A stop-flow sample delivery system for transient spectroscopy is presented, which is, in particular, suited for laser-based instruments (quantum-cascade lasers or amplified femtosecond lasers) with excitation pulse repetition rates in the range 10–100 Hz. Two pulsing micro-valves are mounted onto a flow cuvette designed for transient IR spectroscopy, which is integrated into a flow cycle driven by a peristaltic pump. The performance of the system is demonstrated with transient IR experiments of the trans-to-cis photoisomerization of a water-soluble azobenzene derivative. The sample stands still when the micro-valves are closed and is pushed out from the probe beam focus on a 1 ms timescale when opening the micro-valves. The setup is extremely sample efficient. It needs only small sample volumes, and at the same time, it enables excitation of a large fraction of molecules in solution.