

Tresch, Christine (2017). "Wählen Sie Obama und heiraten Sie meine Mutter" : über ein önologisches Handwerk im Kinder- und Jugendbuch. 1000 und 1 Buch, 17(03):20-21.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Alte Zöpfe in neuen Kinderbüchern? Doppelpunkt, 2017(48):23-27.

Becker, Maria (2017). Das Sachwissen vermittelnde Bilderbuch der DDR in den siebziger und achtziger Jahren: Die Reihen "Schlüsselbücher" (1975-1990) und "Ein Tag im Leben…" (1975-1990). In: Schmideler, Sebastian. Wissensvermittlung in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR : Themen, Formen, Strukturen, Illustrationen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 239-265.

Kappeler Suter, Silvana; Plangger, Natalie; Jakob, Barbara (2017). Dialogisches Lesen : Bilderbücher betrachten und ins Gespräch kommen. Kindergarten Heute, 47(11/12):34-39.

Kappeler Suter, Silvana; Plangger, Natalie; Jakob, Barbara (2017). Dialogisches Lesen in Spielgruppen und Kindertageseinrichtungen : Erprobung einer Weiterbildung für pädagogische Fachkräfte. Leseforum Schweiz = Forum suisse sur la lecture, 3(3):online.

Becker, Maria (2017). Die Figur des „Zigeuners“ in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR : vom Aussenseiter zum Mitglied und Vorbild des Sozialismus. In: Josting, Petra; Roeder, Caroline; Reuter, Frank; Wolters, Ute. »Denn sie rauben sehr geschwind jedes böse Gassenkind« : »Zigeuner«-Bilder in Kinder- und Jugendmedien. Göttingen: Wallstein, 270-288.

Jakob, Barbara (2017). Eine Weiterbildung verändert die Bibliotheken : Lehrgang Leseanimatorin Sikjm - Literale Förderung im Frühbereich. SAB Info, 17(3):8-9.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Future fiction in uralter Erzählmanier. 1000 und 1 Buch, 17(1):72.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Geld macht glücklich - ausser im Kinderbuch. Buch&Maus, 2017(1):8-10.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Glücklichsein als Überlebenshilfe : Gespräch mit Rose Lagercrantz. Buch&Maus, 2017(1):21-23.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth; Jakob, Barbara (2017). Kleine Maus kommt gross heraus. 4 bis 8: Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe, 2017(6):10-12.

Kappeler Suter, Silvana; Plangger, Natalie; Jakob, Barbara (2017). Leitfaden : Dialogisches Lesen. Brugg-Windisch: Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW ; Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder- und Jugendmedien.

Ahrens, Maren; Becker, Maria; Scholhölter, Maria (2017). Nicht nur ein gutes altes Ostprodukt! Ein Gespräch mit der Lektorin Maren Ahrens über Wissensvermittlung in der Zeitschrift MOSAIK. In: Schmideler, Sebastian. Wissensvermittlung in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR : Themen, Formen, Strukturen, Illustrationen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 161-181.

Becker, Maria (2017). Rezension von: Richter, Karin: Die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR. Entwicklungslinien - Themen und Genres. Autorenporträts und Textanalysen. Band 1. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag 2016. In: Dettmar, Ute; von Glasenapp, Gabriele; O'Sullivan, Emer; Roeder, Caroline; Tomkowiak, Ingrid. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung : Flucht und Migration. Deutschland: GKJF, 204-206.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Sechs Bücher, die etwas zu sagen haben. Buch&Maus, 2017(3):24-25.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Vom Zeichen zum Bild und wieder zurück : Porträt Catherine Louis. Buch&Maus, 2017(3):20-21.

Eggenberger, Elisabeth (2017). Wege suchen, damit der Lesefunke überspringt. Buch&Maus, 2017(2):6-9.

Keller, Deborah (2017). Weltliteratur neu verpackt. Buch&Maus, 2017(1):24.

04 Faculty of Medicine > Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research

Schröder, P C; Illi, S; Casaca, V I; Lluis, A; Böck, A; Roduit, C; Depner, M; Frei, R; Genuneit, J; Pfefferle, P I; Roponen, M; Weber, J; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Riedler, J; Dalphin, J C; Pekkanen, J; Lauener, R; von Mutius, E; Schaub, B (2017). A switch in regulatory T cells through farm exposure during immune maturation in childhood. Allergy, 72(4):604-615.

Pugin, Benoit; Barcik, Weronika; Westermann, Patrick; Heider, Anja; Wawrzyniak, Marcin; Hellings, Peter; Akdis, Cezmi A; O'Mahony, Liam (2017). A wide diversity of bacteria from the human gut produces and degrades biogenic amines. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 28(1):1353881.

Berings, Margot; Karaaslan, Cagatay; Altunbulakli, Can; Gevaert, Philippe; Akdis, Mübeccel; Bachert, Claus; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). Advances and highlights in allergen immunotherapy: On the way to sustained clinical and immunologic tolerance. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 140(5):1250-1267.

Nurmatov, Ulugbek; Dhami, Sangeeta; et al (2017). Allergen immunotherapy for IgE-mediated food allergy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy, 72(8):1133-1147.

Dhami, S; Kakourou, A; Asamoah, F; Agache, I; Lau, S; Jutel, M; Muraro, A; Roberts, G; Akdis, Cezmi A; Bonini, M; Cavkaytar, O; Flood, B; Mosges, R; Palomares, O; Pfaar, O; et al (2017). Allergen immunotherapy for allergic asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy, 72(12):1825-1848.

Asamoah, Felix; Kakourou, Artemisia; Dhami, Sangeeta; Lau, Susanne; Agache, Ioana; Muraro, Antonella; Roberts, Graham; Akdis, Cezmi; Bonini, Matteo; Cavkaytar, Ozlem; Flood, Breda; Izuhara, Kenji; Jutel, Marek; Kalayci, Ömer; Pfaar, Oliver; Sheikh, Aziz (2017). Allergen immunotherapy for allergic asthma: a systematic overview of systematic reviews. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 7:25.

Dhami, S; Zaman, H; Varga, E-M; Sturm, G J; Muraro, A; Akdis, C A; Antolín-Amérigo, D; Bilò, M B; Bokanovic, D; Calderon, M A; Cichocka-Jarosz, E; Oude Elberink, J N G; Gawlik, R; Jakob, T; Kosnik, M; Lange, J; Mingomataj, E; Mitsias, D I; Mosbech, H; Ollert, M; Pfaar, O; Pitsios, C; Pravettoni, V; Roberts, G; Ruëff, F; Sin, B A; Asaria, M; Netuveli, G; Sheikh, A (2017). Allergen immunotherapy for insect venom allergy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy, 72(3):342-365.

Garbani, M; Xia, W; Rhyner, C; Prati, M; Scheynius, A; Malissen, B; Engqvist, H; Maurer, M; Crameri, R; Terhorst, D (2017). Allergen-loaded strontium-doped hydroxyapatite spheres improve allergen-specific immunotherapy in mice. Allergy, 72(4):570-578.

Jensen-Jarolim, E; Bax, H J; Bianchini, R; Crescioli, S; Daniels-Wells, T R; Dombrowicz, D; Fiebiger, E; Gould, H J; Irshad, S; Janda, J; Josephs, D H; Levi-Schaffer, F; O'Mahony, L; Pellizzari, G; Penichet, M L; Redegeld, F; Roth-Walter, F; Singer, J; Untersmayr, E; Vangelista, L; Karagiannis, S N (2017). AllergoOncology: Opposite outcomes of immune tolerance in allergy and cancer. Allergy, 73(2):328-340.

Rodriguez-Perez, N; Schiavi, E; Frei, R; Ferstl, R; Wawrzyniak, P; Smolinska, S; Sokolowska, M; Sievi, N A; Kohler, M; Schmid-Grendelmeier, P; Michalovich, D; Simpson, K D; Hessel, E M; Jutel, M; Martin-Fontecha, M; Palomares, O; Akdis, C A; O'Mahony, L (2017). Altered fatty acid metabolism and reduced stearoyl-coenzyme a desaturase activity in asthma. Allergy, 72(11):1744-1752.

Goña-Höpler, Mia; Pfaller, Birgit; Argeny, Jonathan; Kanolzer, Stefan; Gruber, Saskia; Schmidthaler, Klara; Renner, Sabine; Nachbaur, Edith; Fucik, Petra; Glaser, Andreas G; Debiasi, Markus; Szépfalusi, Zsolt; Crameri, Reto; Rhyner, Claudio; Eiwegger, Thomas (2017). Aspergillus fumigatus-specific immunoglobulin levels in BALF of CF patients. ERJ Open Research:3: 00067.

Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G; Androutsopoulou, Aggeliki; Akdis, Cezmi; Dahlén, Sven-Erik; Djukanovic, Ratko; Edwards, Jessica; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Johnston, Sebastian L; Kupczyk, Maciek; Martin, Thomas R; Myles, David; Palkonen, Susanna; Powell, Pippa; Riley, John; Walker, Samantha (2017). Asthma research in Europe: a transformative agenda for innovation and competitiveness. European Respiratory Journal, 49(5):1602294.

Smolinska, Sylwia; Groeger, David; O'Mahony, Liam (2017). Biology of the Microbiome 1: Interactions with the Host Immune Response. Gastroenterology clinics of North America, 46(1):19-35.

Bousquet, Jean; Bewick, M; et al (2017). Building bridges for innovation in ageing: Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 21(1):92-104.

Bieber, Thomas; D'Erme, Angelo M; Akdis, Cezmi A; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia; Lauener, Roger; Schäppi, Georg; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter (2017). Clinical phenotypes and endophenotypes of atopic dermatitis: Where are we, and where should we go? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(4):S58-S64.

Sokolowska, Milena; Chen, Li-Yuan; Liu, Yueqin; Martinez-Anton, Asuncion; Logun, Carolea; Alsaaty, Sara; Cuento, Rosemarie A; Cai, Rongman; Sun, Junfeng; Quehenberger, Oswald; Armando, Aaron M; Dennis, Edward A; Levine, Stewart J; Shelhamer, James H (2017). Dysregulation of lipidomic profile and antiviral immunity in response to hyaluronan in patients with severe asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(4):1379-1383.

Hellings, P W; Akdis, C A; Bachert, C; Bousquet, J; Pugin, B; Adriaensen, G; Advani, R; Agache, I; Anjo, C; Anmolsingh, R; Annoni, E; Bieber, T; Bizaki, A; Braverman, I; Callebaut, I; Castillo Vizuete, J A; Chalermwatanachai, T; Chmielewski, R; Cingi, C; Cools, L; Coppije, C; Cornet, M E; De Boeck, I; De Corso, E; De Greve, G; Doulaptsi, M; Edmiston, R; Erskine, S; Gevaert, E; Gevaert, P; et al (2017). EUFOREA Rhinology Research Forum 2016: report of the brainstorming sessions on needs and priorities in rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. Rhinology, 55(3):202-210.

Dhami, Sangeeta; Nurmatov, Ulugbek; Pajno, Giovanni Battista; Fernandez-Rivas, Montserrat; Muraro, Antonella; Roberts, Graham; Akdis, Cezmi; Alvaro-Lozano, Montserrat; Beyer, Kirsten; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten; Burks, Wesley; du Toit, George; Ebisawa, Motohiro; Eigenmann, Philippe; Knol, Edward; Makela, Mika; Nadeau, Kari Christine; O'Mahony, Liam; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos; Poulsen, Lars; Sackesen, Cansin; Sampson, Hugh; Santos, Alexandra; van Ree, Ronald; Timmermans, Frans; Sheikh, Aziz (2017). Erratum to: Allergen immunotherapy for IgE-mediated food allergy: protocol for a systematic review. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 7:31.

Dhami, Sangeeta; Nurmatov, Ulugbek; Agache, Ioana; Lau, Susanne; Muraro, Antonella; Jutel, Marek; Roberts, Graham; Akdis, Cezmi; Bonini, Matteo; Calderon, Moises; Casale, Thomas; Cavkaytar, Ozlem; Cox, Linda; Demoly, Pascal; Flood, Breda; Hamelmann, Eckard; Izuhara, Kenji; Kalayci, Ömer; Kleine-Tebbe, Jörg; Nieto, Antonio; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos; Pfaar, Oliver; Rosenwasser, Lanny; Ryan, Dermot; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten; Szefler, Stan; Wahn, Ulrich; van Wijk, Roy-Gerth; Wilkinson, Jamie; Sheikh, Aziz (2017). Erratum to: Allergen immunotherapy for allergic asthma: protocol for a systematic review. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 7:32.

Bousquet, J; Farrell, J; Crooks, G; Hellings, P; Schmid-Grendelmeier, P; et al (2017). Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5). Clinical and Translational Allergy, 7(1):1-5.

Bazin, Jérémie; Baerenfaller, Katja; Gosai, Sager J; Gregory, Brian D; Crespi, Martin; Bailey-Serres, Julia (2017). Global analysis of ribosome-associated noncoding RNAs unveils new modes of translational regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(46):E10018-E10027.

Boonpiyathad, T; Meyer, N; Moniuszko, M; Sokolowska, M; Eljaszewicz, A; Wirz, O F; Tomasiak-Lozowska, M M; Bodzenta-Lukaszyk, A; Ruxrungtham, K; van de Veen, W (2017). High-dose bee venom exposure induces similar tolerogenic B-cell responses in allergic patients and healthy beekeepers. Allergy, 72(3):407-415.

Sokolowska, Milena; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). Highlights in immune response, microbiome and precision medicine in allergic disease and asthma. Current Opinion in Immunology, 48:iv-ix.

Ferstl, R; Frei, R; Barcik, W; Schiavi, E; Wanke, K; Ziegler, M; Rodriguez-Perez, N; Groeger, D; Konieczna, P; Zeiter, S; Nehrbass, D; Lauener, R; Akdis, Cezmi A; O'Mahony, L (2017). Histamine receptor 2 modifies iNKT cell activity within the inflamed lung. Allergy, 72(12):1925-1935.

Aab, Alar; Wirz, Oliver; van de Veen, Willem; Söllner, Stefan; Stanic, Barbara; Rückert, Beate; Aniscenko, Julia; Edwards, Michael R; Johnston, Sebastian L; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G; Rebane, Ana; Akdis, Cezmi A; Akdis, Mübeccel (2017). Human rhinoviruses enter and induce proliferation of b lymphocytes. Allergy, 72(2):232-243.

Barcik, Weronika; Wawrzyniak, Marcin; Akdis, Cezmi A; O'Mahony, Liam (2017). Immune regulation by histamine and histamine-secreting bacteria. Current Opinion in Immunology, 48:108-113.

Sabaté Brescó, M; O'Mahony, L; Zeiter, S; Kluge, K; Ziegler, M; Berset, C; Nehrbass, D; Richards, R G; Moriarty, T F (2017). Influence of fracture stability on Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus infection in a murine femoral fracture model. European Cells and Materials (ECM), 34:321-340.

Kubo, Terufumi; Morita, Hideaki; Sugita, Kazunari; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). Introduction to Mechanisms of Allergic Diseases. In: O'Hehir, R E; Holgate, S; Sheikh, A. Middleton's Allergy Essentials. China: Elsevier, 1-27.

Palomares, Oscar; Akdis, Mübeccel; Martín-Fontecha, Mar; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). Mechanisms of immune regulation in allergic diseases: the role of regulatory T and B cells. Immunological Reviews, 278(1):219-236.

Anto, Josep M; Bousquet, Jean; et al (2017). Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL): Introducing novel concepts in allergy phenotypes. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(2):388-399.

Tordesillas, L; Cubells-Baeza, N; Gómez-Casado, C; Berin, C; Esteban, V; Barcik, W; O'Mahony, L; Ramirez, C; Pacios, L. F; Garrido-Arandia, M; Díaz-Perales, A (2017). Mechanisms underlying induction of allergic sensitization by Pru p 3. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 47(11):1398-1408.

Cingi, C; Gevaert, P; Mösges, R; Rondon, C; Hox, V; Rudenko, M; Muluk, N B; Scadding, G; Manole, F; Hupin, C; Fokkens, W J; Akdis, C; Bachert, C; Demoly, P; Mullol, J; Muraro, A; Papadopoulos, N; Pawankar, R; Rombaux, P; Toskala, E; Kalogjera, L; Prokopakis, E; Hellings, P W; Bousquet, J (2017). Multi-morbidities of allergic rhinitis in adults: european academy of allergy and clinical immunology task force report. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 7:17.

Hellings, P W; Klimek, L; Cingi, C; Agache, I; Akdis, C; Bachert, C; Bousquet, J; Demoly, P; Gevaert, P; Hox, V; Hupin, C; Kalogjera, L; Manole, F; Mösges, R; Mullol, J; Muluk, N B; Muraro, A; Papadopoulos, N; Pawankar, R; Rondon, C; Rundenko, M; Seys, S F; Toskala, E; Van Gerven, L; Zhang, L; Zhang, N; Fokkens, W J (2017). Non-allergic rhinitis: Position paper of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy, 72(11):1657-1665.

van de Veen, Willem; Wirz, Oliver F; Globinska, Anna; Akdis, Mübeccel (2017). Novel mechanisms in immune tolerance to allergens during natural allergen exposure and allergen-specific immunotherapy. Current Opinion in Immunology, 48:74-81.

Sabaté Brescó, Marina; Harris, Llinos G; Thompson, Keith; Stanic, Barbara; Morgenstern, Mario; O'Mahony, Liam; Richards, R Geoff; Moriarty, T Fintan (2017). Pathogenic Mechanisms and Host Interactions in Staphylococcus epidermidis Device-Related Infection. Frontiers in Microbiology:8:1401.

Roduit, Caroline; Frei, Remo; Depner, Martin; Karvonen, Anne M; Renz, Harald; Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte; Schmausser-Hechfellner, Elisabeth; Pekkanen, Juha; Riedler, Josef; Dalphin, Jean-Charles; von Mutius, Erika; Lauener, Roger Pascal; PASTURE study group; Hyvärinen, Anne; Kirjavainen, Pirkka; Remes, Sami; Roponen, Marjut; Dalphin, Marie-Laure; Kaulek, Vincent; Ege, Markus; Genuneit, Jon; Illi, Sabina; Kabesch, Micahel; Schaub, Bianca; Pfefferle, Petra Ina; Doekes, Gert (2017). Phenotypes of Atopic Dermatitis Depending on the Timing of Onset and Progression in Childhood. JAMA Pediatrics, 171(7):655-662.

Hellings, P W; Fokkens, W J; Bachert, C; Akdis, C A; Bieber, T; Agache, I; Bernal-Sprekelsen, M; Canonica, G W; Gevaert, P; Joos, G; Lund, V; Muraro, A; Onerci, M; Zuberbier, T; Pugin, B; Seys, S F; Bousquet, J; ARIA; EPOS (2017). Positioning the Principles of Precision Medicine in Care Pathways for Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis - an EUFOREA-ARIA-EPOS-AIRWAYS ICP statement. Allergy, 72(9):1297-1305.

Wawrzyniak, Paulina; Wawrzyniak, Marcin; Wanke, Kerstin; Sokolowska, Milena; Bendelja, Kreso; Rückert, Beate; Globinska, Anna; Jakiela, Bogdan; Kast, Jeannette I; Idzko, Marco; Akdis, Mübeccel; Sanak, Marek; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). Regulation of bronchial epithelial barrier integrity by type 2 cytokines and histone deacetylases in asthmatic patients. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(1):93-103.

Kast, J I; McFarlane, A J; Głobińska, A; Sokolowska, M; Wawrzyniak, P; Sanak, M; Schwarze, J; Akdis, C A; Wanke, K (2017). Respiratory syncytial virus infection influences tight junction integrity. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 190(3):351-359.

Sabaté Brescó, Marina. Role of Implant Stability and Local Inflammatory Responses on the Development and Progression of Infection Associated with Internal Fixation Devices. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Wawrzyniak, Marcin; O'Mahony, Liam; Akdis, Mübeccel (2017). Role of Regulatory Cells in Oral Tolerance. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research, 9(2):107.

Bekpen, Cemalettin; Künzel, Sven; Xie, Chen; Eaaswarkhanth, Muthukrishnan; Lin, Yen-Lung; Gokcumen, Omer; Akdis, Cezmi A; Tautz, Diethard (2017). Segmental duplications and evolutionary acquisition of UV damage response in the SPATA31 gene family of primates and humans. BMC Genomics, 18(1):222.

Akdis, Cezmi A; Byrne, Justin; Ballas, Zuhair K (2017). The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: An update on style and substance. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 140(1):60-62.

Tarpataki, N; Wawrzyniak, M; Akdis, C A; Rückert, B; Meli, Marina L; Fischer, Nina M; Favrot, Claude; Rostaher, Ana (2017). The effects of cryopreservation on the expression of canine regulatory T-cell markers. Veterinary Dermatology, 28(4):396-e93.

Akdis, Cezmi A; Ballas, Zuhair K (2017). The future of allergy/immunology: Promising young investigators. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 140(2):384-386.

Huang, Yvonne J; Marsland, Benjamin J; Bunyavanich, Supinda; O'Mahony, Liam; Leung, Donald Y.M; Muraro, Antonella; Fleisher, Thomas A (2017). The microbiome in allergic disease: Current understanding and future opportunities—2017 PRACTALL document of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(4):1099-1110.

Elenius, Varpu; Palomares, Oscar; Waris, Matti; Turunen, Riitta; Puhakka, Tuomo; Rückert, Beate; Vuorinen, Tytti; Allander, Tobias; Vahlberg, Tero; Akdis, Mübeccel; Camargo, Carlos A; Akdis, Cezmi A; Jartti, Tuomas (2017). The relationship of serum vitamins A, D, E and LL-37 levels with allergic status, tonsillar virus detection and immune response. PLoS ONE, 12(2):e0172350.

van de Veen, Willem (2017). The role of regulatory B cells in allergen immunotherapy. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 17(6):447-452.

Luczak, Emilia; Wieczfinska, Joanna; Sokolowska, Milena; Pniewska, Ewa; Luczynska, Daria; Pawliczak, Rafał (2017). Troglitazone, a PPAR-γ agonist, decreases LTC4 concentration in mononuclear cells in patients with asthma. Pharmacological Reports, 69(6):1315-1321.

Trabanelli, Sara; Chevalier, Mathieu F; Martinez-Usatorre, Amaia; Gomez-Cadena, Alejandra; Salomé, Bérengère; Lecciso, Mariangela; Salvestrini, Valentina; Verdeil, Grégory; Racle, Julien; Papayannidis, Cristina; Morita, Hideaki; Pizzitola, Irene; Grandclément, Camille; Bohner, Perrine; Bruni, Elena; Girotra, Mukul; Pallavi, Rani; Falvo, Paolo; Leibundgut, Elisabeth Oppliger; Baerlocher, Gabriela M; Carlo-Stella, Carmelo; Taurino, Daniela; Santoro, Armando; Spinelli, Orietta; Rambaldi, Alessandro; Giarin, Emanuela; Basso, Giuseppe; Tresoldi, Cristina; Ciceri, Fabio; Gfeller, David; et al (2017). Tumour-derived PGD2 and NKp30-B7H6 engagement drives an immunosuppressive ILC2-MDSC axis. Nature Communications, 8(1):593.

Li, Shuo; Morita, Hideaki; Rückert, Beate; Boonpiyathad, Tadech; Neumann, Avidan; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). Type 3 innate lymphoid cells induce proliferation of CD94+ natural killer cells. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 140(4):1156-1159.

Nintemann, Sebastian J; Vik, Daniel; Svozil, Julia; Bak, Michael; Baerenfaller, Katja; Burow, Meike; Halkier, Barbara A (2017). Unravelling Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Linked to Aliphatic and Indole Glucosinolate Biosynthetic Pathways in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science:8:2028.

Zuberbier, Torsten; Abelson, Mark B; Akdis, Cezmi A; Bachert, Claus; Berger, Uwe; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten; Boelke, Georg; Bousquet, Jean; Canonica, Giorgio Walter; Casale, Thomas B; Jutel, Marek; Kowalski, Marek L; Madonini, Enzo; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G; Pfaar, Oliver; Sehlinger, Torsten; Bergmann, Karl-Christian; Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA(2)LEN) European U (2017). Validation of the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA(2)LEN) chamber for trials in allergy: Innovation of a mobile allergen exposure chamber. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139(4):1158-1166.

Hermann, Helen; Runnel, Toomas; et al; Rückert, Beate; Wawrzyniak, Paulina; Akdis, Cezmi A (2017). miR-146b Probably Assists miRNA-146a in the Suppression of Keratinocyte Proliferation and Inflammatory Responses in Psoriasis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 137(9):1945-1954.

08 Research Priority Programs > Solar Light to Chemical Energy Conversion

Leuenberger, Dominik; Zabka, Wolf-D; Shah, Oliver-F R; Schnidrig, Stephan; Probst, Benjamin; Alberto, Roger; Osterwalder, Jürg (2017). Atomically resolved band bending effects in a p-n heterojunction of Cu$_2$O and a cobalt macrocycle. Nano letters, 17(11):6620-6625.

Moré, René; Olah, Michael; Balaghi, S Esmael; Jäker, Philipp; Siol, Sebastian; Zhou, Ying; Patzke, Greta R (2017). Bi2O2CO3 Growth at Room Temperature: In Situ X-ray Diffraction Monitoring and Thermal Behavior. ACS Omega, 2(11):8213-8221.

Windisch, Johannes. Copper Photosensitizers in Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Septina, Wilman; Tilley, S David (2017). Emerging Earth-abundant materials for scalable solar water splitting. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2(1):120-127.

Li, Jingguo; Güttinger, Robin; Moré, René; Song, Fangyuan; Wan, Wenchao; Patzke, Greta R (2017). Frontiers of water oxidation: the quest for true catalysts. Chemical Society reviews, 46(20):6124-6147.

Wang, Fuxian; Septina, Wilman; Chemseddine, Abdelkrim; Abdi, Fatwa F; Friedrich, Dennis; Bogdanoff, Peter; van de Krol, Roel; Tilley, S David; Berglund, Sean P (2017). Gradient Self-Doped CuBi2O4 with Highly Improved Charge Separation Efficiency. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(42):15094-15103.

Moehl, Thomas; Suh, Jihye; Sévery, Laurent; Wick-Joliat, René; Tilley, S David (2017). Investigation of (Leaky) ALD TiO2 Protection Layers for Water-Splitting Photoelectrodes. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 9(50):43614-43622.

Schnidrig, Stephan. Macrocyclic poly-pyridyl based transition metal complexes for photocatalytic water splitting. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Li, Jingyi; Wäckerlin, Christian; Schnidrig, Stephan; Joliat, Evelyne; Alberto, Roger; Ernst, Karl-Heinz (2017). On-Surface Metalation and 2D Self-Assembly of Pyrphyrin Molecules Into Metal-Coordinated Networks on Cu(111). Helvetica Chimica Acta, 100(1):e1600278.

Prabhakar, Rajiv Ramanujam; Septina, Wilman; Siol, Sebastian; Moehl, Thomas; Wick-Joliat, René; Tilley, S David (2017). Photocorrosion-resistant Sb2Se3 photocathodes with earth abundant MoSx hydrogen evolution catalyst. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(44):23139-23145.

Kraack, Jan Philip; Sévery, Laurent; Tilley, S David; Hamm, Peter (2017). Plasmonic Substrates Do Not Promote Vibrational Energy Transfer at Solid–Liquid Interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(1):49-56.

Pastor, Ernest; Le Formal, Florian; Mayer, Matthew T; Tilley, S David; Francàs, Laia; Mesa, Camilo A; Grätzel, Michael; Durrant, James R (2017). Spectroelectrochemical analysis of the mechanism of (photo)electrochemical hydrogen evolution at a catalytic interface. Nature Communications, 8:14280.

Septina, Wilman; Prabhakar, Rajiv Ramanujam; Wick, René; Moehl, Thomas; Tilley, S David (2017). Stabilized Solar Hydrogen Production with CuO/CdS Heterojunction Thin Film Photocathodes. Chemistry of Materials, 29(4):1735-1743.

Schnidrig, Stephan; Bachmann, Cyril; Müller, Peter; Weder, Nicola; Spingler, Bernhard; Joliat-Wick, Evelyne; Mosberger, Mathias; Windisch, Johannes; Alberto, Roger; Probst, Benjamin (2017). Structure-Activity and Stability Relationships for Cobalt Polypyridyl-Based Hydrogen-Evolving Catalysts in Water. ChemSusChem, 10(22):4570-4580.

von Allmen, Kim D; Grundmann, Henrik; Linden, Anthony; Patzke, Greta R (2017). Synthesis and characterization of 0D–3D copper-containing tungstobismuthates obtained from the lacunary precursor Na$_9$[B-$\alpha$-BiW$_9$O$_{33}$]. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(1):327-335.

Hoes, Marie; Muhich, Christopher L; Jacot, Roger; Patzke, Greta R; Steinfeld, Aldo (2017). Thermodynamics of paired charge-compensating doped ceria with superior redox performance for solar thermochemical splitting of H2O and CO2. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(36):19476-19484.

Cook, Daniel S; Wu, Yue; Lienau, Karla; Moré, René; Kashtiban, Reza J; Magdysyuk, Oxana V; Patzke, Greta R; Walton, Richard I (2017). Time-Resolved Powder X-ray Diffraction of the Solvothermal Crystallization of Cobalt Gallate Spinel Photocatalyst Reveals Transient Layered Double Hydroxides. Chemistry of Materials, 29(12):5053-5057.

Jacot, Roger; Moré, René; Michalsky, Ronald; Steinfeld, Aldo; Patzke, Greta R (2017). Trends in the phase stability and thermochemical oxygen exchange of ceria doped with potentially tetravalent metals. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(37):19901-19913.

Kraack, Jan Philip; Frei, Angelo; Alberto, Roger; Hamm, Peter (2017). Ultrafast Vibrational Energy Transfer in Catalytic Monolayers at Solid–Liquid Interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(11):2489-2495.

Song, Fangyuan; Moré, René; Schilling, Mauro; Smolentsev, Grigory; Azzaroli, Nicolo; Fox, Thomas; Luber, Sandra; Patzke, Greta R (2017). {Co4O4} and {CoxNi4–xO4} Cubane Water Oxidation Catalysts as Surface Cut-Outs of Cobalt Oxides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(40):14198-14208.

08 Research Priority Programs > Social Networks

Grimm, Alexander; Tessone, Claudio J (2017). Analysing the sensitivity of nestedness detection methods. Applied Network Science:2:37.

Davidov, Eldad; Semyonov, Moshe (2017). Attitudes toward immigrants in European societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(5):359-366.

Caprara, Gian Vittorio; Vecchione, Michele; Schwartz, Shalom H; Schoen, Harald; Bain, Paul G; Silvester, Jo; Cieciuch, Jan; Pavlopoulos, Vassilis; Bianchi, Gabriel; Kirmanoglu, Hasan; Baslevent, Cem; Mamali, Cătălin; Manzi, Jorge; Katayama, Miyuki; Posnova, Tetyana; Tabernero, Carmen; Torres, Claudio; Verkasalo, Markku; Lönnqvist, Jan-Erik; Vondráková, Eva; Caprara, Maria Giovanna (2017). Basic Values, Ideological Self-Placement, and Voting: A Cross-Cultural Study. Cross-Cultural Research, 51(4):388-411.

Delre, Sebastiano Alessio; Panico, Claudio; Wierenga, Berend (2017). Competitive strategies in the motion picture industry: An ABM to study investment decisions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1):69-99.

Schoenenberger, Lukas; Tanase, Radu (2017). Controlling complex policy problems: A multimethodological approach using system dynamics and network controllability. Journal of Simulation, 12(2):162-170.

Grimm, Alexander; Tessone, Claudio J (2017). Detecting nestedness in graphs. In: Cherifi, Hocine; Gaito, Sabrina; Quattrociocchi, Walter; Sala, Alessandra. Complex Networks & Their Applications V : Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications. Zug, Switzerland: Springer, 171-182.

Cieciuch, Jan (2017). Exploring the Complicated Relationship Between Values and Behaviour. In: Roccas, Sonia; Sagiv, Lilach. Values and Behavior. Cham: Springer, 237-247.

Chen, Jiaoyan; Chen, Huajun; Wu, Zhaohui; Hu, Daning; Pan, Jeff Z (2017). Forecasting smog-related health hazard based on social media and physical sensor. Information Systems, 64:281-291.

Yang, Zhao; Perotti, Juan I; Tessone, Claudio J (2017). Hierarchical benchmark graphs for testing community detection algorithms. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 96(5):052311.

Hercowitz-Amir, Adi; Raijman, Rebeca; Davidov, Eldad (2017). Host or hostile? Attitudes towards asylum seekers in Israel and in Denmark. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(5):416-439.

Cabooter, Elke; Weijters, Bert; De Beuckelaer, Alain; Davidov, Eldad (2017). Is extreme response style domain specific? Findings from two studies in four countries. Quality & Quantity, 51(6):2605-2622.

Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Magdalena; Piotrowski, Jarosław P; Cieciuch, Jan; et al (2017). Measurement invariance of personal well-being index (PWI-8) across 26 countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(6):1697-1711.

Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Magdalena A; Piotrowski, Jarosław P; Cieciuch, Jan; Calogero, Rachel M; Van Hiel, Alain; Argentero, Piergiorgio; Baltatescu, Sergiu; Baran, Tomasz; Bardhwaj, Gopa; Bukowski, Marcin; Chargazia, Melania; Clinton, Amanda; Halik, Murnizam H J; Ilisko, Dzintra; Khachatryan, Narine; Klicperova-Baker, Martina; Kostal, Jaroslav; Kovacs, Monika; Letovancova, Eva; Liik, Kadi; Marganski, Alison; Michalowski, Jaroslaw; Nord, Iwo; Paspalanova, Elena; de Leon, Pablo Perez; Techera, José; Rojas, Mariano; Rozycka, Joanna; Sawicka, Aleksandra; Seibt, Beate; Semkiv, Iryna; Tiliouine, Habib; Khanh Truong, Ha; van den Bos, Kees; Wills-Herrera, Eduardo (2017). Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 33(3):207-217.

Sagiv, Lilach; Roccas, Sonia; Cieciuch, Jan; Schwartz, Shalom H (2017). Personal values in human life. Nature Human Behaviour, 1(9):630-639.

Rosenbaum, Mark S; Kelleher, Carol; Friman, Margareta; Kristensson, Per; Scherer, Anne (2017). Re-placing place in marketing: A resource-exchange place perspective. Journal of Business Research, 79:281-289.

Davidov, Eldad; Semyonov, Moshe Special issue: Attitudes toward Immigrants in European Societies. Edited by: Davidov, Eldad; Semyonov, Moshe (2017). s.n.: Sage Publications Ltd..

Special issue: Attitudes toward Immigrants in European Societies. Edited by: Davidov, Eldad; Semyonov, Moshe (2017). USA: Sage.

Kuntz, Anabel; Davidov, Eldad; Semyonov, Moshe (2017). The dynamic relations between economic conditions and anti-immigrant sentiment: A natural experiment in times of the European economic crisis. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(5):392-415.

Strus, Włodzimierz; Cieciuch, Jan (2017). Towards a synthesis of personality, temperament, motivation, emotion and mental health models within the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits. Journal of Research in Personality, 66:70-95.

Yang, Zhao. Unethical customer behavior: causes, consequences, detection and managerial implications. 2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Różycka-Tran, Joanna; Truong, Thi Khanh Ha; Cieciuch, Jan; Schwartz, Shalom H (2017). Universals and specifics of the structure and hierarchy of basic human values in Vietnam. Health Psychology Report, 5(3):193-204.

Schwartz, Shalom H; Cieciuch, Jan; Vecchione, Michele; Torres, Claudio; Dirilen-Gumus, Ozlem; Butenko, Tania (2017). Value tradeoffs propel and inhibit behavior: validating the 19 refined values in four countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(3):241-258.

Cieciuch, Jan; Schwartz, Shalom H (2017). Values. In: Zeigler-Hill, Virgil; Shackelford, Todd K. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Cham: Springer, 1-5.

Cieciuch, Jan; Schwartz, Shalom H (2017). Values and the Human Being. In: van Zomeren, Martijn; Dovidio, John F. The Oxford Handbook of the Human Essence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 219-231.

Yang, Zhao; Algesheimer, René; Dholakia, Utpal (2017). When Ethical Transgressions of Customers Have Beneficial Long-Term Effects in Retailing: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Retailing, 93(4):420-439.

Special Collections > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft: Schriftenreihen > Schriftenreihe HBB

Flury, Carmen (2017). Von Zahlen erzählen: Prozesse der Wissenstransformation am Beispiel der Studierendenstatistik in den Jahresberichten der Universität Zürich 1833 - 1933. Zürich: Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft.

04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Rheumatology Clinic and Institute of Physical Medicine

van der Heijde, Désirée; Ramiro, Sofia; Landewé, Robert; Baraliakos, Xenofon; Van den Bosch, Filip; Sepriano, Alexandre; Regel, Andrea; Ciurea, Adrian; Dagfinrud, Hanne; Dougados, Maxime; van Gaalen, Floris; Géher, Pál; van der Horst-Bruinsma, Irene; Inman, Robert D; Jongkees, Merryn; Kiltz, Uta; Kvien, Tore K; Machado, Pedro M; Marzo-Ortega, Helena; Molto, Anna; Navarro-Compàn, Victoria; Ozgocmen, Salih; Pimentel-Santos, Fernando M; Reveille, John; Rudwaleit, Martin; Sieper, Jochen; Sampaio-Barros, Percival; Wiek, Dieter; Braun, Jürgen (2017). 2016 update of the ASAS-EULAR management recommendations for axial spondyloarthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76(6):978-991.

Chakraborty, Debomita; Šumová, Barbora; Mallano, Tatjana; Chen, Chih-Wei; Distler, Alfiya; Bergmann, Christina; Ludolph, Ingo; Horch, Raymund E; Gelse, Kolja; Ramming, Andreas; Distler, Oliver; Schett, Georg; Šenolt, Ladislav; Distler, Jörg H W (2017). Activation of STAT3 integrates common profibrotic pathways to promote fibroblast activation and tissue fibrosis. Nature Communications, 8(1):1130.

Ingegnoli, Francesca; Ughi, Nicola; Dinsdale, Graham; Orenti, Annalisa; Boracchi, Patrizia; Allanore, Yannick; Foeldvari, Ivan; Sulli, Alberto; Cutolo, Maurizio; Smith, Vanessa; Herrick, Ariane L (2017). An international SUrvey on non-iNvaSive tecHniques to assess the mIcrocirculation in patients with RayNaud's phEnomenon (SUNSHINE survey). Rheumatology International, 37(11):1879-1890.

Prajzlerová, Klára; Grobelná, Kristýna; Hušáková, Markéta; Forejtová, Šárka; Jüngel, Astrid; Gay, Steffen; Vencovský, Jiří; Pavelka, Karel; Šenolt, Ladislav; Filková, Mária (2017). Association between circulating miRNAs and spinal involvement in patients with axial spondyloarthritis. PLoS ONE, 12(9):e0185323.

Ospelt, Caroline; Bang, Holger; Feist, Eugen; Camici, Giovanni; Keller, Stephan; Detert, Jacqueline; Krämer, Anette; Gay, Steffen; Ghannam, Khetam; Burmester, Gerd R (2017). Carbamylation of vimentin is inducible by smoking and represents an independent autoantigen in rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76(7):1176-1183.

Carreira, Patricia E; et al; Distler, Oliver; Farge, Dominique; Hesselstrand, Roger; Corrado, Ada; Caramaschi, Paola; Tikly, Mohammed; Matucci-Cerinic, Marco; EUSTAR co-authors (2017). Clinical determinants of elevated systolic pulmonary artery pressure measured by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in early systemic sclerosis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 35 Suppl(4):114-121.

Gomez-Cabrero, David; Tegnér, Jesper; Ekström, Tomas J; Ospelt, Caroline (2017). Comment on "Epigenetics in the pathogenesis of RA". Seminars in Immunopathology, 39(4):421-422.

Palumbo-Zerr, Katrin; Soare, Alina; Zerr, Pawel; Liebl, Andrea; Mancuso, Rossella; Tomcik, Michal; Sumova, Barbora; Dees, Clara; Chen, Chih-Wei; Wohlfahrt, Thomas; Mallano, Tatjana; Distler, Alfiya; Ramming, Andreas; Gelse, Kolja; Mihai, Carina; Distler, Oliver; Schett, Georg; Distler, Jörg H W (2017). Composition of TWIST1 dimers regulates fibroblast activation and tissue fibrosis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76(1):244-251.

Aichmair, A; Burgstaller, J M; Schwenkglenks, Matthias; Steurer, J; Porchet, F; Brunner, F; Farshad, M; LSOS Study Group (2017). Cost-effectiveness of conservative versus surgical treatment strategies of lumbar spinal stenosis in the Swiss setting: analysis of the prospective multicenter Lumbar Stenosis Outcome Study (LSOS). European Spine Journal, 26(2):501-509.

Distler, Oliver; Brown, Kevin K; Distler, Jörg H W; Assassi, Shervin; Maher, Toby M; Cottin, Vincent; Varga, John; Coeck, Carl; Gahlemann, Martina; Sauter, Wiebke; Schmidt, Hendrik; Highland, Kristin B; SENSCIS™ trial investigators (2017). Design of a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial of nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SENSCIS™). Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 35 Suppl(4):75-81.

Bottai, Matteo; Tjärnlund, Anna; Santoni, Giola; Werth, Victoria P; Pilkington, Clarissa; de Visser, Marianne; Alfredsson, Lars; Amato, Anthony A; Barohn, Richard J; Liang, Matthew H; Singh, Jasvinder A; Aggarwal, Rohit; Arnardottir, Snjolaug; Chinoy, Hector; Cooper, Robert G; Danko, Katalin; Dimachkie, Mazen M; Feldman, Brian M; García-De La Torre, Ignacio; Gordon, Patrick; Hayashi, Taichi; Katz, James D; Kohsaka, Hitoshi; Lachenbruch, Peter A; Lang, Bianca A; Li, Yuhui; Oddis, Chester V; Olesinka, Marzena; Reed, Ann M; Rutkowska-Sak, Lidia; et al (2017). EULAR/ACR classification criteria for adult and juvenile idiopathic inflammatory myopathies and their major subgroups: a methodology report. RMD Open, 3(2):e000507.

Maurer, Britta (2017). Entzündliche Myopathien. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie, 76(1):33-45.

Frank-Bertoncelj, Mojca; Trenkmann, Michelle; Klein, Kerstin; Karouzakis, Emmanuel; Rehrauer, Hubert; Bratus, Anna; Kolling, Christoph; Armaka, Maria; Filer, Andrew; Michel, Beat A; Gay, Renate E; Buckley, Christopher D; Kollias, George; Gay, Steffen; Ospelt, Caroline (2017). Epigenetically-driven anatomical diversity of synovial fibroblasts guides joint-specific fibroblast functions. Nature Communications, 8:14852.

Ospelt, Caroline; Gay, Steffen; Klein, Kerstin (2017). Epigenetics in the pathogenesis of RA. Seminars in Immunopathology, 39(4):409-419.

Tost, Jorg; Gay, Steffen; Firestein, Gary (2017). Epigenetics of the immune system and alterations in inflammation and autoimmunity. Epigenomics, 9(4):371-373.

Sabatine, Marc S; Giugliano, Robert P; Keech, Anthony C; Honarpour, Narimon; Wiviott, Stephen D; Murphy, Sabina A; Kuder, Julia F; Wang, Huei; Liu, Thomas; Wasserman, Scott M; Sever, Peter S; Pedersen, Terje R (2017). Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(18):1713-1722.

Alpizar-Rodriguez, Deshiré; Mueller, Rüdiger B; Möller, Burkhard; Dudler, Jean; Ciurea, Adrian; Zufferey, Pascal; Kyburz, Diego; Walker, Ulrich A; von Mühlenen, Ines; Roux-Lombard, Pascale; Mahler, Michael; Lamacchia, Celine; Courvoisier, Delphine S; Gabay, Cem; Finckh, Axel (2017). Female hormonal factors and the development of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies in women at risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology, 56(9):1579-1585.

Distler, Jörg H W; Feghali-Bostwick, Carol; Soare, Alina; Asano, Yoshihide; Distler, Oliver; Abraham, David J (2017). Frontiers of antifibrotic therapy in systemic sclerosis. Arthritis and Rheumatology, 69(2):257-267.

Ntougkos, Evangelos; Chouvardas, Panagiotis; Roumelioti, Fani; Ospelt, Caroline; Frank-Bertoncelj, Mojca; Filer, Andrew; Buckley, Christopher D; Gay, Steffen; Nikolaou, Christoforos; Kollias, George (2017). Genomic responses of mouse synovial fibroblasts during TNF-driven arthritogenesis greatly mimic those of human rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatology, 69(8):1588-1600.

Micheroli, Raphael; Hebeisen, Monika; Wildi, Lukas M; Exer, Pascale; Tamborrini, Giorgio; Bernhard, Jürg; Möller, Burkhard; Zufferey, Pascal; Nissen, Michael J; Scherer, Almut; Ciurea, Adrian (2017). Impact of obesity on the response to tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in axial spondyloarthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 19(1):164.

Bonani, Marco; Frey, Diana; de Rougemont, Olivier; Mueller, Nicolas J; Mueller, Thomas F; Graf, Nicole; Wüthrich, Rudolf P (2017). Infections in de novo kidney transplant recipients treated with the RANKL inhibitor denosumab. Transplantation, 101(9):2139-2145.

Schmitt, Verena; Hahn, Madelaine; Kästele, Verena; Wagner, Olga; Wiendl, Maximilian; Derer, Anja; Taddeo, Adriano; Hahne, Stefanie; Radbruch, Andreas; Jäck, Hans-Martin; Schuh, Wolfgang; Mielenz, Dirk; Gay, Steffen; Schett, Georg; Hueber, Axel J; Frey, Silke (2017). Interleukin-36 receptor mediates the crosstalk between plasma cells and synovial fibroblasts. European Journal of Immunology, 47(12):2101-2112.

Frank-Bertoncelj, Mojca; Klein, Kerstin; Gay, Steffen (2017). Interplay between genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis. Epigenomics, 9(4):493-504.

Michelfelder, M; Becker, M; Riedlinger, A; Siegert, E; Drömann, D; Yu, X; Petersen, F; Riemekasten, G (2017). Interstitial lung disease increases mortality in systemic sclerosis patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension without affecting hemodynamics and exercise capacity. Clinical Rheumatology, 36(2):381-390.

Zhang, Yun; Liang, Ruifang; Chen, Chih-Wei; Mallano, Tatjana; Dees, Clara; Distler, Alfiya; Reich, Adam; Bergmann, Christina; Ramming, Andreas; Gelse, Kolja; Mielenz, Dirk; Distler, Oliver; Schett, Georg; Distler, Jörg H W (2017). JAK1-dependent transphosphorylation of JAK2 limits the antifibrotic effects of selective JAK2 inhibitors on long-term treatment. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76(8):1467-1475.

Pensalfini, Marco; Weickenmeier, Johannes; Rominger, Marga; Santoprete, Roberto; Distler, Oliver; Mazza, Edoardo (2017). Location-specific mechanical response and morphology of facial soft tissues. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 78:108-115.

Lazzaroni, Maria-Grazia; Cavazzana, Ilaria; Colombo, Enrico; Dobrota, Rucsandra; Hernandez, Jasmin; Hesselstrand, Roger; Varju, Cecilia; Nagy, Gabriella; Smith, Vanessa; Caramaschi, Paola; Riccieri, Valeria; Hachulla, Eric; Balbir-Gurman, Alexandra; Chatelus, Emmanuel; Romanowska-Próchnicka, Katarzyna; Araújo, Ana Carolina; Distler, Oliver; Allanore, Yannick; Airò, Paolo; EUSTAR co-authors (2017). Malignancies in patients with Anti-RNA polymerase iii antibodies and systemic sclerosis: analysis of the EULAR scleroderma trials and research cohort and possible recommendations for screening. Journal of Rheumatology, 44(5):639-647.

Elhai, Muriel; Meune, Christophe; Boubaya, Marouane; Avouac, Jérôme; Hachulla, Eric; Balbir-Gurman, Alexandra; Riemekasten, Gabriela; Distler, Oliver; EUSTAR Group; et al (2017). Mapping and predicting mortality from systemic sclerosis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76(11):1897-1905.

Hoogeveen, Renate M; Nahrendorf, Matthias; Riksen, Niels P; Netea, Mihai G; de Winther, Menno P J; Lutgens, Esther; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Neidhart, Michel; Stroes, Erik S G; Catapano, Alberico L; Bekkering, Siroon (2017). Monocyte and haematopoietic progenitor reprogramming as common mechanism underlying chronic inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases. European Heart Journal, 39(38):3521-3527.

Hoeper, Marius M; Kramer, Tilmann; Pan, Zixuan; Eichstaedt, Christina A; Spiesshoefer, Jens; Benjamin, Nicola; Olsson, Karen M; Meyer, Katrin; Vizza, Carmine Dario; Vonk-Noordegraaf, Anton; Distler, Oliver; Opitz, Christian; Gibbs, J Simon R; Delcroix, Marion; Ghofrani, H Ardeschir; Huscher, Doerte; Pittrow, David; Rosenkranz, Stephan; Grünig, Ekkehard (2017). Mortality in pulmonary arterial hypertension: prediction by the 2015 European pulmonary hypertension guidelines risk stratification model. European Respiratory Journal, 50(2):1700740.

Walker, Ulrich A; Clements, Philip J; Allanore, Yannick; Distler, Oliver; Oddis, Chester V; Khanna, Dinesh; Furst, Daniel E (2017). Muscle involvement in systemic sclerosis: points to consider in clinical trials. Rheumatology, 56(Suppl 5):v38-v44.

Huang, Jingang; Maier, Christiane; Zhang, Yun; Soare, Alina;