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Beyond climate: the impact of biodiversity, water, and pollution on the CDS term structure

Hoepner, Andreas G F; Klausmann, Johannes; Leippold, Markus; Rillaerts, Jordy (2023). Beyond climate: the impact of biodiversity, water, and pollution on the CDS term structure. Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper 23-10, Swiss Finance Institute.


We investigate the impact of three non-climate environmental criteria: biodiversity, water, and pollution prevention, on infrastructure firms' credit risk term structure from the perspective of double materiality. Our findings show that firms that effectively manage these three environmental risks to which they are materially exposed have up to 93bps better long-term refinancing conditions compared to the worst-performing firms. While the results are less significant for the firm's material impact on the environment, investors still reward the management of these criteria beyond climate with improved long-term financing conditions for infrastructure investments. Overall, we find that financial markets respond positively to the prospect of more stringent regulations related to these criteria, which are currently used by the EU Taxonomy to assess the sustainability of investments.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Working Paper
Communities & Collections:03 Faculty of Economics > Department of Finance
Dewey Decimal Classification:330 Economics
JEL Classification:G12, G18, G32, M14, Q52
Uncontrolled Keywords:Double materiality, EU taxonomy, infrastructure, term structure
Scope:Discipline-based scholarship (basic research)
Date:16 August 2023
Deposited On:08 Sep 2023 12:58
Last Modified:27 May 2024 15:23
Series Name:Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper
Number of Pages:61
Additional Information:Revised version
OA Status:Green
Related URLs: (Organisation)
Other Identification Number:merlin-id:23712

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